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Edited by Joseph H. Peterson, copyright © 1998, 1999.
Permission is hereby granted to make one handwritten copy for personal use, provided the master bind his executors by a strong oath (juramentum) to bury it with him in his grave. Beyond this, whoever copies this sacred text without permission from the editor will be damned.
Reniolithos (uel R- [44v] emolohos [S, S2: "Remolithos"] ypomehiles hazimelos samal hazaramagos gelomyhel gezeno megual [S: "megnal"] hanacristos hanaipos gemotheon samahot helyhemon [S: "helihemon"] hialamun [S: "hialamum"] salamyhym hamyuos [S: "haminos"] gezelihos sartharay sarthamy gechora [S: "gethora"] maray gechoramy [S: "gethoramy"] ieguoram [S: "iegnorã"] myhamy theos agios crehamuos [S: "crehamnos"] iskyros [S: "yskyros"] athanathos [S: "Athanathos"] probihos meguon [S: "megnon"] hacazmazy [S: "hacazamazay"] hecohy uriel [S: "uryhel"] iebozihel sarib rogay halomora sarahihel hecamazihel [S: "hechamazihel"] sezamagua [S: "sezamagna"] iechar [S: "iethar"]. [S adds "#".]
NYNE prayers are sett in the begi_~ni_~ge which doo last unto this prayer helisthemaht hazaram wherof the firste 8 are a preparatyon of the way to worke and to prepare the worke to obtayne but the 9 is off the effect of this worke as for the fyrst 8 they oughte to be sayd euery day that yow wil worke very early in the morninge before the breke of the daye and no more to be sayd that day and the 9 owght alwayes to be sayd in the beginninge of the prayers that foloweth those 8 and in the ende of them also, | [S: "Novem orationes sunt in pincipio posite usque ad illã or'one_~ /Helistemaht hazarã/ qaru_~ octo sunt prparacio vie ad op'andu_~ et p;paracio op'is ad obtinendu_~ sed noua estpima or'o de intrincesitate huius op'is . de octo dico qd summo mane paulo ante crepusculu_~ matutinu_~ ante incep'cone_~ op'is cuiuslibet diei ip'ae sunt p'ferrendae et non opertet de tota die amplius, de nova dico qd semp' in pincipio orandi p' or'ones alias ab illis octo praedictis et in fine est p'ferenda."] |
after that there be othere 8 prayers folowing which be called the 8 termes and the be good to cause yow to obtayne your request at godes hande, so upon ye fryday after that yow haue truly repented your selfe and confessyd yow shall fast breade and water and very early in the morninge before the breke of the daye thoe shalt say 10 prayers which thow shalte fynde wrytten after that is to say the 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and these muste ye saye wt greate deuocyon. | [S: "Octo or'ones sunt in fine positae qa octo termini nuncupantur et de illis dico ad valent ad hendum divinu_~ concessu_~. Sic pimo una die veneris postq'm eris vere paenitens et confessus ieiunabis pane et aqa et summo mane cica pincipiu_~ cepusculi matutini dices dece_~ or'ones quas invenies infra 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. suaviter et intente atque sedulo p'rumpendo"] |
After that yow shall pawse a whyle remembring your petycion and rehersing it and then shall ye saye the 8 termes afore wrytten and in the ende of euery terme yow shall powse a lytle and reherse your petycyon. After yt [45r] when yow haue thus donne once in the morninge yow must doo so agayne abowt the 3 hower and lykewyse abowt the middaye & then yow may dyne. | [S: "deinde f'cto parvo intervallo postulatis et cogitando dices illos 8 termines intervallu_~ s'iliter parvu_~ et postulativu_~ in fine cuiuslibet termini faciende deinde cu_~ mane semel diveris eode_~ modo penitus cica tertiã semel dices et si'liter cica meridie_~ semel et tuuc poteris prandere"] |
The day folowinge yt is to saye upon satturday yow moste doo euen as ye did the day before in any wyse upon the sonday yow shall doo lykewyse sauinge yt yow shall nott fast but that yow may eatte fyshe or fleshe as ye will but moderately. Then after none, that is to saye when ye haue prayed 3 tymes, then in the nyghte folowinge shall be reuelyd unto yow by an angell whether yow shall obtayne your petycyon or noo. | [S: "In crastino s'iliter in die sabboti? eode_~ mo penitus facies In die dominica s'iliter insi qd non ieinnabis i'mo? quid vis l_- pisces l_- carnes commedere qibus pt meridie_~ s. finita tertia vice orandi tuuc in nocte sequenti in somnis revelabitur tibi p' Ang'l'um concessus l_- repulsa."] |
Yf your petycyon be graunted then shall ye doo as yow shall be tawght in this booke, and yf hit be denyed then shall yow awayte another tyme and in the meane whyle ye shall prepare your selfe better that yow may obtayne your petycyon: | [S: "Si concessus facies ut docebitur tibi in hoc libro si repulsa spectabis aliud tempus in qo iteru_~ qaeres concessum et tu_~ te melius p'parato apud deu_~ unde veniet concessus."] |
But here is to be noted that this prayer, "O Jesu the sonne," etc. with that prayer that foloweth, "Elyminator" be cause it is parte of the same prayer owght to be sayde thryse after euery tyme of your prayinge softely and allwayes at the ende of them to reherse your petycyon then yf yt be put backe that thow doest nott obtayne, then doo as yow dyd the fryday saturday and sonday before sauynge that upon the sonday in stede of your fast yow shall geue almose ["alms"] to 3 poore folke charytably and wt good deuocyon. | [S: "Sed nota qd illa or'o (Ih'u dei filius) cu_~ illa (Eleminator) q' est pars enisde_~ or'onis nisi qd ibi deb' fierit minimu_~ intervallu_~ postulativu_~ debet dici ter submisse post qamlibet vice_~ orandi horis praedictis. Si ante_~ repulsã h'ueris fac ut dictum est die veneris sabboti et d'nici insi qd in die dominico loco ieiunij debes dare tres elemosinas tribus panperibus m'iditer et devote."] |
