
a bibliography of English-language writings


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ALCHEMY: a bibliography of English-language writings.

1 Sep 2008


1. 18 short tracts of alchemy. Lully's "Testament" explained; Secret fire of Philosophers; Becker's "Philosoph. Treatise"; 100 aphorisms on magick; Light extracted from chaos; Prepare sophick mercury; Likeness of a vegetable; Glory of light; Merlin Slone 631; Trevisan Opus Philo. etc. etc. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital

2. Elliot. Compendium of alchemical experiments. R.A.M.S., ? R.A.M.S. Digital

3. Mappae clavicula; a little key to the world of medieval techniques. [Edited and translated by] Cyril Stanley Smith and John G. Hawthorne. American Philosophical Society, 1974. ISBN: 0-87169-644-4. Mappae clavicula;: A little key to the world of medieval techniques (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society)


4. Linden, Stanton Jay. The alchemy reader: from Hermes Trismegistus to Isaac Newton; edited by Stanton J. Linden. Cambridge Univ P, 2003. ISBN: 0-521-79662-8. The Alchemy Reader: From Hermes Trismegistus to Isaac Newton

5. Grossinger, Richard, editor. Alchemy: pre-Egyptian legacy, millennial promise.North Atlantic Books, 1979. ISBN: 0-913028-62-2 Alchemy (Io)

6. Golden manuscripts. They made the philosophers stone [by Richard Ingalese]; The Hermetic Art teaching concerning atomic transmutation [by Volpierre (1892-1952)]; The true book of the learned Synesius a Greek Abbot taken out of the Emperors library concerning the philosophers stone; Circulatum Minus Urbigeranum, or the philosophical elixir of vegetables with the three certain ways of preparing it fully and clearly set forth in one and thirty aphorisms by Baru Urbigerus; with an introduction by Frater Albertus. Kessinger, 1992. ISBN: 1-56459-303-7. Golden Manuscripts

1A(000) [AZI]

7. Aziz, A.A. Alchemical solution. Banton Press, 1995. ISBN: 1-85652-153-2. Alchemical Solution


8. Westcott, William Wynn. The Isiac tablet: or, The Bembine table of Isis / by W. Wynn Westcott; introductory preface by Manly P. Hall. Philosophical Research Soc, 1976. ISBN: 0-89314-410-X. Isiac Tablet or the Bembine Tablet of Isis

1A(32) [HER]

9. Salmon, William. The alchemical books of Hermes Trismegistus. To which is added, A singluar commentary upon the first book of Hermes, the most ancient of philosophers. Holmes Publ Group, 2001. ISBN: 1-55818-450-3. The Alchemical Books of Hermes Trismegistus: To Which Is Added, a Singular Commentary upon the First Book of Hermes, the Most Ancient of Philosophers

10. Mead, George Robert Stowe, editor. The complete echoes from the Gnosis; edited by Stephen Ronan.Chthonios Books, ca 1987. ISBN: 978-0-948366-06-2 The Complete Echoes from the Gnosis

11. Mead, George Robert Stowe, editor. Echoes from the Gnosis: 100th anniversary edition of the spiritual classics by G.R.S. Mead; edited by John Algeo.Quest Books, 2006. ISBN: 978-0-8356-841- Echoes from the Gnosis: 100th Anniversary Edition of the Spiritual Classics by G.R.S. Mead

12. Hermes Trismegistus. [Seven chapters] The seven golden chapters of Hermes Trismegistus. Holmes Publ Group, 1984. ISBN: 0-916411-82-6. Seven Golden Chapters of Hermes Trismegistus

13. Raleigh, Albert Sidney. The shepherd of men: an official commentary on the sermon of Hermes Trismegistos. Hermetic Publ Co; Stirling, 1916. The shepherd of men: An official commentary on the sermon of Hermes Trismegistos

14. Hermes Trismegistus. [Tractatus Aureus]. Hermetis Trismegisti Tractatus Aureus. [Design]. The tree of alchimi; redrawn from an original manuscript 1577. The leaves of Hermes' sacred tree. In his Key to Alchemy, Samuel Norton divides into fourteen parts the processes or states though which the alchemical substances pass from the time they are first placed in the test tube untill ready as medicines for plants, minerals or men: Printed fro J. Harris and T. Hawkins 1692. The Golden Work of of Hermes Trismegistus, Translated out of Hebrew into Arabick, then into Greek, afterwards into Latin; and now done out of Latin into English; claused and largely commented upon by William Salmon Professor of Physick. [R.A.M.S.], n.d. [pre-1981]. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(32) [HER]-000

15. Hermes Trismegistus. Thrice Greatest Hermes: studies in Hellenistic theosophy and gnosis; G. R. S. Mead. Weiser, 2001. ISBN: 0-87728-947-6. Thrice Greatest Hermes

1A(32) [HER]-000-cfr

16. Waite, Arthur Edward. [The secret tradition in alchemy]. Ancient Hermetic books and the way of the soul therein. Kessinger, 2006. ISBN: 1430434341. Ancient Hermetic Books And The Way Of The Soul Therein - Pamphlet

1A(32) [HER]-100

17. Hermes Trismegistus. The Emerald Tablet of Hermes. Holmes Publ Group, 1997. ISBN: 1-55818-360-4. Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus

18. Hermes Trismegistus. Emerald Tablet of Hermes; translated by Patrick Smith. Holmes Publ Group, 1997. ISBN: 1-55818-360-4. Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus

1A(32) [HER]-100-cfr

19. Forshaw, Peter J. Alchemical exegesis: fractious distillations of the essence of Hermes. In: Chymists and chymistry: studies in the history of alchemy and early modern

chemistry, ed. Lawrence M. Principe. (Philadelphia (PA); Sagamore Beach (MA): Chemical Heritage Foundation; Science History Publ, 2007), 25-38. Chymists and Chymistry: Studies in the History of Alchemy and Early Modern Chemistry

1A(32) [HER]-201

20. Hermes Trismegistus. The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mecurius Trismegistus; by John Everard Translator. Wizards Bookshelf, 2000. ISBN: 9780913510308. The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus (Secret Doctrine Reference Series)

21. Hermes Trismegistus. The divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus. Translated from the Arabic by Dr. Everard. With introd. & preliminary essay by Hargrave Jennings. Madras, India, P. Kailasam Bros., 1884. Wizards Bookshelf, 1973. ISBN: 0-913510-07-6. The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus (Secret Doctrine Reference Series)

22. Hermes Trismegistus. The divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus; translated from the Arabic by Dr. Everard; with introd. & preliminary essay by Hargrave Jennings. Wizards Bookshelf, 1978. ISBN: 0-913510-30-0. The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus (Secret Doctrine Reference Series)

23. Hermes Trismegistus. The Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus; by George Robert Stowe Mead Translator. Holmes Publ Group, 1990. ISBN: 1-55818-152-0. Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus

1A(38) [EUD]

24. Eudoxus. The six keys of Eudoxus. [R.A.M.S.], n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(38) [ZOS]

25. Zosimos of Panopolis. Zosimus of Panoplis on the letter Omega; edited and translated by Howard M. Jackson. Scholars P for Society of Biblical Literature, 1978. ISBN: 978-0-89130-250-6. On the letter omega (Graeco-Roman religion series)


26. A Brief rehearsal of the preparation of the Philosophers Stone. In: Aurifontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 83. R.A.M.S. Digital

27. Colours to be observed in the operation of the Great Work. In: Aurifontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 29. R.A.M.S. Digital

28. The First matter (no author or date). In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 6p. R.A.M.S. Digital

29. The Fountain of chemical philosophy. In: Diverse alchemical tracts. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 1], 6-22. R.A.M.S. Digital

30. The Glory of light B.M. Sloane 2219; translated by L.F.P. In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 23p. R.A.M.S. Digital

31. Of Nature and Art; A thankful offering of an Enlightened Writer of the Hermetic A.B.C. of a well disposed Christian Hermetic Scholar. Written in the Month of November 1730 I. C. H. In: Three tracts. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 1-17. R.A.M.S. Digital

32. A Philosophical riddle. In: Aurifontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 56. R.A.M.S. Digital

33. The Practice of philosophers Anonymous (written in Bacstrom's hand). In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 5p. R.A.M.S. Digital

34. The Privy seal of secrets, which upon pain of dammnation is not unadvisedly to be broken up, nor revealed to any but with great care, and many cautions. In: Aurifontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 1], 14-16. R.A.M.S. Digital

35. The Secret fire of the philosophers; no author or date. In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 7p. R.A.M.S. Digital

36. Secrets disclos'd. One Friend to another; as Bloomfield suppose, The Philosophers Stone the Secrets doth disclose. In: Aurifontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 1], 54-55. R.A.M.S. Digital

37. Teipsum corporalitur. B.M. Sloane 633. Translated by Dr S. Billingham. In: Diverse alchemical tracts. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 1], 21-34. R.A.M.S. Digital

38. Thesaurus, sive medicina aurea: a plain and true description of the treasure of treasures, or the golden medicine. In: Aurifontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 1], 30-32. R.A.M.S. Digital

