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[PDF]Computer Organization and Architecture 6ed 2003.pdf 75M
[PDF]Springer - Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux.pdf 31M
[PDF]Morgan Kaufmann Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach 3rd edition 2002.pdf 18M
[   ]The Art Of Assembly Language 2003.chm 18M
[   ]Jones & Bartlett, The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture -2003.chm 14M
[PDF]Windows assembly language and systems programming 1997.pdf 13M
[PDF]Windows Assembly Language & Systems Programming- 16 And 32 Bit Low-Level Programming for the PC and Wind~0.pdf 13M
[   ]A-list CD Cracking Uncovered - Protection Against Unsanctioned CD Copying.chm9.0M
[   ]Assembly Language Step-by-Step Programming with DOS and Linux.chm8.6M
[PDF]Reversing - Secrets of Reverse Engineering.pdf8.6M
[PDF]Professional Assembly Language.pdf6.6M
[PDF]Reverse Engineering of Object Oriented Code.pdf5.8M
[PDF]Jones and Bartlett,Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture.pdf4.9M
[PDF]Assembly Language, The True Language Of Programmers.pdf4.9M
[   ]A-LIST, Hacker Disassembling Uncovered 2003.chm4.7M
[PDF]Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing.pdf4.7M
[PDF]WRITE GREAT CODE, Vol. 2 Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level.pdf4.3M
[PDF]The art of Assembly Language 8086.pdf4.3M
[PDF]Covert Java Techniques for Decompiling, Patching,and Reverse Engineering.pdf3.8M
[PDF]Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture.pdf3.4M
[PDF]Principles of Computer Architecture - 1999.pdf2.8M
[PDF]The Zen Of Assembly Language 1990 - Michael Abrash.pdf2.5M
[PDF]Linux Assembly Language Programming 2000.pdf2.5M
[PDF]ARM Assembly Language Programming - Pete Cockerell.pdf1.6M
[PDF]Static And Dynamic Reverse Engineering Techniques For Java Software Sysytems.pdf1.1M
[PDF]MIPS Assembly Language Programming 2003.pdf525K
[PDF]Introduction To Software Reverse Engineering 2003.pdf333K