
strawberry (n.)

Old English streawberige, streaberie; see straw + berry. There is no corresponding compound in other Germanic languages; the reason for the name is uncertain, but perhaps it is in reference to the tiny chaff-like external seeds which cover the fruit. A cognate Old English name was eorðberge "earth-berry" (compare Modern German Erdbeere). As a color adjective from 1670s. Strawberry blonde is attested from 1884. Strawberry mark (1847) so called for its resemblance.

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Definitions of strawberry from WordNet

strawberry (n.)
sweet fleshy red fruit;
strawberry (n.)
any of various low perennial herbs with many runners and bearing white flowers followed by edible fruits having many small achenes scattered on the surface of an enlarged red pulpy berry;
strawberry (n.)
a soft red birthmark;
Synonyms: strawberry mark / hemangioma simplex