Again there is something wrong with my ZGrams getting out on
time. Additionally, there is interference with my letters to Ernst, and his
letters to me. Even Global Priority, which should take no longer than 3
days, arrives belatedly two weeks or more after it has been mailed - or
disappears entirely. And just a few days ago I had a horrendous telephone
problem - while I could receive regular calls, I could not receive collect
calls from Ernst, and I could not call out at all, not even 411 for phone
number information. When I finally managed to get the word out to Bell
South, the repairman who came to my aid said that in 31 years of working for
the telephone company, he had never once encountered a problem like that.
Just what that "problem" consisted of, I have not
been able to ferret out. The lame excuse given by the central business
office was that a block had been put on my lines because I received too many
calls, but it should not have mattered because my account was paid up, and
the next billing cycle was not yet due. So something fishy is again going
on! It seems that interference never ends!
The ZGram below was meant for Good Friday - however, since I
only received it on Saturday and had already planned my ZGram for the day, I
am running it today. Let me just preface it by saying that when Ernst
carried a cross during one of his innumerable Holocaust Trials to
demonstrate that Freedom of Speech had died in Canada, many people objected
and thought he was presumptuous to liken himself to Christ's walk to
Golgatha. Of course the idea was to make a harmful issue visible by parable.
Here Dr. Robert Countess, a former Army Chaplain and a stout
Revisionist who is publicizing Ernst's latest persecution to a more general
readership, wrote this:
Ernst Zundel, Pontius Pilate, Jesus Christ: an Analogy
for Good Friday Meditation
By Robert H. Countess, Ph.D.
According to the New Testament documents, Passover Week
Friday was the day Jesus was crucified as 1) a simple Roman execution; 2)
a hate crime and show trial by evil Jewish leaders - but not the masses;
and 3) a theological event of universal soteriological significance in the
plan of God for redemption.
However, the events of the night prior must be considered
in order to gain valuable perspective.
After Jesus celebrated the Passover meal in the Upper Room
and Judas the Treasurer had departed for his opportunistic Thirty Pieces
of Silver [a large sum then], the group walked to the Garden of Gethsemane
[perhaps as beautiful as Hatcher Mountain] where Jesus prayed and the
disciples all fell asleep. Then Judas came leading a group of armed
soldiery and policemen large enough perhaps to frighten a Saddam Hussein.
[One might recall the five officers who came to arrest the pacifist Ernst
Zundel on February 5th, 2003 armed and one even with a flak vest.] Judas
came forward and placed his evil kiss on Jesus' cheek and the personal
betrayal for Geld was done.
We read that the red-haired [Catholic "first
Pope"] fisherman Peter pulled a sword and attacked the High Priest's
bond slave Malchus [John 18:10] but was so poorly trained in violent
combat that he only cut off the right ear - which Jesus healed on the spot
[Luke 22:51]. At this point, the Disciples fled for their lives. The High
Priest's vigilantes then bound Jesus [leg irons?] and led him to the rich
Palace of Annas, father-in-law to High Priest Caiaphas. Annas had been
High Priest but he had still the enormous influence of the office without
now occupying it; plus he "contributed", shall we say, large
sums of money to "friends" in the Roman government of Jerusalem.
Power, money, influence, and family members in high government circles?
What a more proper first stop for this threat to national security, Jesus,
than Annas' place of residence and business?
Immense capital flowed from the Temple precincts into
Annas' coffers. Little wonder that Jesus was so hated for His onslaught
[see John 2:13f] into these for-profit chambers, upturning tables and
scattering the Jewish filthy lucre and rope whipping the money changers
who, Jesus was convinced, had turned Jehovah's house into "a den of
The Roman soldiers had their orders to take Jesus to Annas'
place, no doubt having gotten some shekels to grease the path. The often
whispered "Jewish Power" by timid Gentiles of our own day is
nothing new, it seems, since the hated and pagan Romans themselves yielded
to Jewish Power and, of course, as always, money in sufficient quantities
to make it all seem appropriate.
High Priest Caiaphas was already His implacable enemy but
now became His accuser and judge. Around Caiaphas were--like those around
Saddam--large numbers in his service, fearful to cross him lest they
experience some "difficulty" in life and employment. There's
nothing like the corrupt use of power by corrupt religious leaders!
A hastily gathered ad hoc meeting of Priests and Elders,
Sanhedrinists, Lawyers, and Scribes appeared that pre-Passover evening. A
regular meeting of this "Supreme Court" would never have been
held on Passover or Passover Eve itself, but so great a threat to the
vested interests of Jewry did Jesus appear to be that they came and stayed
to effect their "Privat-mord" as one scholar put it in his
Geschichte des Judenthums [19th century]. This "private murder"
was not the routine result of a normally held Great Sanhedrin and its full
71 members for whom the hated Romans allowed full authority over religious
matters except capital punishment itself - left only to the Roman Governor
Pontius Pilate. And since Jesus basically refused to offer a defense for
Himself - since He came to die as Messiah - the gathered authorities
resorted to distortion of His message and then, in the end, to lying and
bribed [oh the power of money over conscience to many people!] false
witnesses who gave their "eyewitness" testimonies which largely
contradicted each other. Jews are not alone among two-legged sentient
air-suckers [my term for homo sapiens] in giving false, alleged
"eyewitness" testimony, but they may well be unique in being the
most successful as an identifiable group in employing it in the past
and--since World War Two - now in the present in so-called "testi-lying"
on behalf of the Holocaust Industry.