39. Tractatus delapide [sic!], manna benedicto, &c. In: Aurifontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 1], 33-43. R.A.M.S. Digital

40. Alchemical Compendium I; translated byMike Dickman. Adam McLean, 1999. Alchemical compendium I

41. Anonimus the Cabalist. The crowning of nature: The doctrine of the chief medicine explained in sixty seven hieroglyphicks, by Anonimus the Cabalist. Edited with a commentary by Adam McLean. Special coloured ed. Adam McLean, ca 1995. Crowning of Nature

42. Diverse alchemical tracts. May dew. Excerpts from Sal, lumen & spiritus mundi. Teipsum corporalitur. Aureum seculum, menstruum universali, etc. Fountain of Chem. Phil. And various alchemical writings. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital

43. Barrett, Francis. Lives of alchemystical philosophers; with a catalogue of books in occult chemistry and a selection of the most celebrated treatises on the theory and practice of the Hermetic Art / Anonymous. Kessinger, 1993. ISBN: 1-56459-352-5. Lives of the Alchemystical Philosophers

44. The Pneumo-Cosmic manuscript; edited with an Introduction by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 2006. Pneumo-Cosmic manuscript

45. Three tracts. Of Nature and Art. Liber trium verborum of King Calid. The philosophical cannons [sic!] of Paracelsus. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital


46. Bacstrom, Sigismund. Bacstrom's alchemical anthology:: a selection of rare chemical fragments. Rev. ed. Holmes Publ Group, 2001. ISBN: 1-55818-283-7. Sigismond Bacstrom's Alchemical Anthology: An Essay on Alchemy

1A(4) [AUR]

47. Aurifontina chymica; trans. John Houpreght. 14 alchemical tracts. R.A.M.S., 1981. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(4) [SAL]

48. Saltzal, Solinus. Discourse on the fountain of philosophical salt; translated from the Latin by Patricia Tahil. R.A.M.S., 1986. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(4) [SNY]

49. Snyders, John de Monte. John de Mond Snyder. Universal and particular processes; translated from the Ehrenthal Manuscript. R.A.M.S., 1981. R.A.M.S. Digital

50. Snyders, John de Monte. The metamorphosis of the planets. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(4) [SYN]

51. Synesius. [The true book]. The True Book of the Learned Synesius Concerning the Philosopher's Stone. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 978-1-4253-0153-8. The True Book of the Learned Synesius Concerning the Philosopher's Stone

52. Synesius. [The true book]. The true book of the learned Synesius, a Greek Abbot: Taken out of the Emperour's library, concerning the philosopher's stone ; with a foreword by Frater ... by Israel Regardie (Golden manuscripts). Para Publishing, 1973. The true book of the learned Synesius, a Greek Abbot: Taken out of the Emperour's library, concerning the philosopher's stone ; with a foreword by Frater ... by Israel Regardie (Golden manuscripts)

53. Synesius. [The true book]. The true book of the Synesius. Holmes Publ Group, 2001. ISBN: 1-55818-406-6. The True Book of Synesius

1A(4) [TRI]

54. Trismosin, Salomon. The golden fleece. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital

55. Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor solis. Kessinger, 2003. ISBN: 0766158659. Splendor Solis

56. Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor solis, with its figures wherein are described all the annunciatory signs of the Stone of the Philosophers. Holmes Publ Group, 2001. ISBN: 1-55818-421-X. Splendor Solis: With Its Figures Wherein Are Described All the Annunctiatory Signs of the Stone of the Philosophers

57. Trismosin, Salomon. Splendor solis; by Salomon Trismosin; translated by Joscelyn Godwin; introduction and commentary by Adam McLean. Phanes P, 1991. ISBN: 0-933999-92-5. Splendor Solis (Hermetic Research Series)

1A(4) [TUR]

58. The Turba philosophorum. Kessinger, 1997. ISBN: 0922802998. Turba Philosophorum

59. The Turba Philosophorum. A very early alchemical text probably from the 12th Century. [R.A.M.S.], n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(411) [SCO]

60. Scot, Michael. Curious alchemical investigation concerning the nature of the sun and moon from Michael Scotus. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 1417990996. Curious Alchemical Investigation Concerning The Nature Of The Sun And Moon From Michael Scotus

61. Scot, Michael. Curious investigation concerning the nature of the sun and the moon. Holmes Publ Group, 1983. ISBN: 0-91641-194-X. Curious Investigation Concerning the Nature of the Sun and Moon (Alchemical Treatise Series, No 5)


62. Merlin. B.M. 15549 (Additional M.S.). In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 2p. R.A.M.S. Digital

63. Opus philosophorum. British Museum Slone 319. In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 4p. R.A.M.S. Digital

64. Sloane MSS 1321. An hundred aphorisms containing the whole body of magick. In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 13p. R.A.M.S. Digital

65. To make the likeness of a vegetable. Sloane MSS 633, page 166. In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 1p. R.A.M.S. Digital

66. Collectanea chemica: being certain select treatises on alchemy and Hermetic medicine, by Eirenaeus Philalethes, Dr Francis Anthony, George Starkey, Sir George Ripley, and a work by an anonymous unknown which is attribUted to Edward Kelly [edited by A.E. Waite]. Alchemical P, 1991. ISBN: 1-55818-149-0. Collectanea Chemica: Being Certain Select Treatises on Alchemy and Hermetic Literature

67. [Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum]. Hermes bird an alchemical treatise. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 1417917075. Hermes Bird an Alchemical Treatise


68. Keiser, George R. Preserving the heritage: Middle English verse treatises in early modern manuscripts. In: Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture, ed. Stanton J. Linden. (New York: AMS Press, 2007), 189-214. Mystical metal of gold: essayson alchemy and Renaissance culture

1A(42) [ASH]-110

69. Ashmole, Elias. The way to bliss. (1658). In three books. Kessinger, [1993]. ISBN: 1-56459-347-9. Way to Bliss: In Three Books

70. Ashmole, Elias. The way to bliss. In three books. Kessinger, 2004. ISBN: 1417915641. Way to Bliss: In Three Books

1A(42) [ATW]

71. Atwood, Mary Anne. A suggestive enquiry into the Hermetic mystery. Yogi Publ Soc, 1976. ISBN: 0-911662-64-2. A Suggestive Inquiry into the Hermetic Mystery

1A(42) [BACR]

72. Bacon, Roger. Of the Medicine or Tincture of Antimony. [R.A.M.S.], n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

73. Bacon, Roger. Radix Mundi. [Design]. William Salmon professor of physick. R.A.M.S., 1977. R.A.M.S. Digital

74. Bacon, Roger. Tract on the Tincture and Oil of Antimony by Roger Bacon (circa 1220 - 1292). On the true and right Preparation of Stibium to heal human weaknesses and illnesses therewith, and to improve the imperfect metals. From Friedrich Roth-Scholtz, Deutsches theatrum chemicum,

N�rnberg: Adam Jonathan Felsecker, 1731. [R.A.M.S.], n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

75. Bacon, Roger. Tract on the tincture and oil of antimony. Kindle ed. ed. Amazon Digital Services, 2008. Tract on the Tincture and Oil of Antimony

1A(42) [BACR]-100

76. Bacon, Roger. The Mirror of Alchimy. "The mirror of alchimy, composed by the thrice-famous and learned fryer, Roger Bachon, sometimes fellow of Martin Colledge: and afterwards of Brasen-nose Colledge in Oxenforde. Also a most excellent and learned discourse of the admirable force and efficacie of art and nature, written by the same author. With certaine other treatises of the like argument." LONDON. Printed by Thomas Creede for Richard Olive. 1597.[Note: Roger Bacon ((1210 to 1215?)-1294) was an English Alchemist and Philosopher during the Middle Ages who insisted on conducting his own experiments and observing the results, as opposed to depending upon the writings of others.]. R.A.M.S., n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [BOY]

77. Hunter, Michael Cyril William. Letters and papers of Robert Boyle: a guide to manuscripts and microfilm. University Publications of America, 1991. ISBN: 978-1-55655-217-5. Letters and Papers of Robert Boyle: A Guide to the Manuscripts and Microfilm (Collections from the Royal Society)

1A(42) [CLE]

78. Cleidophorus Mystagogus. Trifertes Sagani or Immortal Dissolvent. Being a brief but candid discourse of the matter and manner of preparing the Liquor Alkahest of Helmont, the great Hilech of Paracelsus, the Sal Circulatum Minus of Ludovicus de Comitibus: or our fiery spirit of the four elements. Together with its use in preparing magisteries, arcana's quintessences, and other secret medicines of the Adepts from the animal, vegitable or mineral kingdoms. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [COC]

79. Cockren, Archibald. [Alchemy rediscovered and restored ]. Alchemy rediscovered and restored. Philadelphia, David McKay 1941. With an account of the extraction of the seed of metals and the preparation of the medicinal elixir according to the practice of the hermetic Art and of the Alkahest of the Philosopher. R.A.M.S., n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

