(Kissinger is one of the most significant Illuminati operatives of the last
more than 40 years and a man guilty of unbelievable genocide across the
"You will appoint me head of the 9/11 commission, boy, so I can make sure the
truth does not come out."
"Yes sir, Mr. Kissinger, sir, anything you say, Mr. Kissinger, sir."
I have just read your excellent Alice in Wonderland...etc , and just as I finished the last page it came over the news on the BBC that Kissenger had just been appointed by Bush to head up an enquiry into how on earth the WTC disaster could have happened. If it wasn't so serious it would be funny don't you think?
West Midlands
Dear David...
thankyou..thankyou for your excellent books ....You're my hero!!!
Twenty years ago I was living and working in Athens,Greece...where I met a large number of young unskilled Jordanian men who where waiting for up to 2 years for their US visas.....while waiting, pd's and spending allowance provided guessed it!!!......the thot plickens!!
Have just heard that Herr Kissinger is to head up the long awaited 911 investigation...what a joke......he is to the truth what Macdonalds is to nutrition!
Best wishes and deepest appreciation..
Sue ...aka Paranoid of Idaho!!
I just bought Alice in Wonderland and the World Trace Center Disaster. I'm on page 54 and already the information presented is simply amazing. I then realized buying your book is not going to be enough. I'm sure Richard Warman has deep pocket supporters with which he will use in his legal action against you. You must rely on all of us human beings to help you.
As a working class member I face downsizing, layoffs, lose of health care and pension benefits, this could be a reason not to donate, but how can I not? You are one of the few voices speaking out against those who are going to spy on every purchase we make, every library book we read, every webpage we visit and every email we send and recieve. If this isn't terrorism, what is?
I plan my second time flying this Winter Solstice to visit my daughter and I'm actually questioning whether I should take your book with me on the flight. One look at the title and I'd probably be detained. This is the Brave New World of 1984 that we live in! It can't happen in America? It already has my friend.
If we all donate to your defense fund, we can help make a difference, show our support and send a message to those who do not stand for common human rights. My donation will be forthcoming. There is a time when everyone must defend human rights, this is one of those times.
Up to Know Good,
OEO Scriptdaddy
An idiot.
[French crйtin, from French dialectal, deformed and mentally retarded person found in certain Alpine valleys, from Vulgar Latin *christinus, Christian, human being, poor fellow, from Latin Chrstinus, Christian ; see Christian.]
Hello David: and it is a wonderful honour to communicate to you or whomever
it is who is reading this...I had a simple revelation the other day
concerning the state of American politics...American politics is two-sided
right...Democrats and Republicans...Now, I have Reptilian connection to
those two... (Demon - from DEMOcratic) and
(Reptilian - from REPublicans) ...coincidence? I think not!
Thanks J
I have only just purchased your book, 'The Biggest Secret'. Well, I have always regarded myself as an intelligent and articulate guy, however, due to the nature of the material you present I found myself reading the same chapter two and sometimes three times just to properly comprehend what you are saying!
I have previously done a lot of energetic work with a spiritual healer who informed me that I was a 'very advanced soul' (her words). My reaction to that revelation was to run and bury my head in the sand. Well, as confucius said, 'when the student is willing, the master appears'.
I have read to page 70 in this work of yours and was only watching the news here in Melbourne last night when the anchor announced that new laws were to be passed to allow access to private residences without the need for search warrants in the continuing war on terror. After starting to read your book, an alarm just went off in my head. As bad as 9/11 was, the Bali bombings, have really freaked most Australians! We have always been such an easy going nation of people. Well, no more!
I would have liked to make your South American seminar in 2003. However, for a variety of reasons, alas, it is not to be.
I will keep reading your website as events unfold. So much of what I always suspected and felt uneasy about now seems so clear. I could never explain why I had these feelings of unease, now I know to trust my instincts with greater conviction. Thankyou.
Love & Light
Melbourne, Australia
Dear Mr. Icke, I've recently purchased and read The Biggest Secret and I
enjoyed it immensely. But, with all due respect, you've got nothing on
the U.S. gov't. , when it comes to bizarre.
