BED-WETTING1 (Enuresis)SYMPTOMSA child continues to wet the bed. CAUSESBed wetters tend to have a small bladder capacity; this makes it difficult for them to go through the night without voiding. They also tend to urinate more frequently during the day. Here are the frequency statistics: 50% wet by the age of 2; 10-15% by 4; 4% at 12. Boys do it more frequently than girls, but girls can develop urinary tract infections from it. A primary cause of bed-wetting is allergy. Their parents are more likely to have hives, hay fever, urinary tract infection, food allergies, or drug allergies. Food allergies in the children are responsible for many cases. The most frequent problem foods were cow's milk (60% of the time), chocolate, eggs, citrus fruits, wheat, grains, corn, chicken, meat, peanuts, and fish. You would need to do pulse tests, to determine the problem food (see "Pulse Test"). Hyperactive children tend to be bed wetters. Constipation may at times be involved, by pressing on the bladder. Some children, especially older ones, continue to wet the bed because of tensions they live under in the home or at school. Removing milk from the diet reduced bed wetting in 50% of a group being studied. Anemia, pinworms, upper respiratory tract infections, or any toxic condition can be contributing factors. TREATMENT
For incontinence in adults, see "Bed-wetting2" and "Incontinence." ENCOURAGEMENTWhile the Lord has not promised His people exemption from trials, He has promised that which is far better. He has said, "As thy days, so shall thy strength be." "My grace is sufficient for thee." BED-WETTING2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)IMPROVE GENERAL AND LOCAL NERVE TONECold Pail Pour at 750 F. at bedtime, followed by Neutral Pail Pour to spine, 2 minutes, 960 F. Sea bathing and swimming, if this is available. Avoid water drinking for 2 hours before retiring. Aseptic dietary. Meats and salts especially to be avoided. RELIEVE CONSTIPATIONand flatulence when present by Hot Abdominal Pack; Graduated Enema; if necessary, carefully Graduated Cold Baths; Cool Enema; and proper diet. DIMINISH ACIDITY OF URINEby free use of fruit and water drinking in the forenoon. Also see "Bed-wetting1." COLIC IN CHILDRENSYMPTOMSThe child cries out, pulls the knees up to the stomach, and has a distended stomach. His stomach and/or intestines hurt. CAUSESPressure from gas moving upward or downward causes pain. The cause is usually improper food or constipation. Indigestion is the most frequent cause. TREATMENT
Also see Colic in Infants. ENCOURAGEMENTTrue happiness is found in learning of Christ and living for Him. Those who take Christ at His Word and surrender their soul to His keeping will find peace and quietude. RINGWORMSYMPTOMSSmall, flat, red, slightly elevated ring or oval-shaped sores, which may be crusted, dry, scaly, or moist. The centers of the sores heal as the sores spread outward. The result is an infected ring. Itching, burning, or pain may be present. The lesions appear to be circular. The area is often covered with small blisters. When the scalp is affected, the hair falls out in circular patches. The fingers can also be affected. CAUSESRingworm is a very contagious disease, caused by a parasitic fungus. It can infect children or adults, and is caused by unsanitary conditions. Keep the hands clean! Pet the dog and then rub your face, and you may regret it. Ringworm of the beard (face) is more persistent than ringworm of the scalp. Ringworm of the body is the easiest to eliminate. Dogs, cats, rabbits, children, and contaminated clothing are generally the carriers of the disease. There are several different types of ringworm, all of which are of fungal origin: Ringworm of the scalp - This can be on the scalp, face, and on the nails, is the most noticeable kind. It is highly contagious, and often found on school-children. It frequently induces baldness, which may become permanent if hair shafts are destroyed by the fungus. Ringworm of the trunk - This includes jockey itch, and is spread by contact with people or their clothing. Dogs and cats can also spread it. Ringworm of the nails - This consists of a fungus growing under the nails. It produces thickened, misshapen, brittle, discolored, chalky, pitted, or grooved nails. The nails can either be on the hands or the feet. This type of ringworm is quite difficult to eliminate. Ringworm of the feet - This is also known as athlete's foot (see "Athlete's Foot"). TREATMENT
