Remember the simulated Zundel trial in
one of Ontario's high schools?

Nov 5, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny

Well, lo and behold! Remember the Zgram of some three weeks ago where I informed my readers that Ernst Zundel had been found innocent in a simulated high school court defended by a tenth grader who played defense attorney? The vote was 7 to 2, and the young lady was euphoric.

It didn't take long, and a panicky tenth grader wrote back and told me that there was a huge uproar at her school because I had published her letter. The kid was terrified!

Here is the Zgram that offended:


ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!

October 17, 2003

Good Morning from the Zundelsite:

I interrupt the Prisoner of Conscience Letter series to bring you this sweet story. I already told you part of it, but for the sake of completion and in order to frame the heart-warming ending, I am running the first parts again.

As you know, there are always requests sent to the Zundelsite for interviews, for revisionist material, for verification of certain revisionist claims etc. Ever more frequently, such requests come not only from college and university students but also from high school students. I have become wary of such requests because often these kids want a quick fix so they don't have to do the research for their homework. Also, not infrequently, our ever-cunning foes like to throw monkey wrenches into our paths, hoping they will catch us at some careless communication so they can run shrieking to "Hate Squads" and such and charge us with "contaminating" our youth with "anti-semitism."

Therefore, when I received the following, replete with some typos, I took it with a grain of salt:

"Hello, I am a student in 10th grade, and doing some research for the Zundel Case. In class we are having a make-believe court house. I was assigned the task of a "lawyer", in the defense of Zundel and proving his sentence was unjust. I did some research, but I couldn't excatly find what I wanted. When I searched on the internet most of them were news articles. From these articles I was getting a feel that I was only recieving one side of the story. I didn't really find information on Zundel himself. I was wondering if you can send me some information on Zundel, like a little biography. Maybe when he was born, what he liked when he was little, what he was taught, and excatly how he came to his ideas today. And I also need some information on the excat info he based his views on. If you can send me some more information that would be greatly appreciated. I kind of need it by tommrow, so the sooner you reply the better. We will be having the make-believe court on Thursday of this week. Sorry for such short notice!"

I replied to make sure I had a legitimate inquiry from a young person with a challenging sample of homework:

"Tell me your real name, your teacher's name, and what school you go to, so I can check you out. We get a lot of phony requests, and I don't have time to follow them all. I will be glad to help legitimate requests.

"There is a lot of bio information on the Zundelsite at

"I would also appreciate some feedback on how the make-believe courthouse reenactment went."

Back came a speedy answer:

"Hi again, you wanted to know some more information about me. My name is **(censored at request of school)**, and I'm in grade 10. This class that I'm doing this project for is called Academic Encounters (civics and careers). I attend **(censored at request of school)**, which is loacted in Burlington, Ontario. And I don't want to disclose my teacher's name, b/c I don't know if she would be comfortable that one of her students is disclosing her name. (hopefully u kind of understand this) So I don't know? Please send me some information! The make-believe court is tommrow, and 1st period which means class starts at 8:15. So sooner the information the better! Sorry for the short notice again!"

I only saw this this mid-morning on Thursday, so there was no time to send additional information. I had given this student a link that might be helpful, and she was on her own. I went on about my business. I certainly didn't expect that there would be a follow-up.

But lo and behold:

"Hello, the court re-actment went really good today. The defense won, which is me and one of my friends. I think it was the way we argued, which shot out the prosecution. We gave solid evidence that the ideas that Mr. Zundel believed in was not only his own opinion, but rather a historical argument based on real facts. We also used the law, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Universal Declaration of Rights, section 17, which supports freedom of opinion, right to express your on on and so on. Basically prosection said that everybody has a right to their own security, and that Mr. Zundel's views threaten the security of Jewish people. That was basically what they repeatedly kept saying. The vote went 7 to 2. (vote meaning, the supreme court's justices' votes) See some of the other members in my class were the Justices of Supreme Court. It was really interesting to learn about this case, and thank you for the link to the biography. I wish you all the best for you and Mr. Zundel."

I think this is remarkable! This tenth-grader, probably around sixteen years old, has figured out what the Zionist-infested Government of Canada, as well as the beholden Canadian media, can't seem to figure out!


