FEVERSYMPTOMSA fever is an elevation of body temperature above normal. A fever is not a disease, but a symptom that an infection or disease is present. Fevers are common in a wide variety of diseases, from mild to severe. Symptoms include headache, flushed face, body aches, nausea, little or no appetite, and sometimes diarrhea or vomiting. Skin may be warm with some perspiration, or hot and dry. The elevated temperature is an effort by the body to burn out infection, and the perspiration helps eliminate toxins. Therefore a partial fever may be helpful to the body in fighting the infection. If the fever does not get too high, let it run its course. Many enzymes, antibodies and white blood cell responses are better during slightly elevated temperatures. MORE ABOUT FEVERSNormal is generally considered to be within a range of 97o to 99o F., but it can vary among individuals. If it is 100o F. or above, it is a fever. One should not have undue concern unless the body temperature rises above 102o F. in adults or 103o F. in children. Then call a doctor immediately. When body temperature is not more than 5o above normal, it does not completely interfere with body functions. But levels above 105o F. are dangerous; at 106o F., convulsions are common; at 108o F., irreversible brain damage frequently results. TREATMENT
REOCCURRENCEIf feverish flu-like symptoms keep reoccurring; in children this might indicate diabetes, and in teenagers and adults Epstein Barr virus. Also see "Fever Diseases." Also see diseases listed under "Childhood Problems ("Chickenpox," "Diphtheria," Measles," "Mumps," "Scarlet Fever," etc.). ENCOURAGEMENTChrist came so that whosoever believeth in Him may be saved. As the flower turns to the sun, so our eyes should turn to Him. We dare leave Him, lest we fall away. God can help you, just now. FEVER DISEASES, ACUTE (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)FEVER DISEASES (ACUTE): COMPLICATIONSThis section deals with a number of complications that commonly arise during febrile (fever) disorders. GASTRITISFomentation every 3 hours, followed in intervals between by Heating Compress at 600 F., to be changed every 30 minutes. ENTERCOLITISLarge Hot Enema (l000F.), followed by Neutral Enema (960 F.) after each bowel movement. Fomentation to abdomen every 3 hours. Heating Compress at 600 F. during intervals in between, changed every 30 minutes. PERITONITISHot Enema 3 times daily; Fomentation every 3 hours; Heating Compress at 600 F. during the intervals between, changing every 30 minutes. PERICARDITIS and ENDOCARDITISFomentation for 30 minutes every hour, followed by Ice Bag or Cold Compress, to be removed for 5 minutes every 15 minutes. Hot Hip and Leg Pack if extremities are cold. Cold Mitten Friction to maintain surface circulation. PHLEBITIS, ARTHRITISHot Blanket Pack followed by Cold Mitten Friction, carefully avoiding the affected part, or Hot Pack to affected limb 15 minutes every 3 hours. The Hot application should be followed by the Heating Compress which is changed after the next hot application, and retained during the interval between. LARYNGITISSteam Inhalation; Fomentation to throat every 3 hours with Heating Compress during the interval in between, renewed every 15 minutes at first, later once an hour. Derivative applications to legs, Hot Foot Baths, Hot Leg Packs, Heating Leg Pack. Repeat 3-4 times daily. Fomentation for 15 minutes every 3 hours, with well-protected Heating Compress between, changing once an hour. Derivative treatment to lower extremities. Steam Inhalation 15 minutes every hour. BRONCHOPNEUMONIAFomentation to chest every 2 hours, Heating Compress at 600 F., during the interval in between, changing every 30 minutes; Hot Blanket Pack for 15 minutes, followed by Heating or Sweating Wet Sheet Pack, 1-3 applications each 24 hours. PLEURISYFomentation every 15 minutes until pain is relieved. Repeat every 3 hours; well-protected Heating Compress during the interval between. Tight bandage about chest, if needed to control pain. NEPHRITIS, ALBUMINURIAHot Blanket Pack for 30- 60 minutes 2-3 times in 24 hours. Follow by Cold Friction. Protect the surface and maintain vigorous surface circulation. Large Enema 3 times a day; copious water drinking; Fomentation to lower back region every 4 hours for 30 minutes, followed by Heating Compress during interim between; Ice Bag over lower sternum. EDEMAThe same treatment as for Nephritis, Albuminuria, just above, with the addition of the Cold Compress over the heart for 15 minutes every 2 hours. DELIRIUMIce Cap; Ice Collar; Heating Wet Sheet Pack continued 1-2 hours. Prolonged Tepid or Neutral Bath. PARALYSISIce Cap, ice to spine; alternate with Fomentation for 3 minutes every 15 minutes, repeating 4 times. Repeat every 4 hours. CONVULSIONSIce Cap; ice to spine; Hot Hip and Leg Pack. Hot Full Bath 1050 F., 5-8 minutes, with ice to head and neck. ABSCESSFomentation for 15 minutes every 2 hours; Heating Compress at 600 F. during the interval between. Renew every 15-30 minutes. VISCERAL INFLAMMATIONLarge hot Fomentation over inflamed part for 15 