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Edited by Joseph H. Peterson, copyright © 1998, 1999.
Permission is hereby granted to make one handwritten copy for personal use, provided the master bind his executors by a strong oath (juramentum) to bury it with him in his grave. Beyond this, whoever copies this sacred text without permission from the editor will be damned.
Acciones nostras quesumus domine aspirandi parueni, et adiuuando prosequerem it cuncta nostra operatio a et semper incipiat, et per et incepta siniatur qui viuis et regnas deus per omnia secula seculorum amen */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Aue maria gratia plena dominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui ihesus mater ora pro nobis amen */*/*
Salue regina misericordie vita dulcedo et spes nostra salue, ad te clamanes exules filii eue, ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes, in hac lachrimarum valle eya ergo aduocata nostra illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos conuerte et Ihesum benedictum fructum ventris tui nobis post hoc exilium ostende o clemens o pia o dulcis maria ora pro nobis sancta dei genitrix, vt digni efficiamur promissionibus christi */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
O gloriosa domina [Deest S2] virgo semper maria mater gloriæ, mater ecclesiæ, mater pietatis et indulgentiæ, aue carissima domina semper virgo maria, mater luminis, honor eternus, signum serenitatis, [28v] aue piissima domina maria aula dei porta caeti [S2: celi] sacrarium spiritussaniti, aue piissima domina voua aurea templum dignitatis [S2: diuinitatis] reclinatorium eterne pictatis [S2: pietatis], aue clementissima domina maria decus virginum domina gencium regina cælorum [S2: angelorum], aue amantissima domina maria fons ortorum, ablutio peccatorum lancrum [S2: lanacru~] animarum, aue desideratissima domina maria mater orphanarum [S2: ..orum] manurilla [S2: mamilla] peruulorum [S2: permilorum?], consolatio miserorum, salue sancta parens, salue sancta et inmaculata virginitas assistens vultui dei memor [S2: memorum] esto nostræ fragilitatis, salue benignissima, salue suauissima, salue misericordissima, propiciaberis semper virgo benedicta et gloriosa [S2 adds: semper] virgo maria quæ virga sacratissima dei et mater et [S2: es] piissima [S2 adds: montis] stella clarissima, salue semper gloriosa, margarita preciosa, ficus, lilum [S2: liliu~], formosa, oleus velut rosa alba dirige me in visio~e~ [S2: uisione] beata, obsecro te regina perhennis sancta maria per amorem patris et filii et spiritussancti, et per commendatum tibi celeste sacrarium, et per multas miserationes quas fecit super me et super genus humanum, et per virtutes et per misteria sancte crucis, et per sanctos claues firas [S2: fixos] in suas preciosas manus et pedes, et per sancta .5. vulnera sui preciosa corporis, et per precium sancti corporis [29r] sui quo nos redemit in sancta cruce ut ores pro me et pro omnibus peccatis meis et necessitatibus meis anime et corporis mei ad dilectum filium tuum */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
here recyte youre peticion accordinge to the effecte of the which you worke, doo so in the [blank space of approx 12 chars] of euery prayer before wrytten and [rest of line is blank] [Instead of this paragraph, S2 has: ut me inuente ip~m uidere et collandare merear. Amen. ]
Caude virgo maria [S2: dei] genitrix inmaculata gaudium mihi dona, gaude que gaudium ab angelo suscepisti et gaudium visionis diuine mihi dona. gaude quæ genuisti eterni luminis claritates [S2: claritate~], gaude dei genitrix et gaudium visionis diuine in [S2: michi] dona, vt sublener [S2: subleuer] de omnibus augustiis et tribulationibus et vitiis meis quæ sunt in corde meo et quero amplius vt tecum sim a latere constans [hic recita petitionem tuam, pro visione die ad videndum me viuente deum eternum] [Instead of hic recita... S2 reads: adiudendu~ me uiuente deu~ eternu~] adoro et sancta mater domini nostri iesu xipi et laudo et magnifico te, adoro altitudinem tuam, adoro castitatem et virgnitatem tuam, adoro pietatem et misericordiam tuam, adoro viscera beata tua quæ portauerunt deum et hominem, adoro beatum vterum tuu~ qui portauit iesum dominum, adoro beata vtera tua quæ lactauerunt saluatorem mundi, precorte carissima semper virgo maria par amorem filii tui domini nostri iesu christi vt intercedas pro me [29v] peccatore Heare recyte your perticion whate your desyere is to haue. [S2 omits Heare ... haue.] Ad visionem dei eterni me viuente habendam et sis [S2: succurras] mihi auxiliatrix [S2 omits] in omnibus angustiis et necessitatibus meis et ne derelinquas me neque sim sine adiutorio in hac visione beata neque in illo tremendo die cum exierit anima de corpore meo, aut in mirabili hora cum capta fuerit ad videndum [S2: uidendo] me viuente deum, postulo gratiosa me ad portas paradisi facere venire vt merear ibi videre [S2: uidere ibi] filium tuum et merear habere leticiam sempiternam visionis diuine cum christo filio tuo gloriosissimo qui viuit et regnat per omnia secula seculorum. amen */*/*/*
Ego peccator in dignus ad laudem et honorem gloriisissime semperque virginis mariæ genitricis domini nostri iesu christi eius sacra nomina cum sim in dignus iuxta meum exignum senssum spiritu sancto dictante nominare curo.
O gloriosa dei genitrix [S2 adds: semper] maria me [S2: ne i~] digneris contra nequissimum et innumerabili iniquitate plenum, sed accipe propitia misericorditer quod in dignus ad honorem tuum offero et affecto, et enim piissima sacra tua nomina corde ore opera distincte nominare et exaltare volo, nominaris namque maria genitrix, mater, sponsa filia, theoton, virga, vas, balsamus, nubes, [30r] ros, pacifica, princeps, regina aurora, imperatrix, domina, ancilla, ortus, fons, puteus, vita, via, semita, splendor, stella aurea, lumen, luna, fenestra, vitrea, ianua, porta, velum cella, domus, hospitium, capsa, templum, aula, tabernaculum, manua, ciuitas, liber, stola, flumen, pons, vna malum, granatum femina, nutrix, mulier, turris, uauis, redemtrix, liberatrix, amnica, thalamus, vallis, cinamomum, turtur, columba, lilium, rosa, consolatio, portus, spes, salus, gloria, fundamentum, vera peccatorum medicina, sacrarium, spiritus, sancti, radix, iesse, antidotum, recreatrix, syon, puella, misertrix, tuam deprecor, sanctissima misericordiam vt per hæc tua diuina nomina qu&ae; ego tibi nunc plenus inmundicia coram altari tuo de te presumendo optuli vt in hac hora me audias insaciabiliter digneris me facere */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
hic peticionem tuam recita sed pro visione diuina tunc dic vt sequitur, videre atque laudare te et tuum filium gloriosum corpusculo meo viuente */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Teque interpello gloriosa perfilium tuum quem concepisti, quem genuisti, [30v] quem pe peristi, quem in carnem concepisti, quem in balneo misisti, quem in templo presentasti, quem predicantem audisti, quem in cruce pro nobis suspensum vidisti, quem mortuum et sepultum inspexisti, surgentem a mortuis sciuisti, quem ad cælos ad patrem ascend entem vidisti, et inde venturus est iudicare viuos et mortuos et seculum per ignem, per ipsum quoque pollutus labiis pollutus corpore pollutus in mente ausus nominare. hic recita tuam petitionem, nisi fit pro visione diuina tunc die vt sequitur * * quatenus in hoc opere te et sanctam trinitatem tum sanctis angelis facias me aspicere et videre et in extremo magno iudicio ab eternali pena eripias oær christum dominum nostrum amen */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
[In marg: ye crede] Hic oportet te dicere simbolum tuum usque ad finem et postea dic hunc psalmum quicunque vult usque ad finem */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Quiccu~qe vult salus esse et visionem diuinam habere ante o~ia opus est vt teneat catholica~ fidem. Qua~ nist quisqe integra~ in uiolata~qe seruauerit: absqe dubio ineternu~ peribit et visionem diuinam non hababit. Eides au~t catholica heoe~: vt vnu~ deu~ in trinitate & trinitate~ ivnitate veneremur Neqe Qfundentes psonas: neqe substantia separantes Alia est em~ perso= [31r] na p'ris . alia filii alia spu~ ssancti. Sed p'ris & filii & spu~ssancti una est diuinitas: equalis glia coeterna maiestas: Qualis pat tal filias: tal spiritussanctus. Increats pat increats filis: increatus spu~ssanctus. Imme~sus pater imme~sus filius: imme~sus spu~ssctus. Eterns pater etns filis: eternus spiritussanctus. Et tn~ no~ tres eterni: sed vns eternus: Sicut no~ tres increati nec tres imme~si: sed vn~s increatus & vnus immensus: Similit' op's pat' op's filis. op's spussanctus. Et tu~ no~ tres o~ipote~tes: sed vnus omnipotens. Ita deus pater deus filis: deus spiritussanctus. Et tu~ no~ tres dii: sed vnus est deus. Ita dn's pater dn's filis: dominus spu~ssanctus. Et tu~ non tres d'ni: sed vnus est dominus. Qr sicut sigillatibus vna~qua~qe persona~ deu~ ac dfim qfiteri: xp'iana veritate qpellimur. Ita tres deos aut d'nos dicare: catholica religione phibemur. Pater a nullo est factus: nec creatus nec genitus. Filis a p're solo est: no~ factus nec creatus sed genitus Spu~ssctus a p're & filio: non factus nec creatus nec genitus sed pcedens. Unus ergo pat' no~ tres patres: vnus filius no~ tres filii: vnus spiritussctus no~ tres spiritussancti. Et in hac trinitate nihil prius aut posterius: nichil mais aut minus: sed tote tres psone coet'ne sivi sunt et coequales. Ita vt per omnia sicut iam supradictu~ est: & vnitas i~ trinitate: & trinitas t' vnitate veneranda sit. Qui vult erna (?) salu's eff??? [31v] itade trinitate sentiat. Sed necessariu~ est ad afna~ salutem: vt incarnationem quoqe d'ni n'ri iesu x'pi fideliter credat. Est ergo fides recta vt credamus & qfiteamur: qe d'ns noster iesus x'pi dei filius deus et homo est. Deus est ex substa~tia patris a'n scl'a genitus: & homo est ex substantia matris in seculo natus. Perfectus deus p'fectus homo: ex a~ia ratio~ali & humana carne subsistens. Equalis patri scd'm diuinitatem: mino2 patre scd'm humanitate~. Qui deus sit et homo: no~ duo tn~ s3 vnus est xp's. Unus au~tnon quersio~e diuinitatis in carne~: sed assumptio~e humanitatis in deum Unus o~ino no~ confusione substantie: s3 vnitate persone Nam sicut a~ia rationalis & caro vnus est homo: ita deus et homo vnus est xp's. Qui passus est p2o salute nostra desce~dit ad inferos: tertia die resurre xit amo2tuis Ascendit ad celas sedet ad dextera~ dei patris o~ipotentis: inde ve~turus est iudicare viuos et mo2tuos. Ad cuius aduentu~ o~es ho~i~es resurgere habe~t cu~ co2po2ibus suis: & reddituri su~t de factis pp2iis ratione~. Et q' bona egeru~t ibu~t i~vita~ eterna~: qui vero mala in igne~ eternu~. Hec est fides catholica: qua~ nisi qsqe fidelit' firmiterqe crediderit saluus esse no~ poterit. Slia patri et filio et spiritui sancti. Sicut erat in principio et nu~c et se~per et in [32r] secula seculorum. Amen. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Ego diuina institucione formatus et preceptis salutaribus imprecatus audebo dicere hic dic orationem dominicam. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Pater noster qui es in celis, sa~ctificetur nomen tuum. adueniat regnum tuu~, fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. panem nostrum quotidianu~ da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra: sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris, et ne nosinducas in te~tationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Alpha et Omega: deus omnipotens [S: "õnipotens deus"] principium omnium rerum sine principio finis sine fine exaudi hodie preces meas pussime neque secundum [S o. last 2 words] iniquitates meas [S adds "deleas"?] neque secundum pe*ats mea retribue mihi [S repl. the last 4 words with "p'cta n'ra tribuas nobis"] domine deus meus sed secundum, misericordiam tuam quae *** **** [S: "maiore_~"] omnibus rebus [Sl. 3885: "rebus õnibus"] visibilibus et invisibilibus miserere mei sapientis [S: "Sapientia"] patris christe lux angelorum [S adds ",g'lia s'ctorum,"?] spes [S adds "et"] portus et refug*** peccatorum, [S: "refugiu_~ p'ctoru_~] cunctarum rerum conditor et humanæ [32v] fragilitatis redemtor [Sl. 3885: "redemptor"], qui cælum [S adds "et"] terram mare que totum ac [S subs. for last 3 words, "et omnia qae in eis sunt feristi et"] montium pondera palma [S: "palmo"] concludis [S adds ","] te pussima [S: "piissime"] deprecor [S adds "et exoro"] ut una cum patre illumines [S: "illustres"] animam meam radio sanctiffimi spiritus tui.
