Ernst Zundel reporting from inside one of
America's prisons

February 12, 2003

This morning the local paper carried a lead article that stated that Ernst would not get a hearing before being deported to Germany just as soon as Germany was ready to receive him. You can go and see for yourself at

All week long, I had called every lead that was given to me, trying to pry two questions out of various agencies and authorities Who signed the arrest warrant - and what would happen next? Of all the many authorities I have contacted, it was our local Chief Sheriff, the official who had accompanied the INS officers last Wednesday, who finally returned my call. One call in an entire week - after the many phone calls I made trying to establish chain of command so we could apply public pressure!

He absolutely would not tell me anything - but I did get him to admit that he had been in his position for six years in a supervisory capacity and had never experienced the kind of arrest that Ernst endured last Wednesday!

The hotels in this area, one can safely assume, are crawling with undocumented aliens. There are, I have been told, some 100,000 hotel rooms, plus many restaurants, most of them serviced by what looks like either Mexicans or dark-skinned Eastern Europeans. (In this area, one seldom sees a Black. ) Is the INS chasing them?

I am doing all I can from my side to see if there is an "out" from this nightmarish situation. I have not talked to Ernst today. He tried twice, and twice somebody tied up my phone. Please don't call me - you are just making it more difficult for me! One of our attorneys is, meanwhile, trying to contact Ernst. I am awaiting an update in an hour.

I received the very first written communication from Ernst. It was written in such small letters that I can barely read it. I am now typing it up for my readers just as fast as I can. I want the content of this letter out on the Internet for the record. Brace yourself - it is a shocking document!



Some kind prisoner is lending me a pen - a very rare commodity in here. I will only be able to order one on Monday, to be delivered on Thursday, a week from now.

The deportation order I was shown had no date on it. It was added in the office afterwards by the INS guy who arrested me. It said that we were informed May 18, 2001 to appear for a hearing in June. Since we did not appear, my/our application was considered abandoned - that there was no appeal against the order of deportation. This means I'll be barred from the USA for at least ten years automatically and will only be allowed to re-apply pleading special circumstances. With my enemies, you can be sure that it is no more coming back! Deckert was not allowed in. Same with others.

[MY COMMENT: Gunther Deckert, a German populist who was running for some office in Germany, was sentenced to five years, I believe, for translating a Fred Leuchter speech into German.]

You must not come to Germany or Europe, Ingrid. [Your son] needs you here. You must be strong now. Please be careful.


Terribly noisy prisoners all evening long. Finally fell asleep - was awakened by a loud banging on the cell door. A white officer kept pounding on the door, motioning me to come down from my bunk. Did not address me by name, just bellowed "the armband!" and motioned me to raise my arm so he could read it. He wrote down my name on a clipboard, turned on his heels and left. I was sound asleep when [he] came to check the wristband.

Robert, my fellow inmate, shot up, hollered into the intercom "This is not a prison anymore! You are free to leave!" A few minutes later a smiley young guard came by and inquired who had spoken. Robert said he had, repeated his "You can all leave now! This is not a prison any more!" The guard smiled, joked with him and left.

Before this incident, Robert had called on the intercom and demanded that they open up. He wanted to take a shower. The time was 10:30 p.m. They [the guards] denied it.


Robert, fellow inmate, bought lots of stuff from the commissary - all sweet twinkies. Promptly had massive hallucinations and shortage of breath - wheezing, shaking violently, twitching.

Very restless night. Awoke at 6 a.m., cold, shivering. Fellow inmate gets up suddenly, makes intercom call to front office, demands in a loud voice to be let out, that he is a government official. The guard on duty tells him to be quiet.

For breakfast this day we had chocolate milk, well past the expir. date which was Dec. 20., two pieces of toast, some porridge, and one little bag of jam. I'll try to get a shower today. Phones are unreliable - lots of inmates per phone, at the whim of the guards mostly.

1;15 p.m. Called Ingrid, finally got through. Good news. Lots of people are rallying. Now everyone will know and get busy with pressure campaigns.

Had medical today. TB tests, blood pressure 170 over 100, supposedly high. Little wonder! [ Attorney ] has not contacted Ingrid. Must work out a strategy.

I called the officer on duty, front desk, asking that Ingrid be put on a visitor request form. I was told when I came in and, in fact, was given a slip in writing, that my visitors' time was Monday, 6 p.m. Now I am told [it will be] Friday, 3: 15 p.m., - no, that it has been changed to Saturday 1:00 p.m. arbitrarily.

