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We are aware of five "Do -it-yourself" kits on the market, all available through the internet.. We see this as a very positive development as it now makes professional Buteyko therapy accessible all over the English speaking world.

Perhaps, at this stage, we should remind you that this web site is entirely free from commercial sponsorships. In fact, expenses incurred on this site are met privately by members of this group. All the information is provided on a voluntary basis by people anxious to spread the Buteyko message.

Click on Title for Review & Details

Living without Asthma : The Buteyko Method
by Dr.Andrey Novozhilov MD, Buteyko Clinic, Moscow
MEDIUM: Colour-printed ringbook (ISBN 3-9807945-8-x) or downloadable PDF file
COST: Euro 26.20 for the print-version and Euro 19.00 for the E-book.
Languages: German, English, Spanish, French
PUBLISHED BY: 2004 Mobiwell Verlag, Friedberg, Germany.
AVAILABLE from: http://www.buteyko-method.com/

The Buteyko Manual For Asthma:.......... by James Hooper
Book plus audio cassette and On-Line support.
COST: US$50-00 (on line) - US$150-00 from Amazon.
AVAILABLE FROM: Instep and Amazon
PUBLISHED BY: "Instep International"

The Buteyko Breathing Method:
MEDIUM: Video cassette plus book and support.
Produced by Alternative Approach Pty Ltd
10 Marlin St.

The Buteyko Breathing Method:

Buteyko Pty Ltd
Alternative Approach Pty Ltd
Pat Heinneman
Lola Motina
US$69 (Including postage)
US$69 (Including postage)
50 day money back.
50 day money back
Online Support
Online & Telephone Support
News Letter

Learning the Buteyko Breathing Method: ..........by Russell and Jennifer Stark
Video, Booklet, Workbook and ON-line support.
COST: US$75 + (Max) $20.00 P&H
SPECIAL FEATURES: Unconditional 45 day money-back guarantee, News Letter.
PUBLISHED BY/ORDER FROM Buteyko On Line, New Zealand

Eucapnic Buteyko Breathing - A practical and theoretical tape which teaches asthmatics and sufferers of other diseases and breathing disorders to correct their breathing
by Rosalba Courtney D.O.,N.D,C.A.
MEDIUM: Audio Cassette
COST: US$28.00 + US$6.95 P&H
PUBLISHED BY/ORDER FROM:- Eucapnic Buteyko Breathing

Close Your Mouth

by Patrick McKeown
Available from www.asthma-care.com

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