The Canadian Government's Tar Baby: First

March 1, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!

I talked to Ernst this morning, and I haven't heard him speak with such verve and energy since he was taken away in handcuffs. Not that anything drastic has changed - but he had his first boxing round with his, and our opposition, and in his own words: "You would have been proud of me! I socked it to them forwards, backwards, sideways, from the top and from the bottom, too!"

No media was there, which is a pity but I am sure was by design. Media have announced they will be there next Friday.

Ernst gave his opponents a taste of what he has to say - including the seamy matter of CSIS's inside knowledge of the parcel bomb sent to Ernst in 1995 - and where it came from, namely from Vancouver - without warning him and caring not a whit that it endangered passengers and mailroom staff, had it gone off; the fact that in that year there were seven major terrorist attacks in all of Canada - two of which were targeting Ernst Zundel; and the documented fact that the Zundelsite is mine, has always been mine, will always be mine; that my ZGrams have been my copyrighted property since 1996; that I was not allowed to testify in 1997 to say so, and that the Human Rights Tribunal actually stated in its conclusion that had I been allowed to testify, there would never have been a five-year ordeal for Ernst Zundel!

And THEY are calling Ernst a threat to national security?!

Ernst said he told his foes: "I cannot tell my lady anything. She has dug in her heels. She stands within the protection of the American Constitution, and no matter what happens to me, the Zundelsite will stay!"

When they asked why I would not come up to Canada to testify, he told them sharply: "She would be ill-advised to come to this country where people are being treated the way I have been treated."

There was more, but let that be a taste for what was being said.

Ernst actually thinks that the government's own heavy hitter, that war crimes attorney, was quite taken aback by what he encountered, getting it smack on his schnozzle via truthful, reasoned Zundel-arguments, and Ernst now doubts that they will even allow media to hear what will be said next Friday.

He thinks the pressure on the highest echelons will be enormous to send him off to Germany without due process - for they have every reason to fear what media will hear.

Ernst says that he has seen the updated German arrest warrant, and that his Fatherland's vassals have actually offered to come and pick him up so as not to inconvenience their fellow Kanadian Kommissars. So we know the general outline. Of course another high profile Holocaust Trial - Act III, so to speak - is the last thing that Germany needs these days - what with their own internal problems and a very restive populace that is quite well informed on the Six Million Swindle, and if his enemies were prudent, which is too much to ask, they would let Ernst go back to his Tennessee paintings and quietly slink away, their tails between their legs. We saw them do that once, in 1996 - remember "sine die", as it was called, when they called off what they want to launch now?

And so we await the next round.

I think our man just treated himself to a healthy testosterone rush from battling it out with the government flunkies. I must say I felt good myself, even though, ostensibly, not all that much has changed, and deportation is definitely still on the agenda. But he has gotten his stay in Canada a bit prolonged - starting to count today, we still have thirty days. A lot can happen still in thirty days.

So much for that. I definitely feel invigorated and am plotting a frontal assault on the government lies of my own.


Now watch a preacher, Dr. Robert Countess, coming out swinging:

Dear (National Post):

Assigning a top "Nazi hunter" to a hearing against a NON-nazi such as Ernst Zundel is about like assigning the ADL's BERNIE FARBER to take cookies and tea to little old frail ladies in a Sherbrooke nursing home.

The obvious issue at hand is that Mr. Zundel lived in Canada quite lawfully for nearly 40 years and paid taxes properly and kept up his yard and house on Carlton Street in Toronto, and as such he has never been properly accused of being a security threat to the Dominion, nor has cogent evidence ever been adduced in a proper court of law.

Hence, for us Americans with our studied mistrust of a government-out-of-control, the assignment of this "heavy hitter" [as the Blue Jay fans might say of a clean-up batter] lawyer to the pacifist Zundel is obvious: EVIDENCE against Zundel MUST either be 1) created against him or 2) an aura of national threat must be created in the Jewish owned [I believe that this assertion is open to verification or falsification by normal standards of Western science] media outlets so that "the People" will give POLLSTERS the proper answer of "Yes, he must be deported to save our democratic, free, liberal nation" or similar drivel driven forth by airhead pollsters directing airhead questions to airhead masses who seldom read a serious book without pictures!

