The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania © 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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immediately that Rassinier would have showered him
with a flood of mockeries, sarcasms and insults.
Furthermore, the
mystery is perhaps less dense than Rassinier thought. Numerous details lead us
to believe that the man "of extreme distinction and exquisite politeness,
senior officer of a very high rank in a very important department," denazified
after the war, who speaks with Globocnik and asks him "what the Führer
thinks of the definitive solution," who the next day visits the camp of Belzec
with Gerstein, two days later is with him during the gassing operation where he
notes "the prayers and the cries of the unfortunate victims" and who speaks to
Dr. Grawitz "to denounce the scandal" to Himmler, could be Professor Dr.
Wilhelm Pfannenstiel. Pfannenstiel was titular of the Chair of Hygiene at the
University of Marburg. He held the rank of SS-Obersturmbannführer
(lieutenant colonel). Arrested by the English, he was freed for lack of
evidence but lost his chair. He was the protégé of Dr. Grawitz,
SS-Gruppenführer, Chief of the Health Service of the SS and the Police,
the man who, according to Gerstein, asks Globocnik "but what does the
Führer say?", puts his ear against the door of the gas chamber and
exclaims, "You can hear them crying as at the synagogue..."
Be that as
it may, this "testimony," which we know only in Rassinier's wording, claims
that Gerstein's account "is as false as can be from one end to the other." In
reality, he confirms it almost entirely. The description of the places, the
number and the dimensions of the gas chambers, their functioning by means of
the exhaust fumes of a Diesel engine are indeed identical in both. So is the
description of the hasty burial of the corpses of the men, women and children
killed in the "Heckenholt Foundation." Even the references of Globocnik to
Hitler are identical in both.
That is the real crux of the problem of
the gas chambers in the extermination camps.
9. "Witness X" and the
Legend of the Mad SS
Nevertheless, the version of "X" is made to
measure to justify the legend of "accidents" due to some rare, mad SS. This
legend was dear to Rassinier: there were scarcely two or three small convoys of
four or five cars of fifty people each which arrived in Belzec up to August 18,
1942, that is to say, in the five months of the existence of this camp. All of
that must illustrate the initiative of "rare madmen." In the same way, the
affirmation that Wirth and his assistant implored the important visitor X to
intervene in high places so that "this scandal" would cease, which happened
quickly owing to the intervention of Dr. Grawitz, illustrates the thesis
according to which those in high places were ignorant of everything, that when
they were informed of it the whole enterprise of madmen was rapidly liquidated
and the madmen punished. It was also a thesis of Rassinier.
These two
elements of "testimony X" for Rassinier justified its publication. Moreover,
this "testimony" very opportunely illustrates
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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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