


Murakami:  Once in the past, when you made me experience the software called "Clock," you moved both hands downwards to the front of the body.  Does that mean you were feeling the energy?
Yamagishi:  No, it´s just a simple posture (laughter).  It has no meaning at all.  When someone is told to visualize himself carrying a heavy rock, if that person moves his hands as if he were actually carrying one, a more real sensation is obtained.  In my view, that posture isn´t more than a complement for my thoughts.
Murakami:  In fact, you can do it without adopting any posture.  Correct?
Yamagishi: It was that way originally.  But, in order to make it easier to understand, it has been necessary to adopt a posture.  However, I feel ashamed when everybody looked at me silently.
A short time ago, I visited the Mexican archeological site of "Teotihuacan," and when I reached the top of what is considered the highest pyramid in the world I was requested to adopt a posture. When I did it I felt very ashamed.
Murakami:  There might be some people who value those postures. However,  I believe it seems more real when you sit in a normal position.
Yamagishi:  You're right.  It is ridiculous, and I was embarrassed just to think about it (laughter).  But there was no way out of it.
Going back to Mexico,  there is a mountain called Popocatepetl .  When I arrived at the top,  the "phenomenom of eruption" came about.  Suddenly a rash on my face similar to urticaria appeared.  And although that eruption was all I felt, it was very antiaesthetic.
Murakami:  What does that mean in medical terms?
Yamagishi:  It is impossible to explain it and difficult to understand.  There is no other way to describe it but as a kind of allergy or urticaria.  However, if it were one of these things, it shouldn´t disappear so easily.  In my case, it disappeared effortlessly when I moved away from that place or after a short time.  This phenomenom presents itself when capacity increases.
Murakami:  Does it have any relation to the bluish color of your hands you experienced the first time?
Yamagishi:  Yes, it does.  In both, an alteration of the body is produced.  For example, when I visited Izumo sanctuary the same phenomenom appeared and it vanished the very moment I started to walk away from that place.
Murakami:  Was there anything like the Izumo sanctuary on the Popocatepetl mountain?
Yamagishi:  Since once it happened to me while walking along Shibuya.  I don´t understand it.  If it had been at least a place in which God was present, but Shibuya wasn't a place directly related to God.  I also had a similar experience in some ruins called Tanbomachai, in Sacusahuman, Peru.  This place is located 3,800 meters above sea level, and water constantly emanates from it without us being able to identify its source.  In addition, although I had visited that place twice, the phenomenon took place just once.
Furthermore, the eruption also came about in Argentina, at a museum called "Museo de la Plata," when I tried to walk in front of some rat samples.  This is a regular place and there are no ancient ruins or anything like that, so I don´t understand why.
Murakami:  Wouln´t it be a kind of cycle?  Something that happens once every two years, or in full moon (laughter).
Yamagishi:  Of course.  Something like low tide and high tide (laughter).
Murakami:  Wouldn´t there be any relation among those things?  For instance, in the movement of the stars.
Yamagishi:  It may be related to the "shit" of the stars (laughter).
I believe it is an internal matter of the brain.  In Izu there is a place named Osezaki which has a sanctuary and a lake. In that place, the eruption on my face also appeared.
Murakami:  I would understand that if it were a sacred lake or the Peruvian ruins. But regarding Shibuya or rat samples, there must be something else.
Yamagishi:  I think so, too.