Also see "Athlete's Foot," which is a type of ringworm fungus. ENCOURAGEMENTNothing of the world can make you sad, when you have submitted your heart to be molded by the Spirit of Christ. He alone can provide you with the answers you need. CHILDHOOD DISEASESSYMPTOMSFevers, rashes, coughs, sore throat, weakness, etc. CAUSESThe childhood diseases include chicken pox, measles, mumps, German measles (rubella), rheumatic fever, whooping cough, and scarlet fever (all of which see). Most of these common childhood diseases are contracted by nearly all children. Some experience only mild cough or cold while others have serious cases. A few receive permanent damage. If the child is receiving excellent nutrition exercise, rest, sunshine, fresh air, etc.he is unlikely to experience serious difficulty with these diseases. Louis Pasteur, developer of the germ theory of disease, said, "The germ is nothing; it is the soil that matters." If the person is living a good life, the germ has a hard time obtaining a foothold. Avoid excess milk and carbohydrates, especially refined ones. Avoid sugar, fried food, and junk food. Include vitamin and mineral supplements in a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and similar natural foods. A well-fed child will usually be strong enough to resist the onslaught of childhood diseases. He may contract them; but the case will not be serious, usually brief, and often mild. TREATMENT
Also see "Reye's Syndrome." ENCOURAGEMENTWorry is blind and cannot discern the future; but, trusting in Jesus, you need not fear. Take His hand and He will lead you step by step. TONSILLITIS1, ADENITIS, STREP THROAT, AND QUINSYSYMPTOMSInflammation and possible infection of the tonsils and the adenoids. If streptococcal bacteria have caused the infection, it is called strep throat. There is a sore throat with fever, lack of appetite, chills, headache, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, nasal obstruction and discharge. The lymph glands may become swollen. Symptoms continue for 24-72 hours, and then gradually subside over 7-10 days. The tonsils may look red and enlarged, and pus may be observed. CAUSESThe tonsils and adenoids are glands containing lymphatic tissue, located in the upper throat. Both are part of the immune system; they protect the body, at the top of the gastrointestinal tract, against infection. Each tonsil contains 200 million lymphocytes. We will here primarily deal with tonsillitis; treatment for adenitis is essentially the same. Strep throat also has the same treatment. When the body's resistance is lowered, viruses or bacteria (usually streptococcal) set to work. And a diet of processed and junk food, that is high in carbohydrates and low in protein, can also bring on this condition. If streptococcal infection (strep throat) is not present, then the throat condition is eliminated much quicker. If not cared for properly, strep throat can be potentially dangerous and can lead to rheumatic fever or meningitis. Food allergies weaken the body: usually cow's milk, chocolate, or too much white-flour or sugar products. Cow's milk or wheat are the two primary allergens to beware of. Antibiotics weaken the body more. The more frequently this infection occurs, the more difficult it is to eliminate. The tonsils become scarred from previous inflammations. Quinsy is peritonsillar abscess. It is an infection of the tonsil, between the tonsil and the pharyngeal constrictor muscle. The solution is not a tonsillectomy, but the care specified below. TREATMENT
Also see "Tonsillitis2" and "Adenoids." ENCOURAGEMENTStrength for today, courage for tomorrow, trusting Christ and obeying Him, we can have all this and more. TONSILLITIS2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)(1) ACUTE FORM DIETARY FACTORSRest in bed, keep room a uniform temperature, spare diet consisting chiefly of fruits, avoid meats of all sorts, copious water drinking. GENERAL CAREHot Blanket Pack; sweating Wet Sheet Pack; Steam Bath; Radiant Heat Bath; Hot Full Bath, followed by Dry Pack or other sweating procedures once daily, followed by Cold Mitten Friction, Cold Wet Sheet Rub, or Cold Douche. Fomentation to the throat 3 times daily; Cold Compress between, changed every 15-30 minutes. Enema if bowels are inactive. Hot gargle every few minutes if throat is very sensitive. Ice Bag to throat if inflammation is intense. Inhalation of soothing vapors; use of steam inhaler 10-14 minutes hourly or almost continuously. If tonsil suppurates (pusses), it should be lanced. See your doctor. (2) CHRONIC FORM CLERGYMAN'S SORE THROAT DIETARY AND LIFESTYLEAseptic dietary, out-of-door life, open air gymnastics, swimming. GENERAL CAREFomentations to throat at bedtime, followed by throat pack (Cold Compress) during the night; hot gargle 3 times a day. Radiant Heat Bath; sweating Wet Sheet Pack; Steam Bath or other sweating bath, 3 times weekly, followed by suitable cold application. Daily Cold Bath on rising. Moist Abdominal Bandage to be worn during the night. If necessary, remove tonsils and vegetations in throat or postnasal region. See also "Tonsillitis1." ADENOIDS (Adenoid Hypertrophy)SYMPTOMSIt hurts at the back of the child's throat. When he opens his mouth, the area of the tonsils appears red and swollen. CAUSESWhat is commonly called adenoids is enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsil, which is a tissue close to the tonsils. This infection frequently occurs in children. TREATMENT
