Section 4
Head and Throat

Part 3


SYMPTOMS—Various kinds of eye problems can develop, such as blurred vision, bulging, blood spots, dark circles, dryness, double vision, itching, lumps on the eyelids, redness, twitching, or watering.


• Certain eye problems need specialized attention. But there are also general solutions to a wide variety of eye problems. The eyes and the brain use a lot of oxygen; be sure and get enough.

• Poor nutrition clogs tiny arteries, such as are found in the eyes. A gradual clogging of the veins in the eyes can lead to blindness.

• Eliminate all fried foods. The free radicals in these greasy foods damages the organs.

• Drink carrot, celery, beet, and parsley juice. You may need to go on a short vegetable juice fast.

• The mineral, zinc, is important. Be sure it is included in your diet.

• Avoid drinking fluids before bed. Avoid salt. Do not smoke, and avoid second-hand smoke.

• Eyebright, golden seal, and red raspberry teas all help the eyes. Eyebright is especially noted for what it can do for the eyes; people have used it for centuries.

• Dandelion helps the liver detoxify, and seaweed (Norway kelp or Nova Scotia dulse) provides essential minerals.

• Vitamins A, B complex, C, E, selenium, and zinc are also important. Be sure and eat greens every day.

• Nicotine, sugar, and caffeine all weaken the eyes.

• Tinted sunglasses often cause eyestrain. Only use polarized sunglasses, if you use them at all.

• Margarine and vegetable shortening are not good for the eyes.

• To strengthen the eyes, especially in weakness resulting from diabetes, use chaparral tea internally. Vitamin A is also important.

• Place a washcloth, dipped in ice water, over your eyes for 15 minutes, once or twice a day. Or cold cucumber slices can be put on your eyes.

• A number of medicinal drugs are not good for the eyes. This would include aspirin, ACTH, anticoagulants, corticosteroids, diuretics, streptomycin, sulfa drugs, tetracycline, allopurinol, antihistamines, digitalis, haloperidol, anti-infection drugs, quinine, marijuana, and some others.

• Anti-infection drugs, including diazepam (Valium), haloperidol (Haldol), some antidepressants, quinine, and sulfa drugs can cause ocular abnormalities.

Contact lenses: Be very cautious about wearing contact lenses! They keep air from the eyeball surfaces which they cover. Infections can result. Leaving them in place more than 24 hours can produce ulcerative keratitis. The cells of the cornea are rubbed away by the contact lens, resulting in infection and scarring, and possible eventual blindness. Research shows that this danger applies equally to ordinary daily wear contact lenses or extended-wear lenses.

—See "Eyestrain."

ENCOURAGEMENT—Make God your entire dependence. When you find yourself starting to do otherwise, immediately call a halt—and run back to Him! Do not tarry; do not wait.

EYE INFLAMMATION (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)

EXTERNAL INFLAMMATlONS—Light weight Fomentations for 15 minutes, every 2 hours; frequently renewed cooling compress during intervals between.

INFLAMMATIONS OF EYEBALL—A Fomentation covering the eye (while the eye is closed) and extending to the forehead, for 15-20 minutes or until the skin is well-reddened. Repeat as often as necessary, to relieve pain. Employ the frequently renewed (5-15 minutes at 600 F.) Heating Compress during the intervals between hot applications.


SYMPTOMS—The eyes seem to be straining to see what they are trying to look at. After some time of doing this, you acquire a general feeling of eyestrain.


• Is the area in which you do much of your eyework properly lit?

• Flickering tubes can bother the eyes. Try not to use computers too long at a time; do not watch television too long. Both are hard on your eyes. Keep the screen somewhat darkened. Shade your screen by placing a hood over the front.

• Every so often, shut and rest your eyes. Try "palming." To do this, place the palms across your open eyes, without touching them. This cuts out all light and enables you to momentarily rest them from all light.

• Make sure you blink often enough. Each blink cleanses and refreshes them.

• Refuse to strain your eyes. Keep them relaxed at all time.

• Sunglasses cause eyestrain for some people; they help others. Only use Polaroid glasses.

• The evening hours are the worst time to read and use your eyes intensively for anything. The natural daylight is gone.

• Go outside for the last 30 minutes before bedtime, walk around, relax, breathe deep, and do not read anymore before you retire.

• Get enough rest at night.

• You may need reading glasses. If your only eye problem is nearsightedness, you can purchase eye glasses at your local pharmacy for $10 or $20. Always select the weakest, least powerful ones.

