SYMPTOMSAllergies, diarrhea, constipation, gas
and bloating, appetite loss, weight loss, anemia, nervousness,
sleep disturbances, irritable bowels, anal itching, chronic
fatigue, picking at the nose, dry cough, teeth grinding, and the
appearance of worms in the toilet. Worms sometimes causes spasms
or convulsions.
CAUSESWorms live in the gastrointestinal tract or
burrow from that tract into the muscles.
There are several types of parasitic worms which can live in
human intestines, including tapeworms, hookworms, pinworms,
whipworms, and roundworms.
The degree of infestation is determined, upon examination, by
the type, size, and number of worms found.
Worms tend to eat your food! They irritate your intestinal
lining, and reduce even more the amount of nutrients which are
absorbed into your bloodstream. The worms also produce toxic
waste which is harmful to your body.
Causes include eating raw or poorly cooked meat; eating
vegetation, polluted by contaminated water; improper disposal of
animal and human waste; and walking barefoot on soil. Scratching
the anus will transfer worm eggs on your fingers to anything else
you touch.
Pinworms: Very tiny white worms, which cause rectal
itching at night. Contracted by eating raw or poorly cooked
vegetables which have contacted contaminated water. Scratching
the anal area can also transmit them on the fingers. (Also see
"Rectal Itching.")
Tapeworms: Flat worms contracted from eating poorly
cooked meat (beef, pork, and fish). The most common one (beef
tapeworm) can grow to 20 feet in length in the human intestine.
Hookworms: Found in southern soil and sand, they enter
by boring into the feet, but can also enter when eating with
unwashed hands.
Roundworms: Most common in children, they bore through
the intestinal wall and settle in other organs.
Because of the warmth of the bed, worms tend to come out of
the anus. So inspect that area on children after they are asleep.
Worm infestation can lead to arthritis, colitis, fatigue,
diabetes, headaches, indigestion, lupus, nausea, sinus trouble,
back and neck pain, and cancer.
Here are suggestions for purging worms from the body:
Aloe vera, taken in any form, is especially helpful
in eliminating worms.
The following herbs help expel worms: cascara
sagrada, wormwood, echinacea, goldenseal, burdock, and black
walnut. Do not use wormwood during pregnancy.
Grapefruit tea extract helps destroy parasites. Eat
black walnut extract, pumpkin seeds, fig juice or figs, and
chaparral tea or tablets.
Take diatomaceous earth capsules for 3 weeks, to
get rid of your worms. (Do not imagine you do not have some;
everyone generally does.) The worm eats this, and it causes
them to disintegrate.
Clean the colon with enemas and colonics. Take 2
per week for 4 weeks.
A hot water enema, with 3 teaspoons of salt to a
quart of water, may get rid of pinworms.
Eat a diet high in fiber, primarily from raw
vegetables and whole grains.
For a time, avoid all sugar foods, including
fruits, with the exception of figs and pineapples.
Eat figs and pumpkin seeds. This can be combined
with black walnuts.
Eat garlic, onions, cabbage, and carrots. They
contain natural sulphur which helps expel worms. As you might
expect, worms do not like garlic.
Make sure you are obtaining enough water. Drink
only pure water (distilled).
To eliminate pinworms: Eat 1-2 bitter melons each
day for 7-10 days. It is available in Asian markets.
To eliminate tapeworms: Fast 3 days on raw
pineapple. The bromelain in it destroys those worms.
Drink one cup of wormwood tea three times daily
between meals.
Cut up two raw onions and soak them 12 hours in 1
pint water; strain while squeezing out the juice. Drink a cup
of this 3 times a day. Along with this, use garlic enemas.
Powdered tansy, balmony, bitterroot, and wormwood
can be put in capsules. Take two capsules 4 times a day.
For children, crush garlic in milk and drink it
throughout the day. Use a garlic enema every morning.
For children, make senna tea, strain it, add enough
raisins to soak up the tea. Give the children a teaspoon of
raisins 2-5 times a day. Use garlic enemas, and put a garlic
clove up the rectum before bedtime.