Also see "Tonsillitis" and "Childhood Diseases." ENCOURAGEMENTJesus sees the end from the beginning. He can plan for you better than you can plan for yourself. CHICKENPOX (Varicella Zoster, Pox)SYMPTOMSSmall, round pimples on the face and body, filled with fluid and appearing like water blisters. As the fluid leaks, it forms a crust. CAUSESChickenpox is a viral disease, which first manifests itself as a fever and headache, 7-21 days after exposure. The eruptions continue in cycles from 3-7 days, and the disease generally runs its course in 14 days. It is communicable 1-2 days before the rash develops, until all the blister-like lesions have crusted (averaging 5-6 days). Chickenpox mainly occurs between 2 and 8 years of age, and is much more severe if not contracted until one is an adult. If a pregnant mother has it in the first four months of pregnancy, birth defects are possible in the infant. Once you have had it, you generally have lifetime immunity. This is why chickenpox vaccines are dangerous. It is better to get the disease as a child when it is relatively harmless than to wait till adulthood to contract it. Oddly enough, the same virus that causes chickenpox in children (varicella zoster) is the one which causes shingles (which see) in adults. Chickenpox is transmitted by contact and by airborne droplets. Epidemics tend to occur in the winter and spring. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTGuard against the tendency to forget God. You dare not do this. He is the only one who can give you the help you need every day. MUMPS1SYMPTOMSSwelling of one or both salivary glands, fever (up to 104o F.), chills, headache, sore throat, and pain when swallowing or chewing. Swelling often occurs in one gland first, and then begins in the other as swelling in the first subsides. But it may occur on only one side. CAUSESMumps is an infection of the salivary (parotid) glands, located in front of, and below, each ear. It rarely occurs before 3 years of age or after 40. Either direct contact or droplets spread the disease. Mumps is not as contagious as chickenpox or measles. But a person with the disease is still contagious from 48 hours, before symptoms develop, to 6 days afterward. Incubation is 14 to 21 days. One bout and lifetime immunity generally follows. If it is acquired after puberty, the ovaries or testes may become involved and sterility may result. Other complications can also occur, which affect the heart, kidneys, and brain. If no complications occur, complete recovery generally occurs within about 10 days. Swollen salivary glands can be caused by several other diseases: A partial list includes cirrhosis of the liver, leukemia, lupus, and tuberculosis (all of which are dealt with in this book). It also includes strep throat and the taking of certain drugs. If it is an isolated case of "mumps," it might actually be something else. TREATMENT
Also see "Mumps2" and "Childhood Diseases." ENCOURAGEMENT"What doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul." Deuteronomy 10:12. MUMPS2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)GENERALCold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub 24 times a day. Neutral Bath for one hour, daily; copious water drinking. TO COMBAT LOCAL INFLAMMATIONHot Blanket Pack followed by Heating or Sweating Wet Sheet Pack, continued 1-2 hours. Repeat the application twice a day. Fomentation over the affected parts every 2 hours for 15 minutes, followed by Heating Compress at 600F., to be changed every 10 minutes or as soon as warm; Ice Bag over swollen glands until active inflammation is subdued. Remove ice every half hour and apply Fomentation for 5 minutes. HEADACHECool Compress. NOSE BLEEDIce to back of neck; Hot Compress over face; ice to hands; elevate hands to vertical position, if necessary; Hot Footbath or Hot Leg Pack; very Hot Nasal Douche. DIARRHEAEnema at 950 F. after each bowel movement. Abdominal Bandage at 600 F., renewed every 15-30 minutes. If pain is present, Fomentation to abdomen for 15 minutes or until it is relieved, every 2 hours; large Hot Enema to empty colon if due to fecal accumulation. VOMITINGIce over stomach or spine opposite the stomach