ENCOURAGEMENT—By beholding Christ, we become changed. And this is what you want, is it not? Come, take the greatest prize of all; let Christ come into your heart. He can give overcoming strength to resist sin and obey the Ten Commandments.


SYMPTOMS—A person only clearly sees those things which are close up.

CAUSES AND TREATMENT—There is both an occupational and nutritional cause for this.

• Constantly using the eyes, to see that which is fairly close, causes them to adjust better to near vision. Every so often, rest your eyes by looking at something at a distance.

• A lack of vitamin D and calcium is also involved. Increase the amount of vitamin D taken, and take sunbaths.

• Do not strain the eyes, thinking that will help you improve your eyesight! Doing so only weakens the delicate muscles, and will result in still more vision problems.

— Also read "Eyestrain."

ENCOURAGEMENT—Cry to God for help. Find in Him your all in all. He can deliver; He can help. He can satisfy your deepest soul desire.


SYMPTOMS—A person's distance vision is good, but his near vision is blurry.

CAUSES—The six muscles pulling on the eye do not function properly or the eyeball is abnormally short. As a result, light rays focus behind the back wall of the eyeball, which is the retina.


• Maintain a nourishing diet which includes a vitamin/mineral supplement. Be sure you are daily obtaining the entire B complex, especially B6. Calcium is also important.

• Do not try to strain the eyes. If they seem tired or unable to focus properly, rest them from time to time. Straining the eyes to see better only aggravates the problem.

— Also read "Eyestrain."

ENCOURAGEMENT—Heaven is not closed against the fervent prayers of God's little ones. The only reason for our lack of power with God is to be found in ourselves. Too many only offer a little hurried prayer, and then rush off. Take time with God! You urgently need it.

AMBLYOPIA (Inability to focus eyes)

SYMPTOMS—This condition exists when the eyes do not seem to focus clearly on anything, near or far. It can be serious enough to constitute a type of blindness.

CAUSES—Certain nutritional and environmental problems tend to be the causes.


• Lack of vitamins B1 and B12 appears to be a primary cause. Smoke from cigarettes and cigars is another significant cause. These problems need to be solved.

• B12 intermuscularly at a rate of 1,000 mcg/day for a total of 20,000 mcg generally solves the problem, along with an adequate supply of vitamin D and calcium. But get the tobacco out of the house and office.

— Also read "Eyestrain."

ENCOURAGEMENT—Thank God that He is so near to help in time of need. Prayer and faith can do that which no earthly power can accomplish. Trust Him and obey His Written Word, and you will have the guidance you need.

YELLOW EYES (Icterus; Jaundice)

SYMPTOMS—The whites of the eyes (sclera) have a yellow cast.

CAUSES—The bile duct system develops a blockage, which produces gallstones, possibly tumors, and hepatitis. Red blood cells may also be destroyed in the process.

Those taking large amounts of carrot juice will develop a yellowish cast to their skin (which is in no way dangerous). But their sclera will not turn yellow, which is the sign of jaundice.


• Treatment of jaundice includes ultraviolet light exposure in order to increase elimination and liver flush. For 3 days, drink apple juice, followed by a cup of olive oil and a cup of lemon juice. Also obtain vitamins C, A, and E.

—Also see Jaundice

ENCOURAGEMENT—Keep your mind on Jesus, and pride and the love of the world will vanish. Beside the loveliness of Christ, all earthly attractions will seem of little worth.

KERATOMALACIA (Xerophthalmia)

SYMPTOMS—The cornea is the domed clear bulge on the front of the eye. It becomes hazy and dry, and then ulcerated. The eyes feel extremely dry. Blinking increases, but does not seem to properly moisten them. Conjunctivitis and night blindness occurs.

Fat-like spots (Bitot's spots) appear on the sclera (white of the eye). These are white, foamy, elevated, and sharply outlined patches on the whites of the eyes.

CAUSES—This is a nutritional problem. If it is not solved, permanent blindness can result.


• Take vitamin A (25,000 units for children, and at least 50,000 units for adults) per day as beta carotene. Increase the amount of zinc and protein consumption, and improve the general nutrition. Take a vitamin/mineral supplement twice daily.

• Bitot's spots are caused by a vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin D and adequate protein are also needed.

• Avoid eyestrain and smoke-filled rooms.

ENCOURAGEMENT—We must be much in prayer if we would make progress in the spiritual life. Take time with God, and you will be blessed for it. He can give you strength to live a better life, a clean life, a new life in Christ.


