SKIN DISORDERS (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)CHILBLAINSAlternate Foot Bath; Revulsive Douche to feet; Alternate Douche; Hot Foot Bath, followed by Foot Bath under flowing (cold) water; foot pack. BURNSThe evaporating compress; the cool irrigating compress (cool, wet cloth over it to reduce heat or sprinkle water over it ["irrigate"] to intensify the cooling effect); if very extensive, the prolonged or continuous Neutral Bath. ERYTHEMACool evaporating compress or irrigating compress (explained just above); neutral compress. PRURITUSProlonged Neutral Bath; copious water drinking; large enema; daily aseptic dietary. ERUPTIONSIf dry, not irritable, give prolonged Neutral Bath. If scaly, alkaline bath (soda bath or Oatmeal Bath). If moist and irritable, cool evaporating compress moistened with soda solution (1 oz. to 1 gal.). If skin is thickened, as in chronic eczema, Hot or Alternate (hot and cold) spray Douche or Compress, for 10-15 minutes, 3 times a day. If extensively damaged skin (as in pemphigus, confluent smallpox, bad burns), the Continuous Neutral Full Bath until the skin is healed. [Editor's note: One of Jethro Kloss's workers personally told me that when his son was injured in an automobile accident, he gave him a Continuous Bath (of water with goldenseal in it) for several days.] JAUNDICECopious water drinking; large Enema twice daily; sweating hot bath for 15 minutes: such as Radiant Heat Bath; Steam Bath; Hot Full Bath; Wet Sheet Pack, followed by prolonged Neutral Bath. Give the sweating bath once daily, or even twice, if he is not too weak. For general tonic effects, apply Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub twice daily. Alternate Hot and Cold Compress over the liver twice daily, with Heating Compress over the liver or flannel-covered Hot Abdominal Pack during intervals between. DRY SKINShort sweating bath, such as Radiant Heat Bath, Steam Bath, hot-air bath, Hot Full Bath, Hot Blanket Pack, Dry Pack, sweating Wet Sheet Pack, followed by a cold bath suited to his general condition, and this followed by massage with friction. HYPERHIDROSISSteam Bath, sweating Radiant Heat Bath, followed by Revulsive Douche to spine and general Cold Douche. SWEATING FEETRevulsive Douche to feet, with extremes in temperature as great as possible; alternate hot and cold Foot Bath, Heating Compress to feet during the night, with Cold Mitten Friction to the feet, in the morning on rising. ECZEMA (Dermatitis)SYMPTOMSDermatitis, also called eczema, is a skin problem indicated by reddened skin, thickening, itching when touched, the formation of dry, patchy scales, and flaking, CAUSES AND TREATMENT
Also see "Drug Rash," "Skin Disorders." ENCOURAGEMENTChrist, having redeemed man from the condemnation of the law, could enable man to fulfill its requirements. Rejoice that, in Christ, you can stand an overcomer over the temptations which have oppressed you. HIVES (Urticaria)SYMPTOMSStrong itching (pruritus) may suddenly occur. Elevated wheals result, along with swollen eyes. The subsequent scratching makes you appear swollen and scratchy. The intense itchy wheals which may result may disappear in minutes, hours, or several days. Hives are generally gone within 1-7 days, except in cases of severe hypersensitivity, when death may result. Occasionally a fatal anaphylactic reaction occurs. At such times, edema of the breathing passages produces respiratory difficulty similar to severe asthma. CAUSESThe skin is reacting to allergies, physical irritation, stress, or emotions. Special dermal cells begin releasing histamine, which causes internal blood vessels to leak fluid into the deepest layers of the skin. Meat; dairy; and poultry products, especially in frozen or fast foods, are frequent causes of hives. This is due to the chemicals, antibiotics, and hormones given to farm animals. Here is a list of special things known to cause hives in some people: Aspirin, antimony or bismuth (in various metal alloys), anti-pyrine or phenacetin (pain relievers), barbiturates, BHA and BHT (preservatives), phenobarbital or chloral hydrate (sedatives), chlorpromazine and meprobamate (tranquilizers), fluoride (dental products and fluoridated drinking water), food colorings, griseofulvin (antifungal), insulin, liver extract, menthol (in perfumes, candy, cigarettes), mercury (dental fillings), morphine, penicillin, pilocarpine (glaucoma medication), preservatives, procaine (anesthetic, known as novocaine), quinine, (quinine water and malaria medication), reserpine (heart medication), saccharin (artificial sweetener), salicylates (flavoring and preservative), sulfites (preservative in dried fruit), and thiamine hydrochloride (cough medications). TREATMENT Immediate help:
Longer term solutions:
Also see "Skin Disorders." ENCOURAGEMENTIn the work of redemption, God has revealed His love in sacrifice, a sacrifice so broad and deep and high that it is immeasurable. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Sonthat you and I could have eternal life! IMPETIGO (Impetigo Contagiosa; Echthyma)SYMPTOMS AND CAUSESImpetigo is not something to ignore. Neglected, it can produce boils, ulcers, or other skin complications. Untreated, it can result in deep infections of the tissue beneath the skin. Impetigo is a skin disease caused by a streptococcal bacteria. It occurs primarily in children, especially in undernourished ones, and in the summer months. Lower economic groups living in crowded conditions are the most likely to contract it. It is more frequently found on the face, hands, and arms next and feet and legs third. Cuts, abrasions, insect bites, and stings allow entry of the bacteria. An area of redness is seen, followed by blister-like swellings. The fluid is straw colored. If not scratched, the lesions break down in 4-6 days and form a honey-colored crust which heals slowly. The skin beneath may lose its color, not to be regained for months. The scratching generally results in more skin injury and a spread of the infection. TREATMENT
Also see "Skin Disorders." ENCOURAGEMENTGod gave His Son to become bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh. The gift of God to man is beyond all computation. Nothing was withheld. God has done, and is doing, everything possible to save us from sin. SHINGLES (Herpes Zoster)SYMPTOMSSharp, burning pain along a nerve route somewhere in your body for 3-4 days. There are angry red blisters at that pain site several days later. These are very painful and itchy. Later the bumps blister, turn cloudy, and form scabs. It usually lasts 7-14 days from the time the blisters appear before the scabs drop off. This is no ordinary rash; it is shingles, which is a viral infection of a nerve. It most often occurs on the skin of the abdomen, under the ribs and above the navel. But it can appear anywhere on the body. It most frequently occurs after the age of 50. If shingles starts near an eye, beware! The cornea can become infected and blindness may result. You would then do well to consult an eye specialist. CAUSESThis staphylococcal infection consists of small round bacteria growing in clusters. The virus in the chickenpox you had as a child never really left your body; and, when you are an adult, it comes back in the form of shingles. The virus may lie dormant in the spinal cord and nerve ganglia for years until triggered. It normally lives on the nostrils and skin of everybody. What triggers the attack? It is known that poisonous substances in food, metals, drugs, and other toxic substances can do it. For example, risk of shingles increases with the use of anti-cancer drugs. Anything that weakens the immune system can bring on an attack of shingles. Once it occurs, the pain can continue on for months or years. So it is better to prevent an attack. TREATMENT
Also see "Skin Disorders." ENCOURAGEMENTAs John thought of the love of Christ, he was led to exclaim, "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." Oh, may we praise Him every day for the overcoming strength He imparts, so we can resist temptation and fulfill His will. PSORIASISSYMPTOMSIt appears like patches of silvery scales or red areas, and is found on the scalp, arms, legs, knees, elbows, ears, and back. There are cycles of flare-ups and remission. Sometimes it disappears for months or years, and especially occurs in winter months. In some, aging makes it better; in others, worse. It is most common between 15 and 25, and is not infectious. Do not use steroids, alcohol, or processed foods. CAUSESThe skin cells seem to run out of control. Instead of skin renewing itself in 30 days, the new cells reach the top layer in 3 days. This produces raised areas of skin, called plaques, which are red and often itchy. Because so many cells are rising and dying (as they normally do), they have a raised, silvery, patchy appearance. Psoriasis may be linked to faulty fat utilization. Attacks are related to times of stress, illness, surgery, cuts, certain viral and bacterial infections, sunburn, poison ivy, or poison oak. The drugs such as chloroquine, lithium, and beta-blockers also cause it to flare up. There appears to be a hereditary factor involved. Previous immunizations seem to be a causative factor for some people. TREATMENT
