Section 1
General Problems

Part 6
Immune Problems


SYMPTOMS—It is the immune system which fights infections, and it does this by triggering defenses against invading bacteria. The antibodies and antitoxins of this system recognize these foreign bodies and send white blood cells to attack them. With his immune system weakened, a person is less able to withstand Epstein Barr virus, candidiasis, food allergies, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cancer, etc. Infections occur more easily. The person is more susceptible to colds, infections, and viruses.

CAUSES—Autoimmune disorders can result from conditions ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to kidney disease. Unrelenting stress, chronic allergies, chronic infections can exhaust the immune system. Medicinal drugs, such as cortisone, prednisone and chemotherapy cause immune depression! Beware of them! Other causes of a weakened immune system are vaccinations and immunizations against common childhood and epidemic diseases. The thymus gland seems to be the most affected by this weakening. The thymus gland is especially important due to its production of T-helper cells.

Prolonged stress, or toxic exposure to chemicals or radiation can weaken the immune system. Severe infections can both result and cause it. An example of this would be allergies (resulting from immune malfunction) which follow a severe case of rheumatic fever, hepatitis, mononucleosis, or other acute viral or bacterial disease. Lack of proper rest is yet another cause.

Yet another cause are nutritional deficiencies. Some natural healing specialists believe that any infectious disease may be considered an immune deficiency problem.

The taking of aspirin has been linked to Reye's syndrome, asthma, low birth weight and birth defects. Meat contains hormones, antibiotics, and bacteria which brings on disease. Alcohol, nicotine, and a high-sugar diet weaken the immune system. Air pollution is yet another problem (move out of the city!) Hypothyroidism can also result in immune deficiency. Marijuana, cocaine, and the morphine family are other culprits. Mercury amalgam fillings are yet another incipient cause.


• Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Obtain adequate protein from vegetables, not from meat. Eat broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, onions, garlic, and similar worthwhile food. Skip the junk food.

• High doses of vitamin A in the form of carrot juice (beta carotene) are especially helpful. That, along with vitamin C, may be the most important vitamins for the immune system. Essential fatty acids (fresh or newly purchased flaxseed oil is especially good); zinc at 50 mg, three times a day; selenium at 300-900 mcg per day, germanium at 50 mg/day.

• Vitamin B complex, especially B6, B12, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Vitamin E: 400-800 units.

• Herbs include echinacea root, dandelion, red clover, and kelp.

ENCOURAGEMENT—When the soul surrenders itself to God, a new power takes possession of the new heart. A change is wrought which man could never accomplish for himself. By faith in His overcoming strength, obey all the Word of God, and you will be blessed.


SYMPTOMS—It usually begins suddenly with fever, fatigue, arthritis and/or joint pain. Those with it are frequently misdiagnosed as having rheumatoid arthritis. Ninety percent of lupus occurs in women in their 30s. Other symptoms include a characteristic facial "butterfly" rash, severe hair loss, and papular skin lesions. This rash forms over the nose and cheeks in something of a butterfly shape (which tends to intensify because of sunlight).

The skin lesions are small, yellowish lumps. They leave scars when they disappear. ("Lupus" means "wolf" in Latin; indicating the rough-skinned appearance it gives to the skin.)

Also generally present are kidney disease (in 50% of those with lupus) and low white blood cell count.

All this, in turn, produces inflammation of the joints and/or blood vessels, affecting many parts of the body.

Sometimes the first appearance of the problem is an arthritic-like condition, with swelling and pain in the joints and fingers. Severe cases can affect the brain and heart.

Sometimes the central nervous system is affected, and deep depression, amnesia, seizures, or psychosis can result.

CAUSES—Lupus is an inflammatory disease of the connective tissue. It has been classified as an autoimmune disease, since the body is attacking itself.

Ultraviolet rays in the sun can trigger the first attack. Stress, childbirth, fatigue, infection, chemicals, and certain drugs can also bring it on.

TREATMENT—Dr. Max Gerson used a careful, very nourishing diet, including vegetable and fruit juices and vitamin-mineral supplementation to eliminate lupus in his patients, but the dietary change had to be total or no progress was made. All meat, gravy, fats, junk food, fried food, soft drinks, caffeine, alcohol, etc. had to be eliminated from the diet. The diet had to be low in fat and salt (thus helping the weakened kidneys).

• It is best to eliminate all unsaturated fats. Fats quickly become rancid and, in that form, harm the connective tissue, and wear away the myelin sheath which covers the nerves.

