CONVULSIONS (Spasms, Seizures, Fits)SYMPTOMSParoxysms of involuntary muscular contractions and relaxations, which occur most frequently in children. CAUSESConvulsions are uncontrolled body movements set off by an electrical malfunction of the brain. Convulsions can be caused by epilepsy, meningitis, tetanus, uremia, hysteria, or eclampsia. They can also be induced by poisoning from camphor, cyanide, strychnine, santonin, brucine, or aspidium. In children the cause is often wrong diet, rickets, syphilis, malaria, toxemias, or acute infectious diseases. In adults, the cause is often epilepsy, heat cramps, strychnine, or food poisoning. Convulsions, due to tetanus and hydrophobia, are easily distinguished and, for the most part, involve a small portion of the voluntary muscles. Strychnine poisoning causes spasms which involve the whole body. High fevers of 104o-105o F. are often a cause of convulsions in children. TREATMENT
Also see "Antispasmodic Tincture" and "Epilepsy." ENCOURAGEMENTThe psalmist says, "The law of the Lord is perfect." How wonderful, in its simplicity and comprehensiveness, is the Ten Commandments! In Christ's strength we can obey it; whereas, apart from Him, we cannot. EPILEPSY1SYMPTOMSThere are several types of, what are called, seizures: Absence (petit mal): A blank stare lasting about half a minute, and the person is unaware of his surroundings. Most often in children. Complex partial (temporal lobe): A blank stare, random activity, and a chewing motion. No memory of this seizure afterward. An aura, or warning indication, may occur before. It may be a certain odor, sound, thought, etc. No after memory of the seizure. Myoclonuc: Brief but massive muscle jerks. Simple partial (Jacksonian): Jerking begins in the fingers and toes, and progresses throughout the body. The person remains conscious. Simple partial (sensory): Things that do not exist are seen, heard, or sensed. A general seizure may follow. CAUSESEpilepsy is defined as an episodic disturbance of consciousness, during which generalized convulsions may occur. There are recurring seizures, generally one of seven patterns (listed above). This is caused by electrical disturbances, in the nerve cells, in a portion of the brain. Electroencephalographic studies reveal a direct relationship between changes in electrical brain potentials and the occurrence of seizures. Epilepsy is the most common form of seizures, also called convulsions or fits. Epilepsy can be caused by injury to the head, neck, or spinal cord, especially before or during birth. High fevers during early childhood or infectious diseases can also cause it. Heredity can be involved. Oxygen deprivation at birth or a later head injury may be causal factors. A variety of factors may trigger the onset of a seizure. Oddly enough, an important one is constipation in the transverse colon. Eating bread, especially soft bread, is known to lead to seizures. An improperly functioning ileocecal valve is a possible cause. This permits powerful toxins to enter the blood stream and affect the delicate nervous system and brain. During a seizure, the person may fall during the attack, often injuring himself; he may bite his tongue, pass urine, and awake to realize something has happened because of muscular soreness. There is a tendency to sleep following the attack. Sometimes attacks occur only during sleep. Some seizures take the form of antisocial or unnatural conduct. On recovery, amnesia is generally complete, so no effort is made to hide what happened. The epileptic may gradually deteriorate. IMMEDIATE TREATMENTDuring the attack, arrange the head to facilitate breathing. Prevent the tongue from being bitten or from obstructing the windpipe. Place a pad between the teeth during the attack. Afterward allow him to sleep. See "Convulsions" for more information on dealing with them. PREVENTING SEIZURESDo not eat soft bread; better yet, do not eat any bread. You may find that you should not eat mush either. Keep the colon clean. Take enemas or colonics weekly if necessary. Pressure from a clogged colon can press against the ileocecal valve and release toxins which are absorbed by the bloodstream. If the bowels do not move each day, take a lemon enema (juice of 2 lemons in 2 quarts water) before going to bed that night. Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Include raw vegetables in your diet. Check your diet with pulse and other tests, to see which foods are a problem. Use rotation diets to this objective. (See "Allergies" and "Pulse Test.") Avoid white sugar and white-flour products. Avoid fried foods, animal protein, and artificial sweeteners. Maintain a well-balanced, nutritious diet. Do not overeat! Do not take in excess amounts of food or fluid at one time. Take manganese supplementation. A lack of it can produce epilepsy. Women who lack it can give birth to epileptic children. Vitamin B6 deficiency has been linked as a factor in some cases of epilepsy. When given to some babies, in their formula, the epilepsy ceased. Deficiencies of vitamins A, D, folic acid, zinc, and aurine (an amino acid) are also involved. Magnesium deficiency may cause muscle tremors and convulsive seizures. Epileptics have a lower than normal amount of this mineral. Infants with excess calcium intake had a magnesium loss. Yet other studies revealed that calcium was also important. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, pesticides, and aluminum cookware. High levels of aluminum have been found in the brains of those with epilepsy. Aluminum is a conductor of electricity, and trace amounts in the brain may trigger seizures. Toxic metals (lead, copper, mercury, and aluminum) are known to cause seizure. Hypoglycemia is linked to convulsions. Serum glucose levels fall just before a seizure. The artificial sweetener aspartame (NutraSweet) has been linked to seizures. Beware of lead poisoning also. Allergies cause seizures in some. This includes chemicals, pesticides, food additives, or common foods such as peanuts. Doses of folic acid, in excess of 400 mcg per day, can trigger seizures. Have a hair analysis done, to see if a metal toxicity could be involved as a causal factor. In some instances, a ketogentic diet is prescribed; but, if used, it should be under the guidance of someone who understands how to apply it: This diet is keyed to restricting protein and carbohydrate intake, increasing fat intake, and producing acid levels in the bloodstream which act to inhibit brain stimulation of seizures. Avoid the herb, sage. This herb should not be used by anyone with a tendency to seizures. Also see "Epilepsy2," "Convulsions," and "Antispasmodic Tincture." ENCOURAGEMENTUnless we depend on a power outside of ourselves, Satan will succeed in accomplishing our ruin. In looking to Jesus and obeying His Word you will be safe. EPILEPSY2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)BASIC FACTORSAbstemious, dry, aseptic dietary, chiefly fruits and grains; vigorous out-of-door exercise to the extent of fatigue daily. Prolonged Neutral Bath daily; sweating process 2-3 times a week; graduated cold procedures (Tonic Frictions), avoiding prolonged and intense applications. [Avoid constipation in the transverse colon: this is a key factor in avoiding attacks. Avoid doughy foods that tend to constipation.] WHEN ATTACK IS THREATENEDColonic twice daily; copious water drinking; Neutral Pack; ice to head; rest in bed. Seizure may sometimes be averted by placing the part in cold water. AFTER ATTACKRest; cold to head; Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub; Half Bath; Revulsive Douche to legs; and percussion Douche to spine. GENERAL METHODTrain him to a vigorous regimen; a simple abstemious dietary, abundance of outdoor exercise; the daily employment of the Prolonged Neutral Bath, followed by short, moderate cold applications; copious water drinking; regulation of all the vital functions, avoiding all sources of nervous irritation and exhaustion. Also see "Epilepsy1." # ANTISPASMODIC TINCTUREWHAT IT ISA tincture is an extract made from herbs by soaking them in alcohol. (Only grain alcohol should be used for internal use; wood alcohol, such as rubbing alcohol, will cause blindness.) The resultant mixture does not spoil. Then when a spasm occurs, only a very small amount is given to the person, and he generally pulls out of the crisis quickly. Antispasmodic tincture is used for all spasms or attacks such as those of the heart, asthma, cough, epilepsy, or shock. HOW TO PREPARE ITThis formula has been used, for decades by veteran naturopaths, with great success. Here is the formula: One-half ounce cayenne pepper and 1 ounce of each of the following herbs: skullcap, skunk cabbage root or seed, gum myrrh, lobelia seed (or the plant if the seed is not obtainable), and black cohosh root. Mix each of the above together while dry and put into a large-mouth jar. Add 1 pint pure grain alcohol of 70-100 proof. Eighty proof Vodka works fine because it is tasteless. (An alternative to alcohol is to, instead, use 1 pint of apple cider vinegar. Store in the same manner.) Let this stand for 10-14 days, tightly covered, and shake well, daily. At the end of that time, strain it through a very fine cloth and squeeze out all you can. Store it in a tightly capped bottle. Also put some into a small dropper bottle. In a crisis, it is given in 8-10 drop doses. It can be squirted into the mouth or taken in a tbsp. of water. (If stored in vinegar, give in teaspoonful doses, not drops. Its effects are not quite as rapid.) As a cough syrup for children, prepare it in this way: Pour 1 quart water over the herbs. Let it stand for 1 hour, then strain. Add 1 pint honey. Place it over low heat and let it evaporate to the equivalent of 3 cupfuls. Pour this hot syrup into hot baby-food jars and seal for future use. Give it in teaspoonful doses for cough, asthma, convulsions, or insomnia. Jethro Kloss mentions a man who was released from clenched lockjaw by a small application of antispasmodic tincture. When the case is severe, especially with an infant, the tincture can be rubbed onto the chest, neck, and between the shoulders. Place 2-3 drops in the mouth, and wash down with teaspoon doses of warm water while the person is kept in bed. If necessary, repeat every 1-2 hours. There are six herbs in the formula. The lobelia is the active agent in relaxing the muscles and normalizing breathing. The cayenne pepper warms, stimulates, and reduces inflammation. The skullcap and valerian soothe the nerves and keep small vessels from rupturing. The skunk cabbage and gum myrrh aids in reducing infection. ENCOURAGEMENTOur Lord is pleading for us in the presence of the Father at the throne of grace in heaven. He is our only hope. Our faith looks up to Him, grasps Him as the One able to save to the uttermost, and we are accepted by the Father. ShelterRock PO Box 300 Altamont, TN 37301 |
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