BLADDER PROBLEMSHYDROHere are several hydrotherapy applications found in the author's book, Water Therapy Manual (see order sheet): Bladder atony: Ascending Douche. This is a jet or spray directed upward, in this case, against the perineum (p. 159). Abdominal Douche (a spray to the front of the abdomen only (p. 165). Bladder inflammation: Copious water drinking. Revulsive Sitz Bath, twice a day; Hot Leg Packs, followed by dry heat (Radiant Heat Bath) to legs; Neutral Bath 20-40 minutes, 2-3 times a week; Prolonged Neutral Sitz Bath; Cold Mitten Friction; Cold Towel Rub; Fomentation over bladder, Hot Enema; Hot Pelvic Pack; Aseptic Dietary (p. 180). Irritable bladder: When inflammation is not present, give a Very Hot Sitz Bath for 5 minutes, followed by Neutral Sitz Bath for 10-20 minutes. Hot pack to pelvis, Heating Compress over perineum and genitals, Revulsive Sitz, and Hot Colonic (p. 180). Bladder insufficiency: Spinal (Dorsal) Douche. This is a hand-held hosing of water to the dorsal (upper and central) part of the spine. The stream should be allowed to play rapidly up and down, extending 3-4 inches on either side of the spine. Give tepid water for irritability of the bladder (when of spinal origin). Give a Cold Spinal Douche for motor insufficiency of the bladder, resulting in urinary incontinence or retention (p. 160). Bladder paresis (paralysis): Daily colonic. Cold Plantar Douche, that is, to bottom of feet (p. 219). Bladder retention: Lumbar Revulsive Douche. This spray should be hot, and then very brief cold, and will help alleviate urinary retention, due to spasm in the neck of the bladder (p. 161). ENCOURAGEMENTAs we cherish and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit to obey God and help others, our hearts are enlarged to receive more and more of His power and to do more and better work. As we seek to help others, the angels work with us. CYSTITIS1 (Bladder and Urinary Tract Infection)SYMPTOMSPain in the lower abdomen and back; frequent, urgent, and painful urination. Urine often has a strong, unpleasant odor and may appear cloudy (from pus). A desire to urinate even after the bladder has been emptied. Children with this condition may experience a painful burning sensation when urinating. CAUSESCystitis is an infection of the urinary bladder. It is the most frequent bacterial infection in women. About 10-15% of them have recurrent bladder infections. The cause is generally bacteria which have ascended up from the urinary opening, but, less frequently, from infected urine sent down from the kidneys. The usual cause is ascended bacteria, and cystitis most often occurs in females. The urinary outlet of the urethra is close to the vagina. Ways to avoid cross infection between the two are given in the concluding paragraph of this article. Frequency, urgency, and burning urine are obvious symptoms of cystitis, but a home test can be also be done: Purchase "Dipstick" at a pharmacy and follow directions. A positive nitrate test will reveal the presence of a large quantity of white blood cells, indicating infection in the urinary tract. Women who frequently have bladder infections often have enlarged bladders from having tried to retain their urine. In order to maintain good urinary tract health, it is important to drink water and urinate frequently. In older men, the cause of the bladder problem might be kidney stones (which see). Blood in the urine could indicate a more serious problem. Consult a physician. (Also see "Hematuria"). Bladder infection in men may signal prostate trouble. Cyclamate (an artificial sweetener found in synthetic sugar) causes bladder tumors. TREATMENT
See "Cystitis2." ENCOURAGEMENTChrist was lifted upon the cross of Calvary, to draw all men unto Himself. What shall we do then with Jesus? Shall we accept Him or reject Him? But more: How shall we treat His purchased possessions, those around us? Will we do all we can to help them? CYSTITIS2; and Irritable Bladder (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)INFLAMMATIONCopious water drinking; Revulsive Sitz Bath, twice a day; Hot Leg Packs followed by dry heat (Radiant Heat bath) to legs; Neutral Bath for 20-40 minutes, 2-3 times a week; prolonged Neutral Sitz Bath; Cold Mitten Friction; Cold Towel Rub; Fomentation over bladder; Hot Enema; Hot Pelvic Pack; Aseptic Dietary. IRRITABLE BLADDERWith inflammation not present: Very Hot Sitz Bath for 5 minutes, followed by Neutral Sitz Bath for 10-20 minutes. Hot Pack to pelvis, Heating Compress over perineum and genitals, Revulsive Sitz, Hot Colonic. CONTRAINDICATIONSDo not apply Cold Sitz Bath, Cold Full Bath, Cold Douche, or Cold FootBath. See "Cystitis1." EDEMA (Dropsy)SYMPTOMSSwelling of the hands, ankles, feet, face, abdomen, or other areas of the body. Swelling is most often seen in the hands, in the feet, or around the eyes. The bloating or swelling causes muscle aches and pains. CAUSESEdema is a fluid accumulation in the body. It can be caused by poor kidney function, chronic kidney disease, congestive heart disease, varicose veins, phlebitis, protein or thiamine deficiency, sodium retention, or cancer. Other causal factors include pregnancy, standing for long periods of time; premenstrual tension; the use of oral contraceptives; a confining injury, such as a sprain, allergic reactions, or a bee sting. When the skin indents, forming little pits, when the skin of the feet or ankles is pressed by a finger, the situation is worsening. Contact a physician. Fluid retention is sometimes caused by a food allergy. Hypothyroidism, anemia, adrenal malfunction, constipation, and lack of exercise can be causal factors, along with deficiencies of potassium, vitamin B complex, or vitamins B1, B3, or B6. As soon as edema is found to exist, it is well to obtain a clear diagnosis. Once congestive heart disease, kidney disease, or liver disease are ruled out, more subtle causes can be dealt with more easily. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTEvery soul is precious, because it has been purchased by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Do all you can to be a help to others in your home and community. Everywhere are souls needing our help. Pathlights PO Box 300 Altamont, TN 37301 |