• Avoid eating alfalfa sprouts, for they contain canavain which, in your body, replaces its arginine.

• A vegetable juice fast would be very helpful.

• Do not take birth control pills; they can intensify the lupus.

• Up to 10% of the lupus cases originate by taking medicinal drugs (New England Journal of Medicine). Pollutants, additives, chemicals, and certain foods can also bring it on. When the cause is drugs, the kidneys or nervous system are generally not affected, the lupus is a milder case, and it tends to stop when the drug is no longer taken.

• Parasites are associated with lupus. The parasites excrete droppings which interfere with body functions. Until the blood stream is cleansed and the parasites removed, healing cannot commence.

• Allergies can be another causative factor. Search them out and eliminate them. Here are several to consider: beef, cow's milk, wheat, corn, ammonia, hair spray, formaldehyde, perfume ethanol, pesticides.

• Those with Raynoud's disease should live carefully, for they are also prone to contracting lupus. Those with lupus are often misdiagnosed as having syphilis. Lupus is not AIDS. HIV destroys the body's immune system, but lupus is one's immune system destroying his body.

• Obtain enough rest and exercise. Avoid all stress.

• Echinacea, yucca, red clover, pau d'arco, and goldenseal are helpful herbs.

ENCOURAGEMENT—God's faithful ones have ever been able to obtain help from Him. Give Him your heart, and He will fulfill all your needs. In His strength, you can obey all that He commands in the Bible.


SYMPTOMS—A variety of symptoms keyed to a lack of mucous-secreting glands to not function properly: dry or parched mouth, burning throat, trouble chewing or swallowing, gritty or sandy eyes, eyes which feel like they have a film over them.

Other symptoms include tooth decay, joint pain, digestive problems, dry nose, dry skin, lung problems, vaginal irritations, muscular weakness, kidney problems, burning tongue, and extreme fatigue.

CAUSES—Sjogren's syndrome (pronounced SHOW-grens) is a chronic autoimmune disease which was first identified by a Swedish physician, Henrik Sjogren, in 1933.

As an autoimmune disorder, Sjogren's syndrome causes the body's immune system to work against itself, destroying mucous-secreting glands, including salivary and tear-producing tissues.

Although not life-threatening, Sjogren's is progressive, debilitating, and can permanently damage the eyes and mouth if symptoms are not treated.

When Sjogren's occurs alone it is considered "primary." When patients also have an additional connective disease, Sjogren's is called "secondary." These other diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, polymyositis (inflammation of the muscles), scleroderma (thickening and stiffening of the skin) or poyarteritis nodosa (inflammation of the arteries).

Anyone at any age can be afflicted with this disease. In the U.S., estimates run to 200,000 to 4 million; of which 90% are women.

Because each symptom affects different parts of the body, physicians and dentists often treat the symptom which applies to their field as minor and of little consequence.

Tests are available to diagnose the disease. The cause is, so far, unknown. And, to date, there are no known cures. The treatments, some of which are noted below, only help a person live with the condition, rather than solving it. Yet, if it can save your eyesight or an internal organ, it is worth it.

TREATMENT—You can learn much more about this condition by contacting the National Sjogren's Syndrome Association, P.O. Box 42207, Phoenix, AZ 85023 (800-395-NSSA); they will send you free literature.

• Or contact the Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation, 333 North Broadway, Suite 2000, Jericho, NY 11753 (516-933-6365).

• They will tell you that artificial tears (eye drops) and salivas, ointments and ant-inflammatory drugs are among the treatments prescribed.

• We asked one individual we know, who has Sjogren's and believes in, and regularly uses, natural remedies, and were told this:

• Women with this problem produce too much estrogen, in relation to the amount of progesterone they make. So purchase progesterone cream and rub in on the belly.

• For the eyes, add 1/4th tsp. of table salt (or its equivalent in seawater) to one cup of water, bring it to a boil, then let it set until it is tepid. Put some of this in the eyes every so often. Do not use store-bought salt, because it contains aluminum, which may damage the eyes. Take emulsified vitamin A, and use torula yeast. Black walnut husk tea may help.

—Also see "Dry Tear Ducts."

ENCOURAGEMENT—Christ is our present, all-sufficient Saviour. In Him all fullness dwells. It is our privilege to know that Christ will be with us, guiding us even to the end. Trust and obey Him. He will give you grace to do it.

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