80. Cockren, Archibald. [Alchemy rediscovered and restored ]. Alchemy rediscovered and restored; foreword by Sir Dudley Borron Myers. Cosimo Classics, 2007. ISBN: 978-1-60206-104-0. Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored

81. Cockren, Archibald. [Alchemy rediscovered and restored ]. Practical applications of alchemy. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 1417992360. Practical Applications Of Alchemy

82. Cockren, Archibald. Theoretical alchemy. Holmes Publ Group, 1987. ISBN: 0-916411-67-2. Theoretical Alchemy

1A(42) [DEEJ]

83. Dee, John. The Five Books of Mystical Exercises of John Dee: an Angelic Revelation of Cabalistic Magic and other Mysteries Occult and Divine revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly A.D. 1581 - 1583. transcribed from Sloane 3188 in the British Library by Joseph Peterson. Adam McLean, 1985. Dee - Five books of mystical exercises

1A(42) [DIG]

84. Digby, Kenelm. Chemical secrets and experiments; translated by: George Hartman London 1608. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

85. Digby, Kenelm. Choice and rare alchemical texts. R.A.M.S., ? R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [DUN]

86. Dunstan, Saint. Of the Stone of the Philosophers. In: Philosophia maturata, ed. L. ColsonR.A.M.S., 1985),.[]. R.A.M.S. Digital

87. Colson, Lancelot. Philosophia Maturata: Of the Stone of the Philosophers by

St. Dunstan. An Exact Piece of Philosophy Containing the Practick and Operative Part Thereof in Gaining the Philosophers' Stone With the Ways and How to Make the Mineral Stone, and the Calcination of Metals. Published by: Lancelot Colson, Driston, Phys. And Chym. London, Printed for G. Sawbridge, And are to be sold at his house, Upon Clerken-well-Green, 1668. R.A.M.S., 1985. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [FLU]

88. Fludd, Robert. On the divine numbers and the divine harmony. Translated by General Charles A. Rainsford in the late 18th century; edited with an introduction by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 1997. Fludd - Diovine numbers and divine harmony

89. Szulakowska, Urszula. The alchemical medicine and Christology of Robert Fludd and Abraham von Franckenberg. In: Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture, ed. Stanton J. Linden. (New York: AMS Press, 2007), 277-298. Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture

1A(42) [FLU]-100

90. Fludd, Robert. Mosaical philosophy grounded upon the essential truth or eternal sapience. Kessinger, 2003. ISBN: 0766169634. Mosaical Philosophy Grounded Upon the Essential Truth or Eternal Sapience

1A(42) [FRE]

91. French, John. The art of distillation. R.A.M.S., n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [HAZ]

92. Hazelrigg, John. The book of formulas. R.A.M.S., 1977. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [HEN]

93. Henshaw, Thomas. Some practical observations on May Dew. From the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (British Museum MSS. Slone [sic!] 698. In: Diverse alchemical tracts. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 1], 1-11. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [HEY]

94. Heydon, John. The holy guide. John Heydon 1682. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

95. Heydon, John. The Rosicrucian Cross unveiled. Holmes Publ Group, 2001. ISBN: 1-55818-285-3. The Rosy Cross Unveiled

1A(42) [HOC]

96. Hockley, Frederick. A Manual of a Rosicrucian Philos from April 30th to June 15 1797. Containing the process of the philosophers stone, and some valuable experiments inventions, astrological ingredients &c. Transcribed from the original manuscript by Frederick Hockley

January 8th 1833. Eamonn Loughran, 2007. Facsimile Frederick Hockley/Golden Dawn Manuscript

1A(42) [KELE]

97. Kelley, Edward. [The alchemical writings of Edward Kelly]. Edward Kelly the Englishman's Two Excellent Treatises on the Philosopher's Stone together with the Theatre of Terrestrial Astronomy. Kessinger, 2007. ISBN: 0548062900. Edward Kelly the Englishman's Two Excellent Treatises on the Philosopher's Stone together with the Theatre of Terrestrial Astronomy

98. Kelley, Edward. [The alchemical writings of Edward Kelly]. The letters of Edward Kelly the famous to alchemist. Kessinger, 2006. ISBN: 1430432020. The Letters Of Edward Kelly The Famous To Alchemist

99. Kelley, Edward. [The alchemical writings of Edward Kelly]. The theatre of terrestrial astronomy. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 1417993685. The Theatre of Terrestrial Astronomy

1A(42) [MUN]

100. Mundanus, Theodorus. The quintessence of the philosophers. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [NEW]-cfr

101. Newman, William Royall. Newton's theory of metallic generation in the previously neglected text "Humores minerales continuo decidunt". In: Chymists and chymistry: studies in the history of alchemy and early modern

chemistry, ed. Lawrence M. Principe. (Philadelphia (PA); Sagamore Beach (MA): Chemical Heritage Foundation; Science History Publ, 2007), 89-99. Chymists and Chymistry: Studies in the History of Alchemy and Early Modern Chemistry

1A(42) [NORT]

102. Norton, Thomas. The ordinall of alchimy, by Thomas Norton of Bristoll, being a facsimile reproduction from Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum with annotations by Elias Ashmole; with introduction by E. J. Holmyard. The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1929. Ordinall of Alchimy

1A(42) [NOW]

103. Nowell, Edward. Certain chemical works with the true practice gathered into a true method by: Edward Nowell. B. M. Sloane #2567. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [PHIE]-120

104. Philalethes, Eirenaeus. Three tracts on medicine. Tres tractatus de metallorum transmutatione. Amsterdam, 1668. R.A.M.S., n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [PHIE]-130

105. Philalethes, Eirenaeus. The secret of the immortal liquor called alkahest: a treatise on alchemy. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 141790450X. The Secret of the Immortal Liquor Called Alkahest: A Treatise on Alchemy

1A(42) [PHIE]-140

106. Philalethes, Eirenaeus. Experiments for the preparation of the Sophic Mercury by Luna and the Antimonial Stellar Regulus of Mars for the Philosophers Stone; written by: Eugeneous Philaletha, an Englishman and a Cosmopolite. In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 6p. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [RIP]

107. Ripley, George. The bosom book: an alchemical classic. Holmes Publ Group, 2001. ISBN: 0-916411-31-1. The Bosom Book

108. Ripley, George. The compound of alchemy. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital

109. Ripley, George. Five preparations of the Philosoopher's Mercury. Holmes Publ Group, 1987. ISBN: 1-55818-158-X. Five Preparations of the Philosopher's Mercury

110. Ripley, George. George Ripley Medulla Alchymiae. The marrow of alchymie written in Latin by George Ripley, Canon of Bridlington, which he sent out of Italy, anno 1476. To the Arch-Bishop of York. Translated into English and now revised and claused by. William Salmon proffesor of physick. [R.A.M.S.], n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

111. Ripley, George. Liber secretisimus [sic!]. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital

112. Philalethes, Eirenaeus. An exposition upon Sir George Ripley's vision. In: Alchemy: the secret art, ed. Stanislas Klossowski de Rola. (London: Thames & Hudson, 1973),. Alchemy: The Secret Art (Art and Imagination Series)

113. Ripley, George. A treatise of mercury and the Philosophers Stone. In: Aurifontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 1], 22-28. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [RIP]-cfr

114. McCallum, Robert Ian. Alchemical scrolls associated with George Ripley. In: Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture, ed. Stanton J. Linden. (New York: AMS Press, 2007), 161-188. Mystical metal of gold: essayson alchemy and Renaissance culture

1A(42) [THOG]

115. Thornley, George. Bacstrom's prologue to "Zoroaster's Cave" (extracts). In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 16p. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(42) [VAUT]

116. Vaughan, Thomas. An alchemical notebook. Holmes Publ Group, 1983. ISBN: 0-916411-11-7. AN ALCHEMICAL NOTEBOOK: A Notebook of Thomas Vaughan (Alchemical Treatise Series, No 3)

117. Vaughan, Thomas. Euphrates: the waters of the East. Holmes Publ Group, 1998. ISBN: 1-55818-407-4. Euphrates: The Waters of the East

118. Vaughan, Thomas. The Fraternity of the Rosy Cross: a short declaration of their physical work. Holmes Publ Group, 1983. ISBN: 0-916411-07-9. Fraternity of the Rosy Cross


119. Aureum seculum. In: Diverse alchemical tracts. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 1], 1-5. R.A.M.S. Digital

120. B.M. MS. Slone 631, f.183. In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 4p. R.A.M.S. Digital

121. A Treatise written by a celebrated Philosopher, Anonymous communicated to: Dr. Johan J. Becker and translated from the German original [by] Dr Sig. Bacstrom. In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 21p. R.A.M.S. Digital

122. Arcana divina (The divine secret). Anonymous. Published by Dr. G. A. Fuchs in Collected Volumes 1885-1916 of the Provincial Library (Vol. 8, History of Literature, p. 417), and in the Annual Report of the Communal College of Komotau (Bohemia) from a Manuscript from the Ossegg Foundation. R.A.M.S., 1989. R.A.M.S. Digital