Murakami:  From the day I received "Clock," I've noticed that my head works better.  At first I didn't notice it, but after reading the material for consultation I saw that I could elaborate the summary of my works faster.
Yamagishi:  Also, our members who had received "Clock" reacted faster to jokes, while other members who hadn´t received it didn't react to the same joke.  Anyway, it is difficult to perceive if a person's head improves or gets worse.
Murakami:  In my case, there is a novel that I think I will write soon and I've noticed that my head works faster in tasks like organizing the information taken from books.
I don't write about significant ideologies, great issues of the world, or men's ideals, but I write about the information existing inside of me.  That´s what I say to interviews made to me.  However, I am frequently told that it can't be possible.
I believe that all types of expression such as paintings, films, or music, are basically combinations. The foundation of such combinations is the information and the way it is combined is the technique.
Yamagishi:  Is that the way to combine a judgment of value?
Murakami:  I think it is.
Yamagishi:  Despite being about completely different topics, your novels have something in common, and that's precisely your judgment of value.
Murakami:  Certainly.  For that reason I say it's just about that, but writers and interviewers don't believe me and they say that there must be a great topic behind them.
For that reason, what I do is to combine information.  And I am under the impression that after receiving "Clock" the processing of that information has been faster.  To have the ablility to determine, just after being processed, which infomation goes to one side and which goes to the other, surprises me.
Yamagishi:  This capacity is well understood when it is possessed and used.
Murakami:  Now, I am considering writing a kind of psycho-thriller novel.  The book won't be about abnormal people or criminals, who are the easiest to talk about.  Instead, I decided to write about children experiences, psychoanalysis, and mainly about child abuse.  There are many topics like physical or sexual violence, or abandonment; and while I was making some research, I found a very interesting book written a few years ago by a Kansai therapist who had conducted research in the United States.  According to that book, the children abused by their parents in their early  years continue to live with a trauma trying to get adapted to a violent environment.  And once those kids become adults, that trauma may present itself as a personality perturbation in different forms.  When these kids are interviewed by therapists, they show a special ability to make adults lose their patience to the extent of considering them as deservers of punishment.
There are some of these children that eat until throwing up when food is given to them; or others who have little patience and have an explosive temper.  In addition, they are very "sticky" to people whom they have recently met.
However, they are cold to their therapists even after having a relation of more than six months.  When they are told that the session is over, they leave the place quickly as if the therapist didn´t exist.  They become children whose temper is hated by others, and this is seemingly the consequence of the trauma.
What caught my attention was the cases about abandoned babies.  The condition of children aged one and two who had never received an adequate diet, never been taken care of, protected, or taken to a clinic for health care when necessary, was found to improve after receiving proper food and  care.  However, apparently their weight didn't increase.  Furthermore, mortality rates regarding milk-fed babies abandoned by parents and then raised in institutions are high.
According to this therapist, besides food nourishment, there is affective nourishment, and even, if the same quantity of food is supplied to a child, body's growth varies depending on the consumption or lack of consumption of  milk from his mother, or if he has or hasn´t been treated in an affectionate way.
When I read this, the theory of men dualism came to my mind.  This theory says that man is formed by body and mind, and that besides cells and bones there is the mind.
I believe that mind is closely related to the energy we have been talking about.  What do you think?
Yamagishi:  Frequently, it is said that the onigiri (rice balls) we eat in restaurants are machine made. They are tasty at first, but after eating two or three you get tired.  However, the onigiri made at home by our mother can be eaten one after another without getting tired.  I think that´s where energy is.  Those made by machine don´t have that energy, and for that reason, although the ingredients are good, they are not tasty.
Murakami:  But wouldn't  someone who doesn't know anything about that mistake it for love?
Even though it wouldn't be a mistake, since it might have something to do with affective nourishment.
Yamagishi:  On these days, it seems that young people's favorite dish is sushi.  People don´t get tired of it, and since it is hand made, I feel there might be a relation between them.
Even in  food that has to be cut, there is a great difference between food that is cut by machine and the one cut by hand.
Furthermore, when two persons hate each other, both think that what the other cooks is tasteless.  Isn't it interesting?


Murakami:  When we talk about nerves, we frequently use the term "cut." When the nerves are "cut," people commit violent acts, children cry, etc.
It is known that the brain produces different substances like adrenalin. Probably the energy is also related to it.
Yamagishi:  Although I don't know if there is a relation, I believe that the different symptoms you just mentioned are deeply related to the hypothalamus or to the brain nerve A10.  For instance, those people who eat until they vomit are examples of individuals under a completely stressful condition.  By eating, they stimulate their appetite center and dopamine is produced in nerve A10 until they feel satiated.  As a result, they get fat or end up vomiting after body limits are surpassed.
Murakami:  Would this constitute a case of bulimia?
Yamagishi:  That´s typical.  Besides, the center of anger is located in the hypothalamus.  After suffering from an anger attack, a person thinks: Why did I get so angry?
The reason is that the part which stimulates anger is connected to the nerve A10.  And when people get very angry, dopamine is produced.
Later, a sensation of calmness sets in and, once tranquility has been completely recovered, that person thinks he got mad at nothing.  This is a way to eliminate stress, too.
Although heroes are worshipped, I believe they are just a mass of stress.
The hypothalamus is a bunch of nerves and cerebral centers. The zone that produces sexual urge is located in the frontal area.  However, when a person makes love, the corresponding cerebral zone is located in the back area.
So, it means that when a man is surrounded by many women he gets a sensation of tranquility and satisfaction  because dopamine is secreted.  Therefore, it helps to eliminate stress too.

