Once again, I guess it's a little hard for me to hide my excitement at having discovered another Buteyko information resource.
The video is very professionally produced, presented and edited. Use is made of animated graphics to explain the Buteyko principles in simple and clear terms, so that anyone can follow. The basic physiological principles are explained painlessly without the use of complex medical terminology. Delightful, restful light classical music is used very effectively throughout this production.
The video is divided into three segments. The first section covers general background. It starts with two articulate individuals giving a brief account of what Buteyko has done for them. The elderly lady winds up with a tap dancing demonstration to suitable accompaniment, while the little girl presenting her story is a delightful little Aussie guaranteed to give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
We see shots of Dr. Buteyko himself as he is now, as he was 40 years ago as well as pictures of the Soviet academy of Sciences where he worked. A historical perspective is presented with shots of Newspaper articles and documents in Russian, followed by a general explanation of the principles. The first section lasts 11 minutes.
Part two, which lasts 32 minutes explains the basic elements of the method. It is not a cook book approach but a well reasoned, professionally structured explanation. Two subjects are used to demonstrate the method, how it should be done and how it should not be done. Common problems encountered by Buteyko students are highlighted.
An explanation is also given of the controversial Maximum Pause and its appropriate use, as well as a list of conditions which contra-indicate its use.
Many of the explanations are followed by proofs, which you can try for yourself to verify some of the surprising effects. For example, you are invited to try the effects on pulse of shallow breathing with a simple experiment.
The rest of the tape is devoted to part 3, which is a practical Buteyko breathing session. During the pauses, restful music accompanies some exquisite country scenes of Australia. You almost feel like you have your own practitioner with you right here "down under."
The booklet accompanying the video complements the video. It is full of useful information organised in an easy to find way. It has sections on: basic definitions, factors which affect breathing, unblocking the nose, factors which slow down your progress, a list of rules to follow, Buteyko for children, Medication, controlling asthma attacks, diet, a glossary of terms starting with "alveoli", a comprehensive FAQ section and a brief recommended reading list.
The booklet also provides a breathing evaluation questionnaire so that you can evaluate your own breathing. This is fully explained in the Video. Finally there is a diary at the back of the booklet. The diary is an important element in Buteyko therapy.
The two practitioners that are featured are Lola Motina and Rosalba Courtney from Sydney. Their contact details are now on our home page.
This really is an outstanding production, and thankfully has been affordably priced.
You should have no trouble doing the Buteyko exercises correctly with the help of this kit.