Hic recita tuam petitionem pro divina visione dei ut sequitur */*/*/*/* [This phrase is omitted in S.] quatenus [S: "qa tenus"] in hac sacrosancta arte taliter [S: "total'r"] possim perficere vt valeam [S adds "ad faciale_~""] tui deus eternæ [S: "externe +"] visionem [S adds "Vtute"?] tui sanctissimi spiritus et tui [S om.] nominis pernenire [S: "venire"]. et tu qui es deus meus qui in principio creasti cælum et terram et omnia [S adds: "q_~ in eis sunt et omnia"] ex nihilo qui in spiritu tuo [S adds "s'cto"] omnia reformas, comple, instaura, [S: "instanra"?], sana animam [S adds "mrã"?] vt glorificem te per omnia opera cogitationum mearum et verborum meorum [S adds "Amen"] deus pater orationem meam confirma et intellectum meum ange et memoriam meam. [S: "meã memoriã"]. Recita petitionem tuam sed fifit pro visione diuina tunc dic ut sequitur */*/*/*/* [This phrase is om. in S.]) ad suscipiendam [S: "..du_~"] beatam visiorem tuam [S: "visionem + tuam +"] meo viuente corpusculo et [S om.] ad cognoscendum superexcelsam [S: "sup'excelsã +"] et supereternam facialiter [S: "facial'r"] tuam essentiam qui viuis et regnas per infinita secula seculorum. Amen. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Helysemath . hasaram [S: "hazaram"] . hemel . saduch . theou . [33r] heloy . zamaram . zoma . iecromaym [S: "ietromaym"] . theos . deus . pie . et fortis hamathamal . iecronamayhala . zanay . hacronaaz . zay . colnaphan . salmazaiz . ayhal . gemelam [S: "Geromelam"] . haymasa . ramay . genzi . zamath [S: "zaniath"?] . helyemath [S: "heliemath"] . semay . selmar . iecrosamay [S: "Ietosamay"] . iachar [S: "Iathar"] . lemar . harnany [S: "harana hamany"] . memothemath . hemelamp . and thow holy father almighte and incomperhensyble god in all thy workes which are holy iuste and good [S: "et tu sancto p'r pie deus et incomprhensibilis in omnibus op'ibus tuis qae sinit s'cta et iusta et bona."] . magalhamethor . [S: "Megal.."] semassaer . zamachamar . [S: "zamathamar"] . geogremay . megus . monorail . hamezeaza . hillebata . maraama . iehenas . iehenua [S: "iehemia"] . malamay [S: "malamai"] . sephormay . zemonoma . melas . hemay . hemesna . [S has "hemesua" corrected to "hemesva"] iecormay . lemesey . [S has two small squares here.] senosecari . [S adds "zemaher"] heltamay [S: "helcamay"] . calion [S: "calyon"] . tharathos [S adds "tronios _nomay_ nebay tharato_h_s"] . vsyon . geysethon [S: "gezsethon" and adds four small boxes.] . semyna . themas . [S has "Seminathemas # #"] zezehas . thaman [S: "thamam"] . helomany . hamel. amen.
Theos (uel Itheos) [S om. these 2 words.] . megale . patir . ymos . hebrel . [Sl;.3885 adds " # # "] habobel . hecoy . haley . [S: "halay"] helyhor [S: "hely_h_oth"] . hety . hebiot [S: "hebehoth"] . letiel . iezey . sadam . saloseey [S: "salasay" corrected to "salaseey"] . salatyal [S: "salatial"] . salatelly [S: "salatelli"] . samel . sadamiel . saday . helgyon . hellyel [S: "helliel"] . lemegos . micron [S: "mitron"] . megos . myheon . legmes . muthon . [33v] michoyn [S: "mychol_h_yn"] . heel . hesely . iecor . granal . semhel . semozhat [S: "semobzhat"] . semeliha [S: "semeltha"] . samay . geth . gehel . rasahanay . gelgemona [S: "gelgemana"] . semana . harasynuhon . salepatir . selapati . ragion . saletha . thurigium . hepatir . vsion . hatamas . hotanas [S: "hetonas"] . harayn .
O allmighty and euerlastinge god the father, the sonne and the holy goste * adonay * the lighte of the worlde the geuer and inestimable disposer of all wisdome and of all spirytuall grace knowinge all thinges before thei be donne makinge bothe lighte and darkenes putt forth thy hande and touche bothe my soule and body and make it cleane as a new scowred swerde. */*/*/*/*/* hic recita tuã petitione~ sed si sit p' visione diuina die ut sequitur:.
That I may se thy deyte and make it as a chosen shafte or as a whete kernil to beholde thy glorious face, and send thy holy sprite o lorde in to my hart and in to my soulle to receue thy gyfte, to purche and clense my consyence to beholde thy deuyne mageste by the promes that thow haste made that is to say by thy right hande of thy godely forknoledge and infunde or power thy grace [34r] moste mercyfully and moste gentely into me and teche and instruct me and renew all my sences and teche me claryfye and purche me and correcke me acordinge to thy moste godely dissyplyne euen unto my lyues ende. */*/*/*/*/* hic dic tuã petitionem sed si laboras p' visione diuina tu'c dic vt sequitur.
Ande helpe me wt thy godely councell that i may se thy deuyne maieste face to face through thy infinite greate mercy and goodnes. amen. */*/*/* hic si vis laborare ad habendu~ aliquã scie~tiã .l. ad cõsecrãdu~ libru~ vel adinuotõ spiritu~ tu'e mutalis peticione~ orationis predicte ita dice~s */*/*/*/*/*
put forth thy hande and touche my mouthe and make it as a sharpe swerde to pronou~ce these holy wordes and make my tu~ge like a chosen shafte to pronounce and tell owt thy meruelles and wonders and also to retayne them in my memory.
Si laboras pro sciencia tu'c dic vt iam m'ostram sed pro cõsecratione libri dic vt sequitur. */*/*/*
put forth thy hande and touche my mouthe and make it lyke a scharpe swerde to consecrate and sanctefy thes as well deedes as wordes and make them euen as a chosen shafte to confirme the treuthe of all thy wonders and to pronou~ce the and [34v] to obtayne them at my pleasure. */*/*/* Sed p' inuocatione spirituum dic vt sequitur */*/*/* put forth thy hande and touche my mouthe and make it lyke a sharpe sworde to declare and speke forthe aswell wordes as deedes as other thinges to constrayne and compell to cum and to answere to stande and to go away suche sprytes * N * unto me * N * the sune of suche a man * N * to shew me the maruels of thy holy power and to speke unto me and to be subiecte unto me. */*/*/*/*/* And yf thow wilte aske for any other thinge then is afore mentyoned then alway alter and change thy petycyon accordinge to thy entente and purpose. and not onlie in the foresayde prayers, but in all the other prayers folouinge.