after that in the fyrst moone that is to say the munday folowinge doo as ye dydest before and after the same maner lykewyse the 2, 3, and 4 moone or munday and so euen to the ende that ^padneture god will haue mercy upon thé, but in the latter prayers Yu must change thy petycyon that is to saye Yu shallte nott desyer of god to graunte thé thy petycyon butt onely that he wyll haue mercy upon thé. | [S: "deinde pima luna s. in die lunae sequenti fac ut prius penitus et eode_~ modo s'iliter luna 2a et luna 3a et lunae 4ta et sic usque ad fine_~. Et si forte deus mis'ebitur tui tu_~ in or'onibus latinis tuuc oporteret peticione_~ imitare a petic'one concessus in peticione_~ miserac'onis."] |
And it is to be noted that he that will saye those prayers or suche lyke must be chaste and cleane and he must say them with greate deuocyon and he that doth otherwyse he shall be openly plaged of god, in those greke, [45v] hebrue and chaldey prayers there be the most sacred and hooly names of god and his holy angells which owght nott to be spoke_~ of man but only thorow the mercy of godd, and when thow arte put bakke of thy request thow oughtst not to dispayre but truely to confesse thy selffe and not to dissemble with god and to serche thy conscyence thorowly and to geue almose ["alms"] largely, and to cause dyuerse massys to be sayd, and to say dyuers prayers knelyng upon thy knees and with bitter teeres to entrete and besiche almighty god to be merciful unto ye ffor thus were the wyse men wont to doo to cume to theyr purpose. | [S: "Et nota qd qui tales or'ones vult dicere debet e_~e_~ castus et mundus et devote p'ferre et qi al'r fecerit p'culdubio punic'one_~ manifestã videbit In illis ei_~ or'onibus grecis hebraicis et caldaicis sunt sacatissima nõina dei et angeloru_~ q' non nisi ex m'ia ab homine p'ferri p'mitterentur. Et qu_~ tibi accidit repulsa non debes desperare sed confiteri et renes mag' p'scrutari et multas ele'ias laete largiri et missas diversas genibus flexis ad d'nm alloqi sive fari et tempestuus et p'tervis fletibus et or'onibus d'nm hortari et amplecti haec solent fac'e sapientes ut veniant ad effectu_~."] |
YFF ADONAY, that is to say, allmyghty god, doo graunte the thy request or petycyon, that is to say, revele unto the in thy slepe that thow shalt obtayne, then must yu worke as here after folowythe, that is to saye, ye 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 of the moone in the morning thow shallte say these prayers folowynge oonce abowt 3 of the cloke oonce abowt 9 of the cloke and oonce at eueni_~g, yt is to saye, "Assaylemaht and nazaihemaht lameht leynaht, O most high and inuisible god theos", and "I beseche the_~ O my lorde", and that which is the prologge, that is to saye, quot;O most hyghe and inuisible god," but that those 3 fyrst prayers are of the secretes of this arte, "alpha et omega" and "helischemaht" and "theos megale patir" with there prologe "O almyghte and euerlastinge god the father the lyght" which ought to be sayd after yt must be sayd fyrst | [S: "1. Adonay largiente concessu_~ habueris et operis scd'm modu~ subscriptu~ luna 4a, 8a, 12a, 16a, 20a, 24a, 28a, 32a, in die circa matutinu~ semel circa tertiã semel, circa nonam semel, circa vesperas semel dices has or'ones prscriptas s. Saylemaht et hazaihemaht q' est 2a p's eius et lameht leynaht et deus summe deus et te qaeso d'ne. Et q' est p'logus eius s. deus summe deus nisi qd illae tres or'ones pi me de r~traneitate artis. Alpha et et heliscemaht. Et theos megale patir cum suo prologo lux mundi q' post eam debet dici prius dicantur"] |
and after that lett "hassailemaht" be sayd but yow must fyrst pawse a lytle and reherse your petycyon yt same most holy prayer "lameht ragna" with his parte folowinge "Semeht Segaht" with his prologge ought to be sayd the fyrst daye of the moone 4 tymes, that is to saye, early in the morning abowt 3 of the cloke oonce, [46r] abought 9 of the clok, 3 abowght myddaye, 3 and the 3 moondaye ye must saye it thryse that is to saye in the morning oonce, abowte 9 of the clokke oonce, and abowt the myddaye oonce, | [S: "et post ille hassailamaht dicãtur tracto tamen modico intervallo postulati~o. Illa ante~ sc'tissima or'o Lameht Ragna cu~ sua particula Semeht sagaht et cum suo prologo debet dici luna prima quato s. summa mane semel cica tertiã semel cica nonã ter cica meridie_~ ter."] |
the 3 daye of the moone it must be sayde 3 in the morninge oonce,
abowte 9 of the cloke oonce, and abowte 12 of the cloke oonce,
the 6 daye of the moone it must be sayde twyse that is at 9 of the cloke oonce, and at 12 the 9 daye it must be sayd 3 in the morninge 3 at 9 of the cloke 3 and 3 at 12 the 12 daye it must be sayd 3 in the mrning [sic] 3 at 9 of the clokke 3 3 at noune and 3 at nighhte the 15 day it must be sayd 3 in the morninge at 9 of the cloke 3 at 12 of the cloke 3 and 3 at nyghte, and upon the 18 daye, 21 daye, and the 23, 26, 29, and 30 daye ye must say them euyn as yow dyd upon the 15 daye but note that this prayer must be saye in greate chastite and cleines. |
[S: "luna 3a p'feratur ter. circa mane semel, cica meridiem
semel cica nonã semel
luna 6ta p'feratur bis in mane bis in meridie bis in nona.