123. Coelum philosophorum; translated by: S. Bacstrom, M.D. R.A.M.S., 1977. R.A.M.S. Digital

124. A Magnificent and Select Tract on Philosophical Water; translated by C. Banerji. R.A.M.S., 1986. R.A.M.S. Digital


125. Willard, Thomas Spaulding. Alchemy in the theater, museum, and library, 1602-1702. In: Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture, ed. Stanton J. Linden. (New York: AMS Press, 2007), 215-230. Mystical metal of gold: essayson alchemy and Renaissance culture

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126. Albertus Magnus. Compound of compounds; translated from the French by Lynn Bacarella, 1978. R.A.M.S., 1977. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [AND]

127. Andreae, Johann Valentin. The Rosicrucian manuscripts; with an introduction by Benedict J. Williamson. Invisible College P, 2002. ISBN: 978-1-931468-12-1. The Rosicrucian Manuscripts

1A(43) [AND]-100

128. Andreae, Johann Valentin. The Chymical wedding of Christian Rosencreutz: a modern poetic version by Jon Valentine with imaginations by Arne Salomonsen. St George Publications, 1981. ISBN: 0916786587. The chymical wedding of Christian Rosencreuz anno 1459: A modern poetic version

129. Andreae, Johann Valentin. Commentary on the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz. Text of the 1690 Foxcroft edition revised and modernized by Dierdre Green and Adam McLean. With extracts from the original German edition translated by Donald Maclean. Adam McLean, 1984. Commentary on the Chymical Wedding

1A(43) [BAC]

130. Lambspring, Abraham. Lamspring's process: an alchemical manuscript produced by R.A.M.S. R.A.M.S., 1977. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [BECKCA]

131. Becker, Christian Augustus. "Das Aceton" (The Acetone). The Secret Spirit of Wine of the Adepts (Spiritus Vini Lulliani s. Philosophici) and Its Medical Appilcation for Chemists and Doctors edited by Dr. CHristian August Becker. Second edition with an added Introduction. Heinrichshofen'sche Buchhandlung. 1867. Translation: Leone Muller. R.A.M.S., 1981. R.A.M.S. Digital

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1A(43) [BRA]

133. Braunschweig, Hieronymous. The book of distillation: the first book; edited with an Introduction and the woodcuts coloured by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 2006? Braunschweig - Book of distillation

1A(43) [CRA]

134. Cramer, Daniel. The Rosicrucian emblems of Daniel Cramer: the True Society of Jesus and the Rosy Cross: here are forty sacred emblems from Holy Scripture concerning the most precious name and cross of Jesus Christ; translated from the Latin by Fiona Tait; introduction and commentary by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 1980. Rosicrucian emblems of Daniel Cramer

1A(43) [ELE]

135. Eleazar, Rabbi Abraham. The book of Abraham the Jew. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [FLE]

136. Fleischer, Johan Friedrich. Chemical moon shine where in not only is shown the true philosophical subject but also how such is to be, sought, and then how such should be prepared; Faithfully written down at the request and petition of an especially good friend, made known to the honest world and allowed to be printed, by one who wishes neither to deny or conceal the truth. Franckfurt and Leipzig, by Johann Friedrich Fleischer, 1739. [R.A.M.S.], [1988?]. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [FRE]

137. Frederick, Duke of Holsatia and Sleswick. A letter communicated by the most serene Prince Frederick Duke of Halsatia and Sleswick, concerning an adept, and relates things strange and unheard-of. In: Aurifontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 1], 17-21. R.A.M.S. Digital

138. Freher, Dionysius Andreas. The paradoxical emblems of Dionysius Andreas Freher: edited from Ms. Add. 5789 in the British Library / with an introduction by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 1983. Paradoxical emblems of Freher

139. Freher, Dionysius Andreas. The Three Tables of D.A. Freher; Edited with an introduction by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 2003. Three tables of D.A. Freher

140. Freher, Dionysius Andreas. Three tables of Man: his creation, fall and regeneration revealed in three elaborate diagrams by D.A. Freher. Edited and with coloured versions of these tables by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 2005. Three tables of D.A. Freher - coloured edition

1A(43) [GLA]

141. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. A spagyrical pharmocopoea. First part. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

142. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. A treatise of salt. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

143. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Annotations on Miraculum mundi. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

144. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Apology against Chris. Farnner. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

145. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Aurum potabile. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

146. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Aurum potabile. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

147. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Birth and nativity of metals. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

148. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. De purgatorio philosophorum. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

149. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Elias Artista. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

150. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Explication of Miraculum mundi. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

151. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Heaven of the philosophers. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

152. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Libellus ignius. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

153. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Mercury of the Philosophers. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

154. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Miraculum mundi (continued). R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

155. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Miraculum mundi second part. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

156. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Miraculum mundi. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

157. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Novum lumen chymicum. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

158. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Philosophical furnaces Fifth part. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

159. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Philosophical furnaces First part. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

160. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Philosophical furnaces Fourth part. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

161. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Philosophical furnaces Second part. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

162. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Philosophical furnaces Third part. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

163. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Prosperity of Germany. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

164. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Sal mirabilis. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

165. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Salt of the Philosophers. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

166. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Secret fire of the Philosophers. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

167. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Secrets of medicine and alchemy. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

168. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Short book of dialogues. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

169. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Tartar from lees of wine. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

170. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. The book of Paracelus. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

171. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. The centurys fifth. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

172. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. The centurys first. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

173. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. The centurys fourth. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

174. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. The centurys second. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

175. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. The centurys third. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

176. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. The consolation of navigators. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

177. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. The hellish goddess Perosperine. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

178. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. The mineral work. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

179. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Three noble stones. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

180. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Three principles of metals. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

181. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Treatise on signature of salts, metals & planets. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

182. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Univeral [sic!] medicine. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

183. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans; Chris. Packe. A treatise on the animal stone. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

184. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Philosophical furnaces. In: The complete works of Rudolph Glauber [Part 1]. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1983), Cover], 19-22. R.A.M.S. Digital

185. Glauber, Johann Rudolf. The complete works of Rudolph Glauber; trans: Chris. Packe. Secrets of medicine and alchemy. In: The complete works of Rudolph Glauber [Part 1]. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1983), Cover], 1-18. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [GLA]-cfr

186. An Index of the complete works of Glauber. [R.A.M.S.], n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [GRA]

187. "The Greater and Lesser Edifyer (Der Grosse und Der Kleine Bauer)" by Grasshof. Translated by Robert Firmage. "Aperta Arca Arcani artificiossimi" or "The Revealed and Open Chest of the Greatest of All Most Articial Secret of Nature of The Greater and Lesser Edifyer Together with the Proper and True Physica Naturali Rotunda. Described comprehensively through a Visionem Chymicam Qabalisticam." Hamburg and Stockholm. 1687. R.A.M.S., 1984. R.A.M.S. Digital

188. Grasshoff, Johann. Der Grosse und der kleine Bauer (the greater and lesser edifyer; trans. Rob Firmage. R.A.M.S., 1984. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [GUA]

189. Gualdus, Frederich. Revelation of the true chemical wisdom; Published in 1720

Translated by Leone Muller. R.A.M.S., 1989. R.A.M.S. Digital

190. Gualdus, Fridericus. Works of an adept (with longevity elixir); translated by Chymophilus. R.A.M.S., ? R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [HAR]

191. Harprecht, Johann. Treatise of salt: the third principle of minerals; translated from the French by Patrick Smith and critically compared with the Digby translation. Holmes Publ Group, 2000. ISBN: 1-55818-420-1. Treatise of Salt: The Third Principle of Minerals

1A(43) [HER]

192. The Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon = Hermaphroditisches Sonn-und Monds-Kind; translated by Mike Brenner, with an introduction and commentary by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 1998. Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon

193. The Hermetic museum, restored and enlarged : most faithfully instructing all disciples of the sopho-spagyric art how that greatest and truest medicine of the philosopher's stone may be found and held; now first done into English from the Latin original published at Frankfort in the year 1678; containing twenty-two most celebrated chemical tracts. Samuel Weiser, 1990. ISBN: 9780877287339. The Hermetic Museum: Containing Twenty-Two Most Celebrated Chemical Tracts, Complete in One Volume

194. The Hermetic museum, restored and enlarged : most faithfully instructing all disciples of the sopho-spagyric art how that greatest and truest medicine of the philosopher's stone may be found and held; now first done into English from the Latin original published at Frankfort in the year 1678; containing twenty-two most celebrated chemical tracts. Samuel Weiser, 1999. ISBN: 087728928X. The Hermetic Museum: Containing Twenty-Two Most Celebrated Chemical Tracts, Complete in One Volume

195. The Hermetic museum, restored and enlarged: most faithfully instructing all disciples of the sopho-spagyric art how that greatest and truest medicine of the philosopher's stone may be found and held; now first done into English from the Latin original published at Frankfort in the year 1678; containing twenty-two most celebrated chemical tracts. Red Wheel/Weiser, 1999. ISBN: 978-0-87728-928-9. The Hermetic Museum: Containing Twenty-Two Most Celebrated Chemical Tracts, Complete in One Volume

1A(43) [HYD]