[S: "Lux mundi, deus immense, p'r aeternitatis, largitor sapientiae, et totius gr'ae sp'ualis pie et inaestimabilis dispensator nosteus õnia anteq~ fiant facieus tenebras et luce~ mitte manu~ tuã et illã ut gladiu~ furbitu~ ad visione~ + tuã henda [?] + et far eu~ ut sagittã electã et ganu~ [?] tritici reconditu~ ad contemplandu~ tuã mirabile~ facie~ et mitte sp'uu~ sc'tiuu~ tuu~ due~ in cor meu~ ad istud donu~ p_r_cipiendu~ in animã meã ad emendãdu~ et in conscientiã meã ad speculandu~ p' inram_tum_ cordis tui + 1 + per dextrã pie scietiae tuae m'iter [?] clementer et leniter in me graciã tuã inspira et instanra introitu~ et exitu~ et dore et instrue sensus meos et doceas me et clarifices me et mundifices me et corrigas me cu~ disciplina tua usque in fine~ ut visione~ tuã faciaql'r obtineã et adinuet me g'siliu~ altissimi p' infinitã sapientiã et m'iam tuam. Amen.
(Si ante~ velles impetrare aliquid vel aliquã scientiã vel sacare libru~ vel invocare sp'us, muntares petitiones orationis praecedentis sic:)
Mitte manu~ tuã et tangas os [?] meu~ et pone illud ut gladiu~ acutu~ ad enarrandu~ et eloqu~dum haec sc'ta verba tua et fac linguã meã ut sagittã electã ad enarrandu~ mirabilia tua et ad ea p' nuncianda et memoriter retinenda.
(Si potes p' scientia impetranda sed p' libo ussecando sic ut seqitur:)
Ut gladiu~ acutu~ ad ussecandu~ et sc'tificandu~ haec tã sancta quã alia verba
ut sagittã electã et ad ussecandu~ in veritate mirabilia tua et ad pnunciandu~ ea et p' libito impetrandu~.
(Sed p' invocando et usincando [?] sp'us pete sic:)
Ut gladiu~ acutu~ ad eloquendu~ haec verba tua tam sc'ta quã alia ad coarctandu~ et cogendu~ venire ru~dere stare recedere obedire sp'us N. tales mihi tali N. filio N. N. electã ad õndendu~ mirabilia sc'tae potentiae tuae et ad p'nunciandu~ verba ad gladial'r et flanun'ed [?] tuos tales sp'us coarctandu~.
(Si aliud petieris quã illa qae dicta sunt simili mo [?] sc'dum nãam illius petitionis mutares et non solu~ in hac oratione sed in õnibus latinis in qibus aliqa petitio reperitur. hic incipit oratio sequens:)
[Some amendments are written in the marg. but are illegible]
1 Vita, dulcedo spes Maria* salve, ad te clamamus exules filii eve ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes in hac lacrimaru~ valle Eva [?] ergo advocata Maria* illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte et ?h'um bu~dictu~ fructu~ ventris tui nobis post hoc exiliu~ ostende.
2 nec sc'du~ [?] iniqitates mea nec sc'du~ p'cta mea retribue mihi deus meus.
3 salatiae salatelli samel sadamiel Saday
4 Et tange animã meã et corpa meu~.]
Assaylemaht (uel Assailamath) [S om last 2 words] rasay semaht azahat araaht [S: "haraaht"] lameth hazabat hamat hamae gesemon grephemyon zelamye [S adds "relamye"] hazatha hamatha hazareme hal hazanebal helial [S: "helyal"] zebial seziol semyhor hamissiton fintingon tintingethe [S: "turtingethe"] hamissirion sebarnay halmoth [S: "halmoht"] alymyon gemail halimot [S: "halmiot"] sadail hehomail neomail cristos thiothot sepha taphamal paphalios sicromemior [S: "sicrogamõ"] lanpdan lanpta [S adds "Jethim"] iothileta lazahemor iemeamor [35r] . letahemor [S: "lota.."] . saromegall [S: "filiomegal"] . haemor . giseleccor . [S: "giselector"] gihelerathon [S has "gilzelerethon" corrected to "gihelerethon"] . glereleon . gamasgay . semagar . semalgay . semasgyy . balna . atheton [S: "arethon"] . iesamahel [S: "iesamshel"] . gegemahelay . hala . hela . iemay . semethay . may . semnay . geles . syney . iolehelney [S: "iolehemey"] . iesmar . samennay . bariaccoca [S: "bariactoca"] . cariactera . tharietha [S: "tharihetha"] . socalmata . getymay [S: "ietimay"] . socalma . socagamal . helgezamay . balma . hailos . halos . zaynos . ienenegal . sarimalip . [S adds "sarmalaip"] sacramalaip . tamygell [S: "tamygel"] . thamal [S: "thamahel"] . sathabynhel . sathabmal [S: "sathabinal"] . samal . maga . samalanga . saminaga . satalmagu . silymal [S: "silimal"] . salmana . sagnaht . silymythu [S: "silimythu"] . semalsay . gahit . galiht . gezamanay [S: "gezamanuai"] . sabal . zegahaton [S: "zegahathon"] . zehanphaton [S: "zahan.."] . iezamycrathon [S: "iezanycathon"] . iecnaphaton [S: "ietna.."] . iezemo . iezelem . ioselimen . hatanathos . hathanathay . semaht . zemehet . iezorahel . chetorab . helgezorabal [S: "hel gerozabal"] . craton . hariobal [S: "hariabal"] . hariagal . hanagai . hariagil . parithomegos . samaziel [S: "famazihel"] . simazihel [S: "simaziel"] . leosemaht . leosamaty . thenuathol [S: "themiathol"] . genynatol . gemizacol . hebalthe . halabee . hamysschon [S: "hamisschon"] . sebanay . halmye . gemail . sadail . neomahil . cristolepha [S: "Christolepha"] . caphamal [S: "caphanial"] . hazaron . gezamel . haymal . haihala [S: "hayhala"] . sememay . geliesmoy . thanccha [S: "tharialtha"] . gemiazay [S: "gemiazai"] . zohanphaton . ielesamen . hathanathay [S: "hata.."] . gemaht . iesomabel . haynosiel . halabethen . iabaioge . halabeht . ebalohe . myphos [S: "nyphos"] . phabos . phelior . phobos . ydolmassay . predolmassay . pholior [S: "pholihor"] . negiogge [S: "negioggen"] . neginather . pharamnee [S: "pharampnee"] . pharanhe [S: "pharanehe"] . stomicopten [S: "scomicopoten"] . sohomythepoten [S: "Sohomythepoten" with a break of several spaces before] . hymaliassenon . ymiamos . manyhas [S: "manyahas"] . geromay . yemay [S: "iemay"] . ierathayazai [S: "ietachamazai"] [35v] passamaht . thon [S: "theon"] . beht . bon . sathamac [S: "lathamat"] . hagynol . naragal . semozihot . nerothinay . ragnathi . ranal . ragnali [S: "ragnali ranal" corrected to "raguali ranal"] . ragahal . hagmal . hagamal . sagomossyn [S: "fagomossyn"] . fagemesym . domogetha [S: "domogentha"] . theomegen [S: "theomogen"] . theromagen [S: "theromogen"] . salmatha . salamaht . zalamatha . hon . bolon . lialon . sephezium [S: "sephezimu"] . sapinon [S: "sapynon"] saphiamon . hamon . harion . vsyon [S: "usion"] . gemessyon [S: "gemession"] . sepha . phalymyt . sebanay . hamyssithon [S: "hamyssython"] . thnitingren [S: "thyntyngren"] . harcon [S: "hacton"] . rogonbon . vsyon [S: "lon usion"]. Amen. */*/*/*/*/*/*
Hazailzemaht (uel Hasaylemath) [S: "Hazailemaht"] . lemaht . azac [S: "azat"] . gessemon . thelamoht . hazab . habatal [S: "halatal"] . haebal . sezior . sicromagal . gigoro . mogal . gielotheon [S: "grel.."] . samagoy . haphiles . pamphilos . sicragalmon [S: "sicagalmon"] . lanpda [S has "lanpda" corrected to "laupda"] . iothun [S: "iothim"] . halnal [S: "hainal" corrected to "haiual"] . hailos . halna [S: "halua"] . genenogal [S: "gentvogal"] . samanlay . tacayhel . thamiel [S: "tacayhelthamyel"] . secalmana . hoesemolas [S: "hesemolas"] . hesemelaht [S: "hesomelaht"] . gesatham [S: "gethasam"] . cethal [S: "cethalsam"] . stilmon [S: "scilmon"] . saibaiol . semalsay . crathon [S: "c_n_thon"] . hanagnil [S: "hanagiul"] . panconuegos [S: "pancomnegos"] . tyngeny . hamyssitoy [S: "hami.."] . sebarnay . hassinilop [S: "hassimilop"] . thenaly . soday . henaly [S has "henaly" corrected to "hevaly"] . halaco . meahil . crihicos [S: "cihicos"] sepha . caphanal [S has "caphanal" corrected to "caphaval"] . hazaron . tezamahal [S: "cezamahal"] . haila . saraumay [S has "saraumay" corrected to ?"sarammay"] . gelior . synoy . bariachacha . gehemizay [S: "gehemyzai"] . ietrafagon [S: "iecrafagon"] . legelyme . hathamathay . senac . gromyazay [S: "gromyhazay"] . sothal . magaal . iemazai . zehemphagon . hasihezamay . legelime . [36r] hacama . ieizobol . ierozabal . symalyel [S: "simaliel"] . seymaly . seihel . leosamaht . gemyhacal . halabre . cyophagros [S: "cytophagros"] . theos . phabos . ycolmazay [S: "ycolmazai"] . negen . pharamepht [S: "pharameht"] . nehihahon . sehon . gethorem . nehehom [S has "nehehom" corrected to "vehehom"] . helisemaht . saratihai . ierasiai [S: "ierafiai"] . hynaliha . sememamos [S: "sememanos"] . gezamay [S: "gezamai"] . iecremai . passamaht . thagail . hagamal . fagamesy . fagamesym . themegoman . zemegamary . salamatha . salamothono [S: "salomothono"] . bon . lon . sepizihon . harion . vsyon [S: "usion"] . semession . tegon. Amen. */*/*/*
lemaht (uel Lenthath) [S: "semaht"] . sebanthe . helitihay . gozogam . romasim . hegeto [S: "hegetti"] . gozimal . exiophiam . sorathim [S: "lorathim"] . salathaam [S: "lalathaam"] . besapha . saphrez [S: "saphiez hacnlam"] . samiht . sanaioho [S: "senaibi"] . phetaloym [S: "phethaloym"] . harissim . genges . lethos. amen. */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
Lameht (uel Lameth) [S: "Lameth"] . lenat [S: "lenat" corrected to "levat"] . lemahat . semaht . selmahat . helmam [S: "helmay"] . helymam . helmamy . zezecca [S: "zezetta"] . zezegta . gezegatha . zozagam . remasym . themare . masym [S: themaremasym"] . ieranyhel . phnerezo [S: "phnerezo" corrected to "phverezo"] . gamyhal . zetogamyaal [S: "zetegomyhal"] . hezetogamyal [S: "hezetogamyhal"] . heziephiat . hozoperbiar . iosacchin [S: "iosaithyn"] . iosathin [S: "iosathyn"] . iosany . gosamyn . salaht . salatoham . salatehen . salatabel [S: "salatambel"] . henehenbem [S: "hen henbem"] . habena . henbezepha . bosephar . thamar . sahalat [S: "sahaletromar"] . [36v] hafar . tycmar [S: "hafartitmar"] . thimas . tirimar . namor [S: "namar"] . semyhot . semohit . zemyhot . semohit . zemyhot [S om. the last 2 words.] . semoiz . lemdihon . lemahat . phetalon [S: "phethalon"] . hamiht . phetalonamie [S: "phethalonamie"] . zomize [S: "zomye"] . zamiht . prihici [S: "prihiti"] . philei . haphin [S: "haphyn"] . gergeon . gergohen . ierthon . lothios . lothos . semyhot . lemahat . semohit [S: "zemohit"] . lemaiho . phetalon . hamye . hamyphyn . pethio . gergion . lecton . iergohen . thothios . leccos [S: "lectos"] . Amen.
