Feldspar Photos             

Cochise College       
Photos of Minerals
Geology Home Page
Roger Weller, geology instructor                       

[email protected]


last edited:  1/30/18    number of photos:  124
also visit:
Labradorite Photos
Orthoclase Photos
Oligoclase Photos

adularia:  1                                                             

albite cleavages:  1  2  3
albite-cleavelandite:  1  2  3  4
albite-plagioclase twinning:  1  2  3

amazonite cleavages:  1  2  3
amazonite crystals:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  1011
amazonite, massive:  1
amazonite-perthitic structure:  1  2  3  4                                     

anorthite crystal:  1
anorthite, massive:  1  2   
anorthoclase, massive:  1  2
anorthoclase crystals from Mt. Erebus:  1  2  3  4

bytownite, massive:  1  2  3

giant feldspar crystals:  1  2*

labradorite-crystals:  1  2
labradorite, massive:  1  2
labradorite-plagioclase twinning:  1   
labradorite, Mexico-plagioclase twinning:  1  2  3  4  5
labradorite, Mexico-pale yellow:  1  2  3                                                   
labradorite-schiller:  1
labradorite-schiller and plagioclase twinning:  1  2

oligoclase, massive:  1  2                                                                

orthoclase-single crystals:  1  2  3  4
orthoclase (microcline?) crystals:  1  2  3  4
orthoclase-Carlsbad twinned crystals:  1  2  3  4  5  6
     7  8  9  10  11                          
orthoclase cleavages:  1  2
orthoclase-perthitic structure:  1  2
orthoclase-perthitic structure, microscopic:  1  2  3
orthoclase-salmon colored:  1
orthoclase from Pala, California:  1  2  3
orthoclase, giant crystal:  1

microcline-salmon color:  1  2
microcline-white:  1

moonstone cabochons:  1                                                       
rainbow moonstone:  1  2
sunstone from Oregon:  1  2  3  4  5  6

sunstone from India:  1  2  3  4  5
moonstone: perthitic structure:  1  2
moonstone cleavage:  1  2  3
moonstone, white:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7

plagioclase twinning, microscopic:  1

weathered feldspar:  1  2  3

Photos are copyright free for non-commercial educational uses.
Just credit photos to R.Weller/Cochise College.
copyright 2018-R.Weller
