The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania © 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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the accusation which attributes the total
responsibility for the worst horrors of the camps to the
"Häftlingsführung" and not at all to the SS. This is because it is a
question of Jews ("fat, healthy") taking the responsibility for the
extermination of their co-religionists in the "Heckenholt Foundation," named
after the Jew in charge of running and servicing the Diesel engine!
then, in their zeal and in their ignorance of the facts, the "very
distinguished" witness X and his "confessor", Rassinier, did not conjecture
that certain affirmations of the "testimony" are easy to verify. This
verification shows their absurdity:
1) At the beginning of February
1943, a railway car containing 3,000 kilos of uniquely female hair was sent
from the camp of Belzec to the Minstry [sic] of the Economy of the Reich. It
was intended for the spinning mills (Doc. NO-1257 and USSR 511). The weight
corresponds to the hair of about 200,000 women. This documentation should
suffice to discredit the affirmation of "witness X", according to which "only a
train of few cars arrived from time to time, two or three until the present
2) The camp in Belzec was closed in spring 1943, more than
six months after the so-called intervention of "witness X" and of Dr. Grawitz
(the latter of whom saw Himmler). "Witness X" thus invented Dr. Grawitz's
intervention or, at the very least, its consequences.
3) Globocnik left
his post in Poland only on September 13, 1943. He received a new and equivalent
post on the Adriatic coast, as well as a fine letter from Himmler. This letter,
dated November 30,1943, expressed Himmler's thanks and gratefulness to "lieber
Globus" for the latter's services in Poland. "Witness X" thus invented the fact
that Globocnik was penalized because of the camps placed under his authority.
4) In autumn 1942, Wirth was named, under Globocnik's orders,
"Inspector" of three extermination camps in the district of Lublin
Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka with headquarters in Lublin. It was a promotion
and not at all a punitive sanction.
5) On April 13, 1943, Globocnik
sent the RSHA a recommendation for promotion in which is read: "The
Reichsführer, after his visit to the camp of Sobibor, had formally
approved a promotion in favour of the most deserving chiefs and men. The
enclosed list contains the names of the best in the three camps. Police Major
Christian Wirth (SS No 345,464) is the inspector in charge: (he was) promoted
commandant on January 30, 1943, I earnestly request a simultaneous promotion
for him to the rank of SS-Sturmbannführer. (...). Propositions: Waffen
SS-Hauptscharführer Josef Oberhauser (Obermeyer of Gerstein) to the rank
of SS-Untersturmführer, Waffen SS-Oberscharführer Lorenz Heckenholt
to the rank of SS-Hauptscharführer (...)" (25, pp. 164 165). 'Witness X" thus invented the punitive
sanctions which supposedly struck the "mad" SS.
The reader has no doubt
noticed on this list the name of SS-Oberscharführer Lorenz Heckenholt of
the "Heckenholt Foundation" of Belzec. It is therefore Gerstein who was right
when he said that "the
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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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