Luna 9a, p'feratur ter in mane, ter in meridie, ter in nona.
Luna 12a p'feratur 3 in mane, 3 in meridie, 3 in nona, ter in vespis.
Luna 15a p'feratur mane ter, tertia 3 in meridie ter, in nona 3, in
vesp'is ter.
In 18a luna, 21a, 23a, 26a, 29a, 30 legantur s'iliter sicut in 15a. Sed nota qd ista or'o in castitate et in mundicia"] |
It is good to be sayde also agaynst all perrylles and daungers of fyer beastes and dyuells but then yow nyde ["need"] not haue respecte to the day our hower, but that most holy prayer "hazaram hihel" wt his 4 partes folowinge which be these "hihelma helma" &c "agloros theomythos" and c, "megal agal" and c, "hamicchiahel" and c, with there prologges which are these, "confyrme, strengthen", and c, "almyghty and euerlastinge god", and c, "O the truthe the waye", and c, "I wretched synner", &c, as the ly be fore [as they lie before] in order owght to be sayd plesauntely and with good deuocyon after the forsayd prayers "lameth ragua" the same dayes and howers excepte hit be in one cause that when your petycyon is for sume great busynes as to speke with sprytes or to se the deyte, then it ought nott to be sayd but oonce that is to say in the morninge | [S: "et fide p'lata valet s'iliter contra p'icula ignis bestiaru_~ l_- daemonu_~ et tuuc nihil de horis l_- lunacionibus respicere oportet. Illa ante_~ oratio sc'tissima Hazaram hihel cu_~ suis particulis 4 q' sunt lihelma [sic] helma etc. Agloros thromahos (l_- thromahnos) etc. megal agal etc. hammlstiahel etc. cu_~ suis s'iliter p'logis s. Confirma consolida etc. o deus õnip's qi es etc., O lux veritas etc., Ego in conspectu tuo etc. seriatim ut prius iacent debent p'r**pi suaviter et intente pt illã p'dictã. Lameht Ragna eisde_~ diebus et horis nisi in uno casu s. q'ndo p' magno negocio petitur puta logi cu_~ sp'ubus vel videre deu_~ tunc ip'a non debit dici nisi semel s. c'ca mana."] |
but when yow aske for scyence or knoledge to be saued from euylles, or for the knowledge of the heauens & angells and there seales or suche thinges then muste ye [46v] doo as is afore sayde of "lameht ragna" and this prayer hathe the same effycacye and strengthe that "lameht ragna" hathe and sumwhat more specyall or that is better excepte it be in case yt yow wil aske of ye celestyall sprytes any greate or harde thinge as to come doune and speke to aman or ells to constrayne the sprytes of ye ayer or of ye earthe to cume and obey yow | [S: "s' q'ndo petitur sc'ia l_- tutela a mal_- l_- cognicio caeloru_~ l_- angeloru_~ et sigillo'/ etc. tunc sicut dictum est de /lameht ragna/ est faciendu_~ et haec or'o eande_~ efficaciã cu_~ /lameht ragna/ h'et et aliquid possit in sp'eali l_- qd melius est in casu qo petitur fieri a sp'ubus caelestibus aliqd arduu_~ et magnu_~ eis appbatu_~ s. descendere et cu_~ homine loqi l_- cogere sp'us loqui vel cogere sp'us Aereos et terreos ad veniendu_~ et obediendu_~."] |
and this prayer "Semoht Gehel" and ye other "Almyghty and euerlasting Gog [sic]", and this other prayer "Semoht lamen" with this "O Jesu" shall be sayde in those dayes in the which ye other owght nott to be sayde as is before appoynted that the shulde not be sayde as ye 2 day of ye moone the 5, 7, 14, and so forthe of other as is auperythe ["appears"?] before and not [note] yf any man hathe any greate cause beforee a judge which cane nott be determyned, then ye daye before he shall go to ye courte to plaite his cause lett him fast breade and water and after lett him saye twysy these 3 prayers folowinge softely "Semoht Gehel", and c, "Almighty and euerlasting God", and "Semoht lamen", and there shall be suche wysdome and eloquence gyuen him in propownding of his cause yt he shall soune obtayne but he must be chast and clene also yow ought to say this prayer with "lameht Ragna" when any spryte is called and dothe come that yow may auoyde ye perylls and daunger and to abtayn wysdome and eloquence to speke boldely unto the sprite that is called. | [S: "Illa ante_~ or'o Semoht gahel et illa Oxp's sempiterne deus et illa /semoht lamen/ p'ferantur cu_~ illa /I'hu deo filius in illis deibus in qibus aliae praedicta p'ferri non debent. s**nt dictu_~ est supa qd debent p'ferri luna 2a nec 5a nec 7a nec 14a et sic de alijs ut prius patet. Et nota qd si corã indice h'et magnã c'am q' non possit ad fine_~ p'dnci iemnet [?] praecedenti die qa ibit ad curiã p' positu_~ c'am suam pane et aqa ptea p'ferat b'alie bis illas tres or'ones, gemoht et Op's et Semoht, tanta enim sap'ia et eloquentia dabitur sibi in p'ponendo c'am suam qd breviter obtinebit nisi qd oz te e'e bu_~ mundu_~ et castu_~. S'iliter hanc or'one_~ dicere qu_~ aliqis sp's vocatus venit cu_~ illa Lameht ragna p' evitando p'iculã et acqirendo sap'iam et eloq'nciã affandi andacter sp'u_~ advocatu_~."] |
