Section 10

Part 2


SYMPTOMS—Body stiffness and pain in joints, especially during damp weather, in the morning, or after strenuous activity. There may be a sharp burning or grinding pain or it may feel like a toothache. There may be stiffness and/or pain when moving a joint.

CAUSES—Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints. The word, "arthritis," covers a number of disorders, some of which are covered in this present article, which deals the most completely with the problem.

The most common forms are osteoarthritis (this article), rheumatoid arthritis (which see), gout (which see), and ankylosing spondylitis (which see). Other diseases which also infect the joints include lupus, Lyme disease (which see), psoriatic arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome (which see), and Reiter's syndrome.

The various types of arthritis affect the synovial (movable) joints, which are the fingers, toes, wrists, elbows, hips, and knees. There are also joints between the bones of the spine. Each joint has cartilage covering over the end of the bone and is bathed continually in synovial fluid, in a capsule.

Osteoarthritis: Cartilage is a smooth, soft, pearly tissue. Among other places, it is found on the ends of the long bones, and provides a smooth surface for the bones in the joints to slide against.

As a result of years of wear and improper diet, this cartilage becomes pitted, thin, and may even disappear. There is pain and stiffness. Older people experience this most often, and it generally occurs in the weight-bearing joints (hips and knees).

The connecting ligaments and muscles, which hold the joint together, become weaker. The joint may become deformed. There may be pain, but usually no swelling. Later, bony outgrowths may develop.

Osteoarthritis rarely occurs before 40, but affects most people after 60. Sometimes it is so mild as to be unnoticed. Women have it three times as often as men.

For information on rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, and gout, see their respective articles.

Here is a brief comparative overview:

In osteoarthritis, the cartilage at the end of bones wears down and produces rough, hard, edges of bone which cause trouble. This generally begins after 40, and 16 million in the U.S. have it.

In rheumatoid arthritis (which see), the cartilage at the end of bones is destroyed, and is replaced with scar tissue. Then swelling occurs, and the joints may eventually fuse together. While osteoarthritis only affects individual joints, rheumatoid arthritis ultimately affects all synovial joints in a person's body. This problem usually begins between 25 and 50, and 3 million in the U.S. are afflicted with it.

Gout (which see) produces extreme pain, usually starting in a big toe (or other smaller toe or finger joint). This generally does not begin until 40 or after, and 1.5 million experience it. Over 90% are men.

The spondyloarthropathies affect the spine, causing pain, stiffness, joint fusion, and changes in posture. The most common is ankylosing spondylitis (which see). These difficulties generally start between 20 and 40, and afflict a total of 2.5 million. Men have it over twice often.

Infectious arthritis is the result of viral, bacterial, or fungal infection within a joint (most frequently bacteria or fungi, especially from candida [which see]). The infection can come from injury, surgery, or disease. There are body aches, chills, and fever, along with throbbing pain in the affected joint. The pain and infection may spread to other joints. It may strike at any age, and 100,000 in the U.S. have it.

The following suggestions will help one deal with a variety of arthritic conditions:


• Arthritis is the result of a complex of nutritional deficiencies.

• A dietary calcium/phosphorous ratio of 2:1 is ideal, yet can only be attained by taking calcium supplements (see "Bones, Strengthening"). Meat is especially bad; it has a ratio of 1:12 (organ meats, such as liver and kidney) is 1:44. So the more meat you eat, the more calcium you need. It is as simple as that.

• In addition, there is all the acid purines and uric acid in meat. Eventually this hodgepodge of acids collects in the joints, to such a degree that the bone is eaten away, the bursa becomes inflamed, etc.

• The sulfur-containing foods (asparagus, eggs, garlic, and onions) helps repair bone, cartilage, and connective tissue, and aids in the absorption of calcium.

• Eat green leafy vegetables, whole grains, oatmeal, and brown rice. These supply vitamin K,

• Eat fresh pineapple frequently. The bromelain in it is good for reducing inflammation. It must be fresh, since freezing or canning destroys the enzyme.

• The most beneficial vegetables include celery, parsley, potatoes, alfalfa, wheat grass, garlic, comfrey, and endive.

• The most beneficial fruits include bananas, pineapples, sour apples, and sour cherries.

• Foods containing the amino acid, histidine, include wheat, rye, and rice. Histidine helps remove metals, and many arthritics have high levels of copper and iron in their bodies.

• Eat some form of fiber, such as oat bran, rice bran, flaxseed, etc.

• Vegetable juice therapy is especially helpful for arthritics, and especially for those with rheumatoid arthritis.

• Repeated juice fasts of 4-6 weeks are recommended, along with about 2 months of an extremely nourishing diet. The alkaline action of raw juices and vegetable broth dissolves the accumulation of deposits around the joints and in other tissues.

