KIDNEY PROBLEMSPROBLEMS AND CAUSESIn addition to other conditions mentioned in this section on the kidneys, there are less known diseases which can be just as serious. These include: Renal tubular acidosis: The kidneys fail to reabsorb bicarbonate properly, resulting in inadequate ammonia production and acid excretion. This leads to a severe lack of fluid and potassium in the body, and an excess of acidity. The bones can become deranged. Hydronephrosis: The kidneys and bladder become filled with urine, due to obstruction of the flow. Glomerulonephritis: This is an inflammation of the tiny kidney filtering units, sometimes resulting from a bacterial infection in the body. Uremia: A toxic waste buildup in the blood, due to kidney malfunction. In all of these conditions, a basic need is to cleanse the kidneys, increase urine flow, and restore proper function. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTOnly to those who receive Christ as their Saviour is given the power to become sons and daughters of God. The sinner cannot, by any power of his own, rid himself of sin. But Christ can give the needed strength to come off victor in the battle with Satan. KIDNEY STONES1 (Nephrocalcinosis)SYMPTOMSIntermittent, dull, dragging pain radiating from the upper back to the lower abdomen, usually increased by motion. There is bleeding and renal colic (strong kidney pain) when the stone enters the ureters. These sharp pains may last hours or days. There is increased urination with pus and blood, pallor, nausea, and vomiting. Sometimes there are fever and chills. When you have bloody urine and sharp pain in the bladder or kidneys, it is very likely kidney stones. CAUSESKidney stones (also called bladder stones or cystic calculi) are an abnormal accumulations of mineral salts. They form in the kidneys and, during passage down the ureters, may lodge in them or in the bladder. The stones are primarily composed of calcium oxalate; but urates, phosphates, and cystine may also be present. Oddly enough, a key factor in the production of kidney stones is a calcium and/or magnesium deficiency. The minerals in the stones come from your own bones! Refined carbohydrates, especially sugar, prompts kidney stone formation. The sugar increases in the pancreas and excretes additional insulin, which in turn causes the kidneys to discharge more calcium in the urine. Calcium is needed by the body. If not enough calcium is in the diet, the parathyroids will signal the body to extract calcium from the bones in order to keep the blood calcium level at normal levels. A vitamin B6 and magnesium deficiency may also cause stone formation. A Swedish research group found that taking both daily stopped stone formation in 90% of their patients. Magnesium, like calcium, can bond with the oxalate. B6 (10 mg a day) lowers the amount of oxalate in the urine. In response to lowered blood calcium levels, the parathyroids trigger the body to draw it out of the bones. It is vital that you obtain a balanced diet of vitamins and minerals every day. Partial causes of kidney stone formation can include dehydration (not drinking enough water), infections, prolonged periods of rest in bed, and only rarely taking vitamin D and calcium. Too much food, including acid-forming foodsespecially meat, along with white-flour products, sugar foods, tea, coffee, spices, and vinegarall help produce an excess of waste in the kidneys. Eventually it accumulates into gravel and stones. TREATMENT
Also see "Kidney Stones2," "Renal Colic," and "Kidney Problems." ENCOURAGEMENTChrist, after having redeemed man from the condemnation of the law, could impart divine power to unite with human effortin keeping that law. KIDNEY STONES2 (Lithemia; Uric-Acid Diathesis) (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)GENERAL DIET AND LIVINGA spare aseptic diet, especially avoiding beef tea, animal broths, meat, and also tea, coffee, and cocoa. Use fruits freely. In extreme cases, eat fruit diet for a few days. Out-of-door life; abundant exercise; dry, cool climate; daily cold bathing. INCREASE OXIDATION OF PROTEIN WASTESHot Full Bath, prolonged sufficiently to elevate body temperature 20-40F.; Sweating Wet Sheet Pack; Dry Pack; Steam Bath. Radiant Heat Bath or Hot Full Bath, followed by Dry Pack. Follow all hot baths by a short, cold application adapted to his condition: Cold Mitten Friction, Cold Towel Rub, Wet Sheet Rub, Dripping Sheet, Shallow Bath. Follow bath by prolonged moderate exercise, massage, and Inhalation of oxygen. ENCOURAGE ELIMINATION OF TISSUE WASTESIn addition to the above, water drinking; free use of fruit juices and distilled water; Hot Abdominal Pack day and night; cool Colonic daily, if bowels are sluggish. INCREASE ALKALINITY OF BLOODExercise, cold baths, cold air bath, sweating baths, and fruit diet. SWOLLEN AND PAINFUL JOINTSFomentation 2-4 times daily, Heating Compress during intervals between, well-protected with plastic covering and cotton (or flannel) covering. PAINFUL JOINTS, NOT SWOLLENRevulsive Compress 3 times a day, followed by deep massage of limb above the joint and light circular friction of the joint; during intervals between, Dry Pack or cotton poultice to the joint. STIFF AND ENLARGED JOINTSAlternate Douche (jet or spray) or the Alternate Compress, followed by thorough massage of the joint with passive joint movements, applied twice daily and protected with Heating Compress during intervals between. GENERAL METHODDiminish the production of uric acid by regulation of diet and elimination of meat products; increase the destruction of uric acid by exercise, Prolonged Hot Full Baths, followed by short cold applications; increase elimination of uric acid by copious water drinking. - If any of the following related problems exist, check on them under their respective headings: Headache and Migraine, Neurasthenia, Neuralgia, Insomnia, Muscular pains, Gallstones, Renal colic, Irritable prostate, Arteriosclerosis, Bright's Disease. Also see Kidney" Stones1." RENAL