Now Seing that he shall doo no other thinge althought he hathe done nor thought upon any syne yet lett him contynually pray upon god in other howers then in the fyrst appoynted howres with the 6, 10, and 12 prayers and in the morning lett him go to the chyrche and as he goeth lett hym saye the 16 prayer and in the chyrche lett hym saye the 22 prayer [47r] and also ye 14, 24, 21, 32, 33, 34, 29, 30, and so lett hym doo contynually by ye space of 20 dayes and lett hym alwayes take dylygent hyede that he fall in to no syn, and yf by chance he fall into syn lett him forthewith repent and be confessed and yf he cane lett him fast contynually yf nott lett him release the oone, but by the space of 7 in order he must fast and abstayne from all dedely syn | [S: "Cum igitur nihil aliud fecerit l_- ad p'ccm cogitaverit roget continue deu_~ alijs horis a pimis. 6. 16 [sic]. 12. oracõe_~ et mane vadat ad missam et enndo dicat 16 in templo dicat 22 ite_~ 14. 24. 21. 32. 33. 34. 29. 30. et ita faciat continue p' 20 dies cavens sibi diligenter ne incidat in p* p'ccm sil *tu_~ cas'naliter in p'ccm inciderit immediate peniteat et 9fiteatur ieinnet si possit continue si non de duobus unu_~ relaxat * p' al' dies ordine retrogado predendo ab omni matitino ieinnet."] |
then lett hym haue aware and a faythfull priste which may saye unto hym matters pryme and howres and a masse of the holy gost and in his introyt lett hym say ye 13 prayer, and after the offeriory the 9 prayer, then take francumsence and incense and cense the alter saying ye first prayer and be cause the holy fathers did trust in ye sayntes yt were there named therfore thei did so, and yf he that shall worke haue more douocyon ["devotion"] to any other sayntes then be ther named lett hym change name for name for faythe dothe alwayes worke as I sayd before. | [S: "Tunc h'eat sacerdote_~ cantu_~ et fidele_~ qi sibi matutinã primã et 3am et missã de sp'u sc'to cantet dicens in introitu .13. pt offertoriu_~ .9. tunc accipiat thus [=tus] et suffumiget ni [?] p'tinet ad altare diceus primã et qia b'i pr'es in illis gl'iosis sc'tis ibide_~ nõinatis sperabant ideo sic fecernut. Op'ans ante_~ si in aliquibus alijs sc'tis maiore_~ devocione_~ h'eat mutat nomen p' nõine q' fides op'atur ut praedixi."] |
Then lett ye 2 prayer be sayde inimedyatly [sic] and after te igiter in the masse lett be sayd the 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 prayers and so in consecrating of ye body of Chryst, let the pryst praye for hym yt shall worke yt thorow the grace of god he may obtayn the effecte of his petycyon and so must ye pryst doo in all his prayers that he shall saye for hym yt shall worke but adde nothinge ells to then [sic], also after yt poscconione ye pryst shall saye the 26 prayer and after masse he that shall worke shall receue ye sacrment [sic] sayng the 19 and 20 prayer, but lett hym take hide yt he receue nott ye body of chryst for an euille purpose for yt were dethe unto him, wherfore sinn man haue entytuled this booke callinge it ye dethe of ye soule and yt is trew to them that worke for an euil entente and purpose & nott to haue sume scyence or sume good thinge for ye lorde sayeth aske & it shall be geuen yow seke & ye shall fynde & in an other place he sayeth where 2 or 3 are gatheryd to gether in my name [47v] I ame in the myddest of them and euery thing that thei shall aske the father in my name and he will fullfyll and doo it. | [S: "2a or'o immediate dicatur et pt Te igitur 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. et sic in sacando corpus xpi' petat p' op'ante Sacerdos nisi effectu_~ petitionu_~ suaru_~ p' divinã gr'am asseqatur et ita intellige de õibus or'onibus q' p'tinent ad sacerdote_~ et ad op'acione_~ q' sunt generales ad õmes petitiones h'endas sz nihil alijs addas. et pt communione_~ dicat sacerdos .26. pt missã vero recipiat op'ans evcaristiam dicendo 19. 20 et caveat ne corpus Xpi' accipiat p' effectu malo quia non e~et salus immo mors. unde qidã intitulavit libru_~ istu_~ sic. Incipit mors animae et hoc e_~ veru_~ male op'antibus p'peter effectu_~ malu_~ et non p'peter sc'iam Nam ait [?] d'ns petite et dabitur vobis qaerite et invenietis et alibi dicit d'ns ubi duo vel tres congegati fuerint in nõine meo ibi sum in medio et de omni re qa' petierint in nõine meo fiet illis a p're meo."] |