See, if you already haven't, their new Information Awareness Office
This is the British column which led me to investigate the site for
This stuff is mind blowing. But, then again, maybe not, if you consider
the story of the secret societies, the masons, and the reptiles!
Anne ~
Hi David
Think you may like this poster concerning the next Gulf War based on a Star Wars theme.
{click image for large view}
Also with the current media coverage of James Bond, do you remember the one called ‘Tomorrow never dies’ with the rather nefarious Media Tycoon who created catastrophes, when his film crew was just co-incidentally in the area to capture it. Sounds like your Problem-Reaction-Solution formula being promulgated by Hollywood? And when Bond (Pierce Brosnan) asked him what he wanted he said “I expect nothing less than World Wide Domination”!
Take care, looking forward to seeing you at Battersea on the 30th.
![]() Seminar in London - only 50 seats left |
"I am well aware of the tactics YOU, my Zionist brethren, use to quiet anyone
who attempts to expose any of your subversive acts.
* If the person is a gentile, you cry, "you're anti-Semitic," which is
nothing more than a smokescreen to hide your actions. [See David Icke's
But if a Jew is the person doing the exposing, you resort to other tactics:
* First, you ignore the charges, hoping the information will not be given
widespread distribution.
* If the information starts reaching too many people, you ridicule the
information and the person or persons giving the information.
* If that doesn't work, your next step is character assassination. If the
author or speaker hasn't been involved in sufficient scandal, you are adept
at fabricating a scandal against the person or persons.
* If none of these are effective, you are known to resort to physical
Hi David,
We know you get loads of emails,
but please take the time to view the clips on our new site...
This Is Your GOD
short file 272 k
They say a lot in a short space of time...
We feel that they'd do quite a lot to wake people up...
especially :
1 meg
kind Regards,
The most evil man in the world will stop at nothing!
David,Dear David:
Do you recall the downing of a Japanese airliner (JAL, I forget the
number) in the mid 1980s by a Soviet missile as the plane passed near (but
not in) Soviet airspace?
The plane had left the U.S. and carried Rep. Larry McDonald who was
pushing for a restoration of a Committee to be on the alert for "un-American
activities" on the part of American Legislators.
On one of the earliest televised news reports about this incident a
reporter said that the FBI had forewarned Richard Nixon (who was planning to
be aboard that flight) to take a later flight. I queried the FBI and the
major TV media about this, but they denied having ever warned Nixon of such.
Upon hearing of that back then, I was immediately aware that it was murder
and not the Soviets having gotten their panties up in a wad over JAL flying
into their airspace.
I also suspect that the incident in which the Chinese brought down that
technologically sophistocated spy plane several years ago was a conspiracy of
the NWO to turn American military technology over to the Reds.
"To accomplish their goals, the Zionists will let NO ONE STAND IN THEIR WAY.
During world war II, the Zionist leadership cooperated with the Nazis by
delivering lower class Jews to the concentration camps. So, it is not
surprising that they sank the ship PATRA carrying 252 Jewish immigrants who
the Zionists feared might oppose Zionism. In another incident, 760 Jewish
lives were lost when the Zionists sank the ship STRUMA for the same reason."
-- Jack Bernstein
Way to go David and thank you for another great book! I fear with the enactment
of the "Homeland Security Act" any email sent in the near/immediate future may
place my security and privacy in danger. Sad isn't it, living in America now
feels like a spooky Disneyland death camp (go shop/yellow alert-be afraid).
I've traveled the world and dearly love my country, but fully recognize it's
now the Fourth Reich locked in place and planned for decades.
Thought this might be of interest, it's a quote from a controversial person
whom like you is grossly misunderstood and misrepresented. Banned from
corporate media and rarely interviewed elsewhere. I was astonished to see the
mention of the reptiles.
A quote from Holy Day of Atonement Address 16th Oct. 2002 in Harlem New York.
Minister Louis Farrakan:
"The scripture says, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the
children of God." If the peacemakers are blessed, then [cursed] are the
warmongers for they shall be called what they are, the children of Satan.