Be proud of this young lady!

Not all is lost as yet when there is still that kind of independence of mind and generosity of heart despite one of the most vicious, decades-long media vilification campaigns that our Neighbor to the North has ever unleashed on an innocent man! And let us hope that, for once, the Internet Jews we know all too well will refrain from insulting and sullying this kid with their smut they always have ready in buckets!

Ingrid Zundel


Exactly as I feared! I don't know the details of what transpired at her school, but shortly thereafter I received a stern official email signed by the school's principal and vice-principal, followed by a snail mail written on High School stationary and, hence, in the public domain:


October 21, 2003

Dear Ms. Zundel:

On October 18, 2003 a letter titled "I interrupt this Prisoner of Conscience Series�" written by Ingrid Rimland was published by the zgrams at site. In this letter, the name of a student from this school was published.

The student request, school assignment, and subsequent follow up note from the student have been misrepresented and misused by this site and its author. The communication from the student was used without the student's knowledge or permission or that of the student's parents.

This letter is to inform you that the names of the student, school and location are to be removed from this site immediately. In no way and at no time has this student, the school, or the school board supported the positions espoused by Mr. Zundel or anyone connected with his organization.

I look forward to your expeditious response to this letter.

Yours truly,

M. J. Dick-Westerby Principal

D. Boag Vice Principal

cc:D. Tutton, Superintendent

 L. Rudner, Canadian Jewish Congress 

A. Bromberg, Human Rights, B'nai Brith Canada Student and Parents


Sad, isn't it? One could say a lot - and perhaps some of my Zgram readers will feel moved to respond to these two eager beaver school administrators falling all over themselves to please Canada's ever-vigilant censors . If so, the emails to respond are these two addresses: [email protected], [email protected] .

Please copy your letters to me because this episode, too, is part of the public record of our struggle against rampant and irresponsible censorship and will be studied and evaluated by future generations.

Let me say this, to underline that I am speaking with authority: In the 1970s and 1980s, I worked for years as an educational psychologist in public schools, with thousands of children and hundreds of school administrators. I also had a private practice, an award-winning newspaper column called "Children in Focus" - widely read! - and vast experience as an educational consultant to parents, teachers, and administrators in some 5 California school districts and 40 public as well as private schools. I know whereof I speak.

Without having tested her, I can vouch that this young lady who wrote to me is one of those rare, gifted kids who has an independent mind, a courteous disposition, good research skills, a sense of justice and fair play, charisma and, yes, courage. That kind of mind is precious. It belongs to the future of Canada. It is a moral crime to sully and to stifle it with censorship.

Through this censorship episode, this youngster has been gravely injured in her judgment and moral equilibrium. She has been injured not by me and certainly not by having read about Ernst Zundel - she has been injured by the very people who are entrusted in the sacred duty to guard and cherish her emotional and intellectual well-being.

She has been made to think that what she did was wrong. It wasn't wrong. She showed more common sense, respect for facts, and reverence for justice than most grown people in Canada's court system and media.

I am attaching to this Zgram an important document. I formally request that a copy of this document is given to the school board members, to the parents, and to the student herself. She is old enough to read it, and she will not turn into a frog.

It is the text of an ad that was published in the Washington Times a few weeks ago. It explains who Ernst Zundel is, what this Freedom of Speech struggle is really all about - and what it is costing Canadian taxpayers, not only in money but freedom. This ad was confiscated by Canada Customs, believe it or not. Why? Beats me! Might Canadians find out some facts about Ernst Zundel his detractors would just as soon sweep under the rug - that, maybe, he doesn't have horns?

Further, I will take the liberty of copying this correspondence to the town's daily newspaper. Perhaps, in censor-happy Canada, there's going to be a follow-up, if miracles still happen.

Ingrid Rimland Z�ndel, Ed.D.


This is Ad # 3. That is the one Canada Customs confiscated for investigation as "hate speech."


An Open Letter to the Congressional Judiciary Committee, headed by Congressman James Sensenbrenner, to investigate the political kidnapping of Ernst Zundel

This is the third in a series of ads planned to inform America's leaders and the public at large about the arrest and "deportation" of my husband, Ernst Z�ndel. Additional ads are planned in Russia, Germany and Japan.

