Bilderberg Globalization Agenda:
The Next Phase
Summary of the articleby Rick Lacey
July 10 2003
Corporate downsizing is now firmly entrenched as part of our culture. White-collar workers have been reduced to "costs" that can be cut without resistance.
Because of massive downsizings of the 1990s the remaining workers now feel safe. They are working harder and longer for less pay but feel secure that the company can't possibly fire any more people and continue to operate. That job security will be shattered by the next phase of the Bilderberg-dictated globalist agenda.
I was escorted by a distressed manager to a large room full of employees working at computer terminals. This manager had installed a system to count their keystrokes expecting that he would be able to increase performance once he could measure it. He pointed out a hand full of individuals and said he could increase the overall performance of his department by the 20% the company was demanding if he could downsize and eliminate those particular employees. He was frustrated and pleading for a solution. But what I told him was the last thing he expected and the last thing he wanted to hear.
Downsizing does not eliminate individual employees; it eliminates jobs. All the employees in that room had the same job. If he were to downsize by a dozen jobs, he would have no way of controlling which particular employees would go and which would stay. He was as likely to lose his best producer as his worse. That situation is about to be solved for him and for a lot of managers just like him throughout corporate America because the entire room full of employees as well as its manager will be eliminated and replaced by a smaller room with less employees doing more work and being paid much less in India!
Workers in the British Petroleum America building in Cleveland know there are no oil wells or refineries in Cleveland. They ran the Alaskan oil fields, the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline and its oil terminal at Valdez, the crude oil tankers, the refineries, and the gas stations from Cleveland. The executive offices on the fortieth floor communicated in various ways with the workers on the lower floors, and they did not communicate face to face. Those workers could have been on the other side of the world instead of on the lower floors in the same building and it would have made little difference.
We Americans routinely turn our backs on the human rights abuses occurring on the other side of the world. We don't believe it can happen to us and it probably can't. We buy the Nike shoes our favorite football, basketball, or even golf star advertises and we chose to ignore the fact that they were made in foreign sweat shops by workers receiving slave wages. We don't question whether it's right that Nike pays Tiger Woods more money for wearing the Nike logo than the combined payroll of all the foreign workers who slave to produce the shoes. Do you think the global corporation cares more about its American office worker than it does about its Chinese laborer? You've seen millions of manufacturing jobs move overseas where labor rights don't exist and human rights are routinely violated. Office jobs are next.
Many of the remaining jobs will be shifted overseas to Asian nations. Why Asian nations? They work cheap, and they sit on top of the bell curve. They're smarter than the American white-collar worker so they bring added efficiency in addition to a much lower hourly rate. Their computer skills are considerably better on average and they're grateful to have a job at all.
My article entitled, "Corporate Subliminal Collusion: How the Bilderberg Pulls the Strings," proved that corporations do not claim loyalty to anything other than their shareholders. For the global corporation that means that every right is subordinate to shareholder rights. By every right I include human rights and labor rights. Even country loyalty is gone. The shareholders are global. To paraphrase Ralph Nader, globalization is not a world of the people, by the people, and for the people but a world of the Exxons, by the General Motors, for the DuPonts.
White-collar workers stood by and watched manufacturing jobs sent overseas by the millions, smiling to themselves that it could not happen to them. Minority groups watched as highly paid white males were eliminated through corporate downsizing, secure that the diversity programs would insure that it would not happen to them. The next phase will see millions of the remaining white-collar jobs shipped overseas. Let us not stand idly by and watch another round of devastation occur. Eventually, every American will be adversely affected by globalization. White-collar workers must organize to protect themselves and the rest of us must support them. Strikes and boycotts will work if we employ them early enough and aggressively enough in the next phase.
I'm under no illusion that we will succeed in stopping globalization and saving our standard of living. Long before most Americans awaken to accept the conspiracy, it will likely be too late to save even our basic freedoms and the futures of our children. Though resistance will likely be too little and far too late, we must resist. If the planned next phase is not stopped, a great many of today's children may never have a job in their entire lifetimes. The only jobs that will remain in America will be in the service economy, and coming technology will eliminate many of those.
Bilderberg directives are first put in place at those corporations most closely controlled by Bilderberg members and the other corporations soon follow using the process of subliminal collusion. JP Morgan Chase has already transferred 325 jobs from the US to a global service center in Mumbia, India. If this first test succeeds without resistance, millions of good jobs will be lost.
To resist we must redirect our efforts. It will do nothing to stage protests outside the White House or to write your congressmen. In our global, market-driven world, politicians do not have the power. The Bilderberg makes the decisions and the corporations carry out their directives. Resistance must be aimed at individual corporations to have any chance at success.
Americans do one thing better than any people in the history of the world, consume. The ability to withhold that consumption is our greatest potential weapon. We can direct it like a cruise missile at the corporations of our choice. I would not be caught dead wearing a pair of Nikes or carrying a Chase credit card.
Rick Lacey has an MBA from Cleveland State University and is the author of four books. As a Senior Financial Analyst at BP Oil he refused credit to Enron and was subsequently separated from the company. His book, Involuntary Separation, Corporate Downsizing Gone Fatally Wrong is based on his experiences at British Petroleum. Rick can be contacted at [email protected].
Copyright © 2002-2003 Alex Jones All rights reserved.
Editor's note: After a minimum of two attempts to obtain permission to reprint this article with no response, it became necessary to simply summarize it.