Abandonment of mines, reasons for.150, 151
Abbeville county, S. C, mines in........77
Adams, TV. II., cited....................73
Age of ore deposits, Carolina gold belt...18
Alabama, distribution of mines in.....85-90
early discovery of gold in......27
geological map of, referred to. .25 production of gold and silver
in .......................40, 42
Alabama Geological Survey, publications
referred to .........13, 25, 27, 30, 85, 00
Alabama gold belt, description of........25
mines in .........85-90
Alamance county, X. C, occurrence of
gold in ...............................45
Alexander county, X. C, occurrence of
gold in ................................68
Alexander mine. X. C....................03
Allen (Lalor) mine, X. C.............47, 4S
Allen Furr mine, X 0...................60
Allerton-Ream mine. Md................71
Altti (Idler or Monarch) mine, X. C..37, 69
Amalgamation mills, types of............35
American Cyanide Gold and Silver Recovery Co., referred to.................38, 53
American Institute of Mining Engineers, Transactions of, referred to 9, 10, 14, 24, 31, 32, 35, 39, 62, 71, 102, 106, 129, 139. American Journal of Science, referred to
27, 28, 73 74 American Philosophical Society, Proceedings of, referred to....................27
Ammons-Branch mine, N. C..............70
Anna Howe mine, Ala...............85, 86
Anna Howe Extension mine, Ala.....85, 86
Anson county, N. C, mines in...........57
Appalachian (Coggins) mine, X. C.......53
Appomattox county, Va., occurrence of
gold in ...............................76
Arbacoochee, Ala., early mention of
ground-sluicing ........................30
Arbacoochee Hydraulic Company, referred
to .....................................85
Arbacoochee mining district. Ala.........85
Argentiferous ores ............39, 48-51, 58
Arlington mine, N. C....................63
Arminius pyrite mine, Va............14, 73
Arrastra, use of.........................33
Ashe county, X. C, auriferous copper ores
of ................................14, 70
Assays, value of .......................151
Atlas mine, X. C....................57, 60