or Hot and Cold Compress over stomach; ice pills; sipping very hot water. EARACHEIce Bag to neck of the same side; Fomentation over ear; Hot Ear Douche, if necessary. Protect the ear with warm cotton, to prevent chilling by evaporation after treatment. CONVULSIONSHot Blanket Pack or Hot Immersion at 1050-1080 F., with cold to the head (Cold Compress, Ice Bag, Ice Cap, etc.). INFLAMMATION OF THE BREASTFomentation over the breast for 15 minutes every 3 hours. During interval between, apply a Heating Compress at 600 F., that is renewed every 15-30 minutes. Hot Pack to arm of the same side. Hot Hip and Leg Pack for derivative effect if pain is severe. INFLAMMATION OF TESTICLEIce Compress covering entire genitals and inner surfaces of thighs with simultaneous Hot Hip and Leg Pack for 30 minutes. Repeat every 4 hours. During interval between, apply Heating Compress at 600 F. in place of the Ice Compress, renewed every 15 minutes. Also see "Mumps1." MEASLES1 (Rubeola)SYMPTOMSFirst symptoms are fever, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and inflammation of the eyes. The eyes may become red and sensitive to light. Within 24-48 hours, small red spots with white centers appear on the insides of the cheeks. A rash appears 3-5 days later on the sides of the neck, forehead, and ears; then it spreads over 5-7 days to the rest of the body. As it spreads, the fever subsides. CAUSESThere are two types of measles: common measles (rubeola) and German measles (rubella; which see). Common measles is highly contagious, and spread by droplets from the nose, throat, and mouth. At the present time, adolescents and young adults are affected more often than children. If the person was previously healthy, the disease will pass within 10 days. But it can be followed by one of several serious complications, including pneumonia, bronchitis, croup, middle-ear infection, meningitis, encephalitis, or injury to the nervous system. So be very careful, during the disease and for a time afterward. Eat right; live right. Get lots of rest for a time. Take it easy. Approximately 98% of the population have had common measles. Lifelong immunity follows the infection. TREATMENT
Also see "Measles2," "Measles, German," and "Childhood Diseases." ENCOURAGEMENTIn this life, we will encounter many difficulties and trials; but, if we will make God the center of our lives, He will wonderfully work to help us through our problems. MEASLES2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)MAINTAIN GENERAL RESISTANCEWet Sheet Pack, Graduated Bath. PREVENT LUNG COMPLICATIONSFomentation to chest twice a day, Chest Pack during interval between. NASO-PHARYNGEAL IRRITATIONApply light very Hot Compresses to the face. Inhale vapor of water and also aromatic oils and balsams. Fomentation to the throat every 2 hours; Heating Compress during the interval between, changing every 15 minutes at first, less frequently later. INFLAMMATION OF MIDDLE EARIce to throat of same side, Fomentation over ear. HEMORRHAGIC FORMHot Blanket Pack or short Hot Full Bath, followed by Heating Wet Sheet Pack. Repeat every 3-4 Hours. Prolonged Neutral Bath at 950-930 F. BRONCHIAL CATARRHFomentation to chest, Cold Towel Rub, or Cold Mitten Friction twice daily, Heating Chest Pack night and day. LOBAR PNEUMONIA and BRONCHO-PNEUMONIAFomentation for pain and irritable cough, repeated every 2-3 hours; Cold Compress during interval, at 600 F., changing every 15-30 minutes; Hot Hip and Leg Pack, if the local inflammation is severe (see "Pneumonia"). - For any of the following associated problems, see under their respective headings: Cough, Nosebleed, Inflammation of the Eye (or eyelids), Headache, Acute Nephritis (kidney inflammation). Also see "Measles1." MEASLES, GERMAN (Rubella)SYMPTOMSFatigue, coughing, headache, mild fever, muscle aches, and stiffness in the neck. A pink rash often develops 1-5 days later. It generally first appears on the face and neck, and the spreads to the rest of the body. CAUSESAs we mentioned earlier, there are two types of measles: common measles (rubeola) and German measles (rubella). Which see. Common measles is highly contagious, can have serious complications if cautions are not taken, but usually passes within 10 days. (See "Measles.") But German measles (rubella) is different in certain ways. It is usually a mild contagious illness with a rapid recovery period (5-7 days). But it is dangerous if a woman contracts it during the first trimester (first 3 months) of her pregnancy. Then she might give birth to a child with heart defects, deafness, mental retardation, or blindness. Therefore a pregnant woman must guard against exposure to it. TREATMENT
What precautions should a woman take?