SYMPTOMS—Red lines in the whites of the eyes.

CAUSES—This can be caused by dust, pollen allergies, bright sunshine, cigarette smoke, other irritants, overwork, and staying up late at night.

People over 40 commonly experience this problem to some extent. But if it is excessive, or if you are younger, you may wish to give it closer attention.


• Get more rest at night. Pause and rest a little more during the day.

• Do not use "drops" from the pharmacy. They have an agent in them that constricts the blood vessels. This may make your whites look whiter for awhile, but no problems have been solved. Do not tinker with your precious eyes! When the drops wear off in a couple hours, the redness generally appears redder than before.

• Lay a cool, wet washcloth over your closed eye. The cold constricts the blood vessels naturally, and the moisture helps your eyes.

• Be sure and drink enough water, so you will have an adequate amount of fluid in your tear ducts.

• If the eyes are red when you wake up, the problem may be your eyelids. This is a low-grade infection of the eyelids. Treat it by washing your eyes with warm water at night before retiring.

• Any problem in the eyes should be taken seriously. Infection can be treated with a small amount of boric acid mixed with sterile water.

• Helpful herbs include eyebright, fennel, and cornflower. Eyebright is remarkably helpful for a number of eye conditions.

ENCOURAGEMENT—There must be a constant, earnest struggling of the soul against the evil imaginings of the mind. There must be a steadfast resistance of temptation to sin in thought or act. But, in the strength of Christ, this can be done. In Him we can live clean, pure lives.


SYMPTOMS—It is difficult to distinguish one color from another.


• Take 50,000 units of vitamin A daily.

ENCOURAGEMENT—There are perils all about us. We must draw nearer to God. Cultivate the habit of talking with the Saviour. Let your heart be continually uplifted to Him, in silent petition for help, for strength to obey, and for guidance. Let every breath be a prayer.


SYMPTOMS—You do not see as clearly in the dark as do others. When you go out into the dark, your eyes seem to adapt slowly to it.

CAUSES—This does not mean you are going blind. The primary problem is a lack of vitamin A, which the body uses to make visual purple and to help you see in the dark.

The lack of vitamin A in the system can be caused by an inferior diet. But it may also be traced to one of the following: The body has a fat malabsorption syndrome, and does not absorb oil-soluble vitamins properly. A zinc deficiency will cause the liver to poorly convert carotene to vitamin A. Cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, and various food allergies can produce intestinal changes which would affect fat-soluble vitamin absorption.


• Get enough vitamin A (50,000 units daily) and 15-50 mg of zinc.

• Some people wear a stronger prescription of glasses when they must drive at night. Keep the headlights and windshield clean. Do not wear sunglasses at dusk. Drive slower at night. Better yet, only drive during the day.

ENCOURAGEMENT—By keeping our minds on God and Bible themes, our faith and love will grow stronger. We will have a little heaven on earth. And those around us need our help so much.


SYMPTOMS—The eyes seem tired and itchy.

CAUSES—Enervation, poor diet, lack of rest.


• Do not overwork or overeat. Eat a nutritious diet. Get enough rest at night.

• The diet should include the entire B complex, with an emphasis on B6. Be sure your diet includes adequate calcium.

• Do not strain the eyes.

• Eyebright is a good herb for the eyes, which may help this.

ENCOURAGEMENT—The very first step in the path to life is to keep the mind stayed on God, to have His fear continually before the eyes. If you cannot take Jesus with you, do not go there. Do not watch it. Do not listen to it.


SYMPTOMS—The eyes seem dry all the time.

CAUSES—There is a small tear duct which keeps each eye moist, yet it does not seem to be working properly.


• Be sure and obtain adequate amounts of vitamin A (50,000 units daily). A lack of it causes small openings to close down. Also include enough essential fatty acids in your diet, along with more calcium.

• Do not eat junk or processed foods.

—Also see "Sjogren's Disease"; you may have it.

ENCOURAGEMENT—Those who love God are changed from being rebels against the law of God into obedient servants and subjects of His kingdom. They live to help and bless others.


SYMPTOMS—The area around the eye turns black, following a blow to it.

CAUSES—Blood tends to pool around the delicate eyeball, in order to hasten healing.


• Boxing trainers deal with black eyes all the time. They apply an extremely cold piece of iron (something like a small tire iron) to the area. This reduces the swelling. An alternative is to hold a clean, cold soda can against the cheek (but not against the eye itself) for several minutes. Do not place any pressure on the eye itself.