o most highe and inuisible god [S: "Deus summe [?] deus invisibilis"] . theos . patir . vehemuos [S: "behemmos"] . lehemuyos . behemiy [S: "leheimoy"] . we besiche the [S: "te rogamus"] ymos . by thy most hooly angells which are [S: "p' s'ctissimos ang'los tuos qi sunt"] michael . which is as miche to say as the medicyne of god [S: "Michael *1* medicina dei"] . raphael . the strengthe of god [S: "fortitudo dei"] . gabryel . burni~ge . & seraphin [S: "Gabriel Ardens et Seraphyn"] . helyphamassay [S: "helipha Massay"] . cherubin [S: "cherubyn"] . ielomiuctos [S: "Ielomynctos"] . gadabany [S: "Gadalany"] . zedabanay [S: "Zedalanay"] . gederanay . saramany . lomtecy [S: "Iometety"] . loccosi [S: "loctosy"] . gerohanathon [S: "Ierohanathon"] . zahamany . lomyht . gedanabasy [S: "Gedalanasy"] . seremanay [S: "setemanay seremany"] . henlothant . henloramyht [S: "helomyht henboramyht"] . samanazay . gedebandi . ffullnes, of syence . cherubyn . and seraphin . we most humbly besiche yow and the iesus christ by all thy holy and glorious angells whose names are blessyd of god which ought nott to be spoken of us which be these [S: "plenitudine sc'ie Cherubyn et Seraphin vos suppliciter rogamus et te Ihesu Xp'e p' õos sc'tos anglos tuos gl'iosos quoru~ nomina a deo ussecata sunt q~ a nobis p'ferri non debent q~ sunt h':"]. deihel . dehel . depymo . dewhel [S: "dem hel"] . excludo [S: "exluso"] . depymon . helynon . exmogon . paryneos [S: "parineos"] . exmegan . pheleneos . nanagen [S: "navagen"] . hosiel [S: "hosyel"] . oragon . garbona [S: "gartona"] . rathion . monyham . megonhamos .
I beseche the o my lorde lyghten and pourge my soule and my conscyence with the brightnes [37r] of thy light illumyn and confyrme my understandinge with the oder of the switenes of thy holy sprite.
(hic recita peticione~ sed si per visione deitatis tu~c dic vt sequitur.) that I may obtayne to se the gloryous visyõ which now I desyer to se. garnishe my soule o lorde that I may se thy face and here thy glory and prayse reforme my harte o lorde and renew my sensys and geue me a good memorye to beholde the blessed vision of thy face temper most gentyll lorde bothe my soule and tonge to haue that glorious visyõ by thy glorious and ineffable names thow which arte the fowntayn and begininge of all goodenes and godelynes suffer me o lorde and geue me grace and a good memorye that I may obtayn the blissed visyon which I haue desyred of the in this godely prayer. (hic rursus incipe).
Thow lorde which dost nott by and by condempne the sinner but thorow the mrrcy doest abyde his repentance, i onworthy synner doo be siche the o lorde that thow wilte wype away all my synns and wickednes and utterly quenche in me all instigatyons. (hic recita tuã petitione~ sed per deitate dic sequitr) that i may be made mete o lorde thorow this petycyon to obtayne the sight of thy diuyne maiste by the vertu and power of thy holy angells and archangells of whome i spake before thorow thy gloryous maiestye thow which arte one allmyghty and euerlastinge god to whome be prayse and honor for euer. amen.
[S: "Te quaeso due~ mi illustra et clarifica animã meã splendore luminis tui et illustra et confirma intellectu~ **'men [?] odore suavitatis sp'us tui sc'ti ut obtinere valeã g'liosã visione~ tuã quã nunc humil'r deposco adorna d'ne [=domine?] animã meã ut videã faciem tuã videam et audiã gl'iam tuã et landem tuã reforma d'ne cor meu~ instanra d'ne sensu~ meu~ placa pijssime memoriã meam ad aspiciendã visione~ faciale~ tuã et beatam tempa beniguissime animã et linguã meã ad hen'dam [?] hanc visione~ p' gl'iosa et ineffabilia nõi~a tua tu qi es fons bonitatis et totius pietatis origo h'eas q_ae_so d'ne patientiã in me et memoriã et gr'am bonã da mihi ut accipe valeã hanc visionã beatã et q_d_ a te petij in hac sc'ta o'rone da mihi et largire tu qi peccante~ stati~ non indicqs sed ad penitentiã mihtus expectas te q_ae_so indignus peccator ut facinora et p'cta mea et delicioru~ meoru~ scelera abstergas et penitus extinguas ut aptus efficiar d'ne sc'ta visione tua et in petitione tanta p sc'toru~ angeloru~ et Archangeloru~ tuoru~ vitute de qibus praefatus sum dignu~ et efficare~ facias per gliosã ma' tuã tu qi es aeternus et unus verus deus op's Ame~."]
o Iesu the sonne of the incomprhensible god [S: "Ih'u dei filius incompraehensibilis"] hancor hanacor hamylos [S: "hanylos"] iehorna theodonos [S: "theodonas"] heliothos [S: "helyothos heliotheos"] phagor corphandonos norizane corithico hanosae [S: "hanosal"] helsezope phagora [S: "phagora"].
[S starts another Oration here.]
Eleminator candones helos [S: "helas"] helee resphaga thephagayn [S: "thephagagayn"] thetendyn thahonos [S: "thahanos"] micemya [S: "mtemya"] hehortahonas [S: "heortahonos"] nelos behebos belhores hacaphagan [S adds "\\\\\"] belehothol [S: "belohothoi"] ortophagon corphandonos / borne in the shape of a man for vs sinners and yow holy angells heliothos phagnoraherken and teche me and gouerne me. (Hic dic peticionem tuã sed per visione diuina dic vt sequitr.) that i may come to obtayne the visyõ of the deyte thorow the glorious and moste gentle and moste almighte creator oure lyuyng lorde holy infinite godely and euerlastinge to whome be prayse honor and glorye worlde withowt ende. amen.
[S: "humane natus p' nobis p'ctoribus
et vos heliothos phagnora
angeli sc'ti adestote advertite et docete me et regite
me ad visione~ dei sc'tam
p' peniendã h'endam obtinendã p' g'liosu~
Clementissimu~ et potentissimum c_e_atore~
d'n'm n'ram vivu~ sc'ium [?] et immensu~ piu~
et aeternu~ cui e~ honor et laus et
gl'ia p' infinita sc'la Amen."]
[Oratio 18] | [S3 adds: Istae oratio debet dici quotidie quater / ye fyrst daye of the mone] |
Lameth . ragna . ragahel . ragia . ragiomab . hagnaht . hagnolam . exaccodan . hanthonomos hethaeneho . hemones . iothe . iothesezatha . hensazatha . serail . marab . minathil . marathal . mairathal . brihamocon . thahamathon . leprodoz . lephoris . leprehoc . lephons . hesacro . hesacrohen . corquenal . choremal . gnoyoemel . validiol . [R. has some words in margin, but they are mostly illegible. "cum (?)... Sem... Lameth ... 3o ..." There is also a drawing of a hand.] [38r] salail . salaiz . salaior . halaiz . salquihel . gessydomy . gessenazi . iessonay . hazoroz . hazarob . tharhal . bostyhal . hamol . hamalamyn. Amen. | [S: Lameht [S3: Lameth] . ragna . ragahel . ragia . ragiomab [S3: Ragionab] . hagnaht [S3: hagnat] . hognolam [S3: hagnolam] . exactodan [S3: Exaccodan .] heractodam [S3: heraccodan~] . hanchonomos [S3: hanthonomos] hethaeneho . hemones . iothe . iothesezatha [S3: lothe~ . sezaiha]. sazaratha hensazatha . serail . marab . mynathil [S3: minathil] marathal . mairathal . brihamocon . thahamathon . leprodoz . lephoris . leprohot . lephorijs [S3: lephons] . hesacro . hesacohen [SD3: hesacrohen] . corquenal . choremal . gnoyemal . valiaiol [S3: validiol] . salail . salaiz . salaior . halaiz [S3: haldiz] . salquihel . gessidomy [S3: Gessydomy] . gessevazi [S3: gessenazi] . iessonay . hazoroz . hazarob . tharahal . bostihal . hamol . hamalamyn. Amen.] |
[Oratio 19] | [S3: Oratio] [S does not start a new oration here.] |
semeht (uel semeth) seghehalt . ragnaht . reloymal . haguliaz . exhator . hanthomos . lezen . saccail . marab . briamathon . lephez . hiesacco . themay . salaihel . agessomagy . arothatamal . | [S: semeht [S3: Semeth] . seghehalt . ragnaht . regoymal [S3: Reloymal] . hagnliaz . exhator . amhomos [S3: hanthonos] . lezen . saccail . marab . brihamathon . lephez . hiefacto [S: hiesacco] . themay . salaihel . agessomay [S3: Agessomagy] . Arathotamal.] |
[S: Oracio] | |
O incommutable god which in menorye art
irreperhensible whose wisdome can not be spoken
agaynst the angell of the euerlastinge cownsell
may this day embrace my harte in his right hand
and may fill my conscyence wt the remembraunce
of the and the oder of thy oyntementes and
the switenes of thy grace may furnisch my mynde
with the brightenes and clernes of thy holy
spryte with the which thy angells o lorde with all
the powers of heauen do desyre to beholde the
face euerlastinglye (Hic recita petitionem tuam
sed per deitate dic vt sequitr) that I may wt them
most marcyfull lorde beholde the face thow which
wt thy wysdome hast repayred all thinges
with thy euerlastinge blisse wherunto thow hast
restored the angells by man which was fallen whome
thorow thy loue thou hast drawen agayn wt
thy glorye and didest voucsaffe to instrue adam
with all knoledge infforme replenishe instrue restore
correct claryfy and refreshe me that I may be a new
man to understande thy commaundementes.