Also see "Measles" and "Childhood Diseases." ENCOURAGEMENTGod has given, in the Bible, sufficient evidence that it is from Him. Study and obey it, and God will guide you day by day as you pray for help. SCARLET FEVER1 (Scarlatina)SYMPTOMSSymptoms appear 2-7 days after exposure. Vomiting, along with sore throat and headache. Within a day, high fever develops. Throat membrane is inflamed, and soft palate may show a fine light-red rash. The tongue is coated white, but on the second day reddened raised points show through, especially at the tip and sides. The throat condition becomes more severe, with redness and enlargement of glands under lower jaw. The rash usually begins on the chest within 1-2 days after the first symptoms, and later extends to other parts of the body and limbs. But infection can occur without a rash occurring. CAUSESScarlet fever is an acute contagious disease and is caused by one of several different streptococci germs. Urine and discharges from nose, mouth, ears, and any abscesses are highly infectious. One attack generally brings lifelong immunity, and few contract it after the age of 15. The fever usually does not remain high more than 4 days, and the rash fades within a week. The more intense the rash, the more scaling forms on the skin. Inflammation of the ear is one of the most frequent complications of scarlet fever. The infection in the throat passes up the Eustachian tube into the middle ear (see "Earache and Infection"). Children can become deaf as a result. The infection may extend from the ear to the mastoid cells in the bone behind the ear, or to the membranes covering the brain, or to both, producing mastoiditis (which see), brain abscess, or meningitis (which see). These conditions are serious and often fatal. Rheumatic fever (which see) frequently follows scarlet fever, and this sometimes results in inflammation of the lining membranes and valves of the heart. Enlargement of the lymph glands of the neck can turn into an abscess of these glands, as late as 5-6 weeks after the disease began. In a child well-advanced toward recovery (especially in the third week), nephritis (which see; it is a kidney infection) can develop. So this is another danger to be warded off by proper treatment. Scarlet fever is not a matter to be taken lightly. You do well to call a physician, if possible. He may need to lance the middle ear if infection develops. He will probably examine the heart daily for indications of damage and do frequent urinalysis for signs of nephritis. TREATMENT
Also see "Scarlet Fever2." ENCOURAGEMENTGod has boundless love and mercy toward us. You can find in Him the help you need. Only He can protect you from the evil one. SCARLET FEVER2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)BUILD GENERAL RESISTANCEHot Blanket Pack, 3-8 minutes, followed by Cooling Wet Sheet Pack. (The cold sheet should be well-heated by him before removing it.) Or, the Hot Blanket Pack may be followed by Cold Towel Rub, Wet Sheet Rub in bed, or Tepid Pail Pour at 85o-80o F. while he sits in a bathtub. Avoid giving him a Cold Mitten Friction. ELIMINATE TOXINSCopious water drinking: water, fruit juices, fruit purees, etc. REDUCE FEVERCooling Wet Sheet Pack; Hot Blanket Pack, followed by Cold towel Rub or Wet Sheet Rub; Graduated Bath; copious water drinking, Cooling Enema. IF ERUPTION IS DELAYEDWet Sheet Pack, prolonged to heating stage. DlARRHEA75o-80o F. Enema after each bowel movement. Fomentation for 15 minutes over the abdomen every 2 hours, followed by Heating Compress, changed every half hour. If most of his skin surface is cold, the Hot Full Bath for 5 minutes, followed by short Cold Towel Rubbing. VOMITINGHot and Cold Trunk Pack, Ice Bag over the stomach or spine opposite stomach. CONVULSIONSHot Blanket Pack for 10 minutes, followed by Cold Wet Sheet Pack with ice to the head. Hot Bath for 5 minutes followed by Neutral Bath at 920-950 F. Water drinking; large Enema. PHARYNGITISFomentation to throat 10 minutes every hour with Ice Compress during interval between. Steam Inhalation 5-10 minutes every half hour; Gargle throat with very hot water hourly. Throat Compress at 600 F., changed every 15 minutes. It should be protected by a Heating Compress changed once in 3 hours. DELIRIUM WITH INSOMNIA AND NERVOUS AGITATION OR CHOREAIce Bag to head, Hot Fomentations to spine, followed