My first ad, titled "An Open Letter to Vladimir Putin" (6-12-03) was meant to illustrate that Stalinist tactics have come to America. My second ad, titled "An Open Letter to the Senate and Congress of the United States", (9-7-03) was a graphic description of how a brutal, politically motivated kidnapping was carried out. This ad takes my campaign for basic human rights yet one step further - to free my husband, and to warn America.

I have been cautioned not to mention America's most powerful taboo. Instead, I quote from a Letter to the Editor of the Washington Times, (9-10-03) written by one Nelson Marans, that was published in response to my second ad - it mentions the taboo for me:

"While paid advertisements may be the financial lifeblood for many newspapers, I would have hoped that The Washington Times would have displayed more selectivity when confronted by an advertisement from a Holocaust denier [page A7, Sunday]. Convicted of that crime in Germany and guilty of spreading his message of hate throughout the world, Ernst Zundel is not misunderstood and a victim, but instead an advocate of religious and racial hatred. He supports the extermination of not only Jews, but blacks and any other members of so-called inferior races." (Nelson Marans, Silver Spring)

When a charge that serious is being made about an ad I placed, I am entitled to a full reply. Moreover, I will pay for it so I can state it fully. What I have to say, below, is part of the public record and can be verified by anyone.

My husband has NEVER supported "... the extermination of not only Jews, but blacks and any other members of so-called inferior races" - That is called libel and is actionable! With this ad, in a still semi-free America where an accused has the right, we all assume, to set the record straight, I take this opportunity to do precisely that.

It is true that Ernst Zundel, a German nationalist, has been a political activist all of his adult life, speaking up for his people's maligned World War II generation. Insisting on a balanced view of history based on documented evidence is not "spreading hatred" - most people would call it Free Speech.

Ernst was only six years old at the end of World War II. He came to Canada while still a teenager and lived there for more than 40 years. He chose Canada because it did not require conscription since, raised as a Christian, he abhorred war and any kind of violence, and he has never changed his mind. As he has put it, then and since, "I won't take up a gun at governments' behest to kill another human being who has done me no harm."

With an innate artistic talent and excellent training in graphic arts, acquired in the ruins of bombed-out, postwar Germany, Ernst very quickly became wealthy - and seriously concerned about an increasingly hysterial crescendo of post-World War II propaganda against the country of his birth.

At first, his activism was a part-time hobby. In 1967, he decided to get into mainstream political action, largely in token protest against ethnic vilification of the country that he loved. He was an immigrant, the youngest candidate ever in the history of Canada to run for political office as head of the Liberal Party - which, had he won, would have automatically entitled him to become Prime Minister. In an address to a live audience of 25,000, he pleaded for an end to anti-German hate propaganda and for Germany's reunification.

Shortly thereafter, to his amazement, his then pending application for Canadian citizenship was turned down, even though his record of conduct was spotless, and citizenship was routinely granted to successful immigrants.

A promising mainstream political career thus cut short, he turned to non-violent street activism, mostly picketing of movie houses and print media. By then, he had a following of mostly European immigrants from many different countries. His name became a household word, not only in Canada but increasingly abroad.

Never once did he or his supporters resort to any form of violence, either in speech or in action. The record speaks for itself.

In the early 1980s, the Canadian government arbitarily and dictatorially denied Ernst his postal privileges. It ruined his lucrative graphic arts studio but broadened his political appeal and brought him scores of free speech supporters from all over the world.

After a prolonged and very costly legal struggle, he won his postal privileges back. A Government-sponsored Postal Tribunal ruled tersely that the Canadian government should keep its nose out of "... a conflict between two peoples, the Germans and the Jews."

Next, his German passport was revoked and stayed revoked for many years. Documents obtained by his attorneys through the Freedom of Information Act revealed to his astonishment how much his ever more vociferous opponents feared the Zundel Truth-in-History campaign, and how seriously he was being taken by the powers in and behind several governments. He says today: "Scales fell from my eyes!"