(Recita petitionem sed per deitate dic vt sequitur.)
that I may obtayne the blissed syghte of the to ye
helthe my soule and body and all faythfull people
to the honor and glorye of thy name which Is
blessed for euer. amen.
| [S: "Memoria irreprhensibilis sapientia incontadicibilis et inusmutabilis [S3: cõmutabilis] deus aeterni ussilij [S3: cõsilij] angelus amplectetur hodie cor meu~ dextra [S3: dextera] tua et adimpleat usscientiã [S3: cõstienciã] meã memoria tua et odor ungnentoru~ tuoru~ et dulcedo gr'ae [S3: gracie] tuae [S3: tue] muniat mente~ meã splendore sp'us sc'ti et claritate qa angeli [S3 omits the last 8 words] facie~ tuã d'ne cu~ omnibus caeli vitutibus intueri sine fine desiderant ut valeã cu~ ipsis te clementissime facial'r intueri, [S3 omits "ut valeam ... intueri" and substitutes: "here reherse thy peticion"] sap'ia [S3: O Sapientia] qa [S3: que] omnia reparasti beatitudinis p'severantia qa angelos restituisti dilectione qa hõinem lapsu~ ad caelestia traxisti doctrina qa Adã õnem sc'iam [S3: scientiã] docere dignatus es, informa, reple, instrue [deest S3], instanra, corrige clarifica et refice me ut fiã novus in mandatis tuis intelligendis [S3 omits the rest, substituting: recita peticionem orationes prec~ (?) debent dici prima sinia (?) quat^ scilicet su~mo mane circa terciã Semell circa nonã ter circa meridie~ ter/] et suscipienda hac visione tua beata in salute~ corporis et animae meae et õniu~ fideliu~ credentiu~ in nõi~e tuo q' est b'ndictu~ in s'c'la s'c'lorum. Amen."] |
[Oratio 20] | [S: Oracio] |
Hazaram (uel hazacam) . hihel . hehelilem . hethelilem . thelihem . hazagatha . agrirazcor . hizgeocir . hazaheimn . iesan . zezor . iesar . ysail . and yow hooly angells whose names ar written in the booke of lyffe and there be rehersed rasaym . boros . helsa . heremogos . myrecagil . resaym . lemay . rasamen . lemar . themamohi . irasym . iemamoht . themamoht . secray . soctaht . sehã . hanathar . thansethay . helymaht . iosoihel . helimoht . saccamaht . helymyhot . iosey . thedony iasamaht . pharene . panetheneos . phate . neynehos . haramen . theos . hathamaym . hanataiphar . hatanazar . basiaccor . iesenenay . iesamana . haziactor . hamynosia . zezamanay . hamos . hamynos . hiatregilos . cahegilihos . zagnel . zacahel . amen. | [S: Hazacam . hihel \\\\ [S3: Hazaram . hihel] . hehelilem . hethelilem . thelihem . hazagatha . agrnazcor [S3: Agrirazcor] . hizguor . hazalzet [S3: hazahetam . Iesan] . rezor [S3: zezor] . iesar . ysail [S3: ysayl]. et vos angeli quoru~ nõi~a scibuntur in libro vitae et ibi recitantur iasym [S3: Rasaym] . horos [S3: Boros] . helsa . heremogos . myrecagil . resaym . lemay . lemar rasamen . lemar . themamoth [S3: themamoht] . Irasim [S3: Irasym] . gemamoht [S3: Iemamoht] . themamoht . secray . sotthaht [S3: Seccaht] . sehant (?) [S3: sehan] . hanathar . thansethay . helymaht . iosoihel . helimoht . lattamaht [S3: Saccamaht] . helymyhot . iosey . theodony [S3: Thedony] iasamaht . pharene . panetheneos [S3: panethehos] . phateneyneos [S3: phate . Neynehos] . haram~ [S3: haramen] . theos . hathanaym . hanataiphar . hatanazar . basiactor . iesenemay . iesamana iesamanay . hariactar [S3: haziactor] . hamynosia [S3: hamynosya] . zezamanay . hamos . hamynos . hiatregilos . cahegililos [S3: cahegilihos] . zagnhel [?"zaguhel"] [S3: Ragnell] . zatahel.] |
[Oratio 21] | [S,S3 have a new paragraph, but not a new oration start here.] |
Hielma (uel hyhelyma) . helma . helimar . herina . hutanathas . hemyna . huanathois . helsa . hebros . hiebros . helda . hagasa . hoctomegos . raictotagti . coicragon . myheragyn. amen. | [S: Helma [S3: hielma] . helma . helimat [S3: helymar] . henina [S3: henna] . hycanathas [S3: hitanathas] . hemyna . hitanathois . helsa . hebos [S3: hebros] . hiebros . helda . hagasa . hoccomegos . rai?totagn [S3: Raictotagu~] . coictagon [S3: Coicragon] . myheragyn [S3: miheragyn] . amen [S3 omits "amen"].] |
[Oratio 22] | [S,S3 start a new paragraph here, but not a new oration.] |
Conffyrme strenthen and illumune abba . theos . behenmyhat . hehemornhos . bethar . husurnhnut . hotarins . theos . god the father god the sone god the holy goste my prayer god confyrme my understondyng and my soule and my memorye. (Recita petitionem sed per deitae dic vt sequitr.) to recene know see and beholde ye sighte of the and thy blessed and glorious face. amen. |
[S: Confirma ussolida [S3: consolida] elucida
abba [S3: alba] . theos . behetmiyhat [S3: behe~myhat] .
hehem ruhos . bethar . husurnhu~t . hetarius . theos .
deus p'r deus fili [S3: fili9] deus sp'us s'cte
oratione~ meã [S3: |
Oratio 23 | [S,S3 do not start a new oration here.] |
Agloros theomithos . theomiros . shocodothos . haccisamel . sozena . haptamygel . sozienziha . hemya . geccaholzer . helyna . sothoneya . geherahel . halymyz . zezoray . gezetiz . gerehoinuhaziol . hazaimegnos . megalos . vsion saduhe . amen. | [S: Agloros theomythos . themyros . sehocodothos zehocodos . hamhaniel [S3: hacccsamel] . sozena . haptamygel . sozihenziha . hemya . gettahol [S3: Geccahol] . helyna . sothoneya . geherahel . halunyz [or "halnuyz"?] [S3: halymyz] . zezocay [S3: hezoray] . gezetiz [S3: Gezetyz] . gerehona hazihal . hazai megnos . megalos . usyon saduht. |
[Oratio 24] | |
Megal . agal . iegal . hariothos . handos . hanathos . hanothos . lemozay . semezai . lamezai . lethonas . iethonay . zemazphar . zeomasphar . zeomaphar . tetragramos . thethagranys . hatamar . haziamahar . zahamir . iechoiaphor . zethesaphir . gethor . saphor . halaguha . hasacapria . [39v] hasamypa . haragaia . hazagny . phasamar . samar . saleht . salym . salmeht . sameht . saloht . sillezaleht . sadayne . neothatir . neodamy . hadozamyr . zozena . belymoht . hazat . helyot. | [S: Megal . agal . iegal . hariothos . handos . [S3 adds: hanathos] hanathoios hanathos [sic] . lemazai . semazai . lamezai . lethonas . iethonas [S3: Iechonay] . zemasphar [S3: zemazsphar] . zeomaspar [S3: zeomasphar] . zeomaphar . tetragrammos [S3: Tetccgramos] . thethaganys [S3: Thethagranys] . hacãman [S3: hacãmar] . hazaamahat [S3: hazaimahar] . zahamyr [S3: zahanur (or zahamir)] . iethosaphor [S3: Iechosaphor] . zethesaphir . gethor . saphor . hasagitha . hasacapha . hasamypa . haragaia [S3: haragia] . hazanuy (?) [S3: hazagny] . phasamar . samar . salephusalym [S3: Saleht . Salym] . salmeht . sameht . saloht . sillezaleht . ordayne [S3: sadayne] . neothatir . neodamy . hadozamyr . zozena . helymoht [S3: belymoht] . hazat . helyhot [S3: helyot].] |
O the truthe the way and the lyffe of all creatures oryghtewos god quicken me and visit me and my understoudinge claryfy my soule and pourge it (Recita peticionem sed per deitate dic vt sequitr.) that lyke as thow dyddest shew unto Ihon and pawle the syght of the when thow didest take them up in to heuen euyn so lorde that I may whyle this my body lyueth see & beholde thy face. amen. | [S: "Veritas lux via et vita õniu~ ceturaru~ inste deus vivifica me visita me et intellectu~ meu~ et animã meã 9firma et instanra conscienciã meã et clarifica et purga sicut Iohni~ et paulo qu~ rapnisti eos ad visione~ tuã eis ostendendo v~ sic d'ne meo vivente corpore possit te anima mea inspicere facial'r et videre."] |
Hamicchiahel (uel Hamathahol) [S: "Lamyntnahel
l_- lamycthiahel"] .
hamsahel . daihyr [S: "dalihir"] . hayr [S: "hair"] .
hael [S: " halel"] . zedach . hazarach . zedaich
[S: "zedaizh"] . hazaias . lezorial [S: "lezorihal"] .
zezorias [S: "zehorias"] . iechori [S: "iethori"] .
alsemaya [S: "alsemaia"] . ysamya [S: "ysamyha"] .
zama . ysa . samina [S: "sam~a"] . ysaray . ysameht . ysathay .
lemehyel [S: "lemyhel"] . nehel . semehel . iemymehel . mytinab
[S: "mythynab"] . mybhahal [S: "nybahal"] . mychyn .
mybacaiab [S: "mybancaiab"] . hamyly . mynab .
halyasal [S: "heliasal"] . hometibymal [S: "hometibimal"] .
helymal . hy~bos [S: "hymbos"] . zebracal . zelimal .
iechro [S: "iethro"] . samaril [S: "samara"] .
zezocha [S: "zezoca"] . iecrosahal . melos . zalymebor
[S: "zalimebor"] . zalymylos . zagahel [S: "zaguhel"] .
mychathomos . myheromos [S: "myleromos"] . mycracosmos
[S: "mycacosmos"] . nycromyhos. amen. amen.