minutes every 2 hours. During the interval between, Heating Compress at 600 F., renewed every 15 minutes during the acute stage. Later, Fomentation 3 times a day, with continuous Heating Compress during intervals between. THREATENED GANGRENEAlternate Compress every 3 hours, Heating Compress or dry heat during the intervals between. TYPHOID STATEAseptic diet; copious water drinking; Neutral Enema at 950 F. daily; prolonged Neutral or Tepid Bath; Graduated Bath. Also see "Fevers." SMALLPOX1 (Variola)SYMPTOMSIt takes 12-14 days for the disease to develop after exposure. Several days of discomfort is followed by a severe chill, intense headache, terrible pain in the back and limbs, vomiting, fever, loss of appetite, and sometimes convulsions. Then the fever lowers and the eruptions appear. The pain disappears, but the highly contagious disease can still be given to others. The rash of smallpox initially consists of dark red papules, especially on the forehead, neck and wrists. They gradually fill with clear serum, becoming vesicles, which become depressed at their centers and then fill with pus (called pustules). CAUSESUnsanitary living conditions, and poor diet. TREATMENT
Also see "Smallpox2." ENCOURAGEMENTIt is beyond our power to conceive the blessings that are brought within our reach through Christ, if we will but unite our human effort with divine grace. SMALLPOX2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)GENERALSpare, aseptic diet; water drinking. See "Scarlet Fever: Build General Resistance." LUMBAR (LOWER BACK) PAINFomentation or Hot Trunk Pack every 3 hours; Heating Pack during interval between, changing every 30-40 minutes. NAUSEA AND VOMITINGIce Bag over stomach, Hot and Cold Trunk Pack. CONSTIPATIONCold Enema daily; colonic at 700 F. daily. DIARRHEAEnema at 950 F. after each movement; Fomentation to abdomen; Cold Compress to be changed every hour. DELAYED ERUPTIONHot Blanket Pack or Hot Bath followed by Sweating Wet Sheet Pack. FEVERGraduated Bath; Prolonged Tepid Bath; Cooling Wet Sheet Pack; Cool Enema, with simultaneous Fomentation to back if necessary to prevent chill; large Cooling Compress. STAGE OF SUPPURATION (PUS FLOW)Prolonged or Continuous Neutral Bath. SWELLING OF FACEHot Compress to face for 5 minutes every hour; Cold Compress during interval at 600 F., renewed every 20 minutes. PITTINGCooling Compress, using red cloth, covering face completely; Red curtains to windows. HEADACHE and DELIRIUMIce Cap, Ice Collar. Hot and Cold Head Compress. CONTRAINDICATIONSAfter the eruption appears, avoid the Wet Hand Rub, Cold Mitten Friction, and all Friction Baths. GENERAL METHODKeep the temperature down, and maintain activity of the skin by Prolonged Neutral and Tepid Baths; aid elimination by copious water drinking; prevent visceral complications by continuous cold to the head and the frequently changed Abdominal Compress. In confluent cases, general septicemia is prevented by Prolonged Full Baths. - If any of the following related problems exist, see under their respective headings: Broncho-Pneumonia, Endocarditis, Laryngitis, Nephritis, Inflammation of Eye. Also see "Smallpox1." CHOLERA1SYMPTOMSA few hours or days after contracting the disease, it suddenly begins, often with sudden cramps in the back, legs, or arms. Often there is severe vomiting. So much fluid is lost that he becomes extremely thirsty, and the skin becomes dry. Stools become thin, and contain small, white, curdlike masses. Some cases of cholera are very light, and have few symptoms other than the diarrhea. CAUSES Cholera occurs especially in hot, tropical climates. Filthy living conditions is generally the primary factor. Bowel discharges from those with cholera must be boiled to kill the germs. When this is not done, the disease spreads. Flies, cockroaches, ants and mice all carry the disease. But one cannot get it if he only eats and drinks that which has been boiled. Water and milk must be boiled. Vegetables and fruits must be washed, and then immersed in boiling water for a few seconds, then peeled. TREATMENT
Also see "Cholera2." ENCOURAGEMENTIf we will but seek God with all our hearts, if we will work with determined zeal to be a blessing each day, the light of heaven will shine upon us, even as it shone upon faithful Enoch. CHOLERA2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATIONSecure rest to the stomach and bowels by withholding food. Rest in bed. VOMITINGIce Bag over stomach. Ice pills; Ice Compress to the throat. Fomentation to spine; Ice Bag to spine; Hot and Cold Trunk Pack. DIARRHEAHot Enema after each bowel movement; Fomentation over abdomen every 2 hours, duration 20 minutes during interval between Heating Compress at 600 F., renewed every 30 minutes. If the temperature is above 1020 F., Prolonged Neutral Bath or Hot Blanket Pack followed by Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub. COLLAPSEHot Blanket Pack for 15 minutes, followed by Cold Mitten Friction. CARDIAC WEAKNESSIce Bag over heart. Also see "Cholera1." MALARIASYMPTOMSChills occur for several hours, followed by drenching sweats every 1-3 days. CAUSESThere are four types of parasites which are introduced into the bloodstream by the anopheles mosquito. If the disease becomes chronic (recurrent), it results in general debility, anemia, and an enlarged spleen. Severe cases can be very debilitating. An especially deadly form is called blackwater fever. The skin takes on a yellow tint and the urine becomes progressively darker in color. Few people survive three attacks of blackwater fever. This disease generally occurs only in tropical climates, but it can and does occur in the United States as well. TREATMENT