The scripture says that the serpent would deceive the whole world. He starts
off in the Genesis of the Bible as a serpent and he’s also called a serpent in
the Qur’an, but in the Revelation he’s a dragon. He’s grown so huge in power."
Dear David,
First let me say that I really appreciate what you do
to get alternative information out to people, we need
more people like you in this world!
I am a member of the American Civil Liberties Union
(fast becoming an oxymoron) here in the US. Here is a
link to some info about the new Information Awareness
Program, run by John Poindexter:
Information Awareness
You may already know about this, but I thought I'd
pass this along. It seems many of your predictions
are coming to pass (though it certainly did not take
clairvoyance or any second sight to see this coming).
The most fascinating thing is the symbol of this new
organization, the eye in the pyramid, casting it's
watchfull glow over the earth. How blatant can they
This is old news but from a new source. I was just listening to the Jimmy Young programme (19 November 2002, approx 13:50) and they were talking about the forthcoming invasion of Iraq . The presenter read out a letter – I can’t remember it word for word but the gist of it was: “My dad works for a major oil company in the middle east. He has been asked to devise the best way of getting oil from Iraq to America without using the Russian supply pipeline.”
While the presidential vote rigging is so obvious that they might as well blatantly declare it in the next elections as something that’s going to happen anyway, I’m still amazed SO MANY Americans really do believe that dubya is their best choice.
Best wishes,
"19 terrorists in 6 weeks have been able to command 300 million North
Americans to do away with the entirety of their civil liberties that took
years to advance from the Magna Carta onward. The terrorists have already
the political and ideological war with one terrorist act. It is
that we are that weak as a society."
- Rocco Galati, David Icke's lawyer in the Richard Warman case.
Clearly David is working with the right guy!
Hi david, I know your extremely busy. My son 0f 10 was doing his homework to my shock and horror. His work was to fill in a police report on the profile of 'crippin' the serial killer. Keep up the good work...
Just a couple quick items from here in the USofA. I was watching TV the other night and saw a most disturbing ad. It was for a video game called "War in Iraq", or "Battle in Iraq" or some damn thing. Of course it showed plenty of blood and killing by the "Good Guys"(The US military). And of course it was rated "T" for teens! A little pre- military training perhaps? Also in the northern border state of Michigan they have authorized random vehicle searches by the federal Gov. I wish my people would wake up! Keep up the positive work! Tim
Ever since the 11th of September his [David's Icke's] readers have been waiting
for his account of the drama. Why? Because 9/11 was already
happening in his books before it physically manifested in 2001.
Most of his concerned readers knew something like it was coming,
only not when. Then it occurred - on a date symbolizing alarm. A
diseased sense of symbolism... ah, but then the Illuminati are
"nothing if not predictable".
On the inauguration-day of Bush, Icke commented on the axiomatic
political line-up and warned, "don't be at all suprised if the
United States finds itself in another manipulated war during
this administration". What does this signify? It signifies that
fearless individuals like David Icke are doing the world a
favour and most of us don't even know it. Let's just hope that
we realize these things in time. Lots of praise and blessings to
you David Icke!
Have you ever seen what someone looks like when they are tripping on LSD
or Ecstacy?
Beaming face, glossy eyes, fidgety, twitchy, teeth-clenching...etc...
Every time I see John Ashcroft or Donald Rumsfeld speak on TV,
they look like that.
They just look very fidgety...almost aroused in some way.
Not necessarily sexually, but mentally at least.
Rumsfeld is always wringing his hands and looking around the room in weird
Ashcroft is always BEAMING..there's just an energy coming from his face.
They look like fathers that just had babies or something.
It really creeps me out.
Providence, RI, USA
Good morning,
I know you probably do not watch much TV but I just saw a commercial for
Geico Ins. They use a lizard as an icon...( as a gekko) there are many
way for this lizard to appear and I thought I had seem it all when they
had a woman laying on the grass blowing dandelions romantically (saying I
love you in slow motion) as music in the background played "sometime when
we touch" but this morning blew me away. A representative was saying that
"He brought a reptilian sense to selling insurance that was missing from
our warm blooded employees."
unfucking believable! I don't exactly know what I thought you could do
with this information but had to mention it.
