� |
Sundry letters, notes
and telegrams exchanged between the ���Auschwitz Bauleitung,
the Camp Commandant, the ���WVHA-SS in Berlin and Messrs
Topf & Sons of ���Erfurt on the subject of Krematorien
II and III. Pages 1-5: Josef Kluge timesheets for work on
���Krematorium III. Pages 6-11: Robert Koehler
timesheets for the relining of the ���Krematorium II chimney.
Before 1980 it was this file that ���contained most of the
incriminating evidence against the ���SS regarding the
installation of homicidal gas chambers in ���Krematorien II
and III ["Vergasungskeller / Gassing cellar"
���"Gasdichte Tür / Gas-tight door,” etc.].
���Additional proof is now available from other
sources.� |
� |
BW 30/34A:
� |
[For memory. File
containing 14 blueprints of Bauleitung ���and Huta drawings
of the Birkenau Krematorien made ���after the war for the
Soviet and Polish Commissions] � |
� |
30/35:� |
103 pages. Book
of Bauleitung orders to the materials administration
���concerning the four Krematorien. Covers the period
���from 12th October 1942 (Order No. 9613) to 13th
���January 1943 (Order No. 9699).� |
� |
30/36:� |
[Microfilm 1673] 105
pages. Timesheets for work done by Huta on Krematorien III,
���IV and V and by Industrie-Bau AG of Bielitz on
���Krematorium IV. The first two Huta reports (pages 1
and 2) are separate. They ���are dated 5th and 6th October
1942 and concern ���Krematorium II, making it possible to
estimate when ���construction work started. The other
Huta timesheets concern: ���25th January to 27th February:
Krematorium III; ���22nd March to 30th April: Krematorium V;
���3rd to 8th May: Krematorium IV. The Industrie-Bau
timesheets, dated 4th January to 8th March ���1943, concern
BW 30b, Krematorium IV.� |
� |
30/37:� |
[Microfilm 15871 115
pages. Huta timesheets for work on the shell of Krematorium II, dated
���from 17th November 1942 to 7th January 1943, concerning
���the construction of Leichenkeller 1 and 2 and showing the
���number of men employed and the hours worked per day.
� |
� |
BW 30/38:
� |
81 pages Huta
timesheets for work on Krematorien II, IV and V; ���Riedel
& Son and Robert Koehler timesheets for work ���on
Krematorien IV and V. Pages 1-21: Huta work on Krematorien III and IV from
9th ���November 1942 to 7th January 1943. Also Koehler
���timesheets for the construction of chimneys, confirming
the ���use of prison labor by this firm. Pages 22-42:
Huta work on Krematorium 11 from 8th January ���to 21st
February 1943. Pages 43-81 comprise the "green ink" manuscript
recording ���the work done by Riedel & Son and Robert
Koehler ���(chimneys) on Krematorien IV and V from 23rd
January ���to 10th April 1943. This manuscript
corresponds exactly with and uses the same ���terms as file
B W 30 / 28,but is not a slavish copy. ���Reference is made
on 28th February to "Gassdichienfenster / ���Gas-tight
shutter" and on 2nd March 1943 to "Gasskammer
/ ���Gas chamber" in Krematorium IV.� |
� |
BW 30/39:
� |
75 pages
Timesheets for drainage work done by Messrs Karl Falck
���of Gleiwitz for Krematorien II, III and IV. The order for
���the work to be done on Krematorium II was signed by
���the Bauleitung on 27th August 1942 (page 68). Work on
���the three Krematorien proceeded as follows: 9th to
19th November 1942 and 13th January to 31st ���March 1943:
work on Krematorium II: 1st April to 13th May 1943: Krematorium III;
26th to 31st May 1943: Krematorium IV.� |
� |
30/40:� |
64 pages Huta
static calculations for Krematorien II, III and IV. ���These
calculations were made between 29th August ���and 23rd
December 1942 for Krematorium II (and III) ���and for
Krematorium IV, with supplementary calculations ���for the
roof and chimneys.� |
� |
30/41:� |
52 pages
Timesheets filled in on a weekly basis by the Topf & Sons
���foremen working on Krematorien II and III. Four Topf
���employees worked on the construction of the furnaces
���and the installation of the ventilation systems: Martin
Holick, ���Willi (Wilhelm?) Koch, Messing and Seyffarth.
