Easter Reflections

May 03, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!

This Zundel letter was written on Easter Sunday in Maximum Detention lock-up:


Dear Ingrid -

You asked me last night several times how did I feel? Here is your answer:

I spent the last few days and weeks lying on my bed in my all-steel cage studying court files, bail orders, deportation decisions, overturning of decisions and Supreme Court judgments in my decades of persecution by the Canadian state - which, regardless of the party in power, always was willing to pimp for Jewish interests, never once considering my endless pleas for them to look at and undertake steps to stop the avalanche of anti-German hate being spewed out by the Canadian media, in textbooks, in schools and universities, in films, TV shows, mini-series and specials on World War II. I thought that the new century and millennium might bring relief and some thoughtful reflection, tempering Official Canada's ways, and that their multicult ideology would finally trickle down to bring to the much-maligned German minority - seven times as numerous as the Jewish minority, still the third-largest minority in Canada - some relief. No relief has come, and none is in sight.

All historical findings to the contrary, Canada from the top down insists on making the Jewish version of World War II history the official and only acceptable version of history. Supreme Court rulings mean nothing to these politicians and media whores who dominate Canadian public life. They endlessly yammer on about love and tolerance, yet when they are put to the test in cases like my own, of minority dissidents, where they could demonstrate their democratic and multi-cultural ideology, they behave little better than Saddam Hussein against his dissidents - except that in Canada politicians and spy services like CSIS are more hypocritical and sinister. Andrew Mitrovica's revelations of how Canada eliminates and silences people whose ideologies they don't like is a classic, even though deliberately garbled in places because the poor reporter wants to live and not suffer the Zundel Treatment.

How do I feel in the light of all this evidence - my endless jailings, strip searches, having my freedoms curtailed, my constitutional rights trampled on by a decades-long campaign of government-sanctioned, authorized and financed campaign of terror and intimidation against me? Ingrid, I don't feel angry. I feel like a parent does when one of his children, once so full of promise, so beautiful, with wonderful potential - as Canada was when you and I emigrated there in the fifties and sixties - throws his birthright away, spits on his forefathers' graves, betrays his war veterans, hounds peaceful dissidents - in short, in utter sadness I watch a glorious dream turn into a nightmare by men and women without conscience in order to curry favor with those who donate to their election campaigns and their agents of influence in the media, on whom they have to rely to give them a favorable coverage - and, of course, to cover up their own moral failings and questionable financial dealings.

When the Immigration Minister warns me in not-so-veiled threats that he won't permit me to "abuse" the perfectly legislation-covered immigration appeal system, HE abuses HIS powers by having me locked up in a maximum security facility. Whenever there is a continued detention hearing, he changes the goalposts of the game, and the little time-serving bureaucrats, the hired character assassins for varios government ministries, are trotted out in front of microphones, draped with flags and official crest, weaving a fig leaf they like to call "due process of law" for THEIR abuse of the laws. Looking at the behavior of their official spokespeople and reading the fine print of their vitriolic, hate-filled cross-examination questions and bail amount and surety submissions all tell a very telling story.

I have seen all this for over 20 years now. Going to these "hearings" is for me like watching old re-runs in black and white. The actors are now multicultural and their tone has become far more poisonous and shrill than it was in the early eighties and even in the nineties. It's not just more of the same - it is now more of something worse, more evil, more unconscionable. The old system of Anglo-Saxon checks and balances of the Common Law based on old Saxon "Thing" justice, which our forefathers from Saxony and Angeln in the north in Schleswig-Holstein gave to Anglo-Saxon invaders of England almost 1500-1600 years ago - all that was dumped by Canada's pre-war and post-war invaders, the Marxist riffraff of the ghettos of Europe, into the garbage can of history and down the memory hole - without Canadians suspecting anything!

What we have increasingly in its place is ghetto- and Talmud thinking, Marxist situational ethics or even lack of ethics, repeated by a dumbed-down, mentally lethargic, sensational-headline-constipated populace who has not got a clue of what has happened to its once magnificent country. They have been abandoned by their thinly-spread political and cultural elite who, in the 70s and 80s, went over into the enemy camp - with a few notable exceptions like Doug Collins. The political elite has robbed the country's natural resources and gave them away at a discounted, debauched currency exchange rate, which in earlier generations would have had public officials brought before the courts in treason trials. No, Ingrid, things have changed for the worse!

That's what I feel - feelings based on facts and logic. Can I explain that to the public at large? How? That public would not comprehend any more what I am saying than you could explain to the American public what has happened to their country, their traditions, their system of govenrment and their wonderful heritage.

