NAUSEASYMPTOMSA sick feeling in the stomach, similar to motion sickness. CAUSEA variety of things can induce nausea, including nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, pregnancy, and cancer. A common cause of nausea is worms or constipation. See both topics. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTAngels of God are waiting to show you the path of life. It is outlined in the Bible, and as you seek, through the grace of Christ, to obey His Word, you will find the strength needed to meet your problems. FAINTING (Syncope)SYMPTOMSThe person passes out and becomes unconscious. CAUSESFainting points to some other problem, such as hysteria, epilepsy, insulin shock, heat exhaustion, lack of oxygen, or anemia. TREATMENT
HYDROHere are hydrotherapy techniques, taken from the author's book Water Therapy Manual (see order sheet), used on those who have collapsed: Alternate Hot and Cold Compress over the Spine; Cold Friction; Hot Enema (110o F.); Alternate Compress over the Heart (p. 184); Hot Blanket Pack 15 minutes, followed by Cold Mitten Friction (p. 185). Heat to neck; short cold application to chest and face. Alternate Compress to spine; percussion of the chest with the hands dipped in cold water or with the end of a cold towel; vigorous centripetal friction; rhythmical traction of the tongue (p. 209). ENCOURAGEMENTIf you have given yourself to Christ, you are a member of the family of God, and everything in the Father's house is for you. What a promise this is! May we each one prove faithful to the end. HEAT EXHAUSTIONSYMPTOMSThirst is generally the first symptom of heat exhaustion, followed by general malaise, weakness, tiredness, a loss of appetite, headache, pallor, dizziness, and a general flulike feeling that may include nausea and even vomiting. Sometimes the heart races and concentration becomes more difficult. Heat exhaustion is less severe than heat stroke, and may occur over several days out in the sun. Dehydration may eventually lead to blood volume loss, poor heat regulation, and shock. CAUSEHeat exhaustion is generally caused by water depletion (dehydration), and more rarely by a lack of salt in the diet (salt depletion). When we sweat, we lose both water and salt (as well as potassium and sodium). TREATMENT
PREVENTIONPlan ahead, so you will not come down with heat stroke later:
See "Heat Stroke," which is different. ENCOURAGEMENTWe must ever set the Lord before us and trust implicitly in Him. He will guide and care for us to the end. As we obey His Inspired Writings, we shall have the help we need. HEAT STROKE1 (Sunstroke)SYMPTOMSThe body temperature goes very high (105o F. or more!), sweating is reduced, there is a strong headache, accompanied by tingling, numbness, confusion of mind and delirium. The pulse becomes rapid, and breathing is faster. Blood pressure rises. DANGERHeat stroke is a serious emergency. If not properly cared for, the person can go into convulsions, permanent brain damage, and even death. TREATMENT
See "Heat Exhaustion," which is different. ENCOURAGEMENTTreat God as your honored Friend, giving Him the first place in your affections. As you do this, you will have the support and help you need to meet each day's trials and afflictions. HEATSTROKE (SUNSTROKE)2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)SUNSTROKEIncrease the body's heat elimination. From a height, pour water (600 F., or less) onto him while two people rub him vigorously. Give special attention to the spine. Ice Compress to the head and neck. Continue until the temperature falls to 1010 F.; Cool Enema; cold water drinking when possible. Ice Bag to the head and neck during the Cold Pail Pour. As soon as the temperature falls to near the normal point, give a sweating Wet Sheet Pack. AFTER-TREATMENTShould consist of daily graduated cold applications (Tonic Frictions) to slowly build up the body. The head should be thoroughly cooled before each application. HEAT EXHAUSTIONHot Full Bath, 3-8 minutes; Hot Blanket Pack; Hot Enema followed immediately by short Cold Mitten Friction, Cold Wet Sheet Rub, afterward wrapping in warm blankets. THREATENED CARDIAC FAILURECold bag over heart for 15 minutes every hour; Cold Mitten Friction every 2 hours; Hot Blanket Pack for 10 minutes, followed by Cold Towel Rub; Hot Enema followed by Cold Enema; artificial respiration. - These are all very grave conditions and must receive immediate attention. Immediately call your physician and begin water treatments. Also see "Heat Exhaustion," and "Heat Stroke (Sunstroke)". MOTION SICKNESS (Car Sickness, Sea Sickness)SYMPTOMSNausea, excessive salivation, vomiting, cold sweat, queasy feeling, stomach churning. Possible dizziness, sometimes fainting. CAUSEThe semicircular canals in the inner ears detect your vertical position. When there is too much jostling back and forth, movement which you do not have control over (as when riding in cars, planes, or boats), your sensory system may become overloaded. Since the eyes also sense vertical balance, when what you see does not seem to agree with what your labyrinthine receptors in the inner ear sense, then mental confusion results. Nausea occurs when the brain does not know what to tell the body to do. This weakens the stomach. The experts say that nausea at such a time also indicates that your liver is not doing well. TREATMENT
Here are more preventative suggestions:
ENCOURAGEMENTProvision has been made for us to come into close connection with Christ and receive the constant protection of the angels of God. Our faith must reach within the veil, where Jesus has entered for us, and trust Him implicitly for the help we need. |