Georgia gold belt, description of......21-25
mines in ..........78-85
Georglana mine, Ga.....................82
Gibb mine. K. C.........................62
Gibson. Mr., referred to.................32
Gilmer mines, Va........................38
Gilmore mine; Va........................75
Glades P. 0., Ga., gold and monazite
at .................................21. 80
Glenbrook Mining Co., referred to........52
Gold belt, the Alabama, description of... .25
mines in .....S5-90
the Carolina, description of. 15-80 in Ga., 15, 24, 84, 85 in N. C...15, 45-68
in S. C.......15, 77
mines in.....45-68,
77, 85
the Carolina-Igneous ..........13
the Carolina-Slate .............13
the Eastern Carolina, description of ..................14. 15
the Eastern Carolina, mines
in .......................43. 45
the Georgia, description of. .21-25
mines in .....78-S5
the Kings Mountain...........13
the South Mountain, description of ...................18-20
the South Mountain, in X. C. 6S-70 in S. C. 77, 78 mines in, 68-70, 77, 78 the Southern Appalachian, description of ..............11-25
the Southern Appalachian, divisions of ...................13
the Southern Appalachian, geology of..................11-25
the Virginia, description of. 13, 14
mines in .....71-76
Gold belts, minor, in Georgia.........24, 25
in North Carolina. .20, 21 Gold Hill, N. C, map showing distribution
of veins ..............................59
Gold Hill, X. C, population of early mining camp ..........................29, 58
Gold Hill mines, N. C......34, 37, 38, 57-60
Gold Hill Mining Co., referred to.........58
Gold Knob mine, X. C...............57, 60
Gold milling machinery...............33-36
Gold and Silver production, statistics. .40-42
Goldberg mining district, Ala........S8, 89
Golden Eagle (Price) mine, Ala..........87
Golden Gate mine, S. C..................78
Golden Valley ore zone..................20
Golden Valley placer mines, X. C........69
Goldville, Ala., population of early mining
camp ................................29
Goldville mining district, Ala............90
Goochland county. Va., mines in.....75, 76
Goodman mine, N. C.....................57
Goodwin mine, Va.......................73
Grampusville mine, X. C.................56