• Do not take aspirin. Because it is an anticoagulant, the blood will not clot as well. Instead, the bleeding will continue longer.

• Do not blow your nose! If you received a severe strike, blowing your nose could cause blood vessels to burst beneath the skin in a much wider area! Sometimes the injury fractures the eye socket bone, and blowing your nose could force air out of your sinus adjacent to the socket. The air is injected under the skin—making the eyelids swell even more. This can increase the likelihood of infection.

ENCOURAGEMENT—Prayer takes hold upon Omnipotence, and gains us the victory. And this is what we need! We must have God or perish. We must submit to Him and obey Him. By the grace of Christ, this can be done.


SYMPTOMS—The eye has become inflamed, resulting in an ulcer on the eyeball.

The problem could then extend to the eyelid.

CAUSES—This happened because the normal covering of the eye was damaged in some way. The infection is generally caused by a virus.


• Obtain adequate rest, improve the diet, and take large doses of vitamin C (2,000 mg, 3 times a day).

• Apply warm yellow dock tea, in a poultice, to the eyelid. You can also drink it.

ENCOURAGEMENT—Every day learn something new from the Scriptures. Search them as for hid treasures, for they contain the words of eternal life.


SYMPTOMS—The eye seems be filled with mucous.

CAUSES—The cause may be a combination of an inadequate diet, poor working conditions, and an airborne infection.


• Improve the diet, and take a vitamin/mineral supplement twice a day. Obtain adequate rest. Work in a clear environment that is not overly dusty.

• Wash each eye with goldenseal root tea. But do not use goldenseal in large amounts if pregnant.

ENCOURAGEMENT—He who receives Christ by living faith has a living connection with God. He carries with him the atmosphere of heaven, which is the grace of God and a treasure that the world cannot buy.


SYMPTOMS—The lens of the eye becomes clouded, so that the eye is unable to properly focus on objects. In advanced cases, the lens is becoming opaque, so that blindness is setting in. Only part of the eye is generally cloudy or opaque, but this can gradually extend to the entire eye.

CAUSES—The most common cause is senility.

Congenital cataracts occur if the mother had rubella during the first three months of pregnancy, or if the infant has galactosemia (inherited inability to digest galactose [a type of milk sugar, resulting from lactose] properly). These cataracts generally do not get worse. Not using milk products at all can help prevent this in adults.

Traumatic cataracts result from blows which rupture the anterior lens capsule, harmful chemicals, intense infrared radiation, or X rays. Radiation causes free radical damage in the eyes. This causes the lens to absorb aqueous humor. The lens becomes cloudy and must be removed, to restore eyesight. People living closer to the South Pole (which has part of its ozone layer stripped away) are more likely to develop cataracts.

Other causes include hypoparathyroidism, Down's syndrome, and atopic dermatitis. The longer one has diabetes, the greater the risk of cataracts.

Hair dye has been shown to cause cataracts. Only 23% of those not dying their hair get cataracts; whereas 89% of those who dye their hair develop them.

Complications of tumors, detached retina, iritis, glaucoma, and severe myopia can also bring it on.

Other studies reveal that people with stress, allergies, or who eat seafood (thus ingesting methylmercury) are more likely to develop cataracts.

It is now known that a reduction in vitamin C or B2 in the diet can help produce cataracts. High blood sugar levels and low calcium levels can also bring it on.


• Cataracts are the most common form of blindness in older people, and should not be ignored when beginning to develop.

• Obtain adequate rest at night. Do not sit up watching television till late at night! You are tiring your eyes and irradiating them with X rays at the same time.

• Maintain a good nutritious diet! Do not drink milk or eat cheese, ice cream, seafood, or grease. Get enough vitamins E, C, B complex (B2 is very important!), selenium, zinc, bioflavonoids, 1-glutamine, 1-arginine, 1-cysteine, and glutathione. If diabetes is involved, add chromium supplementation. Avoid excess cholesterol, sorbitol (artificial sweetener), unsaturated fatty acids, and mercury tooth fillings (amalgam).

• Higher blood sugar levels in diabetics and hypoglycemics causes the cells in the lense to absorb large amounts of glucose. This is converted into sorbitol, an insoluble form of sugar. This gradually crystallizes in the eye—forming a cataract.

• Take chaparral tea internally. Place a drop of honey in the corner of the eye at night. This will help absorb the crystals.