196. Hydropyrographum Hermeticum. In: Aurifontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 1], 1-13p. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [JUR]

197. Jurain, Abtala. Abtala Jurain, filii Jacob Juran. Hyle und Coahyl. From the Ethiopian translated into Latin - and from the Latin translated into the German by Dr Johann Elias Muller and from the German in 1983 by: Leone Muller. R.A.M.S., 1983. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [KHU]-cfr

198. Forshaw, Peter J. 'Alchemy in the Ampiththeatre': some considerations of the alchemical content of the engravings of Heinrich Khunrath's Amphitheare of Eternal Wisdom (1609). In: Art & alchemy, ed. Jacob Wamberg. (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum P, University of Copenhagen, 2006), 195-220. Art & Alchemy

1A(43) [KIRAJ]

199. Kirchweger, Anton Joseph. The Golden Chain of Homer. Kessinger, 2004. ISBN: 1419164139. The Golden Chain Of Homer

200. Kirchweger, Anton Joseph. The Golden Chain of Homer, 1723. R.A.M.S., 1978. R.A.M.S. Digital

201. Kirchweger, Anton Joseph. Golden Chain of Homer; edited by Anton Kirchweger. R.A.M.S., 1984. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [KIRAJ]-cfr

202. Waite, Arthur Edward. [The secret tradition in alchemy]. The Latin chain of Hermes: an alchemical overview. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 1417907061. The Latin Chain Of Hermes: An Alchemical Overview

1A(43) [LAM]

203. Lambspring, Abraham. The Book of Lambspring coloured; edited with reproductions of paintings by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 2000. Books of Lamspring - coloured

204. Lambspring, Abraham. The book of Lambspring concerning the Philosophical Stone; a new translation, with introduction, by Patrick J. Smith. Holmes Publ Group, 2000. ISBN: 1-55818-456-2. The Book of Lambsprinck: Concerning the Philosophical Stone. (Alchemical Studies Series #19)

205. Lambspring, Abraham. The book of Lamspring: the book of Lamspring, a noble ancient philosopher, concerning the Philosophical Stone; rendered into Latin verse by Nicholas Barnaud Delphinas, Doctor of Medicine, a zealous student of this art. R.A.M.S., n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [MAD]

206. Madathanus, Hinricus. Cosmology or universal science. Kessinger, 1998. ISBN: 0766107302. Cosmology or Universal Science

207. A Brother of the Fraternity. Secret symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th and 17th centuries, or a simple ABC booklet for young students practicing daily in the school of the Holy Ghost made clear to the eyes by pictorial figures for the exercises of the New Year in the natural and theological light. Kessinger, 1942. ISBN: 0-7661-0728-0. Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th and 17th Centuries

1A(43) [MAI]

208. Maier, Michael. Intellectual cantilenae in nine triads upon the resurrection of the Phoenix; and done into English by Mike Dickman. Adam McLean, 1997. Maier - Intellectual Cantilenae

209. Maier, Michael. Michael Maier - The Viatorium .Edited with an Introduction by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 2005. Maier - Viatorium

1A(43) [NAZ]

210. Nazari, Giovanni Battista. Three dreams on the transmutations of metals; translated by Doug Skinner. Adam McLean, 2002. Nazati - Three dreams on the transmutation of metals

1A(43) [NOL]

211. Nolle, Heinrich. The chemists key of Henry Nollius published by Eugenius Philalethes London 1657 by: S. Bacstrom, m.d. [sic!]. R.A.M.S., 1977. R.A.M.S. Digital

212. Nolle, Heinrich. The chymists key to shut and to open: the true doctrine of corruption and generation, in the brief aphorisms illustrated with the pure light of Nature. Holmes Publ Group, 2001. ISBN: 1-55818-187-3. The Chymist's Key to Shut and to Open: The True Doctrine of Corruption and Generation, in the Brief Aphorisms Illustrated With the Pure Light of Nature

213. Nolle, Heinrich. Hermetic Physic: Or, the Right Way to Preserve & to Restore Health; translated by Thomas and Henry Vaughan. Holmes Publ Group, 1995. ISBN: 155818273X. Hermetic Physic: Or, the Right Way to Preserve & to Restore Health

1A(43) [PAR]

214. Paracelsus. The aurora of the philosophers. By Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, Paracelsus the Great, which he otherwise calls his Monarchia. (note 1). [R.A.M.S.], n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

215. Paracelsus. The book Concerning the Tincture of the Philosophers by Paracelsus. The book Concerning the Tincture of the Philosophers written against those Sophists born since the deluge, in the age of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God; by Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, Philosopher of the Monarchia, Prince of Spagyrists, Chief Astronomer, Surpassing Physician, and Trismegistus of Mechanical Arcana. R.A.M.S., n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

216. Paracelsus. Concerning preparations in alchemical medicine. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 1425350453. Concerning Preparations In Alchemical Medicine

217. Paracelsus. The philosophical cannons [sic!] of Paracelsus. In: Three tracts. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 24-34. R.A.M.S. Digital

218. Paracelsus. Philosophia Mystica by Paracelsus: the prophecies of the prophet Daniel; translated into English and edited by Gerhard Hanswille and Deborah Brumlich. Merkur, 1989. ISBN: 0969382006. Philosophia Mystica : The Prophecies of the Prophet Daniel (Paracelsus) (Paracelsus)

219. Paracelsus. The revelation of Hermes; as interpreted by Paraceluss and regarding the supreme secret of the world. Holmes Publ Group, 1984. ISBN: 0-916411-81-8. The Book of the Revelation of Hermes

220. Paracelsus. Seven defenses of Paracelsus. Holmes Publ Group, 2001. ISBN: 1558182802. The Seven Defenses of Paracelsus: (Against Those Who Would Seek to Destroy Me

221. Paracelsus. Three books of philosophy written to the Athenians. Holmes Publ Group, 2003. ISBN: 1-55818-476-7. Three Books of Philosophy: Written to the Athenians

222. Paracelsus. The tincture of the Philosophers: by the art of Vulcan {the separation of Good from evil}, three essences pass into one. Holmes Publ Group, 1984. ISBN: 0-916411-45-1. The Tincture of the Philosophers

223. Paracelsus. The Treasure of Treasures by Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, Paracelsus the Great As also The Water-Stone of The Wise Men; Describing the matter of, and manner how to attain the universal Tincture. Faithfully Englished. And Published by J.H. Oxon. London, Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at the Black Spred Eagle, at the West end of Pauls, 1659. [R.A.M.S.], n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

224. Paracelsus. A treatise concerning the medicinal Philosophic Stone. Holmes Publ Group, 1989. ISBN: 1-55818-161-X. A Treatise Concerning the Medicinal Philosophic Stone

225. Paracelsus. [Works]. A book concerning long life. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 1425350410. A Book Concerning Long Life

1A(43) [PAR]-000

226. Paracelsus. Hermetic and alchemical writings of Paracelsus V1. Kessinger, 2002. ISBN: 0766126218. Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus, Part 1

227. Paracelsus. Hermetic and alchemical writings of Paracelsus V2. Kessinger, 2002. ISBN: 0766126226. Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus, Part 2

1A(43) [PAR]-cfr

228. A Paracelsian lexicon of alchemical terms. Holmes Publ Group, 2001. ISBN: 1558184058. A Paracelsian Lexicon of Alchemical Terms

229. A Paracelsian lexicon of alchemical terms. New revised ed. Holmes Publ Group, 2005. ISBN: 1-55818-405-8. A Paracelsian Lexicon of Alchemical Terms

1A(43) [RHU]

230. Rhumelius, Johann Pharamund. Spagyric medicine; translated from the French by Leone Muller. R.A.M.S., 1986. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [ROS]

231. The Rosary of the philosophers; edited with a commentary by Adam McLean. Special coloured ed. Adam McLean, 1981. Rosary of the Philosophers

1A(43) [ROSK]

232. Rosenroth, Knorr von. Aesch-Mezareph. Holmes Publ Group, 1990. ISBN: 1558181660. Aesch Mezareph, or Purifying Fire: A Chymico-Kabalistic Treatise Collected from the "Kabala Denudata"

233. Rosenroth, Knorr von. Aesch-Mezareph, or, Purifying Fire. The Aesch-Mezareph dates from the 16th or early 17th centuries. The work was first published in Latin in Knorr von Rosenroth's Kabbala denudata, Sulzbach, 1677-1684. A translation into English was issued in W. Wynn Wescott's 'Collectanea Hermetica' series at the end of the 19th century. R.A.M.S., n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [RUL]

234. Ruland, Martin. A lexicon of alchemy. Kessinger ISBN: 0922802823. Lexicon of Alchemy (1612)

235. Ruland, Martin. A lexicon of alchemy. Banton P, 1992. ISBN: 978-1-85652-071-3. Lexicon of Alchemy (1612)

236. Ruland, Martin. A lexicon of alchemy. or alchemical dictionary containing a full and plain explanation of all obscure words, Hermetic subjects, and arcane phrases of Paracelsus; translated by A.E. Waite. Weiser, 1984. A Lexicon of Alchemy or Alchemical Dictionary, Containing a Full and Plain Explanation of All Obscure Words, Hermetic Subjects, and Arcane Phrases of Paracelsus