The prayers whereof sum are named before and sume here after are thes. | [S: "Oraciones praenõinatae et post nõinandae numero sunt hae."] |
[Oratio 38] |
[S, S2: Prima oracio] |
Agla the lighte the truthe the lyfe and the waye mercyfull judge the way the strengthe by thy pacyence conserue and helpe me. (hic recita peticyone_~ sed p deitate dic ut sequitue) and helpe me in this holy visyon and for thy greate mercy haue mercye upon me, and for the service of this holy fumygatyon, and for this holy sacrafyce of Or lorde Jesus Christ and by the merytes of the gloryous virgin Marye mother of thy sone owr lord Jesus Christ and by the merytes of the holy apostells, Peter, Paule, Andrew, James, Philip, Bartholemew, Mathew, Symon, Thadee, Lyne, Clete, Clement, Serius, Cornelius, Cypriane, Laurenes, Grisogone, John, and Paule, ^Costue and Damyane, and all thy sayntes thorow whose merytes and prayers. (hic recita petycyonem tuam sed p deita dic ut sequitur) thow wilte graunte me thy holy visyon thorow the sonne owr lorde Jesus Christ. Amen. | [S: "Agla . lux veritas vita via index misericors m'ia fortitudo pacientia conserva et viva me in hac sc'ta visione et miserere mei p'pter m'iam tuã et serviciu~ huius sc'ti suffumigij et sc'ti sacificij d'ni n'ri I'hu Xpi' et meritis Apostoloru~ Petri et Pauli Andrae Iacobi Ihãs et Thomae Iacobi Philippi Bartholomei Matthei Simonis et Thadei Lim cleti Clementis sexti, cornelij Cipiani Laurencij grisgoni Ioh'is et Pauli Cosine et Damiani et omniu~ sc'toru~ tuorum qoru~ meritis et praecibus concedas hanc sc'tam tuã visione~ p' enude d'nm. N."] |
[Oratio 39] |
[S, S2: Scda oracio] |
monhon lorde holy father almightye and euerlastinge god in whose sighte are all the foundatyon of all vysible and inuisible creatures, whose eyes hathe sene myn imperfyttenes, whose swite charyte or loue hathe filled heaue~ and earthe, whose eares do here all thinges, which haste seene all thinges before they be doone in whoso booke all dayes are nombred and all men wrytten looke this daye upon thy servant which hath submitted him selffe to the Wc all his mynde and all his harte by thy holy sprite confyrme and stregthen me :::: (recita peticionem sed per deitate dic vt sequitur) :::: [48r] that I may se thé, blysse me this day and order all my actes and deeds toward this holy syghte and contynually lyghten with thy hooly visitacyon. Amen. | [S: "Monhon: d'ne sc'te p'r õip's sempiterne deus cuius omnia sunt visibiliu~ et invisibiliu~ fundamta ceaturaru~ õiu~ cuius oculi imp'fectione~ meã viderunt cuius charitatis dulcedine pleni sunt caeli et terra cuius anres õia andinut q' õia vidisti anteq' fierent in cuius libro õnes formati sunt dies et hõies inscripti respice hodie sup' famulu~ tuu~ tibi tota mente et toto corde subiectu~ p' sp'um sc'tum tuu~ confirma me ut te videam b'ndic hodie et p'tege õnes actus meos hodiernos in huac inspec'cione~ et constantia tuae visitasionis me illustra. Amen."] |
[Oratio 40] |
[S: "3a Or'o"] |
Tetragramathon looke O lorde God most mercyfull and everlasting father, of all thinges the disposer of all vertues consyder my workes this day thow whith dost beholde the actes and deede of men and angelles and ye discerner of them (dic tuam peticionem sed p deitate dic ut sequitur) therfore I besiche that ye meruelous grace of thy holy sufferance maye wouchsaffe to fill in me the powre of this hooly visyon and power into me so miche strengthe to the honor and glorye of thy name which dost schid owt thy prayse into ye mowthes of them that loue thé. Amen. | [S: "Tetragmmathon: respice d'ne deus clemens p'r õiu~ aeterne dispositor õnium virtutu~ op'aciones meas hodie considera tu qi es actuu~ hominu~ et angeloru~ inspectator atque discetor ideo te rogo ut admirabilis gr'a p'missionis tuae in me dignetur lubitã adimplere vitute~ huius sc'tae visionis et in me tantã efficaciã nõi_~ scto tuo et magno infundas tu qi lade~ tuã in ore te diligenciu~ imponis et infundis. Amen."] |