by Prolonged Wet Sheet Pack. SCALING OF THE SKINNeutral (92o-95o F.) Alkaline Bath daily for 15 minutes to 1 hour. NEPHRITIS, OR SUPPRESSION OF THE URINEHot Blanket Pack for 20-30 minutes, followed by Heating Compress to the loins; Copious water drinking; Enema at 800-900 F. twice daily. PLEURISYFomentation to the chest for 15 minutes every 2 hours with Heating Compress during the interval. Tight muslin bandage about chest, if pain is intense. RHEUMATISMSweating Wet Sheet Pack; copious water drinking; Fomentation to joints every 3 hours with Heating Compress during interval between. PERICARDITIS OR ENDOCARDITISIce Ball or Cold Compress over heart, to be removed for 5 minutes, every 15-20 minutes. ENTERITISHot Trunk Heating Pack, with Hot Footbath or Hot Leg Pack for 20 minutes, followed by Cold Abdominal Compress at 600, to be changed every 30 minutes. Enema after each stool, at 950 F. PNEUMONIAFomentation for 15 minutes every 2-3 hours, Cold Compress at 600 during interval, changing every 10-20 minutes. Hot Hip and Leg Pack once or twice daily to relieve congestion. Keep skin warm and active. Hot Blanket Pack if he is chilly, followed by heating Wet Sheet Pack. ENLARGED SPLEEN OR LlVERFomentation over the afflicted body part for 10-20 minutes twice daily. Follow by Ice Water Compress, to be changed every 2 hours during the interval. CONTRAlNDICATIONSAvoid short Cold Baths, prolonged Hot Baths, and all other measures which diminish heat elimination or increase heat production. GENERAL METHODAt the beginning, encourage eruption by hot-water drinking, very Hot Baths, Heating Pack. After eruption is fully developed, give Cooling Wet Sheet Pack, Graduated Bath, Cool Enema, and other fever-reducing measures. Copious water drinking is especially important. Give attention to the throat, to prevent infection of the ears. Steam Inhalation; Irrigation of the throat (gargling); Heating Compress. If albumin appears, the blood must be kept in the skin by Hot Packs and warm wrappings (covered well with blankets); and the cold applications must be "partial," such as Wet Hand Rub, Cold Mitten Friction, Cold Towel Rub. Prolonged chilling of the skin must be carefully avoided. Also see "Scarlet Fever1." DIPHTHERIA1SYMPTOMSIt begins with sore throat and fever. Frequently a dirty, white or grayish, membrane forms in the throat or nose, or both. There are slight chills, possible vomiting and diarrhea, always fetid breath, difficulty in swallowing, and hoarseness. Children first complain of feeling tired and sleepy. The tonsils appear inflamed, dark red, and unevenly swollen. White, parchment-like patches appear on them. The glands in the neck usually swell. CAUSESDiphtheria is an acute contagious disease. It begins 3-8 days after exposure and primarily occurs between 1 and 10 years of age. Part of the danger is the obstruction to breathing, due to the above-mentioned false membrane and is partly due to the toxins carried by the diphtheria germs which, carried throughout the body, especially harm the heart muscles, nerves, and kidneys. This is a serious disease. Diphtheria is transmitted by clothing, contact, domestic animals, and sometimes by raw milk. Anything (dish, garment, etc.) coming in contact with the person must be disinfected. Individuals can carry the germs on them for several years and transmit them to still others. A carrier should be isolated until the germs can no longer be found in his throat, nose, or catarrhal discharge. If there are no white patches or developing membrane, it is not diphtheria. The membrane is tenacious and dangerous. If not checked, it will cover the air tube and the child will suffocate. It is generally whitish, but may appear yellowish or greenish. When the child breathes harder and then has a frightened look, his air flow is narrowing. When someone develops diphtheria, there must be no delay. Give him vigorous treatment. You will want to call a physician. TREATMENT