From 7th September 1942, Martin Holick and Willi Koch
���worked on the foundations and underfloor flues of the
���five 3-muffle furnaces of Krematorium II. Holick finished
���on 13th October and Koch continued until 22nd November.
From 4th January to 11th June 1943, Messing worked on fitting
���the furnace blowers and motors, the forced draught
installation ���in the chimney of Krematorium II, the
ventilation systems of the ���different rooms in the two
buildings, and their corpse lifts. From 1st to 14th February 1943,
Seyffarth worked on the ���furnace foundations and
underfloor flues of Krematorium III. Messing's "diary" formally
proves that Messrs Topf were ���wittingly involved in
converting the Leichenkelter 1 of ���Krematorien II and III
into homicidal gas chambers. Furthermore, as from mid-March 1943, Messing
referred ���to the Leichenkcller 2 of these two Krematorien
as ���"Auskleidekeller / undressing
cellars".� |
� |
30/42:� |
2 pages Letter of
28th June 1943 from the Auschwitz Bauleitung ���to the
WVHA-SS in Berlin concerning the cremation ���capacity of
the five Krematorien at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Photocopy transmitted on 15th
May 1981 to the Curator of ���the Auschwitz Museum by the
Committee of Anti-Fascist ���Resistants of the German
Democratic Republic. Except for Krematorium 1, the figures given are
entirely ���theoretical, obtained by calculation, then
increased by ���about one third.� |
� |
BW 30/43:
� |
34 pages
Documents communicated by the Moscow Prosecutor to
���the Warsaw Central Commission for the investigation of
���Hitlerian crimes in Poland for the trial of the
"Krematorium ���architects", Walter Dejaco and
Fritz Ertl, held in Vienna at the �� beginning of 1972. This
file contains essentially the handover documents for
���Krematorien II, III and IV. with the inventory drawings
of ���Krematorien II and IV in annex. Conserved in the
"October Revolution" Central State Archives ���in
Moscow, these documents confirm the conversion of the
���underground morgues into gas chambers and prove that
there ���was a homicidal gas chamber in Leichenkeller I of
Krematorium ���III. In fact, the Moscow Prosecutor
communicated about sixty ���documents to Warsaw, those not
being handed onto the ���Auschwitz Museum being concerned
with the organization ���of the Auschwitz Bauleitung, giving
the names and functions ���of those in responsible
positions. [56 of these documents were supplied to the author by the
���Warsaw Central Commission under the reference II
839].� |
� |
BW 30/44:
� |
[Microfilm 1612]
26 pages Patent for a "continuous corpse cremation furnace"
���applied for on 4th November 1942 by Fritz Sander, a
���Topf engineer, and a patent for "air-cooled grate plates
for ���mechanical grate firing" applied for on 16th November
1942. These documents were received by the Auschwitz Museum on
���17th January 1985 and came from the Justice Ministry in
Bonn. The patent applications have nothing to do with the
Birkenau �� Krematorien but are very relevant to a study of the
firm of ���Topf & Sons of Erfurt.� |
� |
BW 30/45:
� |
37 pages
Documents concerning Messrs Topf & Sons of Erfurt, and
���the head of their Krematorium Division, the engineer Kurt
���Prüfer. Conserved in the Weimar State Archives
(GDR).� |
� |
30/46:� |
[Microfilm 1674] 23
pages More documents concerning Messrs Topf & Sons of Erfurt.
���Only part of these come from the Weimar State Archives.
���There are some pages from the personal file of Kurt
Prüfer, ���two Bauleitung letters concerning him (of
29th January and ���12th February 1943, from file BW 30/34),
the first patent ���application by Fritz Sander (of 26th
October 1942) for a ���continuous corpse cremation furnace
[cf BW 30/44] and ���extracts from the Topf balance sheet as
at 31st December ���1941 drawn up by the accountant Dr
Zerban of Erfurt. � |
� |