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Barrientos, René, 223
Basch, Victor, 281
Basses-Pyrénées, 180 Bausch
(editor), 141 Bayreuth, 76-77
Becher, Kurt, 204-5, 206
Beckerle, Adolf, 33 Beigin, Menachim,
286 Beirut, 331
Bellinghausen, Joseph, 192, 193, 194, 195
Bendix, 32 Ben Gal, Eli, 127, 286 Benguigui, Mme. (mother
of murdered children), 235 ff., 258 Berger, Bruno, 197
Berlin, 4-6, 25,
68, 122 ff. -CDU Congress in,
51 ff. -demonstrations in, 45-47, 52, 72
-press conference in, 86 -twentieth anniversary
celebration in, 112-13 Bernard Lazare Club,
265 Bernert, Philippe, 245,
248 Besson (consul in Damascus), 293 Billig, Joseph, 26,
79, 80 -Achenbach case and,
328 -at Cologne trial, 311,
315 Bingel (Heine officer), 83, 84 Bolivia, Barbie and,
223-24, 252 ff.,
263 ff. Böll, Heinrich, 63 Bombing attempt on B. Klarsfeld, 275-77 Bonn. See also Bundestag. -ADF rally
in, 75-76 -Arab talks in, 332
-demonstrations in, 47, 279-80, 303, 320 -Pompidou's visit to, 87
Bonnet, Nicole, 250 Bormann, Martin,
265 Bouness, Carole, 222
Bourdis (French chief of staff), 246,
248 Bousquet (Nazi officer), 183, 184 Brandt, Willy,
5, 17, 19-20 -Achenbach and, 99,
101, 110 -East Germany and,
114-15 -election of, as Chancellor,
90 -as Foreign Minister, 39-40 -Franco-German accord and, 279, 285 -Israel and,
202, 286, 287 -ouster of, 304 -Syria
and, 295 -war criminals and, 163-64 -Warsaw visit of, 124
Braunsteiner, Hermine, 303 Bremerhaven,
82 Brinon, Fernand de, 96,
181, 185 Brittany,
180 Broadcasting by Nazis, 28
ff., 88, 98 Brosio,
Manlio, 67 "Brown Book," 167
Brun, Albert, 250-51, 268
Brunner, Alois, 231 ff. Brussels,
65-67 -EEC and, 92,
100, 103 Buchenwald,
114 Bulawko, Henri, 207,
265 Bundesnachrichtendienst, 161 Bundesrat, 333 Bundestag
-Franco-German judiciary accord and, 164,
208, 216, 242, 279-80, 329, 332 -Kiesinger heckled at,
42-44 -LICA and, 208
-1969 election and, 89-90 Bureau for Jewish
Affairs, 95-97, 107,
151, 152, 181, 221 BZ am Abend,
Cairo, 329-30
Cannes, 276 Carrón, Constancio,
268 Casablanca, 325
Castellan, George, 25 CDJC archives,
25, 37, 93, 109, 152,
175 -Barbie and, 215,
216, 221, 230, 231, 232, 235 Chabert, Paul,
220 Chambon (ambassador to Peru), 252, 266 Chambon-sur-Lignon,
230 Châteldon, 94
Chauffier, Jean-Martin, 261 Chilibi,
85 Chirac, Prime Minister, 311 Choltitz, General von, 278
Christian Democratic Union, 5 -Congress (1968),
51 ff. -Franco-German accord and, 332, 333 Chuikov (Soviet
general), 113 CIA, 125,
247 Cibulsky, 10 Clavel,
René, 285 -at Cologne trial,
313, 315, 316 Clément, Robert, 15,
48 Clermont, Julien, 95
Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 44, 55
Colette, 183 Cologne, 74,
189 ff., 284, 288 -Lischka filming in, 167 ff.
-Lischka kidnap operation in, 144 ff.,
188-90 -trial of B. Klarsfeld in, 298, 308-10, 311
ff. Colombani (consul in Bolivia), 254
Combat, 19, 21,
39, 40, 48-49
-Achenbach letter in, 93 -Barbie article in,
226-27 -Hagen and, 173
Committee for Preserving Democracy, 47 Common
Market, 92, 100-101,
103 Compiègne, 278
Continental Grains, 20, 22,
99, 205-6 Council for the
Interests of French Jews, 202 Court of Appeals
hearings for B. Klarsfeld, 79-80, 86-87 Czechoslovakia, Jews in, 128, 129 ff., 178
Dachau, 238
-demonstration at, 300 ff. Dahrendorf, Ralf,
110 Dalia kibbutz, 309,
322 Damascus, 290 ff.,
330 Dannecker, Theodor, 96,
175 -Barbie and, 246
-Final Solution and, 151-52, 153, 154, 156 - internment of Jews and, 180
Das Reich (S.S. division), 213 Davar,
200 David (doctor), Lischka kidnap opera tion and,
141, 143, 146
ff. Dávila, Manuel Morales, 271
Death's Head Regiment, 37 de Hoyos, Ladislas,
254, 256, 259 Delarue, Maurice, 320
Deroy, Abbé, 320
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