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Eucapnic Buteyko Breathing

The Revolutionary Breathing Method Audio tape by Rosalba Courtney, D.O.

MEDIUM: Audio Casette.
COST: US$28 + US$6.95 P&H
PUBLISHED BY/ORDER FROM:- Eucapnic Buteyko Breathing

Review by B J Hoffmann

The reason discovering this audio tape was such a relief for me as a beginner is that it's all you need to get started in a nut shell. On the first side the theoretical material is covered (which reminds you how logical and important it is to change your breathing).

The second side is devoted to the whole Buteyko exercise. She instructs all the way through, counts the seconds of CP, times the breaths per minute. She describes what you should be looking for in bodily feelings when pausing between inhale and exhale, makes you aware of using diaphragm, and tells you to turn off tape periodically to practice what you have just learned. It's like having a person at your shoulder guiding you through step by step Her voice is relaxing, her instructions clear. So you tend not to get anxious about timing yourself or trying to remember how you're supposed to be breathing. You just sit and listen and do it. And because you are focused, you don't get so impatient. You know when you get to the end of the tape, you're done. I find headphones work best because they block out distractions.


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