[Oratio 41] |
[S: "4ta Oracio"] |
hely god the creator Adonay of all inuysyble creatures most godely father which abydest euerlastingly in ye lyght inaccessyble and before the begininge of the worlde disposyng & gouerning all thinges I doo make intercessyon to thy euerlasting and incomperhensyble deyte withe most humble wordes yt ye effect of this sacramentall and mistycall worke thorow thyy power and thy holy angells may so appere in me (dic tuã petycionem sed p deitate dic ut sequitr) that ye syghte and beholdinge of thé may shyne in me and by the names of thy holy angells it may abunde and increase in my munde and memorye that I may know the workes of thy holy visyon and that it may shyne in me everlastingly. Amen. | [S: "Hely deus: ceator Adonay õniu~ invisibiliu~ ceaturarum p'r pijssime qi cicumscripto lumi_~e~ h'ias eternale et ante picipiu~ mundi õia ineffabiliter disponens atque gub'nans aeternitate~ tuã atque incomprehensibile~ pietate~ ubi supplicantibus aggedior vl huius sacamental_- atque inistici op'is in me et p' tui et s'ctou~ angeloru~ potenciã efficacia tui visio et consideratio clarestat atque p' e'ude~ s'ctoru~ Ang'loru~ nõi_~a in memoria et mente habundet [?] atque sc'ia op'a tua facial_- sc'tae tuae visionis in me cu~ stabilitate clarescant. Amen."] |
[Oratio 42] |
[S: "5ta Or'o"] |
hocleiste (uel Athanathos) holy god and godly father the indissoluble argumentacyon of the harte which hast stabylisched heaven, earthe, the se and the depthe, in whose sight all reason, all communycatyon, [48v] all workes, and holynes dothe by these precyous sacramentes of thy holy angells graunt unto me that thing which I desyer. (recita tuam peticionem p deitate dic ut sequitur) for I beliue yt I shall se ye grace and glorye of thy holy deyte Wt owt any euil intent. Amen. | [S: "Hocleiste: s'cte deus p'r et indiissolubilis argumentatio cordis qi caelu~ terrã mare et Abissu~ et õia qa in eis sunt stabiliri voluisti in cuius conspectu õnis ratio sermo opus et sc'itas subsistit p' haec p'ciosa sacamta Angeloru~ tuoru~ da mihi ea qae desidero et medo visionis huius absque malignitatis intentione gl'iam et gr'am. Amen."] |
[Oratio 43] |
[S: "6ta Or'o"] |
hamphimethon heloy most mercyfull creator the gyuer of influence, and ye reformer of all lyuing soules, ye allower & orderer of all good willes bow doune thy selfe and looke must godely to my mynde yt that which I most humbly desyre of Ye, of ye abundance of thy mighty power thow wilte graunte it me lyke as before is promysed me. Amen. | [S: "Amphymethon: heloy clementissime ceator et inspirator et reformator õiu~ animaru~ incratorum et õniu~ bonaru~ voluntatu~ app'bator et ordinator dep'catione~ gl'iosus intende et mente~ meã respice benignus vi qd ex humilitate dep'cor sict ante p'missu~ e~ mi de tuae magnificenciae largitate concedas. Amen."] |
[Oratio 44] |
[S: "7ma Or'o"] |
Iamyhara (uel Hamyhamyharam) allmighty and mercyfull father ye governer of all creatures, ye euerlastinge judge, our refuge, and lorde of all lordes which haste wouchssafe to geue to thy sayntes wysdome holynes and glorye that I may se thy mervells which descenest [sic] & judgest all thinges lyghte my harte this daye with ye shyne of thy clerenes clennes and holynes. (dic petitionem tuam sed p deitate dic ut sequitur) that I may know understinde and se th [sic] face and thy glorye, and that I maye se thy glorye is all my desyer. Amen. | [S: "Amyhara: op's misericors p'r õium ceaturaru~ ordinator index aeterne refugiu~ et d'ne d'nanciu~ qi tuis sc'tis sapienciã sc'titate~ et gl'iam conferre dignatus es vi te videre mirabiliter qi õia diiudicas et discernis illumina hodie cor meu~ fulgore claritatis et mundiciae atque sc'tificenciae et cognostã et intelligã et facial_~r videã te et tuã gl'iam et qd huius gl'iam videre merear exopto. Amen."] |
hanazay (uel Halacazay) zarahoren [S, S2: "zarahoron"] hubisenaar ghu [S2: glm; S: glm vel ghu] hirbaionay gynbar zanaile [S, S2: zanailt] selchora zetchora [S, S2 om.] zelmora hiramay iethohal yfaramel [S: "ylaramel"] hamatha mathois iaboha gechors [S: "gethos"] cozomerag zosomeraht hamy phodel denos gerot haoalos [S: "hagalos"] meliha tagahel sechamy [S: "sethamy"] salyhelethon [S: "salihelethon"] monocogristes lemenron hachagnon hamyhon. Amen. [S om "Amen"]