ENCOURAGEMENT—Do not say that you cannot overcome your moral defects. In the strength of Christ, you can. He will empower you to do all that His Father asks of you. The impossibility is all in your will. If you will not, then you cannot. If you are willing, God will strengthen you to resist temptation.


SYMPTOMS—What appears to be a small pimple develops on the eyelid.

CAUSES—The oil gland has become infected, inflaming the tissues of the eyelid.


• Do not delay solving this problem. If it does not quickly heal, it may need to be drained by a professional. Do not squeeze the lump; this may result in spreading the infection more widely. Sties can be dangerous, so do not be casual about them.

• Take adequate vitamin A; more so, if you have sties frequently. Go on a 5-day fruit fast, plus carrot and celery juice. Keep the bowels clean with an enema every morning.

• Do not eat refined, fried, and processed foods; meats; unsaturated oils; salt; alcohol; tobacco; dairy products; or white flour.

• Chopped and diced carrots or mashed potatoes (raw or cooked) can be made into a poultice and applied over the area. They can be left on for an hour and repeated 3 times a day.

• Hot compresses on the area are sometimes recommended; but keep in mind that it was a very hot compress which blinded young Fanny Crosby.

• Partially hot compress, alternated with cold, will help draw the pus to a head and then break it open.

• Drink 3 cups of goldenseal tea or eyebright to help clean the liver. Fennel or myrrh may be substituted.

• In tenacious cases, antibiotics may be necessary.

ENCOURAGEMENT—The Bible reveals the plan of salvation, and shows how sinful man may be reconciled to God and enabled to live a clean, godly life.


SYMPTOMS—The person seems to see "spots" or a spot in front of the eyes.

CAUSES—An unnatural blind spot exists on the retina.


• Increase the amount of vitamin A in the diet; and, of course, decidedly improve the general diet. Throw out all junk and processed food. Obtain adequate rest at night.

ENCOURAGEMENT—You cannot control your impulses, your emotions, as you may desire; but, in the strength of Christ, you can control the will, and you can make an entire change in your life.


SYMPTOMS—Light hurts the eyes.

CAUSES—This may occur occasionally or gradually increase. The cause is a lack of vitamin A in the diet.


• Take 50,000 units of vitamin A daily for a short time.

ENCOURAGEMENT—All who have a sense of their deep soul poverty, who feel that they have nothing good in themselves, may find peace and strength by looking to Jesus. Thank God, that He not only accepts us, but He changes us.


SYMPTOMS—This appears to be a sty on the eyelid, but it is not. After several days, the swelling and pain disappears, but a slow growing pea-sized nodule on the lid remains.

CAUSES—A chalazion is the result of plugged meibomian glands in the eyelid, and results from nutritional deficiency.


• Take vitamin A (at least 50,000 units per day, as beta carotene, for a number of days. Also take zinc (50 mg, 3 times a day).

• Apply warm poultices of 3% boric acid on the closed lid. A boric acid ophthalmic ointment may be obtained without prescription from the pharmacy.

ENCOURAGEMENT—When God gave His Son to our world, He endowed human beings with imperishable riches—with which nothing else can compare. Christ offers you all the love of God. Come, accept it just now.


SYMPTOMS—The membrane lining of the inner part of the eyelid becomes inflamed. The eyes may appear swollen and bloodshot, and are often irritated and itchy. If there is pus, eyelids often stick together after being closed for a period of time.

CAUSESThere may be a discharge from the eye. The origin may be viral if the discharge is thin and watery. If it is white and stringy, the cause may be allergenic. If there is pus, it may be bacterial in origin.

When caused by a virus, conjunctivitis is highly contagious. The cause is generally viral or bacterial infection or physical or chemical injury.

Causes include injury to the eye, bacterial infection, allergens, dust, contact lens solutions, fumes, smoke, chemicals, makeup, or other foreign substances in the eye. Be careful about swimming pool water; it can cause eye and ear infections.

When caused by allergens, the infection may reoccur at a certain time each year. In young children "viral conjunctivitis" can occur from spring till fall.

Viral conjunctivitis is often found among groups of school children. Conjunctivitis is the most common form of eye infection in Western civilization.


• Apply warm poultices of 3% boric acid on the closed lid. A boric acid ophthalmic ointment may be obtained without prescription from the pharmacy.

• Apply charcoal poultices overnight. Mix enough water in, to make a thick paste and spread it over a piece of cloth that is larger than the inflamed area. Hold it in place with an ace bandage and leave on overnight. Use only enough pressure to hold it in place—but not so tight that pressure is placed on the eyeball. To avoid spreading the infection, carefully dispose of the cloth in the morning; do not save and use it again.