Best, Suzen
Sorry about these late postings.. The mail server was acting up this weekend and I'm not sure I have received all of Mr. Icke's mail to the site. ~ Webmaster
RATING: ***** Essential info for American patriots (and the rest
of us), November 7, 2002 Reviewer: Rogier Chardet from
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Although the 2002 U.S. midterm elections weren't played on
foreign policy, their results indicate a clear approval of the
activities of Bush & Co on the global level. What does this
signify? It signifies that the American collective psyche is
living in a state of denial... and all this under a guise of
Once upon a time 'patriotism' involved, besides a love of the
country, a critical attitude towards the boys running the show.
This was deemed essential in order to safeguard the sanctity of
those very patriotic values. This was before America's official
brand of patriotism adopted a distinct doublespeak flavour.
Today the critical stance is absent and there is little to
distinguish this variety of 'love for America' from its
unquestioning, nationalistic rival.
Now, more than ever, the world needs a critical attitude from
the American people towards its government, based upon an
investigation of all the data. Today this means examining the
stuff that never made it to the media. In other words, your
patriotism demands that you go beyond the established sources of
information and examine the unauthorized accounts of 9/11.
Dear David,
I am reading "Alice in Wonderland" which just arrived and am spellbound,
again. Great job as always. Anyway, you go into the Bush genealogy again
for those who may not be aware that those creatures are related to,
everyone. One thing I haven't heard you mention is the fact that they are
also related to the royal house of Troy believe it or not, and even more
incredible they share a common ancestor with of all people, Mohammed the
Prophet! Now seems to me if that bastard infesting the W.H. REALLY wanted
to stop terrorists, yeah right, he'd make this known amongst Moslems
worldwide in the hope that they might not want to oppose a descendant of
the Prophet. But I think we both know the reason why he doesn't, eh?!
Here the site address
it's a very user friendly site and you can go back through ALL the US
presidents genealogies. Quite a useful little site, and I apologize if
you're already aware of the site. Just thought I'd let you know, just in
Keep up the fantastic work you do!!!
Sincerely, Jeanette
Past Master of Fairbanks lodge, past District Deputy of Masonic District
Golden Trowel Recipient.
Recipient of KCCH, member of Arabia Temple, Most Excellent High Priest of
Willis N. Kidd Champter No. 424. R.A.M.
Right Illustrious Deputy Master of San Jacinto Council No. 347.
Eminent Commander of Ruthven Commandery No. 2.
KQ memeber Gulf Coast York Rite College No. 106,
member of the Eastern Star.
The above description is of a friend of mine's grandfather on her mother's
Her mother actually gave me the information, and then asked me if I
it was impressive. Well, gaining a golden gardening shovel is pretty darn
there, isn't it? I think I'd better reconsider freemasonry and start
worshipping Osiris. ("chokes on sarcasm")
I didn't think there could be a better book than Children of the Matrix, by David Icke.
I was wrong. Alice in Wonderland is fantastic! It brings the reality of what he has been saying for years to the table, with the events of history and current events as his evidence.
~ Webmaster
This morning, I've been quite scandalised (but not surprised) by the
continuation of the Warman anti-Icke campaign, especially as I read the
content of$claim.htm
... I am not fully competent because I am a patent attorney - but I do not
see anything defamatory neither in the passages cited by Warman nor in any
other part of 'Children of the Matrix' or any other book by David (I read
them all except 'Love Changes Everything' and 'In the Light of
nor in any video.
I hope David is not too much affected by the above. I wanted to send a
and support message ...
Interesting read, that claim made by the ridiculous little
fellow, Richard Warman ~ million$claim ). Thanks to Richie
and his random listing of some progressive Canadian bookstores,
I can now refer my dad, who lives in Collingwood, Ontario, to a
bookstore that carries David's books. He's been looking for one.
Thanks, Richie!
Sincerely, Robyn S.