Here are other precautionary measures which should be
Eat a nourishing diet, rich in vitamins and
minerals. You need all the good nourishment you can get. The
worms are robbing you of so much.
Make sure your children, if they have worms, are
getting adequate nutrition.
Do not eat sugar and junk food.
Never eat watercress. It grows in streams, many of
which are now polluted. Watercress, which is eaten raw as a
salad, can have pinworms and tapeworms on it.
Do not eat raw or partly cooked fish, beef, or
Wash vegetables thoroughly before eating them raw.
Wash all underclothing, bed clothes, and sheets
frequently in hot water.
Have all family members wash their hands
frequently, especially after using the toilet, before meals,
and bedtime. Do not bite nails.
Clean rooms frequently, especially bedrooms. Put
some ammonia on a cloth, to dampen it as a dustcloth.
Sterilize toilet seats. The infected person should
sleep alone.
Also see "Convulsions"
and "Ringworm."
ENCOURAGEMENTLiving day by day with Godas
we pray to Him; obey Him; and walk with Himcan bring a
peace and maturity to our lives that is so much needed.
SYMPTOMSA peculiar tiny growth on various parts
of the body. It appears to be moist red patches. In the vagina,
it produces a cheesy discharge.
CAUSESThis substance is fungus, which is also
called yeast or mold. It can grow under the nails, causing them
to become raised and misshapen (see "Ringworm"). It can grow on
the feet and toes (see "Athlete's Foot"). It
can grow in the throat, intestines, or vagina (see "Candidiasis").
Causes include a depressed immune function, taking
antibiotics, or having the body damp too much of the time. Those
especially affected are those who have a depressed immune
function; perspire heavily; live in a damp environment; eat
improperly; are obese, ill, diabetic, or use oral contraceptives.
Eat a nutritious diet, supplemented with vitamins
and minerals.
Avoid mucous-forming foods (milk and white- flour
products). Do not eat meat or processed foods.
Keep body parts clean and dry.
Apply crushed garlic to the affected area on the
outside of the body, alternating with honey.
Another formula for fungal infections of any kind
is tea (te or tee) tree oil. Place some on the affected area
for 2-3 weeks and the problem may be eliminated. Tea tree oil
smells like eucalyptus, and also comes from Australia.
Fungus under the nails: This is a special
problem, and quite difficult to solve. It may take six months
of careful work before results begin to be seen. The fungus
is generally under one or more toenails, and causes them to
warp out of shape.
Potassium permanganate is the remedy used on this
for decades. This is poison, yet used externally, it seems to
be one of the best solutions to the problem. Permanganate is
a powerful fungus killer! And fungus under the nails demands
something very special. The permanganate also stains the skin
dark brown, so after soaking your toes or feet in the
solution, they will not look very pretty. Formula: Soak the
feet for half an hour in a warm 1:5,000 solution of potassium
permanganate. Dry the feet thoroughly after use. This is the
same formula for athlete's foot, which is a similar fungal
foot disease.
If you need to prepare this solution at home, you
dissolve a slightly rounded teaspoon of the crystals in 8
ounces of water. Keep it in a dark-colored glass bottle. A
teaspoon of this saturated solution in a pint of water makes
a solution of about 1:1,500 strength; a teaspoon in a quart
of water makes one of about 1:3,000 strength. With this
information, you will be able to prepare about any strength
you might need.
The above is one of the few powerful poisons
mentioned in this book. Do not let a child drink it!
See "Ringworm,"
"Athlete's Foot,"
and "Candidiasis"
for much more information.
ENCOURAGEMENTLive to bless others, and you will
find a happiness which you have not experienced before.
SYMPTOMSSymptoms generally appear within 5-10
days. Possible discomfort at the site of the wound. Stiffness on
opening and closing the mouth, and the person becomes restless
and apprehensive. Muscle stiffness and spasms increase and spread
to more muscles in the body. The face becomes contorted, and the
slightest noise or disturbance produces muscle spasms. Pain
intensifies, high fever and exhaustion develops, followed by
CAUSESTetanus is caused by the toxin (waste
product) of clostridium tetani, which normally lives in
animal manure.