In November of 1983, a well-known, wealthy Holocaust survivor brought criminal charges against Ernst for "spreading false news" under the Canadian Criminal Code's ancient Section 177, a law that dated from 12th Century England. More than 800 years ago, this law had protected England's aristocracy from wandering minstrels chanting ditties against the powers-that-be. Only twice before had it been used in Canada.

Videos exist of the subsequent seven-week trial that show how Ernst, his legal team and friends were being threatened, pushed, beaten and spat on as they fought their way into the court house, while a frenzied mob, waving sticks and brandishing canes, hissed and screamed obscenities at the top of their lungs. One reporter from the Toronto Sun wrote that Ernst was "...winning the battle of images by mere contrast of behaviour."

Next, a bomb exploded in Ernst's garage. Jewish circles contacted the media and claimed responsibility. Police chose not to follow up.

Ernst Zundel lost that first trial, but upon appeal the judge was found to be biased. A new trial was ordered. This trial commenced in 1988. It lasted almost four months. Ernst paid for his defense, as he had done before, and has done ever since. The tax payers of Canada paid for the prosecution - by the millions!

Right at the start of this new trial, the judge took judicial notice - which means, in layman's terms, that the historical event known as the Holocaust, as claimed, was a historical "given" - and could not be put to the test. This ruling made a conviction a foregone conclusion.

"Before this judge, in this court, the battle is hopeless," Doug Christie, defense attorney, told Ernst. "I can't win it for you."

"This one," replied Ernst, "is not for myself. This one will be my gift to history."

This trial made history. It gathered court witnesses and experts from all over the world - for no other reason than to document and, thus, cement their testimony in court transcripts. One crucial outcome was the Leuchter Report, a global bestseller, obtained after a forensic investigative team flew to Auschwitz in then still Communist Poland. The Leuchter Report was a milestone.

Since judicial notice precluded victory, Ernst lost this trial as well, but after many appeals and a great deal of legal struggle and yet more millions spent on both sides, the Supreme Court of Canada exonerated him. After 9 years of costly litigation, the highest court in Canada said this:

"Section 2(b) of the Charter protects the rights of a minority to express its view, however unpopular it may be. ...The content of the communication is irrelevant. The purpose of the guarantee is to permit free expression to the end of promoting truth, political or social participation, and self-fulfillment. That purpose extends to the protection of minority beliefs which the majority regards as wrong or false."

The highest court of Canada had spoken. In a sane world this would have been the end. Ernst certainly believed it. Now he could turn to his first love and do what he had always longed to do - open an art gallery somewhere up in the mountains.

Within four days, he was re-charged - this time under Canada's infamous Hate Laws. The government, however, refused to carry through. There were several more attempts, always with a new twist, to charge him with a hate crime. The charges never stuck, for Ernst is not a hateful man - and he has the record to prove it.

Thus having been cleared of all charges, Ernst decided to re-apply for Canadian citizenship. The Globe and Mail reported that his application was "flawless".

Again he was turned down. Again, no explanation.

In the fall of 1994, the Zundel-Haus, as it was known, became the target of 24-hour telephone terror, violent demonstrations, and postering of flyers across Toronto by the thousands with explicit instructions on how to make Molotov cocktails. These flyers cited the Z�ndel-Haus address and showed Ernst's face in the crosshairs of a rifle. Police looked the other way and never charged anyone for incitement to murder. Privately, a policeman warned Ernst that the word had gone out that $800 would get him "bumped off".

In the early morning of the 50th anniversary of Germany's defeat and surrender, May 8, the Zundel-Haus went up in flames. Had Ernst been home, he would have been killed. Invaluable documents, letters and books were destroyed. Even though the arsonist was caught on video and his name and whereabouts were known and turned over to the police, there was no follow-up.

This act of violence was followed 10 days later first by an AIDS-laced razor blade in the mail and then by a parcel bomb which, had it exploded, would have killed everyone in a radius of 300 feet.

Ernst rebuilt the Zundel-Haus - bigger, better and stronger - with the help of his freedom-of-speech friends from all over the world.