See "Fevers" for additional suggestions. ENCOURAGEMENTChrist alone can place our feet in the right path. His perfection alone can avail for our imperfection. As we seek, by His enabling grace, to obey His Ten Commandment law, He will do that for us which we could never do for ourselves. TYPHOID FEVERSYMPTOMSOnset comes 1-4 weeks after the germs enter the body. First a tired feeling and general weakness, then possibly a headache and nosebleed. The fever rises higher each day, until by the end of the first week it be 104o F. The evening temperature is distinctly higher than in the morning. Appetite is poor, the tongue is coated, and the teeth and lips have a brownish coat. There is either diarrhea or constipation, and stools are offensive. The abdomen is distended. CAUSESTyphoid fever is an acute infectious disease caused by the typhoid bacillus. Germs are taken into the body through food or drink that has been directly or indirectly contaminated by bowel or kidney discharges from a typhoid fever patient. If the body was kept clean and only pure food and water was consumed, there would by no typhoid. TREATMENT
Follow directions under "Fevers." ENCOURAGEMENTChrist is strong to deliver. Help has been laid on One that is mighty. He encircles man with His long human arm, while with His divine arm He lays hold of all the power of heaven. Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus. YELLOW FEVER1SYMPTOMSIllness begins about 3-6 days after the mosquito bite. Onset is extremely abrupt (within a few hours), with a rapid rise in temperature from normalcy to 103o F. or more. Face is flushed and swollen, and eyes bloodshot. There are severe pains in the head, and down the spine and legs. Pulse is rapid early in the disease. CAUSESCaused by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, or one of several closely related species. Rarely occurs today in North America, but is more common in Central and South America. Mosquito netting should be used. TREATMENT
Also see "Yellow Fever2." ENCOURAGEMENTIt is faith that connects us with heaven, and brings us strength for coping with the powers of darkness. In Christ, God has provided means for subduing every evil trait, and resisting every temptation, however strong. YELLOW FEVER2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formula)MAINTAIN GENERAL VITAL RESISTANCEShort hot applications followed by Cold Mitten Friction or Wet Towel Rub every 3-6 hours. Copious water drinking; Cool Enema twice a day, more often if vomiting is persistent. ELIMINATION OF POISONSProlonged Neutral Bath; water drinking; Enemas. CHILLDry Pack; hot water drinking. HEADACHEIce Cap; Hot and Cold Head Compress. PAIN IN LOINS AND LEGSHot Hip and Leg Pack, Trunk Pack. Fomentation over lower back. DELIRIUMIce Cap, Wet Sheet Pack to heating stage. CEREBRAL CONGESTIONIce Cap, or Ice Collar; Hot Leg Pack; Prolonged Neutral Bath. GASTRIC IRRITATIONFomentation over stomach every 2 hours; In between: Heating Compress at 600 F., renewed every 20 minutes; Ice Bag above stomach; Hot and Cold Compress over stomach, or Hot and Cold Trunk Pack. VOMITINGIce Pills; if necessary, withhold liquid foods, and give food and water by enema; Ice Bag over sternum; Ice to spine; Fomentation over stomach. CONSTIPATIONCold Enema twice daily; Enema. ALBUMINURIAFomentation to the back every 2 hours for 15 minutes each time; In between: Heating Compress, well-protected; Hot Blanket Pack for 30 minutes, followed by short Cold Friction and wrapping in dry blankets; repeat every 4 hours. Ice Bag over sternum; continuous Moist Abdominal Bandage, changing every 2-3 minutes. Copious Enema twice daily. COLLAPSEHot Blanket Pack; Hot Enema; Cold Mitten Friction; Cold Compress over heart; Fomentation over heart for 30 seconds; Cold Compress for 10 minutes; repeat. JAUNDICEProlonged Neutral Bath; large Hot Enema twice daily; copious water drinking; Fomentation over liver every 3-6 hours for 15 minutes each time, with Heating Compress in intervals between. CONVULSIONSShort Hot Bath, followed or accompanied by Cold Pail Pour to head and spine; Alternate Compress to spine; Heating Wet Sheet Pack. COMAAlternate Compress to spine or Sponging to spine; Hot Enema; Cold Friction; Ice Cap. GENERAL METHODCombat visceral congestion from the start by maintaining a warm and active skin. Copious Enemas and water drinking will encourage elimination of the poison while the frequently repeated cold rubs (Cold Frictions) stimulate vital resistance. Also see "Yellow Fever2." |