Also see "Diphtheria2" and "Childhood Diseases." ENCOURAGEMENTOnly in humble reliance upon God and obedience to all His commandments can we be secure. Trust your case to Him. He is the Great Physician. DIPHTHERIA2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)INCREASE AND MAINTAIN VITAL RESISTANCEHot Fomentation to the spine or short Hot Bath, followed by Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub 2-3 times a day. TO COMBAT LOCAL INFLAMMATIONFomentation to throat every 2 hours for 15 minutes; Ice Compress to throat during interval between. If inflammation becomes intense, and suppuration (pus flowing) or sloughing (separation of dead tissue from living tissue) is threatened, use the Heating Compress at 600 F., changing every hour. Steam Inhalation; antiseptic lotions to throat; hot-water gargle. COMBAT GENERAL TOXEMIA, RESULTING DEGENERATIONS AND LOCALIZED INFLAMMATIONSCopious enemas twice daily. Copious water drinking 3-6 pints daily. The free use of fruit juices. Hot Fomentations to the spine or short Hot Full Bath, followed by Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub 2-3 times a day. TO COMBAT LOCAL INFLAMMATIONHot Blanket Pack, followed by Sweating Wet Sheet Pack; repeat every 3-4 hours if necessary. Fomentation to throat every 2-3 hours, for 15 minutes; Ice Compress to throat during interval; ice pills; if inflammation becomes intense and sloughing is threatened, the Heating Compress at 600 F., changing every hour; steam Inhalation; antiseptic lotions. FEVERHot Blanket Pack, followed by Wet Sheet Pack; Prolonged Neutral Bath when rectal temperature rises above 1010 F.; Fomentation followed by Cold Towel Rub; Cold Enema with Simultaneous Fomentation to the back; Hot Enema followed by Cold Towel Rub or Cold Mitten Friction. COMA OR COLLAPSEHot Blanket Pack; Colonic at 800 F.; Alternate Compress or Sponging to spine; Cold Mitten Friction; Hot and Cold Head Compress; in case of collapse, short Hot Full Bath followed by Dry Blanket Pack; Hot Enema followed by Dry Blanket Pack. PARALYSISFomentation to spine with Cold Mitten Friction or short Hot Blanket Pack, followed by Cold Mitten Friction; Hot and Cold Friction over the affected part; gymnastics; massage; and appropriate exercise. NEURITISFomentation over the course of the affected nerve for 15 minutes every 2-4 hours; during the interval between, apply a well-protected Heating Compress; Colonic daily; water drinking, 2-4 pints daily; Aseptic diet; rest to the affected part. CROUPSteam Inhalation; Fomentation to throat 15 minutes, every 2 hours; Cold (or very cold) Compress, changed every 15 minutes during the interval; Hot Blanket Pack; keep skin warm. THREATENED SUFFOCATIONPut him in a Neutral Full Bath at 1020-1050 F. and pour cold water over the chest and spine. Cold Mitten Friction. Also see "Diphtheria1." WHOOPING COUGH1 (Pertussis)SYMPTOMSA week or two after exposure, the catarrhal stage begins. The eyes may be red, and the child seems to have a cold in the head. There is sneezing and watering of the eyes. Then a persistent cough develops, especially bad at night. This coughing continues a week, and keeps getting worseand is the most significant indication that the problem may be whooping cough. In about 2 weeks, the typical whoop begins. At first, only 1-2 times a day, it degrades to every time there is coughing. It is a deep breath at the end of a series of deep coughs. The child's face may be reddish or bluish from the effort and lack of air. Vomiting may also occur. This whooping stage lasts 3-6 weeks, and the cough may not entirely disappear for several months. CAUSESWhooping cough is a contagious bacterial disease, which usually attacks children between 6 months and 5 years of age. But infants and adults can also be affected. A person rarely has a second attack of this disease. The disease is not highly contagious after the first few weeks. The most contagious phase is before a definite diagnosis is possible. Whooping cough occurs more frequently, and seriously, in overcrowded and unhygienic quarters and cold weather. In very young, delicate, or undernourished children, it is more likely to develop into broncho-pneumoniathe principle cause of death in cases of whooping cough. Complications include convulsions, bleeding from the nose, into brain, or area around eyes. Broncho-pneumonia can also occur; death only rarely. You may choose to have the child vaccinated at an early age (2 months is recommended for the series). You should weigh the fact that pertussis vaccine is one of the most dangerous of the shots in its occasional side effects. TREATMENT