America, Canada and England are now experiencing the fruits of their betrayal of their European roots and heritage in World War I - and especially in World War II and after. I have only to look at the Nuremberg Trials, the Agreements of Yalta, Teheran and especially Potsdam and its sanctioning of the ethnic cleansing and expulsion of 15 million Germans from their ancestral homelands to see who sowed the seeds for all this!

Actions have consequences. For the Germans, the consequences of Yalta and Potsdam were murderous and almost genocidal, as they were meant to be, by those Talmudists like Morgenthau and Roosevelt who dreamed them up and put them into effect. Germans as a people paid a terrible price for trying to break the stranglehold of banksters and their brain-compromised vassals. You were there. You suffered through it as a child, along with tens of millions of our people. Ten million German people are rotting in plowed-under graves across the wastes of Russia and Eastern Europe. Militarily we lost World War II totally - unconditional surrender, endless humiliations, millions of rapes, robbery of our cultural treasures. But we survived biologically - contrary to what the planners had hoped would be our fate. Thanks to the vitality of our gene pool, we survived - damaged, but still a force in the world today.

America, Canada, England, Australia, South Africa, Rhodesia, France, Belgium, Holland - these countries all lost their overseas land, their mineral resources and possessions. They lost their colonies one by one over the post-war years. While they held "victory parades" in Paris, London, Brussels, their kinfolk were tortured and mutilated and soon driven out of their colonies - with little more than the Germans were allowed to take with them in the East. By 1960, when the Wall went up to stop the refugee stream from our Eastern provinces, the "victorious" European Allies had lost, in proportion and in monetary worth, vastly more wealth than we Germans ever possessed in the East. Wealth - not cultural treasures!

The first installment for their choosing to side with the Enemies of Europe was paid by the traitors to Europe already in the 1960s. The second installment has been paid ever since by the Marxist-inspired, suicidal policies foisted on the Allied countries by various UN Treaties they adopted and ratified. Canada, Australia, South Africa and, in the end, even America reaped in the 1990s what they sowed in 1944 and 1945. The price for the sins of their grandfathers is now being paid by the grandsons and soon the great-grandsons of those who so glibly mouthed their ill-thought-out propaganda slogans with which they went on their murderous rape and robbery spree to Mother Europe in two world wars.

I came to Canada only 13 years after that terrible war and worked and socialized with those soldiers whom Eisenhower dubbed "Crusaders to Europe." I listened to their bragging exploits - of how they beat, robbed, raped and murdered their way across Europe. Few, very few, showed any understanding of the issues, much less remorse for their expedition of hate and destruction - then or now. But actions have consequences. They were driven out of their downtown city cores. They abandoned neighborhood after neighborhood to the new invaders who came because of the policies formulated and agreed-to by their wartime leaders, still lionizing them and putting up statues to the war criminals and traitors to their people like Bomber Harris, the Enola Gay Crew and, of course "...he-saved-us-from-the-Hun" Winston Churchill. And when young historians like David Irving or Richard Verral - or in Canada courageous film makers like the McKenna Brothers - exposed Allied atrocities and war crimes, they were ostracized, stepped on, persecuted, ruined, and some driven to suicide. Richard Verral's classic, "Did Six Million Really Die?", is still the best short overview booklet of that tragic period which landed me before the courts for 20 years and now here in this maximum security lock-up. We are all still victims of that tragic civil war among white brother nations the world calls "World War II."

I am here, Ingrid, as you know, not because we allegedly missed an INS Immigration Interview. Nobody has been barred for 20 years from America in their entire history for that! You know it. I know it. They know it - and soon, yet one more time, via the courts and the Internet, the world will know it, too. I am here because I have become a symbol to friend and foe alike - everybody knows that I have put my finger to a very sore spot, a vast criminal enterprise called warmongering and war-profiteering. I am guilty of having gone beyond merely uncovering one of their most lucrative rackets. I am guilty of telling the world where and who the criminal profiteers are! I had the chutzpah to tell the world that the plan was a carefully laid-out and executed-in-detail criminal conspiracy, and I set out to document the whole enterprise as best I could - in and out of courts!

That's why I am not now, nor was I before, surprised at the treatment meted out to me here in the US or Germany. I am the living proof that the conspiracy is global - one only needs to look at court dates, deportation dates, arrest warrants being issued a continent away like magic, correspondence to and from officials in far-flung, otherwise painfully incompetent bureaucracies in three countries at ministerial levels!

Where and how will it all end? I don't know. How do I feel this Easter Sunday? Sad. Very sad. Not for myself so much as for you, my children, my grandchildren, the world at large. Sad because in spite of our German people's efforts - heroic, self-sacrificing, almost suicidal efforts - in World War II, we could not penetrate the brain fog in our brother nations' peoples to aid us in our desperate act of self-liberation.

None are blinder than those who do not want to see.



Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 995-6108

Fax: (613) 995-9755

Email: [email protected]



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Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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