[S has only one "Amen."]
I wretched sinner in thy syght o lorde my god to whose syghte all thinges are open and manyfest, in whose hande all thinges are clene and pure pourge and clense me o almyghte god these thinges do i speke that the error of infydelytie and the fylthines of sine beinge taken awaye, the good holy spryte maye helpe me and quicken me as it dothe quicken all thinges and put away all myne incredulyte and fylthynes. (Recita peticionem sed per deitate dic vt sequitur) [["Recite the petition; if for the vision of God, say as follows:"]] that i thought i be unworthy thorow thy mercy with owt lett may obtayne to se thy most gloryous face. amen. | [S: "Ego in conspectu tuo d'ne deus in cuius tintu õnia nuda sunt et ap'ta et in mani cuius o'ra sunt munda et pura mundifica et depura me deus o'ip's haec enim lequor nisi ablato infidelitatis et infectionos errore ex labe adinvet me sps tuus bonus sc'tus vivificans orã et vivificet o'n'em inc_e_dulitam et labe~ meã ut visione~ tuã sc'tissimã [?] licet indignus p'pter tuã m~iam valeã efficaciter et absque defectu iam obtinere Amen."] |
Semoht (uel Gymath) [S: "Lemoth"]
gehel [S: "gegel"] . helymoht . hemeb . sabahel . zerothay .
zabayel [S: "zabahel"] . gerozay . hebel . [S adds
"\\\\"] crosay . hamagra [S: "crosaihamagra"] .
hatiagra [S: "hanhaga"] . ragen . zeromay [S: "seromay"] .
zehez . hezehengon . iezomay [S: "zezomay"] . hemehegon .
hamagrata [S: "hamagata"] . cezozoy . geso~may [S
has a bar over the "om"] . hesehengnon . lethomai
[S: "lethomay"] . halla . hathanathon [S: "hathanaton"] .
hagigel . hatamyhel [S: "hatamy hel"] . lamahyhel [S omits] .
hathomas . hecobay [S: "hecohay"] . zemohay . theageta . theal .
regon . hagen [S: "hage~"] . iezeragal [S: "rezeregal"] .
iehalragen [S: "zehalrage~"] . geht . zeregal . hamabihat .
hezegon . gethage . madaaios [S: "madiaaios"] . zadaanchyos
[S: "zadanthios"] . exhedon [S: "exheton"] .
palathoros [S: "pallathoros"] . zallaehatos [S:
"zallachatos"] . thelthir [S: "thelthis"] .
threhodios . [S: "trehodios"] . zezochthiam .
palliticatos [S: "pallititatos"] . nethi . delthis .
heroniodios [S: "heremodios"] . helmelazar . helyne .
zazarharon [S: "zazar haron"] . gezero . mymyhel . henthon .
hermelazar [S: "herinelazar"] . sython [S: "lython"] .
genython [S: "genithon"] . hezdmyel [S: "hezemyhel"] .
heymemy [heymeiny?]. heelmelazar [S: "helmelazar"] .
cremymyel [S: "c_e_mymyhel"] . exheruz [S: "exhernz"] .
zorol . mochora [S: "mothora"] . rabyhel [S: "rabihel"] .
samyb . lamely . melyon [S: "melion"] . sarabyhel
[S: "sarabihel"] . samyl . tamyl . samyhel. amen.
Allmyghty and euerlastinge god moste mercyffull father which arte blyssed foreuer whith [sic] hast geuine unto us o eternall & irreperhensyble god a helthfull and incommutable remedy which for the almightynes of thy maiesty hast geuen us leane to prayse and glorify the and hast graunted unto us to se thy gloryous maiestye the which is to other creatures denyed whose determynacyon cane in no wyse be altered, whose nature is eternall & of deuyne substance with the holy trynyte which is the father ye sonne and ye holy goste which is exalted aboue all heavens wher the godhead and ye deyte dothe abyde. x. I besiche thy maiesty o lorde and glorify thy allmighty power and ye mervelous ye hyghest and euerlastinge power I most lamentably besiche ye o my god which arte the inestimable wysdome & ye ineffable lyffe of angells ye incomperhensyble god in whose syghte doo stoude ye multytude of angells. (Recita peticione~ tuam sed per visione diuina dic ut sequitur.) that thow wilt fforthwith graunt me thy holy visyon, and that your wilte helpe me and geue me helthe that I may se ye clerenes of thy visyon and graunt me thy pure understouding & perseuerance in thy lawes yt I may be worthy to se the face which lyuest and reynest eternally in the syghte of all celestyall powres now and euer and euery where worlde with owt ende. amen. | [S: "O'ip's sempiterne deus et misericors p'r ante õnia sc'la b'n'd'cte qi nobis aeterne deus irrep_r_hensibilis et incommutabilis remediu~ salutare contulisti qi p'ter o'ipotenciam ma_tis_ tue nobis facultate~ laudandi gl'ificandi videndi facial'r ma_tem_ tuã concessisti caeterisque animalibus negata cuius dispositio in sui p' videntia non fallitur cuius etiã natura aeterna est et 9substancialis deitati suae et tiuitati suae q' e' p'r et filius et s. s. q' e' exaltata' sup' o'ne caelu~ ubi divinitas et deitas corporal'r h'iat dep_r_cor ma_tem_ tuã d'ne et o'p'nciã tuã g'lifico et aeternitatis tuae vitute~ ac magnificenciã tuã summã et aeternã cu~ nimia implorac'oe intentionis flagitans deposco te deus mens sapiencia inaestimabilis et ineffabilis vita ang'loru~ deus incomp_r_hensibilis in cuius 9spectu chorus ang'loru~ 9sistit te depracor et flagito ut p' sc'tum et g'liosu~ n_n_ [?] tuu~ et p' 9spectu~ angeloru~ et pincipatus caelestes mihi gra'm tuã dones huius sc'tae visionis et statim subvenias mihi et sc'titate~ mihi tribuas et subtilita= [sic] visionis tantae et intellectus tui puritate~ et p'severanciã concedas ut te facial'r videre valeam qui vivis et regnas aeternal'r in conspectu omniu~ virtutu~ caelestiu~ nunc et semp' et ubique p' õnia s'c'la s'c'loru~. A.] |
semoht (uel Lemoth) : lamen . lezahel .
salmatihal . zamatihel . mahaziel [S: "mahazihel"] .
zamazihal . ezeleaz . mahatioten [S: "mahatihoten"] .
hezole [S om.] . helzoleam . megos . hemol . hemuoleha
[S: "hemnoleha"] . methos . hazamegos . halzamyhol . alzamoy .
memmamiccos [S: "menmamitos"] .
memomiccos [S: "memomittos"] . zely . marayhathol .
zolmazathol . zemeney . iemenay . lameley . zethemalo . zetheneran
[S: "zethenaram"] . labdaio . lodeho . zabday . hoton [S om.] .
ladaiedon . lapdaihadon . lothanan . hizemazihe . izthanacihe
[S: "izthamhihe"] . [S adds "iotha nahuzihis zihanati"]
phomos [S: "hephomos"] . zeherem . zeheziehelmos
[S: "zehe ziehelmos"] . hie . hanathie [S: "hiehanathihe"] .
homos . zeherem . hessymatel [S: "helsimathal"] .
hessicomalon [S: "hessicomal on"] . thehe [S: "ehehe"] .
sihotil [S: "honl"] . magal . hesiothil . micho
[S: "mycho"] . halpha . husale . omis [S: "onus"] .
flum . fais [S: "fals"] . hallemassay . alesemony
[S: "alesemonoy"] . salemanasay [S: "salemanasai"] .
helemasay . zazacco [S: "zazaico"] . semanay .
nachairo [S: "nachano"] . natham . gemehol . yetulmassaye [S:
"yenilmassay"] . gemahol . iezemalo . magnl [S: "magul"?] .
gehamas [S: "gelamas"] . senadar [S: "senadae"] .
iezema . salpha . [S adds "gemama suphu iohel iohabos haymal".
These five words are underlined; the first and last words also have lines
over them.] sacramagay [S: "sec_u_magay"] .
iehetmagay [S: "iehennagay"] . zehetyn .
zemazadair [S: "zemadazan"] .
iehir . ramagay . geiama [S: "gesama"] .
salpha . gemama . suphniohet [S: "suphn Iohel"] .
Iohabos . haymal . hamanal . thanoctomas . Iobohe . hamynal . zanogromos .
nyzozoronba [S: "nyzozoroba"] . mygerozoma
[S: "nygerozoma"] . negero . rabaly [S: "rabali"] .
negora . hohalym . nytheromathum . tholynthay [S: "cho lymchay"] .
tolomay . loynar . tholumgay [S: "tholinngay"] . zenolozihon .
hisomomelyhon [S: "hisonomelihon"] . samyhel . giethy .
sicrozegamal [S: "sicrozeganial"?] . thoneihos
[S: "thoneos"] . carmolehos . samhel .
gehiszefyhor [S: "gehszesihol"] . Iezolnohit . phicrose .
gramaht [S: "g_u_maht"] . theonehos [S: "theonthos"] .
carmelos . lamyhel . larmanail . gezezihor [S: "gesezihor"] .
semarnail . zaarmethihail [S: "zaarmatihail"] . heliozo .
thael [S: "thahel"] . semail. amen.