Since criminal charges didn't stick, Ernst's opponents turned to Human Rights legislation, focusing on cyberspace. It would go too far, and be too tedious, to describe the subsequent 5-year cyberspace censorship battle in various Canadian courtrooms, the outcome of which was a Human Rights Tribunal Stalinist verdict: "Truth is no defense"!

This ruling shocked Ernst to the core. He now knew that there was no way he could win his case in the courts of Canada. Moreover, he had made his mark. Historical revisionism had made spectacular inroads. Revisionist papers, books, seminars, symposia were sprinkled across hundreds of websites in cyberspace and seriously studied in colleges and universities, even in the embassies of countries that mattered. The information was out in the open - it would be up to the people to draw their own conclusions. Ernst decided his part of the struggle was done.

By that time, Ernst Zundel and I were married and had settled in the hills of Tennessee, in looks reminiscent of his homeland in the Black Forest. Here he would do what he had always longed to do - create in his own gallery and use his artistic talent to add beauty to the world.

Then came the arrest, out of nowhere! Why? Why now?

Ernst's censorship battles had lasted three decades. He was known globally for his politically incorrect views, but with no criminal record on this continent where he had spent all his adult life. He was married to a U.S. citizen, seeking adjustment of status pursuant to a properly filed application, whose presence in that capacity had been authorized by the Attorney General. Suddenly, with no provocation, he was brutally arrested and deported. Dictatorships act that way. Democracies have procedural safeguards - including habeas corpus.

To make one's case before a judge is a basic American right, enshrined in our Constitution. More specifically, Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 23 states that anybody in the custody of US law enforcement must not be removed to another location, much less booted out of the country, until a judge has heard the case. The public expects a court to rule on the facts as presented by both sides.

We asked that we be judged on all the facts and on the merits of our arguments. We asked to have a district judge in Knoxville hear the case.

Within minutes, this court turned us down in a one-sentence ruling, without any hearing.

The very next day, we appealed to the Sixth Circuit Court. Four days later, our appeal was denied by a three-member panel of judges. The order was signed by a Clerk.

And here comes the ghastly part that ought to make America's judiciary shudder:

Through the Freedom of Information Act, we learned that this Clerk, along with at least one other employee, resorted to ex parte communication. In laymen's terms, employees of an appellate court went outside the record to speed the deportation of a dissident - one might say that they aided and abetted a political kidnapping! More yet, two separate motions were filed in the Sixth Circuit Court requesting Rule 23 relief - and both times the same Clerk turned us down!

At this point, we don't even know if the three judges cited in the ruling of the deportation order knew about our motion for stay of deportation. They may or may not have known. However, we are surely entitled to find out. Who was behind this kidnapping - which was, for all intents and purposes, an extradition in the guise of "deportation"?

Conscientious men with training in the law will recognize the danger of a precedent. Twice, the Sixth District Court has given the jack boot to habeas corpus, a procedural safeguard enshrined in the Constitution of America. Baseless arrests of inconvenient dissidents will be the outcome in the future - unless this abuse is stopped in its tracks!

Ernst Zundel has a flawless record of a kind and decent man who refuses to live on his knees. He never preached or practiced violence - he is the victim of politically motivated violence. As his wife, I hereby formally petition the Congressional Judiciary Committee, headed by Congressman James Sensenbrenner, to investigate the misconduct of the Sixth District Court. American justice is supposed to be blind and impartial. It is imperative that this abuse of basic human right be properly investigated and the misconduct be traced and punished at its source.

Ingrid Rimland Zundel, Ed.D.





FOR ANY DONATION OF $10 or more, you will get a frameable copy of a sketch produced in prison.

Checks, cash, or money order are okay. I am working on the credit card situation since PayPal kicked me off after I raised $9,000 in just a few days for a full-page ad in a major Washington paper.

Make your check payable to Ernst Zundel and send it to:

Ingrid Zundel, Ed.D. 3152 Parkway, Suite 13, PMB 109 Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 USA



Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Z�ndel has received.

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 995-6108

Fax: (613) 995-9755

Email: [email protected]



Contribute to Ernst Z�ndel's Defence


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Z�ndel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


Please support the Zundelsite - the most politically besieged website on the Net!