Allow me to paraphrase from a website entitled American Terrorism, because it gets to the heart of the matter as directly as possible: If the homicidal maniacs of the American military hadn't spent the last 60 years mass murdering innocent men, women, and children in over 50 countries worldwide, there's a damn good chance that there wouldn't be suicidal psychopaths running around trying to exact their revenge.
Ever heard the phrase "live by the sword, die by the sword"? How about "it takes two to tango"? If you really believe that this is a battle between a "free, democratic country" versus "the scourge of terrorism," let me set you straight. This is a war between two groups of equally vile, despicable terrorists. And, as always, the vast majority of victims are innocent.
If you study the under-reported history of the 20th century, you'll find that America has been the major financial backer of state-sponsored terrorism since at least the second World War. At that time, the American military showed the world it's complete and utter lack of anything resembling human decency by leveling two Japanese cities and wiping out over one hundred and fifty thousand innocent victims.
Not content to rest on its laurels with that morally reprehensible act, the U.S. (with their close buddies the British) pushed forward to create the state of Israel by funding the Israeli war machine, which not only drove the Palestinians from their own land, but made a point of dismantling over 400 Palestinian villages and creating between 750,000 and 900,000 refugees. Today, there are about three million Palestinian refugees, of which a million live in appalling conditions in refugee camps. In the past five decades, the U.S. has continued to fund Israel - a regime of institutionalized violent racism which, to this day, uses torture and murder to enforce its policies.
Throughout the 20th century America had its hand in virtually every conflict this globe has seen. The result: millions of innocent men, women and children killed in the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Korea, Indonesia, Panama, Grenada, Libya, Lebanon, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Bosnia and Yugoslavia. I could go on, but I think you get the drift.
As well as direct military action, the American C.I.A. has also been responsible for training, arming and funding dozens of fascist puppet-regimes and death squads, who have committed the torture and genocide of millions of civilians in (here we go again) Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, China, East Timor, Indonesia, Congo, Angola, Zaire, Mozambique, Cyprus, Pakistan, Iran, and on and on and on… Is it any big surprise that some of the orphans of these atrocities are now all grown up and have a raging hate-on for the American imperialists? Even America's two favourite modern day villains were helped out handsomely by the C.I.A. America propped up Saddam Hussein's war machine while he was fighting Iran, and turned a blind eye while that monster tested his chemical weapons on thousands of innocent Kurds. And Osama bin Laden, now public enemy number one, learned the nasty art of terrorism from C.I.A. operatives to help him battle the Soviets during the early 1980's. In those days, the CIA hoped that bin Laden would lead an Islamic terrorist movement that would crush the Soviet Union, which at that time, of course, was America's mortal enemy. What a clever tactic that turned out to be.
Well, the Soviet Union is now gone, and the Gulf War has been over for ten years, but nothing has been accomplished except the death and misery of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims (there's that phrase again, funny how that happens when you have a war). Saddam Hussein is still his same twisted self, still entrenched in power, and still looking quite well-fed, while over 70,000 Iraqis died during the war (many, by the way, shot in the back as they tried to escape the carnage, remember?), and 130,000 more in the war's aftermath. Since then, thanks to an embargo spearheaded by the U.S., (which, inevitably, only affects civilians, since the war-mongers in power take all the goodies) at least a million Iraqis, half of them children, have died from lack of proper nutrition and medical treatment.
For the American war machine to now try and take the moral high ground is thoroughly despicable. There is no moral high ground when your business is the slaughter of human beings. War, terrorism, freedom fighting, peace-keeping - give it any euphemism you want - the killing of innocent people is always wrong. War is never noble or glamourous. War is hell. And when you get right down to what is right and what is wrong, there is no real difference between the sick fucks who flew those plane into those towers and the yahoos who shot retreating Iraqi soldiers in the back. There is no difference between the Palestinian suicide bomber killing innocent Israelites and Israeli soldiers shooting Palestinian children. There is no difference between the bombing of Pearl Harbour and the bombing of Hiroshima. All are crimes against humanity, carried out by vicious criminals. The only variable is the number of lives lost.
But now we hear George Bush, while figuring out how to avenge the deaths of thousands of innocent people (by, inevitably, killing yet more innocent people), say that "America is a peaceful nation." The hypocrisy of it all makes me want to puke. Yes, America is a peaceful nation, because, deep down inside, 95 per cent of Americans want nothing more than peace for their families. But that all-important five per cent, those maniacal power-hungry military dirtbags who pull the strings of the American government, they are the scum of the Earth. And like attracts like, so scum battles scum.
So what's it going to be, Mr. Bush? Retaliation? And what will that solve? Why don't you listen to that God you're always praying to and turn the other cheek? Be a man and admit that the violence has gone on long enough. Be a fucking mature adult who can say enough is enough. You're not in preschool anymore. You don't have to have a temper tantrum and strike back. Violence begets violence, every single time.
Yes, I realize that expecting America not to strike back is the most ludicrous thing you've ever heard. But the other option is too chilling, too terrifying to even consider. Retaliation by the American terrorists will simply bring greater retaliation from those who hate them. The next step in this escalating insanity is a suitcase nuke detonated over a major North American city, a jumbo jet hijacked and launched straight into a nuclear reactor, or any of the chemical or biological warfare nightmares of which we've heard so much about recently. Any of which would leave countless millions of innocent people dead, diseased, or deformed, and still the problems will remain. Is that the path we wish to take?
President Bush, it's time to step out of the ring.Take that $40 billion+ that you magically snapped into existence in order to fight terrorism, and use it to feed your children, fix your schools, and give everyone decent medical care. Take care of the people in your own country, and truly make America the beacon for democracy you always harp on about. Lead by example. Mind your own business and take care of your own citizens. And quit trying to enforce your version of reality on the rest of the world with your God-damn weapons. That is the only sure path to peace.
And if you need closure, find bin Laden, chop off his head and hold it up on CNN so you can feel like a man. But don't go stalking across the globe just to kill more innocent victims. Please.
Andreas Ohrt
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