Also see "Skin Disorders." ENCOURAGEMENTWhat greater privilege could be ours than to enter the family of God. Trust God and, by the enabling grace of Christ, obey His Ten Commandment law, even though many around you may despise it. ERYSIPELAS1SYMPTOMSRedness, discoloration, blisters, and swelling that most commonly attack the face and is accompanied by high fever and other indications of acute illness. The skin is deep red or pink and appears glazed. It has a combined itching and burning sensation. There is a definite edge or margin to the affected area. Blisters may develop. The swollen area feels firm and hot. The condition tends to spread in all directions from where it first began. Even in cases moderately severe, generally the face is swollen; eyes are closed; and the lips and ears are thickened and feverish. CAUSESErysipelas is serious; and, in babies, the aged, and women who have recently given birth, it may prove fatal. It is likely to cause abortion in pregnant women. This is obviously a very serious condition. You will want to contact a physician. If you have contacted a physician, apply ice bags or ice-cold compresses (20 minutes on and 10 minutes off) to the affected area until he arrives. Cold compresses to the head, to help reduce the headaches. Erysipelas is contagious. Wear rubber gloves. Never simultaneously care for children or other sick persons. Disinfect clothes placed on his skin. Soak 10 minutes in a Lysol solution (1 tbsp. per pint water) before putting in laundry. TREATMENT
Also see "Erysipelas2," "Skin Disorders." ENCOURAGEMENTIn the gift of Christ, God gave all heaven, that the moral image of God might be restored in man. His enabling grace, in all its vastness, is offered to usso that we might live clean, good lives. ERYSIPELAS2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)GENERALCold Mitten Friction or Towel Rub every 3 hours. COMBAT LOCAL INFLAMMATION AND EXTENSION OF THE DISEASECold Compress during the early stage of the disease, renewing before it becomes warm. Later, give it less frequently. Avoid Ice Bags or Ice Compresses, which involve risk of sloughing. Fomentations for 2-5 minutes every 2 hours. Ice Collar when the skin of the head or face is affected. FEVERGraduated Bath, Prolonged Neutral Bath, Cooling Enema, Cooling Wet Sheet Pack. RECURRING CHILLSDry Pack and hot water drinking. VOMITINGIce Bag over stomach, Hot and Cold Trunk Pack. PERICARDITIS, ENDOCARDITISSee "Pericarditis and Endocarditis." Fomentation over heart for 30 seconds, followed by Compress above heart at 600 F.; change every half hour. ACUTE NEPHRITISSee "Acute Nephritis." GENERAL METHODDuring the early stage of the disease, while the surface is bright red and the inflammation is extending, apply cooling measures, changing every few minutes (3-5 minutes), as often as the fomentation is warm. Prevent extreme depression by a Fomentation that is not too hot, every hour or two. When the parts become a dull red color or the rapid extension is checked, employ the Heating Compress, changing it at intervals of 15-30 minutes, prolonging the interval as the fever and inflammation subside. If any of the following related problems exist, see under their respective headings: Myocarditis, Arthritis, Acute Nephritis, Delirium. Also see "Skin Disorders1." KERATOSIS (Sharkskin)SYMPTOMSThis is the rough "goose bump" skin you will find on your elbows, and also on the backs of your arms, thighs, and buttocks. It feels like a sandpaper surface. CAUSESThis is a sebaceous and keratinized build up of hard granular plugs in the openings of hair follicles. Many physicians claim that this is a normal condition, but it is actually a deficiency of vitamin A and zinc. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTGive God the most precious offering that it is possible for you to give: Give Him your heart. He offers to make you a member of His family, a child of the heavenly King. What earthly inheritance can equal this! LEUKODERMA (Vitiligo)SYMPTOMSThis is a loss of skin color, especially in black or dark-skinned people. When occurring in Europeans, it is less likely to be noticed. It is most commonly seen as white patches, surrounded by a dark border. CAUSESThe skin is no longer producing melanin, the dark coloring pigment. It most frequently occurs to someone who has thyroid problems. Premature gray or white hair may also occur. All this points to a deficiency of certain B complex vitamins. When treatment is effective, small spots of pigment will appear in the white patches, and then gradually fill in. But only a few experience a complete return to the original color. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTWe need a living faith. We must know that Jesus is indeed ours; that His Spirit is purifying and refining our hearts, and enabling us to keep the Ten Commandments. May we press closer to our God, so He can fulfill His will more fully in our lives. |
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