
a bibliography of English-language writings


  1. I would urge that you read the Using the bibliography page.
  2. If you cannot find what you want, email me at and I will try to include any relevant material in the next update.

As the size of the Bibliography has grown, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain it on the web site. It has just got too large for a comfortable download.

From June 1st, 2007 therefore I have decided to make it a paid publication. It will be published every 6 months as a complete update with indexes. The latest edition is 2-02, January 2008.

PRICE. The price will be �14.95 (approximately $30, depending upon the current exchange rate). 

CONTENTS. For this you will receive EITHER an autorunning CD (new from February 2008) or an email attached  .zip file containing:

1. An Introduction to the new bibliography.
2. The Introduction to the 1st edition (the 1980 printed edition).
3. Bibliography notes - a monthly summary of major developments.
4. Using the bibliography - notes on getting the best use out of it & suggestions for finding particular types of       material, as well as notes on the various fields included.
5. The main bibliography - around 12,150 records as at January 2008. The General Index appears at the end of this file. It contains additional subject terms, authors, editors, translators, titles, etc. Think of it as a 'back of book' index.
6. The Index to the subject classification.
7. A subset of the main bibliography, being a file of records available online, in the same order as the main bibliography sequence.
8. Books available for sale - either via Amazon or direct from the publisher.

Each of these files will be in html format and will mimic this web site.

New records will still appear monthly on the 'New this month' page of the website and a full list of records available online will still appear. The Alchemy bookstore is also updated monthly and a full list appears at 'Alchemy bookstore'.

DELIVERY. Pay via Google Checkout or PayPal. As soon as I receive notification of your payment, I will send you the bibliography. As indicated above, it can be supplied either as a CD or as  a .zip file Email me to indicate which format you require. The .zip file is approximately 6Mb in size, so if you do have a problem with files of this size, email me at [email protected] and we can sort out the best way in which to deliver the file to you. 

To purchase a copy through Google Checkout or PayPal, select one of the buttons below.