Genealogon reealologon . tenealogo . saphay . zazaiham .
saphya [S: "saphia"] . zede . [S adds "\\\\\"]
zemeziham [S: "zemoziham"] . zeomonriel [S: "zomonrihel"] .
sanamam [S: "sanam&atlde;"] . samna . gegnognal . samayhel
[S: "samyhel"] . Ieremyhel . [S adds "\\\\"] horaciotos .
hetha . siothos . sepharaym . henemos . genozabal . Ieremabal . hethemel .
genotheram . genorabal . semyha . semua [S: "samna"] .
mynaron . ymuathon [S: "ymathon geristel hymacton"] chalos .
phabal . resaram . marachihel [S: "marathihel nat"] . naratheos .
Ietrinaiccho [S: "ietrmantho"] . Iezibathel . sephoros . thesirara .
zepharonay . hazana . messihel . sother . haziel [S: "hazihel"] .
semichros [S: "semicros"] . chiel [S: "thiel"] .
hamacal . hator [S: "hacor"] . zemothor . sanaday .
morothochiel [S: "morothothiel"] . semenos . satabis [S:
"satab_is_"] . themaay [S: "themay"] . horel .
remay [S adds "renay"] zenel . hasa . gemol . zemelaza .
Iemozihel [S: "iemazihel"] . zemey [S: "zemei"] .
zemeihacon [S: "zemeihaton"] . zechor [S: "zethor"] .
helichos [S: "helycos"] . semysenue [S: "semysenne"?] .
hiacon . Iechor [S: "iethor"] . meholim [S: "mehohin"] .
hazenethon . semale . mepathon . zemolym . systos [S: "sistos"] .
eloy . semegey . manos . helipos [S: "helypos"] .
hemiclopos [S: "hemyclopos"] . geys . seray . sephet . sephamanay .
heliothos [S: "helihothos"] . cherobalym . hassenethon
[S: "hassenothy~"] . hisistos . domengos . Iemyrohal . samanathos .
semeham . behenos [S: "lehenos"] . megon . hanythel . Iochomeros
[S: "iethomeros"] . Ielamagar . remelthot [S: "remelthet"] .
genay . domathamos . hathamir [S: "hathamyt"] . serihon [S:
"seryhon"] . senon [S: "lenon"] . zaralamay .
zabaihon [S: "labayhon"]. amen.
Geolym hazenethon . ysiscos [S: "ysistos"] .
eloy . sephey [S: "sephei"] . manay . helihotas
[S: "helyhotas"] . Ierobalym . semalet . gonay . heliothos .
domathamos . hathamyr . seryhon . hamynyr . senoz . magamagol . sethar .
senam . magelhel [S: "magel hel"] . helymothos . helseron . zeron .
phamal . Iegromos . herymyhothon . lanthamos . heramathon . landamos .
lanaymos . seplatihel . sephatihel . hagenalis . legenale . hegernar .
stanazihel . stancchel [S: "stanithel"] . hathanathos . hegrogebal .
rogor . heremynar . henecyman . marothon . Iechar . naym
[S: "ietharnaym"] . henomos [S: "henozios"] . Iezeduhos .
gezconos . sabam [S: "satam"] . gortaray [S om. but has a gap.] .
helyccheym [S: "helytychcym"] . helestymeym
[S: "heleshimeym"] . sepharma [S: "sephalzna"] .
mathar [S: "Acathar"] . saphar . manacham
[S: "manathã"] . bezezay . samay . sephay .
syamathon [S: "syliemathon"] . balair . [S adds "\\\\"
in the marg.] samamar . hamyhel . marmamor [S: "marmamo"] .
henemos . gegohomos . samar . sabar [S: "sabat"] .
hamyhel [S: "hamihel"] . gezamahel .
sacramay . Iezamathel [S: "iezamamel"] .
hama~samel [S: "hamansamel hamazamoly"] .
geromol . Iezemon [S: "lezemon"] . sycromal [S:
"hicromal"] . Iezabal . samua [S: "samna"] .
zama . hatanathos [S: "hacanathos"] . theos . helyhene .
zelym . helyhem . hezelym . cromemon . henethemos
[S: "henethonos"] . gegenol [S: "gegegnol"] .
hemthemos . Iamam . harathamam [S: "harathynam"] .
megon . megnon . cemon [S: "megnoncemon"] .
strymay [S: "sirymay"] .
hethemel .hemel . sethor . helsethor . sophornay .
behelthoi [S: "behelthor"] . sesalihel .
ranahel [S: "tanahel"] . homyhal .
Iezahel . zemahal [S: "hemahel"] . homal .
guomagnos [S: "gnomãgnos"] .
semyr [S: "sennyr"] . Iechor [S:
"iethor"] . nomemal . gehangno [S:
"geliãgno"] . genair [S: "genayr"] .
Iecoruame [S: "iecorname"] .
malihagnathos [S: "malihãgnathos"] .
hachamol . Iecromagnos . [S adds
"magnarht noynemal hagnathos hamathalis iecoragnos"]
sammazihel . Ieconail [S: "ietonail"] .
hesuogem [S: "hesuoge~"] . choto [S: "chotorim"] .
mynamchanamaycha [S: "mynãtanamaytha"] .
chanaym [S: "thanaym"] .
raymara . senayhel . homuogenthon [S: "honmou~
genthon"] . lanamyhel . gehenignor
[S: "gehemgnor"] . gemyochar [S:
"gemy~hothar"] . lanamyhel [S:
"iãnamyhel"] . sezyhel [S: "sezihel"] .
magol . samanay . haganal . menya . ferymay
[S: "ferimay"] . sarranay . lanamyhel .
[S adds "gnohemgnor gemõthar
lãmyhel"] zezihel [S: "sezihel"] .
magnol . samanay [S: "samãnay"] .
hagamal [S: "haganal"] . mena [S:
"menya"] . ferymay [S: "ferimay"] .
[note the near duplication]
sarranay . lacham [S: "latham"] . lihares
[S: "lyhares"] . lechanagihel
[S: "lethanagihel"] . nathoes [S:
"nathes"] . samayrlyazer [S:
"lamairhazer"] . egyhel [S: "egihel"] .
thamazihel . hacaros [S:
"hacacaros"] . cazaihel [S: "tazaihel"] .
hacarraz [S: "hacaraz"] .
hacacoharona [S: "hacatoharona"] .
semyday . hacca . chaharon [S:
"choharon"] . semelay . Iamye . Iazabal . lanerecabal
[S: "laverecabal"] . Iammeze
[S: "iam~eze"] . thabal . coouachoros
[S: "cumachoros"] . hacoronathos .
sathanael . haryham [S: "hariham"] .
zachhar [S: "zathhar"] . harathar .
haziber [S: "haziler"] . zechar . hazihem
[S: "hazihe~"] . hazathar .
loemgemar [S: "lornigemar"] . hazanather
[S: "hazanathar"] . hamegnar .
semal . gehen . negemar . hemegnol . semam . hathamanos . hatimairos
[S: "latimairos"] . rechihamos . hamognal . semar .
temualamos [S: "te~nalamos"] .
sebranay . sebemuay [S: "selamnay"] .
byrnchata [S: "barnothata"] . Ialon .
hespnhos . ramel . semal . reuilsemar [S: "renylsemar"].
Ielamacrom . Ielama .
crimisaiber [S: "crymyzaiber"] . segher .
sayher . Ierolognos . [S adds
"\\\"] Iegemagnolon . geiemamagnosam . haminos
[S: "hamynos"] . Iamozia . Iozihon . Iacuhosia
[S: "ramhosia"] . hagnyhosio .
Iecologos [S: "yetologos"] . hazeoyon .
hamynos . hamyr . matharihon . machanon
[S: "mathanon"] . senos . heliothon . zenos .
semear . lanar . lamar . sacronalon
[S: "setronalon"] . gemal . secrmagnol
[S: "secromagnol"] . sacromehas
[S: "sec_o_mehal"] . lamagil . sethoham .
sechoiro [S: "sethoiro"] . maihol .
socromagnol [S: "socromgnol"] . genos .
[S adds "+"] thomegen . nycheos.
amen. amen [S omits the "amen"s and
adds "\\\\\"].
Agenos theomogenos . theos . hatanathos .
kirihel . ypalis [S: "ypolis"] . ypile .
[S: "karihel"] cristapholis
[S: "christopholis"] hon ymalihor
ymas harethena chenathon leonbon boho
usion [S: "usyon"] ieromegnos hagenoy
hisychon [S: "hysithon"]
geromagol hagyhamal [S: "lagyhamal"]
latham zarthaiual [S:
"zarchamal"] senar petonahal [S:
"peconahal"] lacramagnal [S:
"lacamagal"] sebar [S: "sehar"]
sehan iezerom [S: "iezekom"]
geuomoly [S: "genomoloy"] ienomos
[S: "genomos"] iezoro nomeros
henahihel gemehegate [S: "gemehagate"]
gemyha iethemuahos [S:
"iethenmahos"] myhayhos [S: "myhaylos"]
semana hahel semahel hotheihos
[S: "hoteihos"] hatazaihos saphar
nemenomas [S: "nemenomos"]
hoheihos hacaz [S: "hataz"] ayhos
caphar nemenomos horihos hataz haihos
seiha chomochomacanay [S: "chomo chomothanay"]
lamam lanamyr [S has
a bar over the "an".] lamyhar lamanazamir
[S: "lamanazamyr"] lemyar
hagramos generamoseht senyha erhagel [S: "exagal"]
hamagron semaharon
semyr haramua [S: "haramna"] mamail
haramcha mothana [S: "mochana"]
ramay iose ramaht hanaramay iole xp~s [S:
"xpc" with a bar over the
letters.] hamyristos hamyrrios [S: "hamirrios"]
carathos [S:
"caratheos"] caratheos saleht [S:
"laleht"] semamarym [S:
"semamarim"] iasol salem semyhamaym [S:
"lemyhamaym"] hallehuma [S:
"hallehmua"?] haristeiz behem [S:
"bohem"] ruhos halla samyey syloht
samyhel hallenomay samychy [S: "samychi"]
methonomos iechonomos [S:
"iethonomos"] gedonomay.