The englishe of ye prayer yt goeth before. | [S: Oracio de p'ecedenti latina.] |
Ianemyer (vel Zanamyher) on [sic] greate meruelous and euerlastinge god, ye angell of the euerlasting cowncell ye disposer maker and orderer of all vertues, this daye garnyshe my understanding & encrease in me reason yt I may repent & mak me clere & geue unto me ye same knowledge & understonding yt thow hast geuyn other creatures to pronounce ye names of ye celestyall angells, & graunte unto me ye same scyence & ^pu?rnes accordinge to thy promysse (dic peticionem tuam sed p deitate dic ut sequitur) and geue unto me affecte of thy visyon yt I may discerne it. Amen. | [S: "Ianemyer: unus magnus mirab'lis aeterne deus [There is an "S" written above this word.] aeterni consilij Ang'las dispositor õiu~ vitutu~ et compositor atque ordinator adorna hodie intelligentiã meã et multiplica in me ratione~ paenitendi et clarificandi et cognicione~ et claritate~ qãue [?] in p'ferrendis nõibus caelestiu~ ang'loru~ tuis ceaturis contulisti et eande~ sc'iam et p'itate~ sue p'missione~ tuã mi concede et da mi huius visionis tuae efficaciã et discetione~. Amen."] |
hadyon [S: Adyon. Sl.3885 has an "h" in the far left margin, and an "S" just to the left of "Adyon".] usyon omnium [S: õiu~] potestaum [S: p'tatu~] atque regnoru~ & [S: et] indiciorum [S: indicioru~] eterna [S: aeterna] conspiratione [S: conspiracione!] conspicuus omnium [S: õiu~] administrans [S adds "thema] glorae [S: gl'iae] et tuae visionis in cuius regimine nullum [S: nullu~] impedimentum [S: impedimtu~] dabis instanra queso [S: qaeso] habitam [S: h'iam] in_~ocentiam [S: innicenciã] et repetitam [S: repetitã] et adhuc maiorem [S: maiore~] cor meum [S: meu~,] voluntatem myam [S: "voluntate~ meã,] linguam meam, [S: linguã meã,] opus meam [S: meu~] ad mai [S: mei] animam [S: ãi_~am] mundi......andam [S: mundificandã absolvendã] et tui faciem [S: facie~] facialiter [S: facial'r] videndam [S: "videndã] et edhabendu~ [S: ab h'end'] quae [S: qae] in hac arte necessaria [S om.] ^..ctoritas [S: anctoritas] diuina cõme~dat [S: cõmendat] et in me p'fectae [S: p'fecte] cõpleatur [S: compleantur]. Amen.
[Oratio 48] |
[S: Or'o hebraica] |
hely azelechias neloreos mohan zama sarnelohatehus saguaht adonay zoma lenezothos lithon ietemothon sabahot, and thow mercyfull god conffyrme thy promyses in me lyke as by the same wordes thow dyddest confyrme it to king Salomon and bysyde, them to Jhon and Paule. Send unto me O lorde thy powre ow [sic] of heauen yt it may illumyne my harte, and confyrme my mynde, & comfort O god my understandinge & my soule, renew me and washe me wt the waters which are aboue the heavens, and power owt of thy sprite into my flesche and into my bowelles to do and performe thy judgements Wt humblenes and charyte wherwith thow hast made heauen & earthe & hast formed & created man to thyn owen simylytude & lykenes shide ye lyght of thy bryghtnes into my understanding yt I beinge grownded and rooted in thy mercy may loue thy name, & know & se and wurschippe thé that I may obtayne and understande all ye wayes of this arte yt I maye obtayne ye visyon or syghte of thé for ye which all ye mysteryes of fygures and holynes are sent of god by the handes of his angells, all which thinges I besiche thé I may haue and know in my hatre and in ye understandinge of my mynde yt I may obtayne ye effecte of this arte truely thorow the power of thy gloryous and holy name. Amen. | [S: Hely: azelethias velozeosmohu [The "u" has an "n" written above it.] zama sarvelo hatehus sagnaht adonay zoma lenozothos lithon iezemothon sadahot. et tu deus p'pitius in me p'missiones confirma sicut confirmasti p' eosde~ Lmones [?] regi Sal'oni et p'ter eosde~ Io'hi et Paulo emitte mi d'ne vitute~ de caelis qae cor meu~ et mente illuminet et confirmet. et comforta deus intellectu~ meu~ et ãi_~am meã i_~nova me et lava me aqis q' sup' caelos sunt. et effunde sp'u~ tuu~ in carne~ meu~ et in viseribus meis ad facienda et comiponenda indicia tua humilitate et charitate qa caelu~ et terram fecista et hõine~ ad inagine~ et similitudine~ tuã ceasti et formasti infunde claritatis tuae lumen in intellectu meo ut fundatus et radicatus in mi_~ã tua diligam nõen tuu~ cognoscã et videã et adore~ te et intelligam obtineã et intelligã õnes vias huius artis h'endi visione~ tuã ob qã haec data a deo et insignita et emissa p' manus sc'toru~ ang'loru~ sict figurariu~ et sc'iatu~ \\\ misteria q' õnia in corde meo et intellectu mentis he'am et cognoscam et huiuc artis vere et efficaciter effectu~ h'eam nõis sc'ti tui et gl'iosi praevalente consilio. Amen.] |