237. Ruland, Martin. A lexicon of alchemy: or Alchemical dictionary / by Martinus Rulandus, Philosopher, Doctor and private physician to the August person the Emperor. Kessinger, 1992. ISBN: 0-922802-82-3. Lexicon of Alchemy

238. Ruland, Martin. A short lexicon of alchemy: explaining the chief terms used by Paracelsus and other Hermetic philosophers. Holmes Publ Group, 1990. ISBN: 1558181644. A Short Lexicon of Alchey: Explaining the Chief Terms Used by Paracelsus and Other Hermetic Philosophers

1A(43) [SCHA]

239. Schwartzfus, Anonymous von. Sanguis Naturae (Christopher Grummet), Or, a manifest declaration of the sanguine and solar concealed liquor of Nature. London 1696. Printed for A.R and sold by T. Sowle. R.A.M.S., 1981. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [TRI]

240. Trithemius, Johannes. The steganographia of Trithemius. Translated by Fiona Tait and Christopher Upton. Edited with an Introduction by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 1982. Stenographia of Trithemius

1A(43) [URB]

241. Urbigerus, Baro. Writings of Urbigerus: Circulatum Minus of Urbigerus, Aphorisms of Urbigerus. R.A.M.S., n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [VAL]

242. Valentine, Basil. The 'Azoth' series of Basil Valentine; a coloured version by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 2000. Azoth sereis of Basil Valentine

243. Valentine, Basil. Basilius Valentinus Last will and testament. R.A.M.S., 1986. R.A.M.S. Digital

244. Valentine, Basil. Of natural & supernatural things by Basilius Valentinus,a Benedictine monk also, Of the first Tincture, Root, and Spirit of metals and minerals, how the same are Conceived, Generated, Brought forth, Changed, and Augmented. Whereunto is added, Frier Roger Bacon, of the Medicine or Tincture of Antimony; Mr. John Isaac Holland, his Work of Saturn, and Alex. Van Suchten, of the Secrets of Antimony. Translated out of High Dutch by Daniel Cable. London, Printed, and are to be Sold by Moses Pitt at the White Hart in Little Britain, 1671. R.A.M.S., n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

245. Valentine, Basil. Twelve Keys of Basilius Valentinus; A Benedictine Monk-Adept of the 15th Century. [R.A.M.S.], ? R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [VAL]-100

246. Valentine, Basil. The triumphal chariot of Antimony by Basilius Valentinus. R.A.M.S., n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(43) [WEL]

247. Welling, Georg von. Baron von Welling. A treatise on: [symbols] from Opus Cabalistico Chemico Magico translated by: Francis Barrett ... London 1801. R.A.M.S., 1989. R.A.M.S. Digital . Contents: A word about R.A.M.S. p.[1]; Title page transcription: Philosophy of the universe or a general system of chymical, metaphysical, & mathematic knowledge. In which origin, natural properties of the three principles of Nature are fully described. The production & maturation of metals & minerals. A complete treatise on the wisdom of God & the excellency of Nature. With a general key enriched with a great variety of metaphysical, mathematic & theosophic figures. Forming a complete treatise upon the abstract & useful arts & sciences. Translated from the original German of Baron George von Welling, and carefully corrected and revised by: Francis Barrett F.R.C. (with additional notes & observations) ... London 1801 (p. [2]); Translators preface (i-v); Table of contents (vi-x). Text (1-160)

248. Welling, Georg von. Opus mago-cabbalisticum et theosophicum: in which the origin, nature, characteristics, and use of salt, sulphur and mercury are described in three parts together with much wonderful mathematical, theosophical, magical and mystical material as well as thoughts on the creation of metals and minerals in nature, many curious mago-cabbalistic illustrations, and a key to the entire work. also included are essays on divine wisdom and an appendix of several quite rare and precious alchemical pieces; translated by Joseph McVeigh, introduction by Lon Milo DuQuette. Red Wheel/Weiser, 2006. ISBN: 1-57863-327-3. Opus Mago-cabbalisticum Et Theosophicum: In Which The Origin, Nature, Characteristics, And Use Of Salt , Sulfur and Mercury are Described in Three Parts Together with much Wonderful Mathemati

1A(437) [STO]

249. Stolcius, Daniel. The Hermetic Garden Of Daniel Stolicus. Composed of flowerlets of philosophy engraved in copper and explained in short verses where weary students of chemistry may find a treasure house and refresh themselves after their library work. Translated by Patricia Tahil. Edited with a commentary by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 1980. The Hermetic Garden of Daniel Stolcius

250. Stolcius, Daniel. The little mystic-magic picture book for the industriously practicing Abecedarian of the fraternity of the Rose Cross / by Daniel Stoltzius von Stoltzenberg. Kessinger, 1992. ISBN: 1-56459-027-5. Little Mystic Magic Picture Book

1A(438) [SEN]

251. Sendivogius, Michael. Concerning Sulphur. Holmes Publ Group, 2001. ISBN: 1-55818-135-0. Concerning Sulphur

252. Sendivogius, Michael. The new chemical light One: treatise on Mercury. Holmes Publ Group, 2001. ISBN: 1-55818-361-2. New Chemical Light I: Treatise on Mercury

253. Sendivogius, Michael. The new chemical light Two: treatise on Sulphur. Holmes Publ Group, 2001. ISBN: 1-55818-362-0. New Chemical Light II: Treatise on Sulphur

1A(438) [SUC]

254. Suchten, Alexander von. Of antimony vulgar. R.A.M.S., 1977. R.A.M.S. Digital


255. The Solidonius Manuscript; translated by Vincent Matley, with an introduction by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 2008. The Solidonius Manuscript

1A(44) [BAU]

256. Baulot, Isaac. The Mutus Liber coloured; edited with reproductions of paintings by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 1999. Mutus Liber coloured

1A(44) [BRI]

257. Brie, de la. Monsr. de la Brie's Process for accomplishing the tincture; extracted from a French work entitled: Histoire des Indies Orientales par Monsr. Sou chu de Rennefort, Admiral. Suivant la copie de Paris a Leide 1688. 8 vo. Translated by S. Bacstrom, M.D. 1797. R.A.M.S., 1977. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(44) [CYL]

258. Cyliani. Hermes unveiled. R.A.M.S., n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

259. Cyliani. Hermes unveiled: the finding of the Philosopher's Stone; translated from the French by Patrick Smith. Holmes Publ Group, 1998. ISBN: 1-55818-357-4. Hermes Unveiled (Alchemcial Studies series 2)

260. Cyliani. The secret fire. [R.A.M.S.] R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(44) [DUCJ]

261. DuChesne, Joseph. Treatise on metallic medicine by ...: a collection of the most precious and rare secrets, taken from the manuscripts of the late Monsieur Joseph Du Chesne, Sieur de la Violette,Officer and Physician in Ordinary to the King. Paris, 1641. R.A.M.S., ? R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(44) [ESP]-100

262. Espagnet, Jean d'. Arcanum or the grand secret of Hermetic Jean Espagnet. 3rd ed. ed. R.A.M.S., 1981. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(44) [FLA]

263. Flamel, Nicholas. Nicolas Flammell's summary of philosophy. In: Aurifontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 1], 44-48. R.A.M.S. Digital

264. Flamel, Nicholas. Hieroglyphicall figures which he caused to be painted upon an Arch in St. Innocents Church Yard in Paris : Concerning both the theory and practise of the Philosophers Stone (1624). Contained in this very rare book is the symbolism and allusions to the inner meanings contained within the powerful symbols that yielded their ancient secrets to Flammel. Introduction by W.W. Westcott. Kessinger, 1995. ISBN: 1-56459-512-9. Hieroglyphical Figures: Concerning both the Theory and Practice of the Philosophers Stone

1A(44) [FUL]

265. Fulcanelli. The dwellings of the philosophers; J. Miller (ed.). Translated by Brigitte Donvez and Lionel Perrin. Archive P & Communications, 1999. ISBN: 0-9635211-6-0. The Dwellings of the Philosophers

1A(44) [HES]

266. Hestau, Clovis, Sieur de Nuysement. Sal lumen & spiritus mundi. In: Diverse alchemical tracts. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 1], 12-20. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(44) [LIM]

267. Limojon, Alexandre Toussaint de, Sieur de Saint-Didier. The Hermetical triumph & The ancient war of the knights: the victorious Philosopher's Stone. Holmes Publ Group, 2005. ISBN: 1-55818-423-6. THE HERMETICAL TRIUMPH & THE ANCIENT WAR OF THE KNIGHTS: The Victorius Philosopher's Stone

1A(44) [LIN]

268. Lintaut, Henri de. Friend of the Dawn (L'Ami de l'Aurore). Author: Henri de Lintaut circa 1700. Translator: Wilson Wheatcroft, India - 1982. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(44) [MAR]

269. Marinier, Honoratius. The alchemical manuscript of the Seven Keys of Honoratus Marinier; translated by Vincent Matley with an introduction by Adam McLean. Adam McLean, 2007. Seven Keys of Honoratus Marinier