[Note recurring sound changes: i [r] = g [S],
e.g. "ienomos" [R] =
"genomos" [S], ..iel [r] = ..ihel
[S], e.g. "kariel" [r] =
"karihel" [S]; also frequent interchange
of y to i and i to y; [r] =
.._u_m [S], e.g. "lemeliham" [r]
= "lemelih_u_m" [S].
possible evidence of mss tradition in some other
script [greek?] or oral tradition.]
Genathores sanamathocos [S: "sanamathotos"]
gnanatores zanothoros
genomos ienazar samua [S: "senma"]
marathos senather semacheher [S:
"sematheher"] senachar gernb [S:
"gerub"?] iamam [S: "iamã"] erihel
[S: "exihel"] chnblaman [S:
"chublalaman" or "chn.."?] hesihel
sethei semylihel zomyhel genocomel chanyham [S:
"thanyham"] machar hachay
hazanathay theos hamanatar [S: "hamanacar"]
hazanechar [S:
"hazanethar"] chetonay [S: "theconay"]
chiathar [S: "thiathar"]
theohon namacar senuales [S: "sennales"]
samyha hesaca semaly hesamem
[S: "hesame~"] semyhahes sarcihate
nazihatel hanazihatel [S:
"hanaziachachel"] hasilihatel [S:
"hasilihacel"] pamilihel [S:
"pamylihel"] hazilihatel [S: "haziliacel"]
hagenerõ [S:
"hagenoron"] hagenorem hagenorozom samaht
samoht habifumaht [S:
"habisumaht"] hendon habysanhat [S:
"habysanahat"] tyngehen [S:
"cyngehen"] crogohen [S: "cragohen"]
hazamgeri hazamguhem [S:
"hazamagnhem"] lemohot [S: "lemehot"]
hasomgeri Iomoyhot semiha
[S: "riahacton"] semymarithaton [S:
"semymartchaton"] semynar
zihoton zagnam horay honethe hoparathos nabramala
[S: "nahamala"] rothos
[S: "rochos"] hazata [S: "hazaca"]
helralathos [S:
"helralacos"] horecha [S: "horetha"]
horalathos [S: "horalatos
horetha horalothos"] harab [S: "horalo"]
lethos geno zabahal lemaht
hazocha lematalmay halmay iemalis secomathal harmarlemaht
rabasadail semuazliel [S: "semnazliel"]
lechom [S: "lethom"]
hagyhal [S: "hagihal"] legos patis
iethomagihal genomythoo [S:
"genomythos"] samyhas [S: "samayhas"]
ienemeros samma [S: "sam~a"]
zasamar hazamyha hasaymam [S: "hasayman"]
chagnoro [S: "thagnoro"]
landethe pharon [S: "bandethepharon"]
thagromothon [S:
"thagromathon"] landothes pharen decarpe
medyhos decapochen duhomelathus
decaponde dyhamelathos [S: "dihamelathos"]
semyharicht [S:
"semyhariht"] samyhan genathely zazamar
[S: "zamamar"] myremoht satharios
geuolyam [S: "genuliam"] sacrehos
[S: "satrehos"] saphorenam
saphoro megon hassahamynel hazaa myrahel gerizo ieristo
symychos [S:
"ieristosymythos"] hothos [S: "hothes"]
hymycros [S: "hymicros"]
otheos [S adds "#"].
Semathy (uel Senrathy) motheham sema thiotheos [S:
hesapope [S: "hesapopa"] hesaphopanos
gramyhel [S: "g_u_myhel"]
garamanas saphomoron gelbaray ieblaray hetidyham
[S: "hetidih_u_m"] henzan
hezidiham [S: "hezidih_u_m"] canazpharis
hanathesion [S:
"hanthesion"] canast phasis [S: "canastphasis"]
holithos hosschyhon
[S: "hosschihon"] samatihel [S:
"lamatihel"] ranaihel [S:
"ramaihel"] semiramoht [S: "lemiramoht"]
sathanos [S: "lathanos"]
gecabal hostosion lemeliham [S: "lemelih_u_m"]
saphara negon zaramyhel
[S adds "zamyrel"] geriston zimphoros
[S: "zymphoros"] hocho
[S: "hotho"] hadalomob nagem nagenay
megos maymogos [S: "naymogos"]
semazihar helaph herlo holopherno lopheo ^horpovaboceo
[S: "hornobahoceo"] nydeht herihegil rognohon
[S: "rognhon"] nydoccicib
[S: "nydocricib"] negal neguabel
[S: "negnabel"] momoht [S:
"memoht"] hemel gemoht sagnanar clarapalos
zenozmyhel iesagal [S:
"iosagat"] geuoz [S: "genoz"]
hamel guara maziel [S: "gnaramaziel"]
gerathar sathamyanos sahamuhã [S: "sahamuh_u_m"!]
guamazihel mac-
geraguaht sathamyham [S om. the last 4 words!]
huriel phalomagos
phalomgros iotho megon saraht saaysac horamylichos
[S: "horamylithos"]
carmelychos [S: "carmelithos"] hezaladuha
hezelam [S: "hezeladam"]
hisihel hemal usyon [S: "usion"]
lamal raguam sablachom [S:
"sablathom"] sabsacom [S adds "#"].
Serognegnos (uel seregneguos) geronehos samanachor
sazanachoray zamachoray
[S om.] sanatihel [S: "sanacihel"]
lamamathios [S:
"lamathios"] sanaziel [S: "sanazihel"]
chamyquiol [S: "thamyqiol"]
zazarahel kyrion zamynel kyris crememon caristomon
[S: "caristomnon"]
sacronomay [S: "sac_o_nomay"] soromono
hestimpandos [S:
"hestnnpandos"] iechampanidos [S:
"iethampanydos ietham panydos"]
methalamathon merassamaty [S: "merasamacy"]
sabaarna [S: "sabarna"]
heluhama [S: "helnhama"] guathamal
[S: "gnathamal"] hemdamyhos
thega myhabal teguamathal [S: "tegnamathal"]
cathanathel [S:
"chathanathel"] theogethos [S: "thehogethos"]
cehognos sananazihel
[S: "sanazihel"] cathanathel cehogethos
[S: "tehogethos"] cehognos
[S: "tehognos"] canazay teneloyhos
[S: "teneloihos"] zenelyhos
cathalihel [S: "cathaliel!"] theomeguos
[S: "theomegnos"]
lapdamylon landamelyhon ierothyhon lapdamozyhon [S:
"lapda mozihon"]
homen samal samochia [S: "samothia"]
homy samal [S adds "\\\"]
samaziho sathamenay samohaya [S: "samohaia"]
sathonomay [S:
"sathomanay"] geromaziel [S: "geromazihel"]
haccho [S: "hoccho"]
macalon hothemegalon [S: "hothomegalon"]
guetazamanay [S:
"genetazamanay"] hazataniel [S: "hazacamel"]
hazabanas iechro tynognale
sehor gehoraia haramanay harathaciel [S: "harathacihel"]
hamython lapdaas [S: "lapdas"] hazatham
[S: "hazathan"] thihel
hazabanos hamacon hamamabyhon [S: "hamamalyhon"]
samalyhon samalerihon
vsiologihon [S:
"ustio.."?] legyn heleys
[S: "heleis"] hymon machitilon theos
helotey [S: "heloty"]
sarramazili samachily [S: "samachili"]
helamon chihamon [S:
"chihamõ"] (vel chilamon) [S
om.] hel lamochyamon [S:
"lamochiamon"] lagay lemechiel [S:
"lemethiel"] semezi hel [S:
"semezihel"] laymos lanos hazamathon themohan
[S: "themohn" with a "u"
above the "n" perhaps indicating that the
transcriber couldn't determine which
was intended in his Ms.] thanacon [S: "thanathon"]
theon natharathon.
Magnus (uel magnys) magnol nazihacol naziathos [S:
heliam [S: "heliã"] mathon
saphar [S: "saph_u_r"] hazachon [S:
"nazachon"] gemehihel iomorihel samaychel
[S: "sanayhel"] sazanyhel
[S: "cazanyhel"] saramel [S
adds semyhel"] sezimel lebathon
[S: "lebachon"] iarachon iaratham
basihas lamuay [S: "lamnay"]
ronala mathacon [S: "mathathon"]
rasiohs [S: "rasihos"] layna choro
laymateram [S: "laymatham"] labynegual
[S: "labynegnal"] stomycros
[S: "scomycros"] bazihos lamua [S:
"lamna"?] labimegas [S:
"labnnegas"] herezemyhel pheamycros [S:
"pheamicros"] negemezihol
relmalaguoram [S: "relmalagnoram"]
hanamyhos hanomos gracosihos [S:
"g_u_cosihos"] gracomessihos [S:
"gcomessihos"] sothiron geuozepha
[S: "genozepha"] chelahel zopascanelyhos
zephastonomos hamaraziohs
zenaziel [S om. the last 4 words.] geramathiel
[S: "geramathihel"]
gecramathiol [S: "gec_u_mathihol"]
hasaguar [S: "hasagnar"] hasagiri
paramyhot [S: "paramyhoc"] hapasyri
[S: "hapasiry"] haranamar
senales hasagnanamar semagel secastologyhon [S:
genagnolos"] heuagnolothegos [S: "hagenolo
thegos"] sozor hamay
seroguomay [S: "serognomay"] sorosomay
[S: "sorosamay"] iamaramos
remolithos [S: "remohthos"] lammaramos
zenon ierolen [S: "serolen"]
zabay peripaton [S: "pipaton"] haryhat
[S: "harihat"] hananyhos
crastozios [S: "c_u_strosihos"] graguomoyuhos
[S: "gragnomoysihos"]
sichiron geuozempha [S: "genozem pha"]
zezael [S: "zehahel"]
sephastaneos hamaristigos snazihel [S: "senazihel"]
geramatihel [S:
"geramacihel"] pazomyhol [S: "pazamyhol"]
haphasy zyhazanagar [S:
"zihazanagar"] senahel [S: "senasel"]
secasehagihon [S:
"secasehogyhon"] geuaguolos [S: "genagnolos"]
hegonele thegos sorozomay
[S: "sorozamay"] sozor (vel soror)
[S om.] hamay iamaramos zelyhon
[S: "zelihon"] iezolen [S adds
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