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Protest Demonstration: We need notes of

May 31, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!

This is another important ZGram.

Tomorrow, as I announced yesterday, there will be another protest demonstration on behalf of Ernst Zundel. At this demonstration, Paul Fromm, the organizer of this protest, asks the following:

"...Can you ask people to e-mail me a note of support to be read at the demo:"

I have no idea if the Canadian lapdog media will cover this protest demonstration, but it does not matter - we are going to put the pictures and, if possible, an audio on the Zundelsite so that the world can see how abominably Canada is treating a perfectly innocent man!

Here is a sample of what should be read:


To Whom It May Concern

25 May 2003

Re: Imprisonment of Pacifist and Revisionist Historian, Ernst Z�ndel

Dear Sir/Madam

The Canadian government�s unjust treatment of Ernst Z�ndel gives rise to great concern because for decades this man, prior to leaving for the US three years ago, lived in Canada without breaking any laws.

That the Canadian Zionist lobby has succeeded in perverting the course of justice in Canada does not surprise me, certainly not since I have learned that internal security agencies were actually condoning illegal acts against Ernst Z�ndel during the 1990s, for example permitting a pipe-bomb parcel to be sent to Z�ndel's Toronto address.

However, I did not expect the Canadian government agencies to jettison basic common law principles merely to fulfill the hate-driven Zionist campaign to extradite Ernst Z�ndel to Germany where he faces certain imprisonment, if not certain assassination.

Ernst Z�ndel's thoughts are dangerous to those who uphold the "Holocaust lie", namely that Germans during World War Two, systematically exterminated European Jewry in homicidal gas chambers, in particular at Auschwitz, Krema II.

In 1999 I personally spent seven months at Mannheim Prison for having a website that, among other things, deals with this taboo topic. As part of my research I canvassed a number of judges and public prosecutors in order to gain a better understanding of what motivates these legal persons to uphold the "Holocaust lie". My arrest occurred in a public prosecutor's office, a person I had visited two years earlier.

It is not possible to defend oneself against any allegation involving the "Holocaust lie" because truth is not a defence in such proceedings. In fact, if one vigorously defends the allegations and offers physical proof to prove that one's views are founded on physical/scientific/historical facts, then that will give rise to another charge: the charge of having the mindset of a Revisionist whose "criminal energy" is self-evident in any mounted defence.

My legal counsel and I remained silent, and so immediately after the court hearing, and after bail was posted, I was allowed to leave prison.

It would be a travesty of justice to send Ernst Z�ndel to Germany where certain persecution awaits him. For the Germans who uphold the "Holocaust lie", Z�ndel is a dangerous enemy because his thoughts would liberate millions of Germans from a sick dogma called the "Holocaust lie", or "Holocaustianity".

If you care for free speech, the foundation of any civilized society, then you will not entertain the idea of sending Ernst Z�ndel to Germany. In any case, if a person is to be deported from Canada, has that person not a right to decide on a country of choice?

As I have pleasant memories of spending time in Canada during the 1970s, I am simply now appalled at the way Canadian government agencies have treated one of its own long-term residents: Ernst Z�ndel has never harmed anyone; Ernst Z�ndel has no criminal record; Ernst Z�ndel has never been a burden on the Canadian taxpayer. Ernst Z�ndel is a creative artist, a free thinker and a devoted husband and family man.

I request that Ernst Z�ndel immediately be released from unwarranted detention.

Submitted for your consideration.


Dr Fredrick T�ben

Director Adelaide Institute 
PO Box 3300 
Norwood - 5067 Australia


I would like to have statements from as many countries as possible!

Please do your part! Thank you!




Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 995-6108

Fax: (613) 995-9755




Contribute to Ernst Z�ndel's Defence


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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