
Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines

Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines Page of 172 Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines Text size:minus plus Restore normal size   Mail page  Print this page
Georgia gold belt, description of......21-25
mines in ..........78-85
Georglana mine, Ga.....................82
Gibb mine. K. C.........................62
Gibson. Mr., referred to.................32
Gilmer mines, Va........................38
Gilmore mine; Va........................75
Glades P. 0., Ga., gold and monazite
at .................................21. 80
Glenbrook Mining Co., referred to........52
Gold belt, the Alabama, description of... .25
mines in .....S5-90
the Carolina, description of. 15-80 in Ga., 15, 24, 84, 85 in N. C...15, 45-68
in S. C.......15, 77
mines in.....45-68,
77, 85
the Carolina-Igneous ..........13
the Carolina-Slate .............13
the Eastern Carolina, description of ..................14. 15
the Eastern Carolina, mines
in .......................43. 45
the Georgia, description of. .21-25
mines in .....78-S5
the Kings Mountain...........13
the South Mountain, description of ...................18-20
the South Mountain, in X. C. 6S-70 in S. C. 77, 78 mines in, 68-70, 77, 78 the Southern Appalachian, description of ..............11-25
the Southern Appalachian, divisions of ...................13
the Southern Appalachian, geology of..................11-25
the Virginia, description of. 13, 14
mines in .....71-76
Gold belts, minor, in Georgia.........24, 25
in North Carolina. .20, 21 Gold Hill, N. C, map showing distribution
of veins ..............................59
Gold Hill, X. C, population of early mining camp ..........................29, 58
Gold Hill mines, N. C......34, 37, 38, 57-60
Gold Hill Mining Co., referred to.........58
Gold Knob mine, X. C...............57, 60
Gold milling machinery...............33-36
Gold and Silver production, statistics. .40-42
Goldberg mining district, Ala........S8, 89
Golden Eagle (Price) mine, Ala..........87
Golden Gate mine, S. C..................78
Golden Valley ore zone..................20
Golden Valley placer mines, X. C........69
Goldville, Ala., population of early mining
camp ................................29
Goldville mining district, Ala............90
Goochland county. Va., mines in.....75, 76
Goodman mine, N. C.....................57
Goodwin mine, Va.......................73
Grampusville mine, X. C.................56
Granville county. X. G. mines in........45
Gravel elevators, hydraulic, 32, 98, 99,
102-105 Grayson county, Va., occurrence of gold
in .....................................76
Greenville county, S. C, mines in....77, 78
Greenwood mine. Va.....................73
Gregory Hill mining district, Ala.........90
Grindstone Hill mine, Va................73
Ground-sluicing, early mention of........30
Guilford county, X. G, mines in.....45, 46
Gum mine, Ala..........................90
Gwinnett county, Ga., mines in..........81
Habersham county, Ga., occurrence of
gold in ................................78
Haile Gold Mining Co., referred to......125
Haile mine, S. C......16, 17, 35, 38, 39, 76,
77, 125-143
Haile pit (Haile mine).............129, 130
Haitheock mine, XT. C....................54
Hale mine, S. C.........................78
Halifax county, X. C, mines in..........43
Halifax county. Va., occurrence of gold in.76
Hall, F. vy., referred to.................Ill
Hall county, Ga., mines in..............80
Hall stamp-mill ................35, 110-113
Hamilton, Benj., referred to.............31
Hamilton (Bailey) mine, X. C............57
Hammett mine. S. C.....................78
Hancock placer mines. X. C..............69
Hand-Barlow Co., referred to............79
Hand and Barlow ditch, Dahlonega.....108
Hand and Barlow United Gold Mines and
Hydraulic Works of Georgia, referred
Hand mine, Ga.....................80, 109
Hand-mortars, use of....................33
Hanna, Geo. B., referred to.10, 13, 26, 41, 42
Haralson county, Ga.. mines in......82, 83
Harland and Beard mine, X. C...........45
Harris mine, Va.....................14, 74
Harrison (Sawyer) mine, Md.............71
Harrison mine, X. C.....................57
Hartman mine, X. C....................57
Hearne mine. X. C......................54
Hedwig mine, Ga..........23, 80, 114, 115
Hemby mine, X. C.......................63
Henderson county, X. C, mine in....69, 70
Henderson mine, X. C...................64
Hendy lift (gravel elevator)......32, 98, 99
Herring (Laughlin) mine, X. C...........47
Hicks-Wise mine. Ala...................86
Higginbotham mine, Ala.................86
Hill mine, X. C..........................57
Historical notes .................26-40, 108
Hobbs mine, Ala.......................89
Hodges Hill (Hodgins) mine, X. C........45
Hodgins (Hodges Hill) mine, X. C........45
Hog Mountain mining district, Ala.......90
Hogan, J., referred to...................26
Holland, Dr.. referred to................36
Holloway mine, X. C....................45
Holtshauser mine, X. C.................57
Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines Page of 172 Ch. 7: Conclusions Concerning Gold Mines
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