
cedar (n.)

"type of coniferous tree noted for its slow growth and hard timber," late Old English ceder, blended in Middle English with Old French cedre, both from Latin cedrus, from Greek kedros "cedar, juniper," a word of uncertain origin.

True cedars are those native to Lebanon and the Levant, western North Africa, and the Himalayas, but the name has been applied to many more or less similar trees in North America and the tropics. Cedar oil was used by the Egyptians in embalming as a preservative against decay and the word for it was used figuratively for "immortality" by the Romans. Cedar chest, one made of cedar wood to protect contents from moths and other insects, is attested from 1722. Related: Cedrine.

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Definitions of cedar from WordNet

cedar (n.)
any of numerous trees of the family Cupressaceae that resemble cedars;
Synonyms: cedar tree
cedar (n.)
durable aromatic wood of any of numerous cedar trees; especially wood of the red cedar often used for cedar chests;
Synonyms: cedarwood
cedar (n.)
any cedar of the genus Cedrus;
Synonyms: cedar tree / true cedar