COLIC (Kidney Pain Attack) (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)DURING ATTACKRest in bed; diet of fruit; buttermilk; hot water drinking; Hot Enema, repeat every 2 hours; Hot Full Bath with cold to head and over heart, if bath is greatly prolonged; Hot Trunk Pack renewed hourly; Revulsive Sitz Bath; Cold Compress over heart, if it is weak or much excited. TO PREVENT ATTACKSCombat lithemia. VOMITINGIce pills, ice to throat. URINARY SUPPRESSIONHot Blanket Pack followed by Dry sweating Pack. Also see "Kidney Stones1 and Kidney Stones2." NEPHRITIS1 (Kidney Infection)SYMPTOMSThere may be no symptoms or they may include blood and/or albumin in the urine and lower back, abdominal pain, even chills, fatigue, edema, nausea and vomiting, frequent urge to urinate, and loss of appetite. Severe cases may include anemia and high blood pressure. CAUSESThis is inflammation of one or both kidneys. Thousands of tiny cells in the kidneys filter fluids out of the blood in order to purify it. But the filter can become plugged with toxins and mucous. When these tiny cells become swollen and inflamed, infection soon follows. This infection can be acute or chronic, and may require hospitalization. Constipation causes a toxic matter to be reabsorbed by the blood. This clogs the kidneys. Overuse of aspirin and other pain killers weaken the kidneys; beer can cause their failure. Environmental toxins, such as heavy metals, add to the damage. Anti-hypertensive drugs are used to reduce blood circulation, and therefore injure the kidneys. Kidney infection can also be caused by bacterial infection in the bladder (cystitis, which see) which has traveled up the ureters to the kidneys. TREATMENT
Also see "Nephritis2." ENCOURAGEMENTThe love of Jesus is an active principle, uniting heart with heart in bonds of Christian fellowship. Everyone who enters heaven will, on earth, have been perfected in love. NEPHRITIS2 (Kidney Infection) (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)KIDNEY INFECTION (ACUTE) RELIEVE CONGESTION OF KlDNEYSCongest the skin by means of the Hot Trunk Pack, Hot Blanket Pack, or Hot Full Bath continued to perspiration, followed by Friction, avoiding deep massage procedures. Rubbing until vigorous perspiration is induced. Maintain active cutaneous circulation; Fomentation to loins for 30 minutes every 3-4 hours; Heating Compress over lower back during the interval between. ENCOURAGE KIDNEY ACTIVITYIce Bag over lower third of sternum, Hot Enema, hot water drinking, Prolonged Neutral Bath. ENCOURAGE ELIMINATION OF TOXINSHot or Cold Enema twice daily, Prolonged Hot Blanket Pack, Sweating Wet Sheet Pack, Radiant Heat Bath, Steam Bath, copious water drinking. NAUSEAHot and Cold Compress over stomach, Ice Bag over stomach, and sipping very hot water. DIETFruit juice, fruit purees, and buttermilk. CARDIAC WEAKNESSIce Bag over heart for 15 minutes, every 2 hours; Cold Mitten Friction; cold Towel Rub, 2-3 times daily. CONTRAINDICATIONSAvoid prolonged general cold applications, Cold Douche, and Cold Pail Pour. GENERAL METHODAbsolute rest in bed; maintaining a warm and active skin, even to the extent of perspiration; an aseptic, liquid dietary, to encourage free diuresis; copious water drinking. KIDNEY INFECTION (CHRONIC) GENERALAseptic dietary, especially avoiding meats and condiments, and buttermilk diet or exclusive fruit diet during acute attack. Strictly avoid tea, coffee, tobacco, and alcoholic liquors. MAINTAIN ACTIVITY OF THE SKINby warm woolen clothing, Friction given dry and applied daily; Cold Mitten Friction, followed by dry friction; oil rubbing; carefully graduated cold applications (Tonic Frictions); Radiant Heat Bath, followed by cold Towel Rub; A sweating bath twice a week at bedtime, followed by Cold Mitten Friction. ACUTE EXACERBATIONApply treatment recommended for Bright's Disease, Acute. DROPSYShort Radiant Heat Bath, followed by Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub and water drinking, 1-2 pints twice daily. CONTRAINDICATIONSAvoid Cold Full Baths; prolonged Cold Douche, frequently repeated, or prolonged Hot Baths. GENERAL METHODThe essential features are a carefully regulated regimen adapted to his condition. This would include warm clothing; avoidance of chill; frequent Neutral Baths; very gentle tonic measures; copious water drinking; perfect digestion and bowel action; an aseptic dietary; out-of-door life; avoidance of exposure to cold and excesses of every description, especially sexual and dietetic excesses. Also see "Nephritis1." BRIGHT'S DISEASESYMPTOMSFever, chills, urgency and frequency of urination, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. The urine is cloudy from pus, and often bloody. Pain may be intense and sudden in the lower back, just above the waist, and running down the groin. An excessive amount of blood protein in the urine is a marked symptom of Bright's disease. It is usually accompanied by hypertension and edema, which is retention of water in the tissues. CAUSESBright's disease involves a chronic inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis; which see), but it is unique in the following respect: The kidneys cannot properly excrete salt and other wastes. The result is that salt and various wastes are stored by the blood in tissues throughout the body. This produces tissue swellings, edema, and high blood pressure. Blood and protein are also in the urine in excessive amounts. Gradually the blood itself becomes contaminated with these waste produces, and uremia (uremic poisoning) is the result. Consuming alcohol, tea, coffee, and spices are excellent ways to ruin your kidneys. Do not use aluminum cooking ware. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTYou do not know how much good you can do by always wearing a cheerful, sunny face and watching for opportunities to help others. You may not always be appreciated, but God understands, and your work will be rewarded. ShelterRock PO Box 300 Altamont, TN 37301 |