Bible Believers' Newsletter #149
"We focus on the PRESENT Truth -- what Jesus is doing NOW . . ." ISSN 1442-8660
We greet you in the wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and appreciate your fellowship.
In anticipation of the holiday season this issue provides links to all back issues of our Newsletter for those who would like to review our studies. As you study be sure you confirm all things personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott
Final Solar Eclipse of Second Millennium
Reseda December 8, 2000 -- The final eclipse of the Second Millennium will be witnessed by most of North America with the exception of NW Canada and Alaska. First and last penumbral contacts occur at 15:26:37 UT and 19:43:12 UT, respectively. A detailed map can be used for estimating eclipse magnitudes and Universal Time of maximum eclipse for locations throughout the continent.
Full story: (UTC time conversion chart to AM/PM time in your area).
Israel Faces Strict Sabbath Year
Jerusalem (ZENIT) December 12, 2000 -- A sabbath year called for in the Book of Leviticus will be applied literally for the first time in Israel, starting next March (???).
The biblical Shanat Shabbaton, or sabbath year of the earth, is in line with the passage from Leviticus 25:3-5. The Jerusalem rabbinate has succeeded in its request that the plants of the gardens surrounding the Knesset, or parliament, not be watered during the sabbath year, since this activity is classified as "making the earth work."
Full story:
Roadside DNA Tests On Citizens Planned
London (Telegraph) December 12, 2000 -- Drivers or other people stopped by police could be asked to supply on-the-spot hair or saliva samples to identify whether they are wanted criminals.
Government scientists have developed a hand-held DNA testing kit to be carried and operated by police officers during regular patrols. The device would be electronically linked to the national DNA database. . . The Forensic Science Service will disclose to Parliament this week that the equipment could be ready for standard use within a couple of years. Forensic scientists already expect that soon they will be able to use a single hair sample to discover a suspect's eye colour, facial characteristics, height and weight. They say that the next step will be portable testing kits that need little technical ability to operate.
Full story:
Review of Bible Believers' Newsletters
#150 Preaching to Souls Imprisoned Now - 46KB
#149 Review of Bible Believers' Newsletters - 25KB
#148 The First Four Seals - 46KB
#147 Redemption is Over - 35KB
#146 The Divine Nature - 35KB
#145 Under the Blood - 33KB
#144 Sowing to Harvest Character - 41KB
#143 Four Cherubim and a Flaming Sword - 46KB
#142 Possessing All Things - 25KB
#141 Religious Spirits - 48KB
#140 Know Who You Are - 39KB
#139 Babylon and Her End-time Children - 48KB
#138 What a Friend We Have in Jesus - 39KB
#137 You are Gods - 36KB
#136 My Sheep Receive My Word - 35KB
#135 Signs of the Uniting Time - 45KB
#134 My Shield and Strong Tower - 30KB
#133 Patterns in Scripture - 32KB
#132 Man of God - 35KB
#131 Born in Zion - 35KB
#130 The Third Millennium - 43KB
#129 Anti-Christian Crusades of the 20th Century - 46KB
#128 The Last Pope - 38KB
#127 He Shall Obtain the Kingdom by "Flatteries" - 34KB
#126 Natural History -- Daniel 10 & 11 - 27KB
#125 The Abomination that Makes Desolate - 30KB
#124 The Restoration of All Things - 36KB
#123 The Way of Holiness - 32KB
#122 The Ram, the He-Goat, and the Beast - 33KB
#121 Four Beasts & the Kingdom of God - 28KB
#120 Believers in the Lions Den - 32KB
#119 Spiritual Amnesia - 45KB
#118 2,500 Years of Chastisement - 23KB
#117 The Woman Clothed with the Sun - 63KB
#116 Pentecost Types the Gentile Dispensation - 27KB
#115 Christianity Outlawed - 34KB
#114 The Keys to the Kingdom - 22KB
#113 The Thyatira Church Age - 30KB
#112 Red and Yellow, Black and White - 34KB
#111 Setting the Stage for the Dark Ages - 27KB
#110 How Should We Pray? - 46KB
#109 Nicolaitanism - 30KB
#108 Placing the Church - 38KB
#107 We are the Last Generation - 33KB
#106 True Israel and the Kingdom - 33KB
#105 They Asked Jesus Three Questions - 46KB
#104 The Chosen People - 34KB
#103 Pre-eminence to the Word - 21KB
#102 Light - 30KB
#101 The Kings of the East - 41KB
#100 Jubilee 2000 and the Global Police State - 34KB
#099 Keep Your Eyes Upon Russia - 50KB
#098 Israel's Redemption - 24KB
#097 WORLD WAR III & The "Fully-Informed" Clueless - 50KB
#096 Days of Sodom and Noah Replayed - 51KB
#095 Rome Reconquers Lutherans - 40KB
#094 Invasion of the United States. Soon? - 38KB
#093 Mantra of Unbelief - 23KB