No one advised me. I was only let out for an hour at 1:00 p.m., so no time for Ingrid to make it here. I told this to the officer. He could not care less. I asked if I could be let out for a brief phone call to my wife. "You can call her tomorrow!" Then click! They are the coldest, most impolite, curt people - amazing to me! I sure had different ideas of American public officials.

This, too, will end.

I found out today that I am in a high security, in fact maximum security tract, on 23 hours lock-down. One hour for phone calls, showers, walk-around, with only my cell mate, who constantly talks out loud, hollers night and day, seems [to be] on manic depression medication. Weird fate!

I knew the dreams could not last.

I requested since yesterday, 3 p.m., that Ingrid be notified of the change [of visitors' hours] or I be allowed to call. "No!" was the answer, coldly. "She can see you in a week." Guards one-third my age are playing God.

I write these lines, using up my fellow inmate's ball point pen and, even more precious, some sheets of his papers worth their weight in gold.

Still have my cough.


Four big guards came in the afternoon. Ordered me out of my cell with my stuff, took me to the corridor, threw my mental cellmate on the floor, kicked him, pummeled him 'til he was dragged along the halls, bleeding and screaming. Eventually, I was put into the general population, which meant three times out of the cell.

Attended a black preacher's Bible circle - [audience] one-half black and one-half white.

New cell mate is a [ name deleted ] old, broken, but a kind man, 65 years old.

Ingrid came to visit - looked nice, young, lovely, bright, alert. We had a good, long strategy talk. Good news from outside.


Sunday started normal. Then all were ordered into cells, locked in. NWO cops with visors, helmets, bullet-proof vests, Dobermans or German shepherds came in shouting commands hysterically, threw us on the floor, face down, putting twisting arms behind our backs, handcuffs to cut the flesh etc. Finally we were dragged half up, dumped on the floor outside two feet away from [ unreadable ] covered with helmets, [unreadable] black-uniformed troopers while they emptied our plastic bins on the floor, threw eye glasses around, emptied pockets etc. This went on for at least two hours in the whole prison. The toilets were shut off for these two hours. The dogs barking, prisoner cries, guard shouts caused mayhem everywhere. Amazing place - what would Washington, Jefferson have thought of this?

My fellow inmate had a Robert Schuller book, "Power Thinking: If you can dream it, you can do it". Nothing else to read far and wide. I am painting in my head, storing it in my Rolodex file. Trying also to do the same for the newsletter, but really want to wait till I have heard from the lawyer exactly what he has undertaken, if anything at all. I find it shocking that he did not find it necessary to call Ingrid or respond to her for three days.

Now 3:30 p.m. Pencil is getting dull.


Ingrid, you can offer the Mountain Press an interview with me. Same the TV stations. I would be willing to do a TV interview with them in here. The prisoners say it was done before. It would keep the pressure up. Same with AP or the Canadian papers or stations who called you. Let them call the jail, come here - good effect. I love you.


This was Sunday. Now it is Wednesday. I just now received this letter and am hurrying to get it out and publicized far and wide! You guys out there - put it where people can see it and read it!

For a brief while, it looked as if something could be done after all - after I called every official I could think of. All, without exception, were either totally unhelpful and uncommunicative or out-and-out hostile. Finally, I got what I thought was a person who could me give at least some information on who signed the arrest warrant so I could establish a chain of command and get some telephone pressure going.

I must have made a mistake because I said to him, after I got some 15 minutes' worth of the rudest, most hostile run-around, that I would put this story of my husband's arrest and the stonewalling officials "on the wire." That seems to have been a mistake - late at night I found a message on my answering machine from our attorney that he had been told I would be facing "criminal charges" because I had named the arresting officers by name - and now people were making harassment calls to their private homes.

Please, folks! Don't do that! Did I not urge you several times to be polite and classy when contacting officials on Ernst's behalf? If things like that occur, you are only making my situation much worse!

Also, please don't call and tie up my telephone. I need to keep the line free to communicate with important contacts, or wait for calls I expect to come in, including my daily call from Ernst, which can come anytime. I already missed his call twice today because the line was tied up.

My neighbors have been wonderful. Not one of them, to my knowledge, has distanced himself. They offer to help, but I need my concentration.

I will be in touch just as often as I can. Please get this story out to as many people as you can. This story needs to spread on the internet like no other story before!

Send it to your local media. Send it to everyone you can think of. These outrages should not happen in America, not even to Ernst Z�ndel, whom many love to hate.




Ernst Z�ndel Defence Fund


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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