Also see "Whooping Cough2" and "Childhood Diseases." ENCOURAGEMENTGod is grieved with our griefs. He bends down in sympathy and tender love. Cry to Him for help, and He will give you that which is for the best. WHOOPING COUGH2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)INCREASE VITAL RESISTANCECold Mitten Friction or Cold Wet hand Rub 3 times a day. TO RELIEVE COUGHChest and neck Heating Pack, changing every 4 hours; copious drinking of hot water, especially just before coughing paroxysm. He should drink 3-8 pints of water daily. HELP KIDNEY ACTIONNeutral Bath daily for a half hour, followed by Cold Mitten Friction to promote activity of skin and kidneys. GENERAL METHODThe disease can not be greatly shortened, but the strength may be maintained, suffering mitigated, convalescence facilitated, and grave effects prevented by the faithful employment of the above measures, which should be continued, not only during the active stage of the disease, but for several weeks after the beginning of convalescence. Also see "Whooping Cough1." RHEUMATIC FEVERSYMPTOMSPain, inflammation, and stiffness in a large joint, such as the knee. These initial symptoms are accompanied by pain. The pain and swelling can travel from one joint to another. A skin rash may also appear. CAUSESRheumatic fever is a streptococcal disease (Streptococcus Group A), and occurs between the ages of 4 and 18. It tends to follow a bout with tonsillitis, scarlet fever, strep throat, or an ear infection; most often strep throat (see "Tonsillitis") After the disease appears ended, it may recur again later. Rheumatic fever affects one or several body organs or locations: joints (arthritis), brain (chorea), tissues (nodules), skin (erythema marginatum), or heart (carius). It may also result in residual heart disease, producing permanent damage to one or more heart valves. (See "Arthritis" and "Chorea.") The residual heart valve damage is the most dangerous aspect of untreated rheumatic fever. Treatment early in the course of the disease will generally prevent the heart damage. But this treatment may require the help of a physician and a stay in the hospital. Here is supplementary information: TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTTo many, as to Mary, Christ says, "Why weepest Thou? Whom seekest thou?" He is close beside us, but so often our tear-blinded eyes do not discern Him. Pray earnestly for help, and you will feel Him near. REYE'S SYNDROMESYMPTOMSA fever and vomiting suddenly occur. A rapid change in mental status to a deep depression, nausea, amnesia; and then pneumonia, coma, convulsions, fixed and dilated pupils, and death. There can be confusion, drowsiness, memory lapses, lethargy, irritability or unusual belligerence. There may be weakness or paralysis in the limbs, speech impairment, hearing loss, double vision, etc. CAUSESReye's Syndrome is a disaster worth avoiding. This disease affects many internal organs, especially the brain and liver. It primarily strikes children between the ages of 4 and 15 (but most frequently young teens), in the fall or winter. Not long ago, the death rate stood at 42%-80%, but more recently it has dropped to below 10%. Most cases occur after a viral infection, such as the flu or chickenpox. Influenza B, Epstein-Barr virus, and viruses which primarily affect the gastrointestinal tract (enteroviruses) can also occur prior to its onset. It is known that giving aspirin to a child or youth who has a fever can lead to Reye's disease and the likely possibility of death. In the early 1980s, it was discovered that a viral infection, plus the taking of aspirin, dramatically increases the risk of developing Reye's syndrome. The cause of the disease may be consumption of aflatoxin, which is an exotoxin of the grain mold, aspergillus flavus. A biopsy generally shows liver necrosis (the liver is dying). Yet, if the person survives, there is a full recovery of the liver within 12 weeks. If you see the above symptoms, just after your child has come out of a viral illnessdo something quickly! Here are the key symptoms again: (1) Agitation, disorientation, and delirium. (2) Fatigue, lethargy, and lapses in memory. (3) Prolonged and heavy vomiting, followed by drowsiness. Call a physician! Phone 911, and send the child to a hospital! TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTOften our trials are such that they seem almost unbearable. Yet, without help from God, they are unbearable. Go to Him just now, and find in Him the peace of heart you so much need. |