• During the day, slurry charcoal water can be applied: Add ¼ tsp. salt and 1 tsp. powdered charcoal to a cup of water, boil, let cool, and strain through several layers of cloth.

• With a dropper, put 4-5 drops of the clear fluid on the affected eye every 2 hours.

• Wash hands carefully after each treatment.

• Do not place a patch on the eye, for it can cause bacterial infection and weaken the eyelid (so it will later droop).

• Ice-cold compresses can be laid on the eye during the acute stage. For half an hour, apply a wrung-out washcloth to the eye; change it every 2-3 minutes. Stop for 30-60 minutes, and then repeat for another 30 minutes.

• Hot and cold applications can be applied every 4 hours. But the water should never be too hot (that is what blinded young Fanny Crosby). Apply a cloth wrung out of slightly hot water for 2 minutes, then a cold cloth for 30 seconds. Do this for 15 minutes.

• Saline irrigations are also good. Add 2 level tsp. of salt to 1 quart water, to rinse discharges out of the eyes.


• Avoid the problems noted under "Causes," above.

• When something gets in your eye; get it out. Grasping the eyelash and pulling the upper lid over the lower lid, induces tears and helps wash out foreign bodies.

ENCOURAGEMENT—The heart of him who receives the grace of God overflows with love for God and for those whom Christ died. He becomes kind and thoughtful, humble, yet full of hope and encouragement to those around him.


SYMPTOMS—Early symptoms include eye pain or discomfort mainly in the morning, blurred vision, halos around light, inability to adjust to darker conditions, and peripheral (side) vision loss (resulting in tunnel vision).

Higher than normal pressure within the eyeball (called intraocular pressure), it is more common in blacks than whites, tends to run in families, is more common in women than men, and especially affects people over 40.

CAUSES—Fluid is continually produced in the eyeball; and, just as continuously, it is draining out. The balance is called intraocular pressure. Normal pressure is 15-20 millimeters of mercury, but glaucoma levels may reach 40 or more. The increased pressure, unless it is relieved, will damage the optic nerve and produce blindness. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness. There are several types of glaucoma.


• There appears to be no evidence that restoration of vision, lost through glaucoma-caused nerve degeneration, can be restored. But there are things which can be done to slow or stop the advance of this problem.

• Dietetic problems are among the most common causes of glaucoma. This includes overeating, eating the wrong foods, and not eating the right ones. Emphasize a raw, vitamin C rich, diet.

• Food "allergies," eating foods which do not agree with the system, can be a frequent cause of the disease. Do a pulse test and find out which foods may be causing you problems. In addition, a tonometer can be purchased, which you can use to test your eyeball pressure.

• The diet should include betaine HCl, vitamin C, a good vitamin/mineral supplement, vitamin A, vitamin B2, and nourishing, natural food—but not too much of it.

• Moderate, daily out-of-door, exercise helps reduce pressure.

• Warm fennel herb, alternated with chamomile and eyebright, is helpful. Apply as eyewash in an eyecup or three drops to each eye, 3 times a day.

• If anxiety seems to be a cause, increase the B complex intake. Avoid stress, worry, fear, and anger. Cultivate a tranquil, restful lifestyle. Great temperature changes (as found in the north) are a source of stress.

• Higher blood sugar levels increase pressure.

• Avoid heavy lifting, pulling, etc. Avoid constipation, for straining at the stool increases eye pressure (as does diarrhea). Maintain a slight, mild laxative effect. Avoid sitting or standing still for long periods. Lying face down significantly increases pressure. Standing on the hands astoundingly increases pressure.

• Increased blood pressure brings increased pressure within the eyeball. Keep your blood pressure down!

• Do not use the eyes intensively for long periods of time (TV viewing or excessive reading).

• Avoid coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol, and all junk and processed foods. Smoking damages eyes which have glaucoma. Tobacco in the system increases intraocular pressure. Avoid spicy foods.

• Avoid excessive fluid intake (juice, water, milk, etc.) at any one time. Drink only small amounts, and only an hour apart.

• Motion sickness medication patches increase eyeball pressure.

• Those with glaucoma do well to remain under the care of a professional. Every time the pressure increases, a little more eyesight is permanently lost.

ENCOURAGEMENT—No difficulty can hinder you, if you are determined to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Looking to Jesus, you will be willing to brave contempt and derision for His sake.

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