Soul Rape

June 9, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!

I have often wondered about the damage that must happen to a society when its citizenry loses respect for its leaders. It is basic to at least our people, Aryans, to love one's country and to cherish and respect its institutions. That is as natural to us as is breathing. We WANT to love the country where we're born - if we are not so lucky to call that kind of country our own because we have been tossed about the many places on this globe because of circumstances not of our making, we want to love the country of our choice.

When I first came to Canada - married, with a half-starved baby and a second on the way and understanding not one word of English, I thought that I had come to heaven! I was then 24 years old and had to learn to use a telephone. Today I ask myself: Could I have ever been that young?

I felt the same way when I entered the United States a few years later and found a university where I could learn the many things I was craving to learn with a hunger that never seemed sated. This was in the late sixties. Kids half my age were trying to "cop out." I wanted in - and grow my roots that wars, upheavals and disasters of a magnitude I could not ever have described in their depths, had not permitted me to grow.

I look with very great sadness at the corruption and corrosion of the fabric of society that was so beautiful, so peaceful and serene just yesterday. I often feel like a Prophet of One - a voice in a vast wilderness when I want to warn folks: Beware what is coming your way! I know, however, there are others why are crying out in pain at the abusive, wanton soul rape that happens to good people.

Here's one - a person who was born in Canada:


For those out there who have never heard of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and for those out there who choose to ignore it, let me start by pointing out one very important section of that charter:

Section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that "EVERYONE has a fundamental freedom of: thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication"

Seems pretty fair and straightforward, right? Think again. As Canadians we are systematically being denied these freedoms based on arbitrary decisions made by minorities, lobbies and special interests. Our weak and inept federal government is an easy mark for any semi-organized group who wishes to re-write the laws of this country for their own benefit. We as Canadians are "controlled" by those who "know whats' best" for us. We are controlled by those who disguise themselves in many different ways... they may call themselves "advocates" or "guardians of truth" or "saviors of the disadvantaged", whatever they may posture as, they are for the most part, frauds.

One must ask the basic question: "How, in a "free" country like Canada, can ONE "group" not only INSTRUCT, but more oft than not, DICTATE how OUR government interprets these FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS?

Unfortunately for Canadians, the most obvious reasons are our governments' inability to recognize truth and of course their inherent weakness for being totally corruptable. Bribes, favours and political correctness are the Canadian government's "modus operandi". These are the tools they use to ensure certain select "groups" get their grievences addressed to their satiafaction. These are the tools they use to quiet and stifle individuals who have a thought or idea that certain select "groups" hate or simply disagree with. These are the tools that our own elected government uses against its own citizens, to pander to certain select "groups" in order to maintain their own bloated egos and the egos of their co-conspirators. Our basic FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS, as prescribed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, are for all intents and purposes... FOR SALE.

As a society that is addicted to the mainstream, sensational media such as television or radio. Is it any wonder that so many people really have no idea that they are being manipulated by same? The puppet media is no better at being honest than the government, or a serial killer for that matter. They too are taking advantage of the trough offered up by certain select "groups". Lets' face it, the media is what it is... entertainment. You see what someone WANTS you see every time you watch a newscast. Read what someone WANTS you to read every time you pick up a newspaper. Bad english sullied even further by maligned "poetic license". The Toronto Star series accusing the Toronto Police Force of "racial profiling" and other untruths was bought and paid for by certain select "groups". Stop kidding yourself. University educated morons that believe a career isn't built on hard work and passion. PHD's and MBA's and the rest of the pipe smoking elites who are nothing more than special interest whores. And thats' just the tip of media iceberg. The film industry perpetuates the smokescreen even further with their contrived fiction made to appear as truth.

How does it feel to have virtually no control over your government or your life? How does it feel to be afraid to have a thought or idea that may offend certain select "groups" and land you in jail? To have a thought or idea that could destroy your family and your life? How does it feel to be persecuted, slandered, fire-bombed or beaten for having a thought, an opinion? How does it feel to watch third world thugs and criminals run free in your country with impunity? How does it feel to watch third world thugs and criminals bleed our healthcare system and social services dry?

How does it feel to watch our police insulted and branded "racist".

That is the climate that certain select "groups" have created here in Canada. They always seem to be short on facts and truth, but long on slogans, chants, buzzwords like "hatemonger" and "nazi". Thats' the thing. They claim to aspire to the "greater good" of society when in fact they are nothing more than liars and thieves. They shy away from debate because they need to hide the truth. Why is it that whenever certain select "groups" are simply asked to reveal facts or truths to substantiate or refute and idea or thought, the first thing they do is run to the government and cry foul. Then call a lawyer. Why?

Because YOUR FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS have been sold to the highest bidder.

Ask Ernst Zundel. He'd be glad to tell you.

Free Mr. Zundel and give us back our freedoms.

M Woelfle - Toronto, ON



Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 995-6108

Fax: (613) 995-9755

Email: [email protected]



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Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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