#092 On Mount Transfiguration - 27KB
#091 Recognizing YOUR Day and ITS Message - 31KB
#090 The Love of Money is the Root of ALL Evil - 41KB
#089 Living Beyond Our Means - 42KB
#088 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth - 32KB
#087 Anointed Ones at the End Time - 42KB
#086 Guilt - A Crime for everyone - 52KB
#085 Coming soon to a City near you, BEFORE Armageddon... World War III
#084 Raising Jesus Christ Out of History - 36KB
#083 Bible Confirms Conspiracy not Theory, but FACT - 46KB
#082 Shopping for Religion - 31KB
#081 Y2K and Minister's Fraternal - 42KB
#080 Babylon versus Babylon - 48KB
#079 Dope Inc., - 27KB
#078 We See by Faith, Not by Sight - 30KB
#077 Regeneration - 50KB
#076 The Consistency of God's Word - 36KB
#075 The Six-Point Star of David, the Oldest Flag in the World? - 33KB
#074 The Person of God - 42KB
#073 One Thing Needful - 29KB
#072 Non-bloody Revolution in America - and the World Follows - 54KB
#071 The "Lost" Ten Tribes - 35KB
#070 You shall Keep My Statutes/NATO's Real Target: Russia - 47KB
#069 Men's Hearts Failing for Fear - 33KB
#068 World Depopulation and Slavery - Part VI - 54KB
#067 The Word - 43KB
#066 Token on Display - 30KB
#065 World Depopulation and Slavery - Part V - 40KB
#064 World Depopulation and Slavery - Part IV - 42KB
#063 World Depopulation and Slavery - Part III - 31KB
#062 The Great Pyramid - 60KB
#061 World Depopulation and Slavery - Part II - 30KB
#060 God Sends Powerful Delusion, to Believe the LIE - 45KB
#059 Jerusalem in the Midst of the Nations - 45KB
#058 World Depopulation and Slavery - Part I - 44KB
#057 Sabbath - 29KB
#056 If you aren't concerned about Y2K, you should be! - 9KB
#055 The Everlasting Covenant - 28KB
#054 Thought Police: the Office of Religious Persecution Monitoring - 40KB
#053 Creating Conditions for World War III - 25KB
#052 Index to Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent - 6KB
#051 Following Abraham's Seed - 32KB
#050 Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent - XIII - 41KB
#049 Overcoming Present Conditions by the Present Truth - 26KB
#048 Contrasting Faith and Sin - 29KB
#047 Esau/Edom, and the Trail of Serpent - X - 18KB
#046 Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent - IX - 33KB
#045 Christ's Mediation - 22KB
#044 Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent - VII - 25KB
#043 T he Commandments of Men - 30KB
#042 A Loophole in God's Law - 25KB
#041 The New Birth - 26KB
#040 Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent - III - 30KB
#039 Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent - II - 28KB
#038 Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent - I - 28KB
#037 World Genocide by a Self-styled Mutant 'Master Race'- 23KB
#036 Redemption Revealed - VIII - 22KB
#035 Redemption Revealed - VII - 21KB
#034 Redemption Revealed - VI - 32KB
#033 Redemption Revealed - V - 30KB
#032 Redemption Revealed - IV - 23KB
#031 Redemption Revealed - III - 37KB
#030 Redemption Revealed - II - 34KB
#029 Redemption Revealed - I - 52KB
#028 One World Worship for All - 28KB
#027 Stress and Nervous Tension - 24KB
#026 Easter - When did Jesus Resurrect? - 25KB
#025 Amos 3:7 Refers to Our Day - 21KB
#024 Easter - When Was Jesus Crucified? - 47KB
#023 I Corinthians 12:1-14:17 - Gifts and Callings of God - 36KB
#022 Spiritual Marriage & Divorce - 19KB
#021 I Corinthians 14:18-40 - Speaking with Tongues - 24KB
#020 Faith - 21KB
#019 Contrasting Faith and Sin - 24KB
#018 The Invasion of the United States - 32KB
#017 Satan's Purpose: Absolute Dominion by One World Government - 23KB
#016 Conspiracy - 19KB
#015 Overcoming Present Conditions by the Present Truth - 22KB
#014 What Happened in 1963? - 21KB
#013 Letter to America - 22KB
#012 Overcoming Present Conditions by the Present Truth - 22KB
#011 God's Unwanted Christmas Gift - 21KB
#010 Types and Shadows in Sacrifice and Temple - 20KB
#009 Tell the Truth - 17KB
#008 The Millennium Bug - 22KB
#007 The Convention on the Rights of the Child - 2/2 - 22KB
#006 The Convention on the Rights of the Child - 1/2 - 25KB
#005 Prophets - 32KB
#004 Christ's Mediation - 20KB
#003 Why We Are Not A Denomination - 25KB
#002 Conspiracy - 23KB
#001 Amos 3:7 Refers to Our Day - 20KB
Pass it on . . . Send this article to someone you know.
Brother Anthony Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister. He has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations in various countries. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to minister in your church.
For Further Information Contact:
Bible Believers' Church
Currabubula, NSW 2342, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]