Another moving van with Israelis with
expired passports

May 25, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!

For newcomers:  The charge against Ernst Zundel was that he had 
"missed an immigration interview" - which, so it seems, was never 
scheduled in the first place!
We intend to make known to the world that the United States and 
Canada, still calling itself democratic, aided nefarious special 
interest groups in kidnapping my husband, Ernst Zundel, for merely 
speaking his mind and his conscience. 
We intend to ask these governments why they would fear free speech so 
much that they would think it necessary to forbid a man, who did not 
in the least offend the laws of either country, to return to this 
family for 20 years - a man who has no criminal record in either 
Canada or the US. 
If you cannot participate in this ad pledge yourself, please pass 
this letter on or place a link to on your website.
I would also like to start compiling a list of volunteers who would 
be willing to picket at the American-Canadian border - letting 
visitors and vacationers traveling to Canada know that they are 
entering a country where one can land in prison without a signed 
warrant, without being charged with a crime, without having seen a 
judge, where Truth is not a Defense, and where communication even 
with attorneys are sabotaged or, at the very least, made difficult. 
We can let American visitors know that they are entering a country 
that would do Joseph Stalin proud. 
When Hans Schmidt, a naturalized American who had written a letter on 
American soil that displeased the Powers-that-be was arrested in 
Germany after having visited his mother, American Free Speech 
advocates picketed Lufthansa and informed the passengers of Germany's 
censorous ways.  Hans Schmidt was released shortly thereafter and 
allowed to fly home where he belonged.  Ernst Zundel needs to be 
released forthwith and be allowed to return to his family. 
Here is an interesting piece of news that merits further scrutiny:
Israelis Arrested With Suspicious Cargo In New Mexico
Police Continue Investigation Of Jewish Smuggling Across US-Mexico Border
5/22/03 11:50:04 AM
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Alamogordo Daily News
Cloudcroft, New Mexico -- Article Last Updated: Monday, May 19, 2003 

By Michael Shinabery
Staff Writer
CLOUDCROFT � That they were speeding through the school zone first 
got his attention.
That they had Israeli driver's licenses and expired passports made 
him suspicious.
Cloudcroft Police Chief Gene Green stopped the 2-ton van on Thursday, 
for speeding. Initially, Green thought the truck was commercial 
because of exterior markings. But when he found it was out of 
Chicago, he asked for documentation such as logs books and manifests.
"They said this is a U-Haul truck and handed me a rental agreement 
(for) in- town delivery only in Illinois, (which) had expired two 
days before," Green said.
He called for backup, and Otero County Sheriff's Deputy Billy Anders, 
who patrols the Sacramento Mountains, arrived, along with Capt. 
Norbert Sanchez and Det. Eddie Medrano.
"We got them out and started digging a little deeper," Green said, 
"got permission to search the truck. They claimed they were hauling 
furniture from Austin to Chicago."
When officers advised the men they were not exactly en route from one 
town to another, Green said the two men claimed they were Deming 
"But they couldn't give us an address in Deming they were going to," 
he said. "Once we got into the truck, they had some junk furniture I 
wouldn't have given to Goodwill."
Also inside the vehicle were, Green said, "50 boxes" they claimed was 
a "private" delivery, but the men insisted they had no "idea what was 
in them."
At that point, the officers called for drug-sniffing and 
bomb-sniffing dogs. The men were turned over to the Immigration and 
Naturalization Service, and U-Haul recovered the truck. Contents of 
the boxes remain unknown, pending investigation.


Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 995-6108

Fax: (613) 995-9755

Email: [email protected]



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Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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