1A(44) [MEUJ]

270. Meung, Jean de. A demonstration of Nature made to the erring alchemists and complaining of the sophists and other false teachers. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 1425385885. A Demonstration Of Nature Made To The Erring Alchemists And Complaining Of The Sophists And Other False Teachers

1A(44) [MUR]

271. Murien, Petri. Alchemically purified and solidified mercury. Rasa Vidya Marg, 1992. Alchemically Purified and Solidified Mercury

1A(44) [TRE]

272. Trevisan, Bernard. Verbum Dismissum; Count Bernard Trevisan. British Museum Sloane Ms # 3630. Translated from the French by Sigismund Bacstrom. R.A.M.S., 1982. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(44) [VIGN]

273. Vigenere, Blaise de. A discourse on fire & salt. Holmes Publ Group, 1994. ISBN: 1558182977. Discourse on Fire and Salt

274. Vigenere, Blaise de. A discourse on fire & salt, by: Lord Blaise Vignere [sic!]. R.A.M.S., 1981. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(45) [LAC]

275. Lacinio, Giano. The New pearl of great price: a treatise concerning the treasure and most precious stone of the philosophers; Or the method and procedure of this divine art; with observations drawn from the works of Arnoldus, Raymondus, Rhasis, Albertus, and Michael Scotus, first published by Janus Lacinius, the Calabrian, with a copious index. Kessinger, 1992. ISBN: 1-56459-142-5. New Pearl of Great Price

1A(45) [LAM]

276. Lambye, John Baptista. A revelation of the secret spirit [by] Giovanni Baptista Lambi. R.A.M.S., [1982]. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(45) [MIR]

277. Mirandola, Pico della. De Auro (On Gold). Translated by Patricia Tahil. R.A.M.S., 1989. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(45) [TRE]

278. Trevisan, Bernard. The answer of Bernardus Trevisanus to the epistle of Thomas of Bononia, physician to K. Charles the 8th. In: Aurofontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 1], 57-81. R.A.M.S. Digital

279. Trevisan, Bernard. Parable of the Fountain. B.M. Sloane MS 3641. In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 12p. R.A.M.S. Digital

280. Trevisan, Bernard. The prefatory epistle of Bernard Earl of Tresne, to the noble doctor and most learned philosopher Thomas of Bononia. In: Aurofontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 82. R.A.M.S. Digital

281. Trevisan, Bernard. A treatise called Verbum Demissum by Count B. Trevisan. B.M. Sloane MS 3630; translated from the French. In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 23p. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(46) [LUL]

282. Lull, Ramon. Clavicula, or, a little key of Raymond Lullie Majoricane; which is also called Apertorium, (the opener) in which all that is required in the work of alchymy is plainly declared. In: Aurifontina chymica. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1981), 1], 49-53. R.A.M.S. Digital

283. Lull, Ramon. Ramon Lull's Testament. In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 5p. R.A.M.S. Digital

284. Lull, Ramon. The science of alchemy. Kessinger, 2006. ISBN: 1430408170. The Science Of Alchemy - Pamphlet

285. Lull, Ramon. The Universal Science. Kessinger ISBN: 1430408162. The Science Of Alchemy - Pamphlet

1A(469) [PET]

286. Petrinus, Rubellus. The great alchemical work of Eirenaeus Philalethes, Basil Valentine, and Nicholas Flamel. Salamander & Sons, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-9804099-0-1. The Great Alchemical Work of Eirenaeus Philalethes, Nicholas Flamel and Basil Valentine

1A(492) [GRA]

287. Grassot, Louis. La lumiere du chaos par Louis Grassot Amsterdam 1784; translated from the French by J.H. Hamilton-Jones London 1953. Light extracted from chaos. In: 18 short tracts of alchemy. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 30p. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(492) [HOL]

288. Hollandus, Johann Isaac. A compendium of the writings of Johan Isaaci Hollandus; translated from German. R.A.M.S., 1980. R.A.M.S. Digital

289. Hollandus, Johann Isaac. Hollandus. Opera vegetabile (the vegetable work) by Johannes Isaaci Hollandus; translated from the German by: Leon� Miller. R.A.M.S., 1978. R.A.M.S. Digital

290. Hollandus, Johann Isaac. A Work of Saturn, of Mr. John Isaac Hollandus. [R.A.M.S.], n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(493) [DOR]

291. Dorn, Gerhard. The speculative philosophy; translated by Paul Ferguson. Adam McLean, 2008. Dorn - Speculative philosophy

1A(51) [KOH]

292. Ko Hung. Alchemy, medicine, and religion in the China of A.D. 320 : the Nei p`ien of Ko Hung (Pao-p`u tzu) / translated & edited by James R. Ware. Dover Publns, 1981. ISBN: 0486240886. Alchemy, Medicine and Religion in the China of A.D. 320: The Nei Pien of Ko Hung

293. Ko Hung. Alchemy, medicine, and religion in the China of A.D. 320 : the Nei p`ien of Ko Hung (Pao-p`u tzu); translated & edited by James R. Ware. MIT Press, 1966. Alchemy, Medicine, and Religion in the China of A. D. 320

1A(53) [ART]

294. Artephius. Artephius his secret book. R.A.M.S., [1976]. R.A.M.S. Digital

295. Artephius. Secret book of Artephius. Kessinger, 2004. ISBN: 0766183041. Secret Book of Artephius

296. Artephius. The secret book of Artephius. Kessinger, 2004. ISBN: 1419181912. The Secret Book Of Artephius

1A(53) [IBNU]

297. Umail, Muhammad ibn. Book of the explanation of the symbols Kitab Hall ar-Rumuz; edited by Theodor Abt, Wilfred Madelung and Thomas Hofmeier; translated by Salwa and Theodor Abt. Daimon Pub, 2002. ISBN: 3-9522608-1-9. Corpus Alchemicum Arabicum: Book of the Explanation of the Symblos

1A(53) [JAB]

298. Jabir ibn Hayyan. The discovery of secrets attributed to Geber ; translated by Richard Steele. Holmes Publ Group, 1989. ISBN: 1-55818-108-3. The Discovery of Secrets Attributed to Geber

299. Jabir ibn Hayyan. The invention of verity. Holmes Publ Group, 1989. ISBN: 1-55818-122-9. THE INVENTION OF VERITY: His Book of the Invention of Verity

300. Jabir ibn Hayyan. Summa perfectionis; collected and digested by: William Salmon professor of physick. R.A.M.S., 1977. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(53) [KHA]

301. Khalid ibn Yazid. The book of the secrets of alchemy; edited by Patrick Smith. Holmes Publ Group, 2000. ISBN: 1-55818-387-6. Book of the Secrets of Alchemy

302. Khalid ibn Yazid. Kalid Persici (Kalid ben Jazichi). Secreta alchymiae; written orginally in Hebrew, and translated thence into Arabick, and out of Arabick into Latin. Now it being faithfully rendered into English by : William Salmon Professor of Physick. [R.A.M.S.], n.d. R.A.M.S. Digital

303. Khalid ibn Yazid. Liber Trium Verborum of King Calid. In: Three tracts. ([Richardson (TX)]: R.A.M.S., 1982), 18-24. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(53) [RHA]-cfr

304. Ferrario, Gabriele. Origins and transmission of the Liber de aluminibus et salibus. In: Chymists and chymistry: studies in the history of alchemy and early modern

chemistry, ed. Lawrence M. Principe. (Philadelphia (PA); Sagamore Beach (MA): Chemical Heritage Foundation; Science History Publ, 2007), 137-148. Chymists and Chymistry: Studies in the History of Alchemy and Early Modern Chemistry

1A(73) [ADI]

305. Adiramled. The art of alchemy; or, the generation of gold: a course of practical lessons in metallic transmutation for the use of occult students being a new illumination regarding the secret science of the sages. Kessinger, 1993. ISBN: 1-56459-319-3. Art of Alchemy or the Generation of Gold

306. Adiramled. Lessons in the unfoldment of the Philosophers Stone. R.A.M.S., 1990. R.A.M.S. Digital

1A(73) [ALB]

307. Albertus, Frater. Gently I answered and said ... Paracelsus Research Society, 1978. Gently I answered and said

1A(73) [CLY]

308. Clymer, Reuben Swinburne. Alchemy and the alchemists. AMS Press, 1982. ISBN: 0-404-18457-X. Alchemy and the Alchemists

309. Clymer, Reuben Swinburne. Hermetic science and alchemical process. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 978-1-4254-7302-0. Hermetic Science and Alchemical Process

1A(73) [HAU]

310. Hauck, Dennis William. The Emerald Tablet: alchemy for personal transformation. Penguin/Arkana, 1999. ISBN: 0-14-019571-8. The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy of Personal Transformation

1A(73) [RAL]

311. Raleigh, Albert Sidney. The science of alchemy: a treatise on the science of soul-transformation. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 9781417985456. The Science of Alchemy: A Treatise on the Science of Soul Transformation