• Green juice, mixed with carrot, celery, red beet juice, and vegetable broths daily, are specifics for arthritis and other rheumatic diseases.

• Drink raw potato juice. Slice a potato, with the skin on, cut it into thin slices and place in a large glass. Fill the glass with cold water and let it stand overnight. Drink the water the next morning on an empty stomach.

• Potato juice can also be made in an electric juicer. Make it fresh, dilute it 50-50 with water, and drink first thing in the morning.

• Milk, wheat, eggs, corn, and pork have been shown to produce arthritic symptoms.

• Vitamin C is necessary, to prevent the capillary walls in the joints from breaking down and causing bleeding, swelling, and pain. Vitamin C is vital to joint health.

• Folic acid, vitamin B12, and iron in food help treat the anemia which frequently accompanies arthritis.

• A British research study revealed that arthritic patients had a low pantothenic acid level in their blood. This important B vitamin should be included in the diet.

• Take 6-8 bromelain tablets a day or, better yet, eat part of a fresh pineapple each day. This helps reduce or eliminate swelling and inflammation in the soft tissues and the joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis.

• Helpful herbs include black cohosh, parsley, slippery elm, alfalfa, peppermint, buckthorn bark, ragwort, burdock root, and chaparral.

• To summarize part of this nutritional data, treatment of arthritis should include calcium (2000 mg per day; assuming no meat is eaten); vitamin C, to bowel tolerance; B6 (100 mg, twice a day); B3 (450 mg, twice a day); vitamin E (1000 IU daily); copper (2mg per day); selenium (300 mcg per day); and zinc (50 mg, three times a day).

• DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is by-product of the wood industry. It can be applied to the skin above the affected area—to relieve pain, reduce swelling, and promote healing. Only obtain it from a health food store.

• Reduce the amount of fat in your diet. Avoid dairy products and fatty foods.

• Do not eat meat. The purines and uric acid in it inflame arthritic conditions.

• Avoid salt, caffeine, tobacco, paprika, and citrus fruits.

• Do not eat anything with added sugar.

• A high-protein diet induced arthritis in research on pigs. The first symptoms occurred within a week.

• Some arthritics are sensitive to foods in the nightshade (solanaceous) family. This includes eggplant, white potato, bell pepper, tomato, and tobacco. They have solanine, which interferes with muscle activity. In one research study, 85% of arthritics were benefited when they stopped using those foods. These foods are sometimes included in other foods as "natural ingredients."

• Chocolate, tea, coffee, and cortisone injections may also cause problems.

• Do not use iron supplements or vitamin/mineral supplements that contain iron. Get your iron from food (blackstrap molasses, broccoli, etc.)

• Take a free-form amino acid complex regularly, to help repair tissue damage.

• Arthritic patients frequently have liver disorders. This can deter the conversion of carotene into vitamin A. So additional carotene-rich foods should be eaten.

• Kombucha tea has nutrients needed to strengthen connective tissue; so it tends to relieve pain, increase energy, and improve mobility in arthritics.

• Exercise is very important in both preventing and treating arthritis. Joints which are not used tend to stiffen. Practice bending all your joints (not merely the affected ones) in different positions, 5-10 times twice a day.

• If you are unable to exercise your joints because the pain is too great, carry out an exercise program in a tub of warm water (93o-98o F.).

• Good posture is also important. Poor posture does not distribute weight evenly and can intensify the problem.

• Sleeping in a sleeping bag often reduces stiffness and pain in the morning. An electric blanket may also help. Keeping the body evenly warm at night is important.

• If the blood is too acidic, the cartilage in the joints can dissolve.

• Place cold gel packs on inflamed joints, to relieve pain. Alternate with applications of heat.

• Charcoal poultices may be applied to affected joints.

• Hot packs applied to stiff joints tend to decrease morning stiffness.

• Hot tubs and baths also provide relief.

• In the morning, take a hot shower, to help relieve morning stiffness.

• Hot castor oil packs are very useful. Heat castor oil in a pan, but do not boil it. Dip white cotton cloth into it, till saturated. Apply it to the affected area, and cover with a piece of plastic which is larger than the cloth. Place a heating pad over the area and keep it warm for 1½ to 2 hours.

• An arthritis liniment may be made in this way: Mix 1 pint alcohol, 1/4 ounce menthol, and ½ ounce camphor. Rub it on the affected joints, twice a day.

• A 50-50 mix of mineral oil and alcohol is another formula. You can add a tbsp. of wintergreen oil to the mixture, if you wish.

• The following poultice has been used with good results on swollen joints: Take 3 tbsp. of granulated slippery elm bark, 1 tbsp. of lobelia, 2 tbsp. of mullein, 1 spoonful of cayenne, and mix in a bowl. Add hot water to make a paste. Spread it on a cloth and cover the swollen joints. Over it, wrap a plastic sheet and then a dry towel. Leave it on for ½ to 1 hour or less, if burning sensation becomes unbearable.

