The Ernst Zundel Case: Amnesty 
International Contacts

May 19, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!

I believe that my husband, Ernst Zundel, is in very serious danger of his life. I have good reasons for saying so, and I will continue to say so.

One of our friends who is trying to bring some relief to Ernst told me yesterday in so many words that this was not the time to get hysterical - that calmness ought to be our strategy; that relief will come through the courts.

My reply was, and is, that this is not the time be be nonchalant. Ernst has now been given another date for yet another bail hearing - July 28! That is more than another ten weeks in a Canadian hellhole - where anything can happen! If I am "over-reacting", so be it.

I know that in the sudden transfer from one prison to another Ernst's court case documents have mysteriously been "flooded" - is that an accident? Some of them, he told me, were originals. How convenient for his enemies to have important documents destroyed!

Several of you took the time and trouble to collect for me the e-mails (and some phone and fax numbers) of Amnesty International hubs. I believe a good beginning is to let the various branches of this high-visibility organization know what is happening, and ask them to help publicize this case.

We have got to act to publicize his case, and massively. We have got to do so all over the world. I ask you to help me. Please don't put it off!

One of my cyber helpers put it plainly:

"Please help free Mr. Ernst Zundel --- arrested and badly treated for his political beliefs, married to an American citizen, arrested, jailed in Canada and could be deported to Germany. Today it's Mr. Zundel, a 64 year old pacifist, tomorrow it could be you."

Here is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly Resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948: (Sent to me last night...)


Further information


Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,

Article 9

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10

Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him

Article 18

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

12-Point Program for the Prevention of Torture

Torture is a fundamental violation of human rights, condemned by the General Assembly of the United Nations as an offence to human dignity and prohibited under national and international law.The 12-Point Program was adopted by Amnesty International in October 1983 as part of the organization's Campaign for the Abolition of Torture. It includes measures that could be taken by all governments to halt the torture of prisoners.

<>14-Point Program for the Prevention of Disappearances

The "disappeared" are people who have been taken into custody by agents of the state, yet whose whereabouts and fate are concealed, and whose custody is denied. Amnesty International calls on all governments to implement this 14-point program for the prevention of "disappearances".

<>14-Point Program for the Prevention of Extrajudicial Executions

Extrajudicial executions are fundamental violations of human rights and an affront to the conscience of humanity. These unlawful and deliberate killings, carried out by order of a government or with its complicity or acquiescence, have been condemned by the United Nations.This 14-Point Program was adopted by Amnesty International in December 1992 as part of the organization's worldwide campaign for the eradication of extrajudicial executions.


For a start, here are some addresses and contact numbers of Amnesty International. Amnesty International/Canada has, so far, refused to get involved beyond talking out of both sides of their mouths - apparently afraid to be politically incorrect by taking on the case of a systematically demonized immigrant of German background, hated by Canada's Number One pressure group. There is a very simple way that Amnesty Internation can get involved:


Here are the Canadian Amnesty International Branches to contact:


Web site

Telephone + 1 613 744 76 67 
Fax number + 1 613 746 24 11 
Address 312 Laurier Avenue 
East Ottawa Ontario 

Web site

Telephone + 1 514 766 97 66 
Fax number + 1 514 766 20 88 
Address 6250 boulevard Monk 
Montreal Quebec 

Ernst Zundel's friends in Europe should contact the Amnesty International Bonn office as well as the European Union in Brussels and ask them why they have not taken a stand to assist a Revisionist publisher with a flawless record of pacifism, who is in danger of being deported into a country where there is NO Freedom of Speech:

GERMANY Web site

Telephone + 49 228 983 730 Fax number + 49 228 630 036 Address D-53108 Bonn GERMANY


Telephone +32 2 502 14 99 Fax number +32 2 502 56 86 Address rue d'Arlon 39-41 Brussels B-1000, Belgium EUROPEAN UNION

Other European branches are located in Vienna, Austria; Rome, Italy; and London, UK;


Web site

Telephone + 43 1 780 08 Fax number + 43 1 780 08 44 Address Moeringgasse 10 Wien A - 1150 AUSTRIA


Web site

Telephone + 39 06 449 01 Fax number + 39 06 449 02 22 Address Via Giovanni Battista De Rossi 10 Roma 00161 ITALY


Web site

Telephone +44 20 7814 6200 Fax number +44 20 7833 1510 Address 99-119 Rosebery Avenue London EC1R 4RE UNITED KINGDOM

In the US, the appropriate headquarters to contact are in New York:


Telephone +1 212 807 8400 Fax number +1 212 463 9193\1 212 627 1451 Address 322 8th Avenue New York NY 10001 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 

Email [email protected]


This morning, I went to our local sheriff's office to try to get them to put on record what I told them in great urgency - that I believed that Ernst was in serious, possibly mortal danger, and that I could also be hurt. I am not sure I succeeded. The officers I spoke to were friendly and professional, and I felt a little better that I had some time with them and they could connect a human face with the story, but I find it shocking that when I told them, as I did repeatedly, that I had very good reasons for stating that Ernst's life was in danger - all I got was nods.

Their repeated response was that since Ernst had been picked up by federal agents for being in the USA "illegally", and since, moreover, he was now in Canadian custody, ready to be deported, there was absolutely nothing they could do.

It did not matter that I tried to tell them that the repeated claim of Ernst's "illegal" stay was false - he was not here "illegally"! He was married to me, and his papers were being processed.

That was for the courts to decide, I was told.

Sure - when? In a year? After having to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Why come to us, they asked in genuine astonishment. Why not contact Canadian authorities?

As if help can be had from Canada! Where else am I to go, if not to local law enforcement?

I did get the sheriff who witnessed the arrest to admit that he had not seen the arrest warrant. He said he heard it read to Ernst before he was arrested. He said the federal officers wore badges, and that was proof enough for him they had a legitimate case.

I said it was an unsigned piece of paper from which the so-called arrest warrant was read.

I pointed out that Ernst had told me it had been signed in Knoxville AFTER the arrest. I said I knew that for a fact because the picture of that warrant shows Ernst in the same clothes in which he was arrested - and that picture was not taken in our driveway! Those are the clothes he wears in his various court appearances - and we have the photos and video to prove it.

Who knows how all this will end. Tomorrow I will try to get you some media addresses. Please care enough to email or fax to Amnesty International (any or all) for a start.



Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 995-6108

Fax: (613) 995-9755

Email: [email protected]



Contribute to Ernst Z�ndel's Defence


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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