Roger Weller, geology instructor
[email protected] copyright 2016-R.Weller
albite showing plagioclase twinning-2
If this piece of albite is turned to just
right to the correct angle of a light source,
light is reflected off of a series of narrow strips on a cleavage surface. This
phenomenon, which is common for plagioclase feldspars, is called "plagioclase
twinning" or "polysynthetic twinning". The cleavage surface consists of two slightly
different crystal orientations which formed as the plagioclase cooled. Light is being
off one set of microcleavage surfaces of one of the crystalline orientations.
If the crystal is tipped again slightly with respect to the light source, the
other set of
cleavage surfaces will reflect light. The reflections
are very sharp lines.
Photo is copyright free for
non-commercial educational uses.
Just credit photo to R.Weller/Cochise College.