[Oratio 49] |
[S: Or'o 9a] |
Sadyon (vel Herlon) I know yt I delyght in the greate and meruelous and ineffable worke, and that you wilte geue me the sighte which thow hast promysed to them yt haue this worke acordinge to thy greate and incomperhensible truethe | [S: Sadyon scio enim qia delecter in factura tua magna mirabili et ineffabili dabis mi visione~ q_\ã p' hoc opus h'ntibus illud pollicitus es sc'dum magnã et incomp'hensibile~ veritate~ tuã.] |
theon hatagamagon haramalon zamoyma thamasal ieconomarum [S: "ieconomaril] harionathar [S: harionathor] iecomagol gelamagos remelyhot [S: remelihot] remanthar [S: remanathar] hariomagalathar hananehos nelomannathar [S: velomanathar] haiozoroy iebasaly | |
by these most sacred and most glorious and pfounde mysteryes of god & by the most precyous clennes and vertu of thy visyon encrease in me & fulfyll yt Yu haste begonne & reforme yt thow hast shewed in me | [S: "p' haec sc'tissima dei et gl'iosissima et p'funda misteria et p'ciosissiã mundiciã vitute~ et visionis tuae gr'am ange in me et comple q' incaepisti et reforma q' endisti in me.] |
zemabar henoranaht grenatail sazatham [S: samzatham] iecornazay
fundamentum [S: fundamtu~] altissime [S: altissimã] õniuu~ [S: õniu~] bonitatum [S: bonitatu~] & [S: et] scientiarum [S: sc'iaru~] atque vertutu~ [S: vitutu~] tribue famulo tuo tibi displicentia vitare cõtagia [S: contagia] et lauare [S: levare] et tua veritate pura [S adds "\\] et intentione [S: intencione] sancta [S: s'cta] possim satiari [S: "sanari] ut tuam [S: tuã] promissione~ [S: p'missione~] toto [S: tota] corde desiderãs [S: desiderans] et possideus in õnibus [S: omnibus] tã vertutibus [S: vitutibus] quã [S: q_/ã] puritatibus [S: puritate] et vitiorum [S: "vicioru_] absolutionibus precipue [S: p'cipue] p' haec sancta [S: sc'ta] misteria videar et cognoscar adipisti [S: "adipisci] et bene in ista arte proficiar [S: p'ficiar] penitus laudabilis ac pro [S: p'] sancta [S: s'cta] visione mundus. [S adds "Amen".]
[S: "Or'o 10a] | |
Hely reuerende allmyghte and gouernor of the superyor angells and archangells and all celestyall creatures and also infernall of whose plentyfull goodenes it cõmeth yt we do thé any good seruice [50v] whose power governeth ye 4 partes of the worlde which haste created man of boones soule and sprite to thyne owne symylitude and lykenes gyue unto me the knowledge of thys arte (dic peticionem tuam sed pro deitate dic ut sequitur) and the effecte of thy visyon strengthing me in the lybertei of this vision and holy scyence. Amen. | [S: Hely reverende potens et d'nans sup'ioribus angelis et archang'lis õnibus que celestibus creaturis tã infernalibus qã celestibus de cuius magnificentia plenitudinis venit ut tibi a nobis digne famulet. cuius a mundi 4 partibus regnat potestas qi ossibus ãi~a et sp'u homine~ ad imagine~ et similitudine~ tuã formasti da mihi huius artis sc'iam et visionis effectu~ corroborans me in ipsius facultate visionis sc'tae et sc'iae. Amen.] |
[Oratio 50] |
[S, S2: xia Oracio] |
horlon (vel Cadion) god which haste made all thinges in number weyght and measure thorow whose gyft every weake heade shall be lyft up who hathe appoynted the measures of all momentes and dayes who alone doest name the starres & nu~bre them gyue unto me the effecte of thy visyon that in the knowledge and workinge of thys arte I maye loue thé and se thé and of thy goodenes may haue the gyft of ye visyon or syghte of thé. Amen. | [S: Horlon: deus qi õia numero pondere et mensura fecisti de cuius mundo õne caput hõinis desiderans elevabitur in cuius ordine õniu~ mome~t*** sine dieru~ patens est et ap'ta dime~cio [?] qi etiã solus stella ** nõina numeras et nõinas menti meae constanter tibue visionis tuae efficaciã ut in huius artis cognicion* et op'acione te diligã et videã et tuae pietatis munus agnoscã facial'r visionis. Amen.] |
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