Puncture wounds from stepping on dirty nails is the most
likely immediate cause. The germ only grows where there is little
or no oxygen. The spores (seeds) were on that nail and, entering
the body, begin to grow and multiply. But the spores must
penetrate deep enough; they cannot grow if oxygen is present. It
is the toxin that the growing tetanus produces, which paralyzes
voluntary muscle tissue, including the jaw muscle (the masseter).
Tetanus is not common; but, if contracted, it is extremely
Squeeze the puncture wound repeatedly to make it
bleed. Keep doing this until it bleeds freely. If necessary,
cut the area open with a clean, sharp, razor blade. You must
get air to the wound and get it to bleed freely.
Then wash it well with soap and water; pour in
hydrogen peroxide and let it fizz. Get the blood flowing
again. Then wash the area with pure water, pat dry with a
sterile cloth, and cover with a bandage.
Call a physician. If symptoms of tetanus begin
appearing, call a physician at once! It is not too late.
Here is what nature healers in out-of-the-way places do,
when there are no physicians available:
Take cramp bark tea in teaspoon doses.
Grind up some peach leaves and apply directly to
the wound after washing it. Change this raw poultice twice a
Heat some turpentine and apply to the wound;
massage it over the jaw, neck, and spine when symptoms of
lockjaw are suspected.
Use 2 cups of wood ashes per gallon of water, and
soak the limb or punctured part in it. If the wound is
located where it cannot be soaked, apply the ash solution in
a fomentation. Do this for an hour, and repeat if danger is
If lockjaw actually appears and the person shows
stiffening, give 10 drops of antispasmodic tincture every 15
minutes until the stiffening is gone.
The formula for the tincture is as follows:
Into a large-mouth, glass, quart jar, put 1 ounce
each of the following herbs (they should be in ground form or
you should grind them first): skullcap, skunk cabbage root or
seed, gum myrrh, lobelia seed (or plant if seed is not
obtainable), and black cohosh root. Mix them in the jar while
dry, and add one pint of pure grain alcohol of 70 to 100
proof; 80 proof Vodka works well. Let this stand for 10-14
days, tightly covered, and shaken well once a day. Then
strain it through a very fine cloth and squeeze out all the
sediment you can. Keep the tincture in a tightly covered jar.
Put some into a small dropper bottle. It is taken internally
in 8-10 drop doses.
In addition to the above, also give the person
lobelia and cayenne. Prepare it by boiling a quart of water,
take it off the stove, and put a teaspoon lobelia powder and
a teaspoon ground cayenne into the water. Let it stand 20
minutes and drink ¼ cup every half hour till relieved.
ENCOURAGEMENTMake it the law of your life, from
which no temptation or side interest shall cause you to turn, to
honor God. What would Jesus do if He were here? This is the
question to be asked.
SYMPTOMSWeakness, fever, chills, and loss of
appetite. Dry coughing changes into sputum coughing.
CAUSESThe primary cause is inhaling the
contaminated dust from the feathers, cage bedding, or feces of
infected birds. These birds can include parrots, parakeets,
lovebirds, canaries, or pigeons. Think especially twice about
keeping a parrot or pigeon. But there is danger with the other
birds also.
The disease gives the appearance of an "atypical (unusual
type of) pneumonia." When it first starts, it is often
misdiagnosed as the flu or confused with Legionnaires disease
(which see) or Q fever (which
see). Only a blood test can provide a certain diagnosis, but a
history of frequent exposure to birds ought to provide an
indication of the true nature of the problem.
Call a physician. Strict bed rest while he is
receiving treatment.
If left untreated, parrot fever can be fatal.
ENCOURAGEMENTGod wants you to choose the best
gifts. And only He can give them to you. Through continued
prayer, study of His Written Word, and obedience to it, let Him
ennoble your life. You are to be His representative, showing
others what it means to be a Christian.