312. Raleigh, Albert Sidney. Science of alchemy: a treatise on the science of soul-transmutation. Kessinger, 1997. ISBN: 9781564590077. Science of Alchemy


313. Three famous alchemists: Raymond Lully by A. E. Waite; Cornelius Agrippa by L. Spence [and] Theophrastus Paracelsus by W. P. Swainson. Kessinger, 1992. ISBN: 092280284X. Three Famous Alchemists

1E(32) [HER]

314. Ebeling, Florian. The secret history of Hermes Trismegistus: Hermeticism from ancient to modern times. Cornell Univ P, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-8014-4546-0. The Secret History of Hermes Trismegistus: Hermeticism from Ancient to Modern Times

1E(38) [ZOS]

315. Hornblower, Simon and Antony Spawforth. Oxford classical dictionary. OUP, 2003. ISBN: 0198606419. The Oxford Classical Dictionary


316. Rattansi, Piyo M. and Antonio Clericuzio, editors. Alchemy and chemistry in the 16th and 17th centuries.Kluwer Academic, 1994. ISBN: 0-7923-2573-7 Alchemy and Chemistry in the XVI and XVII Centuries (International Archives of the History of Ideas / Archives internationales d'histoire des id�es)

317. Debus, Allen George and Robert P. Multhauf. Alchemy and chemistry in the seventeenth century; papers read by Allen G. Debus and Robert P. Multhauf at a Clark Library seminar, March 12, 1966. William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1966. Alchemy and chemistry in the seventeenth century. Papers read at a Clark Library Seminar, March 12, 1966.

318. Clucas, Stephen. Alchemy and certainty in the seventeenth century. In: Chymists and chymistry: studies in the history of alchemy and early modern

chemistry, ed. Lawrence M. Principe. (Philadelphia (PA); Sagamore Beach (MA): Chemical Heritage Foundation; Science History Publ, 2007), 39-51. Chymists and Chymistry: Studies in the History of Alchemy and Early Modern Chemistry

319. Brann, Noel L. The debate over the origin of genius during the Italian Renaissance: The theories of supernatural frenzy and natural melancholy in accord and conflict on the threshold of the scientific revolution. Brill, 2002. ISBN: 90 04 12362 8. The Debate over the Origin of Genius During the Italian Renaissance: The Theories of Supernatural Frenzy and Natural Melancholy in Accord and in Conflict ... (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History)

320. Hanning, Askel. The philosophical nature of early Western alchemy: the formative period c. 1150-1350. In: Art & alchemy, ed. Jacob Wamberg. (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 2006), 23-39. Art & Alchemy

321. Linden, Stanton Jay. Introduction: recent scholarship in alchemy and Hermeticism. In: Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture. (New York: AMS Press, 2007), vii-xviii. Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture

322. Linden, Stanton Jay, editor. Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture.AMS Press, 2007. ISBN: 0-404-62342-5 Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture

323. Rattansi, Piyo M. and Antonio Clericuzio. Preface. In: Alchemy and chemistry in the 16th and 17th centuries, eds. Piyo M. Rattansi and Antonio Clericuzio. (Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic, 1994), xi-xiv. Alchemy and Chemistry in the XVI and XVII Centuries (International Archives of the History of Ideas / Archives internationales d'histoire des id�es)

1E(42) [ASH]

324. Churton, Tobias. The Magus of Freemasonry: the mysterious life of Elias Ashmole--scientist, alchemist, and founder of the Royal Society. Inner Traditions, 2006. ISBN: 978-1-59477-122-4. The Magus of Freemasonry: The Mysterious Life of Elias Ashmole--Scientist, Alchemist, and Founder of the Royal Society

1E(42) [CHAT]

325. Hughes, Jonathan. The humanity of Thomas Charnock, an Elizabethan alchemist. In: Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture, ed. Stanton J. Linden. (New York: AMS Press, 2007), 3-34. Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture

1E(42) [DEEA]

326. Abraham, Lyndall. A biography of the English alchemist Arthur Dee, author of Fasciculus Chemicus and son of Dr. John Dee. In: Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture, ed. Stanton J. Linden. (New York: AMS Press, 2007), 91-114. Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture

1E(42) [DEEJ]

327. Sherman, William H. John Dee: the politics of reading and writing in the English Renaissance. Univ of Massachusetts P, 1995. ISBN: 978-0-87023-940-3. John Dee: The Politics of Reading and Writing in the English Renaissance (Massachusetts Studies in Early Modern Culture)

1E(42) [KELE]

328. Wilding, Michael. A biography of Edward Kelly, the English alchemist and associate of Dr. John Dee. In: Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture, ed. Stanton J. Linden. (New York: AMS Press, 2007), 35-89. Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture

1E(42) [NEW]

329. Jardine, Lisa. Ingenious pursuits: building the scientific revolution. Nan A. Talese, 1999. ISBN: 0-385-49325-8. Ingenious Pursuits: Building the Scientific Revolution

330. Jardine, Lisa. Ingenious pursuits: building the scientific revolution. Abacus ed. Little, Brown & Co, 2000. ISBN: 0-349-11305-X. Ingenious Pursuits

1E(42) [PHIE]

331. Newman, William Royall. The corpuscular transmutational theory of Eirenaeus Philalethes. In: Alchemy and chemistry in the 16th and 17th centuries, eds. Piyo Rattansi and Antonio Clericuzio. (Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic, 1994), 161-182. Alchemy and Chemistry in the XVI and XVII Centuries (International Archives of the History of Ideas / Archives internationales d'histoire des id�es)


332. Priesner, Claus. Alchemy and enlightenment in Germany: ideas, biographies, secret societies and a changing cultural context. In: Chymists and chymistry: studies in the history of alchemy and early modern

chemistry, ed. Lawrence M. Principe. (Philadelphia (PA); Sagamore Beach (MA): Chemical Heritage Foundation; Science History Publ, 2007), 253-264. Chymists and Chymistry: Studies in the History of Alchemy and Early Modern Chemistry

1E(43) [AGRH]

333. Spence, Lewis. The life of Cornelius Agrippa a famous alchemist. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 1417911506. The Life Of Cornelius Agrippa A Famous Alchemist

1E(43) [BECH]

334. Chang, Ku-Ming (Kevin). From vitalistic cosmos to materialistic world: the lineage of Johann Joachim Becher and Georg Ernst Stahl and the shift of early modern chymical cosmology. In: Chymists and chymistry: studies in the history of alchemy and early modern

chemistry, ed. Lawrence M. Principe. (Philadelphia (PA); Sagamore Beach (MA): Chemical Heritage Foundation; Science History Publ, 2007), 215-225. Chymists and Chymistry: Studies in the History of Alchemy and Early Modern Chemistry

1E(43) [EGL]

335. Moran, Bruce Thomas. Alchemy, prophecy, and the Rosicrucians: Raphael Eglinus and mystical currents of the early 17th century. In: Alchemy and chemistry in the 16th and 17th centuries, eds. Piyo Rattansi and Antonio Clericuzio. (Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic, 1994), 103-119. Alchemy and Chemistry in the XVI and XVII Centuries (International Archives of the History of Ideas / Archives internationales d'histoire des id�es)

1E(43) [KHU]

336. Craven, James Brown. Doctor Heinrich Khunrath: a study in mystical alchemy. Adam McLean, 1997. Doctor Heinrich Khunrath: A Study in Mystical Alchemy

337. Forshaw, Peter J. Subliming spirits: physical-chemistry and theo-alchemy in the works of Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605). In: Mystical metal of gold: essays on alchemy and Renaissance culture, ed. Stanton J. Linden. (New York: AMS Press, 2007), 255-275. Mystical metal of gold: essayson alchemy and Renaissance culture

1E(43) [KIRA]

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398. Garsten, E. J. The secret fire of the ancient alchemists. Kessinger, 2005. ISBN: 0766194280. The Secret Fire Of The Ancient Alchemists

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409. Alicke, Walter. From alchemy to atoms: Part 1. The alchemist's dream of transmutation; Part 2 The foundations of modern chemistry. A fine collection of rare books illustrating the history of chemistry from alchemy to the end of the 19th century. Catalogues 261-262. Interlibrum Vaduz, 1975. From Alchemy to Atoms: Part 1: The Alchemist's Dream of Transmutation.


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411. Neville, Roy G. The Roy G. Neville historial chemical library: the annotated catalogue of printed books on alchemy, chemistry. chemical technology, and related subjects. Chemical Heritage Foundation, 2006. ISBN: 0941901408. Roy G. Neville Historical Chemical Library: An Annotated Catalogue of Printed Books on Alchemy, Chemistry, Chemical Technology, And Related Subjects


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414. Scholem, Gershom Gerhard. Alchemy and Kabbalah; translated by Klaus Ottmann. Spring Publ, 2006. ISBN: 0-88214-566-5. Alchemy and Kabbalah


415. Franz, Marie-Louise von. Alchemy: an introduction to the symbolism and the psychology. Inner City Books, 1980. ISBN: 978-0-919123-04-5. Alchemy: An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology (Studies in Jungian Psychology)

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