ANOSMIA (Loss of sense of smell)SYMPTOMSOne does not detect odors. This can occur either temporarily or regularly. CAUSESThis occurs when one has a cold or rhinitis (nasal inflammation, resulting from colds or allergy). But when it is chronic, then it has one of several causes: a lack of zinc in the diet, an injury, a tumor, or a stroke. Zinc will not help in those cases. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTWhat love, what amazing love! That the King of glory would humble Himself to save fallen humanity! Come, fall before Him just now, and give Him your life anew. NASAL CATARRH1 (Rhinitis; Runny, stuffy nose)SYMPTOMSRhinitis is the inflammation of the nasal passages, producing nasal congestion and increased secretion of mucous. The nose is runny or stuffed up. When a person drinks enough water, the nose is runny; when not enough has been taken, the nose is stuffed and one has to breathe through the mouth. CAUSESThis condition accompanies a variety of problems, including the common cold. TREATMENT
Also see "Nasal Catarrh2," "Common Cold," and "Catarrh 1." ENCOURAGEMENTBy yielding your will to Christ, He will hold you fast. You will have strength and determination to live a clean life, and resist temptation to sin. NASAL CATARRH2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)(1) ACUTE Catarrh (Acute Coryza) GENERAL TREATMENTSweating bath at bedtime, followed by a short cold application: Wet Sheet Rub; Cold Towel Rub; Cold Douche; Hot Foot Bath, with very hot compress to the face; Steam Inhalation; and water drinking. TO PREVENTCold Bath daily or twice a day; out-of- door life; avoid excessively warm clothing and warm living, or warm sleeping rooms, in the winter. Wear linen next to the skin in summer and winter. (2) CHRONIC CATARRH BASIC CONSIDERATIONSAvoid taking cold. And when an acute catarrh is contracted, eliminate it as soon as possible. INCREASE ACTIVITY AND TONE OF THE SKINShort sweating procedures, especially the Radiant Heat Bath and Wet Sheet Pack continued until the sweating stage, followed by short cold applications: Wet Sheet Rub; Shallow Bath or Cold Douche; Neutral Bath at bedtime, 20-30 minutes, 3 times a week; daily Cold morning Bath; Cold Towel Rub; Cold Shower or Shallow rubbing Bath. All sweating baths ought, if possible, to be taken just before retiring at night. IMPROVE NUTRITION AND LIFESTYLEAvoid indigestible, spicy, foods and meats. Eat simply of wholesome food. Obtain needed out-of-door exercise, sunbaths, and swimming. RELIEVE NASAL CONGESTIONAlternate Compress to the face; Alternate Sponging or Compresses to the upper spine; Cold Foot Bath under running water if the extremities are cold. GENERAL METHODBuild up the general health by tonic measures, employing Friction Tonics, at least twice daily. Avoid Hot Baths and too warm clothing. Expose the body, as much as possible, to the open air, but use great care to avoid taking cold by undue exposures; gradually train the body to the point of enduring exposure without injury. (Drink enough water to keep the mucous in the nose thin, so it can easily flow out without clogging the passageways. Do not blow your nose, lest mastoid infection occurs). See "Nasal Catarrh1." NOSEBLEED (Epistaxis)SYMPTOMSThe nose bleeds. CAUSESPhysical injury, excessive dryness causing the nasal surface to crack, scratching with the fingernail, blowing the nose hard, sudden change in atmospheric pressure. TREATMENT Anterior nosebleeds (from the nose itself) are most common:
The other type is the posterior nosebleed:
HYDROHere are several treatments for nosebleed, discussed in the author's book, Water Therapy Manual ( see order sheet):
ENCOURAGEMENTIf we are in Christ, we are heaven-bound. So we must not seem mournful to those around us. Rejoice, for every day is one day nearer heaven! Do all you can to be a blessing to those you come in contact with. NASAL CUTS AND INFECTIONSSYMPTOMSEfforts to pick at the inside of the nose, to clean it out, will occasionally result in cuts inside which sometimes become mildly infected for a time. CAUSES AND TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTAll around us, souls are hungering for Christ and a knowledge of how to be saved. Do all you can to be a help to them. They need you to help lead them to God. In His strength, you can do it. |