Canada is in big trouble economically and socially and politically and its governors in general have absolutely NO courage to expose the REAL security threat facing the Dominion-that created by the Jewish Problem as exemplified by the ADL and the Farbers and Citrons and Bronfmans [or should it be "BronfmEn"?]. If Canada now has some 400,000 people calling themselves in some sense of the noun "Jews," we can be certain that almost every LEADER of some ADL B'nai B'rith terror organization calls himself/herself "Jewish" rather than a Jew.

The -ish suffix is a philosophical problematic. Think what it would mean if prominent Church leaders in the Dominion called themselves "Christian-ish" or God-DENIERS called themselves "Atheist-ish" or Imams called themselves "Moslem-ish" or homosexuals called themselves "homosexual-ish"?????

Thus, the Jewish Problem in the Dominion is not about the masses of Jews who really believe in JHWH-God and take seriously the Abrahamic theology of justification by faith through grace and prayer and a model life; no, the REAL Jewish Problem in Canada is the ADL BB leaders and the infinite number of sub-organizations of sycophantic toadies to 'Eretz Yisrael and Prime Monster Ariel Sharon and his evil Knesset ruling colleagues. THESE are the evil people in Canada who MUST smear Ernst Zundel and get him deported to the oppressive Germany where there is NO written transcript of a trial, where even Zundel's attorney can be imprisoned for overly vigorously defending his client!

The Dominion is not as far gone-at least, not yet!--as is Germany. Neo-nazi-like Germany today still employs a Hitler law from 1939 for prosecuting people "unworthy" of the State Doctorate from a university-like Canada, the universities are CONTROLLED by the State, unlike the freedom loving Americans who possess fiercely independent private universities that can tell Washington WHERE TO GO AND WHEN!

Dominion National Post readers may gasp that Germany, yes, anti-fascist Germany, still uses a Hitlerian law.

That law is more fully described as follows: "Doktortitel wegen 'Unwuerdigkeit' aberkannt aufgrund Hitler-Gesetz v.7.6. 1939 [RGBI, I, 985] and my friend, Dr. Judge Wilhelm Staeglich, learned the hard way back in the 1980s when his State Doctorate from Goettingen University was DE-recognized by the government due to enormous pressures brought by "the Jewish Problem" Bernie Farber-Edgar Bronfman [or -men] types in Germany.

"The bottom line", as we Americans like to say, is that IF Ernst Zundel is declared a national security threat to Canada, and this done without hard evidence, THEN Canada deserves its mounting reputation of being NOT MUCH DIFFERENT FROM RED CHINA, THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA, THAT IS, WHERE DISSIDENTS ARE ROUTINELY PUT IN PRISON FOR EXPRESSING HISTORICAL AND RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL AND SOCIALLY DISSENTING VIEWS.

For me, I hope the good and decent people of Canada-that is, the 25 million who are NOT part of the ADL-BB cabal-will rise up and voice their opposition to the "Crimethink" Mafia who insist that Zundel is a threat. If indeed Ernst Zundel is a threat of any sort, he is a threat indeed to the ADL and its shabby ilk, because he calls for free and open debate of the Holocaust Industry and its shameless and greedy money-/power-grubbers who have scammed most nations of the World for sordid reparations for a Six Million Genocide that did not take place.

My sympathy goes out to ANY Jew or Goy who died innocently during WW Two, and that includes the millions of innocent Germans who died when the Canadian Royal Air Force and my own nation's Air Force and Her Majesty's Air Force wantonly bombed Dresden and Hamburg and Darmstadt and Wuerzburg and Freiburg and dozens more cities FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF KILLING MEN AND WOMEN AND CHILDREN.

Canadians and Canadiens, it is time for you to wake up and take back your country from the spiritually depraved foreigners of the ADL-BB hatemongers. I wish you the best success.


Robert H. Countess, Ph.D. Retired US Army Chaplain [Protestant]



Ernst Z�ndel Defence Fund


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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