Perhaps the Great Sanhedrin chief prosecutor even insisted
upon "judicial notice" that Jesus had committed all sorts of
felonies that made him a threat to national security? Why not? May be that
Nuremberg jurisprudence had ample precedent for its own nefarious methods
to convict and condemn in 1945-6.
The final "evidence" to support judicial
condemnation came, however, when Jesus finally spoke to High Priest
Caiaphas and admitted to being "the Christ, the Son of God"
[Matthew 26:63-4]. We read that Caiaphas tore his outer robe as a display
of hearing blasphemy [vs. 65], announcing with a loud voice that the
trouble maker was obviously worthy of death. At this, the standers-by
began to spit in Jesus' face and to beat Him and taunt Him with commands
to engage in fortune telling such as "Who hit you?"
Of major interest for this present essay is Matthew
27:15f. The text states that there was a tradition associated with the
Passover wherein Governor Pontius Pilate would allow the crowd to select
the release of a prisoner scheduled for execution. Now, if the
Sanhedrinist authorities could redirect the crowd's general empathy for
Jesus away from Jesus and toward the felon and real national security
threat, Bar-Abbas [Hebrew & Aramaic "son of the father"],
then they could succeed in having the hated Roman Governor himself execute
Jesus and they could blame - that is, relieve themselves of personal and
legal responsibility - Pilate for the execution.
To this end, the priestly agitators shouted out to Pilate,
"Release Bar-Abbas!" Perhaps some "walking around"
money flowed to certain loud-voiced men in the crowd to shout louder and
incessantly, "Release to us Bar-Abbas!" In due time - how long,
the text does not say - Pilate gave in to the masses' clamor for the
release of a real felon and in his place the crucifixion of the preacher
of love and peace, Jesus the Messiah. How pleased the Sanhedrinists must
have felt if, as they might have thought: "We finally are about to be
rid of this pest, this bacillus, and we can thank the crowd and Governor
Pilate for doing the dirty work." [I have found in Talmud study that
Talmudic Jews routinely seek not to obey the law of God in the Torah, but
rather to circumnavigate around the law after the experts have diluted it
or complicated it or nullified it with countless inferential and/or
implied details so burdensome that a sane person would conclude: Who
cares? What is the purpose after all? God is not the goal, but human
striving for self-recognition. Can anyone actually obey what the
Talmudists have created and now call Halachoth?
Finally, we come to the analogy of Ernst Zundel in his
solitary confinement in the Niagara Falls, Ontario detention center.
If the evil movers and shakers and string pullers behind
Ernst's continued imprisonment with no granting of bail in sight - the
Canadian Jewish Congress and its brother organizations there and the
Anti-Defamation League in the USA - had been given Pilate's choice on Good
Friday 2003, I believe they would have behaved with the same insane
reasoning and emotion of the rabble in Pilate's presence.
Let us say that "Pilate" in 2003 would have
offered the felon Irv Rubin [former Jewish Defense League Director] to the
crowd, a notorious criminal and street bully and firebomber
extraordinaire, I believe the CJC would bribe the masses to shout for the
release of Irv and to "crucify" Ernst Zundel.
If our contemporary "Pilate" were to offer one
of several Jewish hatemongers such as Elie Wiesel or Abe Foxman or Edgar
Bronfman to the babbling, gaggling, cackling crowd of circumcised and
uncircumcised riffraff, the flotsam and jetsam of big city Toronto in
place of Ernst Zundel, I believe the CJC and its supporters would
immediately raise shouts of "Release to us Elie or Abe or Edgar and
Crucify Ernst!"
I have met Elie Wiesel. I have met Irv Rubin. Believe me,
Ernst Zundel is no Elie Wiesel. Ernst Zundel is no Irv Rubin. Ernst holds
strong opinions about history and society and life and Zionism and
Freemasonry, but he promotes no hatred for those who disagree with him.
The CJC is unified in its hatred of Ernst Zundel. The CJC
is unified in its hatred of Jesus Christ. The CJC is unified in its
irrational support for Jewish Supremacy and the State of Israel and the
ethnic-cleansing of the Semito-Palestinians [my term]. The CJC is unified
in opposing bail for Ernst Zundel at any price and at any time. The CJC
fears Ernst Zundel, but not because he has a gun in his hand, but rather a
pencil stub and continues to write and promote the open discussion of the
Holocaust Industry's Holo-hoax upon Germans and all Gentiles and upon
ignorant Jews themselves.
The CJC is right to fear Ernst Zundel's stubby pencil and
is right to fear his wife's Zundelsite and is right to fear the Internet
in general, since - as Germar Rudolf put it - "Internet macht frei!"
Robert H. Countess, Ph.D.
[email protected]
Huntsville, Alabama