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Menopause(Change of Life)
DefinitionThat period which marks the permanent cessation of menstrual activity. Usually occurs between CausesNatural menopause will occur in 25% of women by SymptomsThe symptoms that may be associated with menopause begin soon following the cessation of ovarian function. This is true whether menopause occurs naturally, or is due to surgical removal of the ovaries, or due to failure of the pituitary gland to function. Symptoms that may last from a few months to years vary from being hardly noticeable to severe. Included are symptoms of vasomotor instability, nervousness, hot flashes, chills, excitability, fatigue, apathy, mental depression, crying following circumstances that would not normally cause that reaction, insomnia, palpitation, vertigo, headache, numbness, tingling, myalgia (tenderness or pain in the muscles), urinary disturbances such as frequency and incontinence, and various disorders of the gastrointestinal system. Hot flashes, or hot flushes, may start with an aura followed by a feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area, perhaps a chill quickly followed by a felling of heat moving toward the head. Next the face becomes red, and sweating is followed by exhaustion. The cause, or causes, of hot flashes is not completely understood and is controversial. The menopausal period affects each woman differently. Some start early, some start and stop, but most experience the change around the age of 50. Menopause usually lasts about TreatmentChinese Formulas NutrientsEnzymes with hydrochloric acids (HCL), taken with meals, aids digestion.
Lecithin, HerbsBack to Top RecommendationsAvoid dairy products. Limit consumption to small amount of yogurt or buttermilk. Dairy products, sugar, and meat cause most hot flashes it is thought. Diet should consist of 50% raw foods and protein supplements (for low blood sugar). Do not eat any animal products except for whitefish, and eliminate caffeine from the diet. Add blackstrap molasses, broccoli, dandelion greens, kelp, salmon with bones, sardines, and low-fat yogurt to the diet. Exercise is very important. Avoid stress when possible. For itching in the vaginal area, use When menopause begins, see a gynocologist for a thorough examination, to make sure that all the troublesome symptoms that crop up are completely normal for this stage of life and that no organic disease is present. Also ask the doctor about ways to alleviate or to eliminate the symptoms of hormonal change.
SuggestionsHormone replacement as required is the only known treatment. However, the use of estrogen as a cure-all has been seriously questioned due to the possibility of undesired side effects. Estrogens may cause fluid retention and may increase the severity of asthma, heart disorders, kidney stones, epilepsy, or migraine headaches. Estrogen is important but there is a risk involved. Yearly pelvic examination to include Papanicoleou test (Pap smear) for cancer of the cervix. Licorice stimulates estrogen production. Ginseng aids in relieving depression and in the production of estrogen. Gotu kola and dong quai relieve hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and depression.
CautionsWomen with high blood pressure (hypertension) should not take any herbal preparation containing licorice.
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