Update on the Zundel Struggle

February 2, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

Some of the Zgram below is "legalese", but I wanted it preserved for the record. Up-front, look at the Zundelsite stats:

In less than two months (from December 8th to today), the Zundelsite count is as follows:

Total Hits: 984,269 

Average Hits Per Day 17,267 

Average Hits Per Hour 738 

Average Hits Per Visitor 8.3

In other words, we are very close to having achieved the "6 million hits" we were aiming for some time ago.

Very popular still are the Harwood booklet pages, "Did Six Million Really Die?" and the Leuchter Report!

And, by the way, speaking of the Leuchter Report: The documentary that was based on that report by Fred Leuchter, titled "Mr. Death" was playing on Swedish television a few days ago, to great interest and many comments on how forceful and believable Mr. Zundel came across!

So you can see that interest in Holocaust Revisionism is alive and well, despite all the gloomy predictions! If the Zundelsite is doing that well, despite the fact that I have had very little time for close to four years to update the website other than to keep the trial information current and my Zgrams going, imagine what the other revisionist websites such as www.vho.org and www.ihr.org are doing! At the present time, they are much more current than the Zundelsite.


Paul Fromm reports on the session of the Canadian Federal Court of Appeal that took place on January 28, 2004:

Justices: Messrs. Sexton, Struger, Evans;

For the Government: Mr. MacIntosh, (Lead), plus three other persons in lawyerly robes;

For the Apellant: Mr. Peter Lindsay and his partner, Chi-Kun Shi;

Audience: About a dozen people for each side, no representatives of the Press;

Mr. MacIntosh spoke for about half an hour on his motion to quash the appeal on the question whether the issuance of a National Security Certificate under the Immigration Law is reasonable or not. He interpreted requirements for the judicial review of the reasonableness of the Certificate and felt that this appeal does not meet those requirements.

Lengthy interpretations of Sect. 74, 80.3 81 of the Federal Immigration Act followed to support this contention. He stated that the Right of an Appeal does not exist. If it were allowed, a "whole raft" of other appeals would be launched as several issues, such as the secrecy of the evidence and the witnesses etc. would be appealed.

He felt that the Canadian Parliament fully intended the restrictions of the right of appeal, quoting the example of the law that a removal order cannot be appealed.

He recommended that Mr. Zundel's detention be continued.

Mr. Lindsay in his rebuttal stated that the Law does not explicitly state that an appeal is not allowed; only the determination cannot be appealed. Therefore, this Court should not take away, what the Parliament has not taken away.

His interpretation of Section 76 and 77 followed, and he discussed the applicability of the principles of Natural Law and Fairness to this case, which should be taken into consideration by the judges.

He also pointed out that this is not a judicial review of Justice Blais' work before whom another session is scheduled for Feb. 9, 2004.

Mr. MacIntosh felt that the appeal was abusing the legal system, to which Mr. Lindsay objected.

Mr. Lindsay pointed out that a motion to expedite these proceeding had been made by him on January 22, 2004. He also made a motion for a stay of the proceedings as several other hearings and appeals are in progress; as for instance the appeal to the Ontario Court of Appeals under the Charter of Human Rights.

Unless a stay is issued, contradictory or unworkable decisions may result. Particularly, Zundel's constitutional challenge of the issuance of the Security Certificate has not yet been dealt with, which is scheduled for April 14, 2004.

Therefore, a delayed decision in Mr. Zundel's favour would be useless to him, as he could be sitting in a German jail by then.

The Judges reserved their judgement on the motions made and gave the Government and the appellants till Feb. 13, 2004 to make written submissions. They will then inform the lawyers of their decision; i.e. there will not be another public session of this Court.

The above information is gathered under very annoying circumstances, as the audience found it very hard to sometimes impossible, to hear the arguments made. It could not be determined whether there was a sound system. One member of the audience was told very quickly by the Court Clerk to "sit down" , when he raised this issue.

What does this all mean? Ernst told me that evening: ***"The abuses of the system are on trial. The way the system works now, the government is shooting fish in a barrel. The judges are fully alert to that fact! "***


Finally, a rather telling press release was issued by CAFE:




The Canadian Association for Free Expression website is currently under a massive attack by hackers.

"We are currently fighting a massive and obviosuly well-organized distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) which is causing the site to be unavailable for periods of time," says CAFE webmaster Marc Lemire.

"The attack started Friday and continues today (Sunday Feb 1, 2004) using a SYN Flood technique to overwhelm the webserver," he explains.

Why this criminal attack in cyberspace?

"With CAFE being the number one voice for honest reporting of the bogus Zundel 'security threat' hearing, is it too crazy to ask if the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) or other government agents are behind the attack?" asks Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression.

According to Andrew Mitrovica's book COVERT ENTRY, CSIS has been, at the very least, a passive accomplice to a 1995 mailbomb assassination attempt aimed at Mr. Zundel. CSIS strictly instructed its mail snooping operatives not to open any package from Vancouver addressed to Mr. Zundel in May, 1995. That very month a powerful pipe bomb with a Vancouver return address was delivered by mail to Mr. Zundel's Toronto residence.

This charge against CSIS was raised in federal court Tuesday and reported on this website Wednesday, says Paul Fromm. "Is this "payback" for our questioning the activities of CSIS, Canada's political police, who have strayed far from their mandate which exempts peaceful dissent and protest from their scrutiny?" Fromm asks.

CAFE will not be silenced by electronic terrorists and we will continue to lobby for justice and a fair trial for political dissidents like Ernst Zundel and Brad Love.

"CAFE's website will soon be out in a new and expanded form," Fromm announced today.




Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 995-6108

Fax: (613) 995-9755

Email: [email protected]



Contribute to Ernst Z�ndel's Defence


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


Please support the Zundelsite - the most politically besieged website on the Net!