For those who would like to be de-toxified of Holocaust propaganda posing as "history", there is help! There exists a respectable body of research, compiled by Revisionists all over the world for decades, that offers an alternative view of history.

Below are some of the classical Revisionist articles and books. You will not faint or turn into a frog if you inspect them with an open mind.

"Revisionism 201" 


The Zundelsite -Nizkor Debate / Rebuttal Advanced Revisionist Content Revisionist Books and Booklets Classic Revisionist Documents  Works of famous Revisionist Scholars 
How and why the first-ever cyber-war started around the Zundelsite

Zundelsite-Nizkor Correspondence and  66 Questions and Answers on the Holocaust

Remember: Whenever you see a blue ribbon . . .

. . . The Zundelsite was at the center! 

Declaration of Independence in Cyberspace

(written in the midst of the Cyber War around the Zundelsite - Feb. 8, 1996)

 Table of Contents of Politically Incorrect Articles


Revue d'histoire r�visionniste

 Reviews of Revisionist books

 Simon Wiesenthal: The Man or the Mask?

(A parallel summary exists in the German section)


Did Six Million Really Die?

A 1988 Trial Transcript Summary by Attorney Barbara Kulaszka.

Richard Harwood

Did Six Million Really Die?

German Translation: "Starben wirklich sechs Millionen?"

Russian Translation

The booklet that started it all!

 Robert Lenski

"Der Holocaust vor Gericht"

Lenskis Bestseller - Jetzt ins Deutsche �bersetzt!

J�rgen Graf

Todesursache Zeit- geschichtsforschung

Der Holocaust auf dem Pr�fstand

  The Leuchter Report 1

The Leuchter Report 2

 The Leuchter Report 3

The Leuchter Report 4



Dr. Robert Faurisson's collection

Carlos Porter

The Travesty Called Nuremberg - A stunning document translated into English, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese!

Paul Rassinier

Debunking the Genocide Myth


Additionally, selected quotes from mostly Jewish sources, pertaining to:


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 301: The Legal Fight for Truth in History

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order

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