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Abendroth, Kurt, 218
Abetz, Otto, 88, 92,
94, 95, 98, 106 Achenbach, Ernst,
92 ff., 110, 115, 193, 328
-Arabs and, 328, 329-30
-Cologne trial of B. Klarsfeld and, 316,
321 -Franco-German accord and, 286, 321, 329
-Nazi background of, 92, 94
ff., 104-6 -occupation of offices of,
209-11 -reprisals on Jews in France and,
104 ff. -Scheel and, 212
Adenauer, Konrad, 5 ADF, 75-76, 80-81, 82, 88, 89-90
Agence France Presse (AFP), 101,
102 -Barbie and, 226,
249 ff., 267 -in Poland,
118-19 Agnoli, Johannes, 46
Ahlers, Conrad, 102, 103,
110 Ahnert (S.S. officer), 182 Albrecht, Rudolf, 210
Alik (Serge's brother-in-law), 14,
21 Allgemeine Wochenschrift der Juden in
Deutschland, 105 Alliance française,
6, 7 Allon, Ygal,
320 Altmann, Klaus. See Barbie, Klaus.
Altmann, Klaus-Georg, 223, 249 Altmayer, François, 15 Amnesty for war criminals, 333 Amsterdam, 102 Anti-Semitism. See also Jews. -in
Czechoslovakia, 128, 129 ff.,
178 -Hagen and, 178,
181 -LICA and, 207
-Middle East and, 323, 327
-in Poland, 116-17, 120,
127-28 -radio propaganda and, 31-32 APO. See Extra-Parliamentary Opposition.
Arabs, 287, 290 ff.,
323 ff. -Bonn talks with, 332
-cooperative association for, 328,
329 Arad, Yithzak, 309
Arce, Alfredo, 268 Arendt, Hannah,
19 Argoud, Antoine, 141
Arlt, Fritz Rudolf, 37 Arnsperger, Klaus,
229 Artzt (prosecutor), 221
Assad, President, 292 Association of East German
Anti-Fascists, 123-24 Association of German Victims
of Nazism, 215, 237,
238 Association of Invalid Victims of Nazism,
308 Association of Jews Deported from France,
207 Aubart, Julien, 279,
284, 285, 288, 303, 304, 324, 333
-at Cologne trial, 314, 316
Aubrac, Lucie, 236 Aurore, L',
245, 248, 263, 266 Auschwitz,
97, 109, 230, 232, 235, 328 Austrian Socialist
Party Congress, 116 Axen, Hermann,
Baader-Meinhof, 304
Banzer, Hugo, 223, 254,
263, 268 Barbie, Klaus,
215 ff., 243 ff. -American
secret service and, 222-23 -in Bolivia,
223-24, 252 ff.,
263 ff. -Geissmann affidavit and, 240-41 -Halaunbrenner affidavit and, 264-65 -Izieu arrests and, 221,
227, 235 -jailing of, in
Bolivia, 257 ff. -Lagrange interview on,
260-61 -La Paz demonstration against,
271-72 -Lyon and, 215,
218, 220, 225, 229, 234
-Nazi background of, 217 ff. -Peru and,
246-247, 248 ff. -reopening
of case of, 241-42 -Schendel and, 233-34 Barbie, Klaus-Georg, 223,
249 Barbie, Regina (Willms), 218, 222, 249
Barbie, Ute, 249 Barel, Virgile,
228 Baroud, Antoine, 331
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