The hypothalamus is a bunch of small encephala.  The sexual center is located in the frontal area, the appetite center in the central area, and the autonomous nerves centre in the back area.  The posterior nucleus has a very important function which is to regulate body's tempertature.
When a child is abused or abandoned by his parents, he continues living under an extraordinary stressful state.  For that child, the important thing is how to get rid of that state.  Becoming a mean boy is the result of a continuous conflict in his head. Although it might not be related to energy, this kind of explanation can be made.
However, when this type of children listen to energy CD's, they change.  Even children suffering from emotional instability can stabilize.  Misophoby is one of the traits that disappear.
Murakami:  In those cases, does energy act upon the mind by going through cerebral nerves and cells?
Yamagishi:  Maybe, although I couldn´t assert it in a precise way.
Murakami:  It would be easier for me to understand it that way rather than to think that energy acts directly upon the mind.
Yamagishi:  When energy treatment (purification) is performed, some people fall sound asleep.  They reach a state of tranquility, and when they get there, there is no need to continue behaving as they have so far in order to be calm.  The longer the treatment, the fewer the extreme conducts.  Eventually, people find their own way to achieve tranquility and satisfaction and consequently, the necessity for treatment ends.  I assume that in this way they are discharged from mental stress.
There has been cases among small children that reveal on impossibility to laugh or stand up due to an excessive state of stress.  In many of these cases, children have recovered.
Murakami: Have you made experiments consisting in making kids listen to energy CD's?
Yamagishi:  My wife works at an institution for seriously handicapped children, and among those under her care, a singular phenomenon is arising:  Children who never laughed or stood up now can be seen laughing or standing up.
At first my wife wasn´t very interested in what I was doing.  When I first started she wasn't impressed.  However, since she didn't disapprove, I transmitted my capacity to her.
When I told her I would transmit my capacity to her she wasn´t very enthusiastic, but she accepted.
For that reason although she doesn't do things like transmitting energy to other people, she permanently irradiates energy in a natural way.  Certainly, that energy has been received by the children in her care.
A few times,  I have also been asked to cure people who had lost emotional stability.  However, there hasn't been many opportunities to do it in an experimental way.
Some years ago, at a school located in Akita prefecture, I made an experiment consisting in sticking stamps all over the place.  Even though those stamps were put in hidden places like the back of  children desks, cases of violence and unwillingness to attend clases ceased to exist.  Considering that violence is a form of fleeing from stress, we can conclude that necessity to eliminate stress disappeared.
Murakami:  This is amazing.  Even though there is a great deal of drugs that produce sedative effects, they have a lot of collateral consequences.  I believe it would be extraordinary to be able to change the mental state to one of tranquility and happiness without the need of those drugs.


Yamagishi:  There is a software program called "Endogenous Morphine" which helps in the production of an intercerebral stimulating substance called  endorphin.  This substance is stronger than morphine, and has a powerful effect over mental stress.  However, since it is a substance manufactured by the body, it is not excessively produced, and therefore effects like mental alterations don't occur.
When endorphin is produced, the cells called "natural killers" are activated.  These cells known by their abbreviation as NK also kill cancerous cells and protect the body from a wide variety of sickness.
Murakami:  This is really interesting.
Yamagishi:  It sure is.
When I was a student, stimulating substances were the most interesting things to me.  Even though I've never used them personally, ancient European nobility used to entertain their guests with drugs instead of alcoholic beverages.
Although at present its use is forbidden by the "Stimulants Control Law," Philopon was used in postwar Japan.
In South America, a cactus variety called peyote used by indians in their celebrations contains a hallucinogenic substance known as mezcaline.  It is very interesting to study this kind of things.
There is a famous story regarding lysergic acid or LSD which tells that when a Swiss scientist created it, a drop sprinkled into his eye, and when he woke up, twelve hours had gone by.
Although LSD was created to be used in the treatment of people suffering from mental disease, that is an interesting story.
Murakami:  I also studied this kind of things for some time.  There is a lot of interesting stories about drugs created to act upon the mind and which have activated immunological cells or, on the contrary, about drugs created to act upon the body which have acted upon the mind.
Yamagishi:  That's right.
Now I am thinking about something that, if achieved, would be extraordinary.  I am thinking about creating imaginary remedies.
Murakami:  Would they be virtual drugs?
Yamagishi:  Exactly.  It would be incredibly useful to create through the use of energy a structure similar to these substances, which acted like them.  In addition, it wouldn't produce side effects.  For instance, anti-cancer drugs haven't been very effective yet.  However, they produce severe side effects.  On the other hand, if imaginary remedies were used, very high doses could be applied since they don't produce side effects.  In this way cancer could be cured.
I don't know when but I believe someday I will achieve that objective.
Murakami:  If you could, it would be extraordinary.  But in that case, it would be under the state's control.
Yamagishi:  I wouldn't care about that because our capacity would be acknowledged and our work would be examined by capable people.  I wouldn't care if it is used as material for experimentation.
Even though the effect might be inferior from the real remedy, I still would like to create it.  This would be our next topic.