• Mix eucalyptus oil with water, and rub on the affected area. Wrap the joint in plastic wrap, and apply moist heat with hot towels.

• Reduce stress in your life. Worry, anger, and similar emotions weakens your body and helps induce arthritic problems.

Chlamydia (which see) has been linked to a form of arthritis that affects young women. In one study, half the women with unexplained arthritis were found to have chlamydia.

• Overweight increases strain on the joints. Arthritics should try to keep their weight slightly below average.

• Avoid immunizations. Various immunizations have brought on arthritis.

• Food allergies can cause neck and shoulder pain, imitative of arthritis.

• Silicone gel breast implants can cause arthritis-like symptoms, and induce lupus and scleroderma. Antibodies develop which attack collagen.

• In its early stages, ulcerative colitis (which see) can produce arthritic-like symptoms.

Lyme disease (which see) can appear to be arthritis.

Lupus (which see), an autoimmune disease, can produce arthritis-like symptoms.

—Also see "Arthritis—2," "Rheumatoid Arthritis—1," which contains additional material on Arthritis.

—Also see the author's book, Arthritis and Rheumatism (see order sheet), detailing the findings of 63 research studies on various arthritic and rheumatic conditions.

ENCOURAGEMENT—Think back over the past and recall to mind all the ways God has helped you through the years. Praise Him for what He has done, and continues to do for you. Stay close to Him and trust the future to Him. He will not fail you, even though you may not understand all the workings of providence.

ARTHRITIS—2; RHEUMATOID GOUT (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)

DIET AND LIFESTYLE—The diet must be specially nourishing and digestible. See "Emaciation." A warm, rather dry, and uniform climate is most desirable.

GENERAL MEASURES—Carefully graduated cold applications, preceded by very short hot applications; Fomentation to spine or the Radiant Heat Bath for 3-5 minutes and the sunbath, followed by Cold Mitten Friction are especially suitable; massage; Hot Abdominal Pack.

FEVER—Prolonged Neutral Bath at 920 F., Fomentation to spine followed by Cold Mitten Friction or Wet Towel Rub.

FREQUENT PULSE—Cold Compress or Ice Bag over heart for 15-20 minutes, 3 times a day.

PAIN IN JOINTS—Revulsive Compresses followed by cotton poultice; vapor bath to the area.

NEURALGIA OF HANDS—Hot Hand Bath followed by cotton poultice

RADIATING PAINS—Fomentation to spine, 3 times a day, with well-protected (plastic covered) Heating Compress during the interval between; Revulsive Compress to spine.

NUMBNESS AND TINGLING OF HANDS AND FEET—Fomentation to spine, Hot or Alternate Sponging of limbs, repeated 3 times a day.

MUSCULAR CRAMPS—Fomentation or hot immersion of affected parts, two or more times daily; during interval between, Hot Sponging; firm bandaging. Protect him from chills.

JOINT DEFORMITIES—For thickening of synovial membranes, or accumulation of fluid in joints or bursa, apply Alternate Douche; Alternate Compress. Apply, to joint, a dry flannel bandage or cotton poultice.

CAUTIONS—To painful joints, avoid cold douches, long sweating processes, and prolonged general applications.

METHOD—Improve the general health by using general tonic measures, especially using carefully Graduated Cold Baths and massage.

—Also see "Arthritis—1," "Gout—1."


SYMPTOMS—Vague pain, stiffness, weight loss, numbness, and tingling of the hands and feet may precede its onset.

Swelling, stiffness, redness, and often crippling pain in joints, which eventually may fuse together. There is fatigue, anemia, weight loss, and fever.

Affected joints sound like crinkling cellophane. In contrast, osteoarthritis joints sound like popping, clicking, or banging. Joints of the hands, elbows, knees, and ankles are most commonly involved.

Upon awakening in the morning, there may be a joint stiffness which lasts an hour or longer. Swelling will occur in a specific finger or wrist joints, and also around the joints. Pain may, or may not, be present.

The condition can worsen or remain the same for years, and later worsen again.

CAUSES—Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory arthritis. It is an autoimmune disorder. So many acids, purines, etc., have collected in the joints; and the calcium supply has been so low for so long, that the body gets mixed up—and begins attacking the synovial membranes in the joints. Cartilage, nearby tissues, and even the bone surfaces are destroyed.

This damaged area is then replaced with scar tissue, which tends to fuse together the joints—making them immovable.

Oddly enough, this form of arthritis most commonly occurs between the ages of 35 and 45, but may occur at any age. It also occurs even in children. Two-thirds of the 3 million Americans who have RA are women. Among those under 18, 70,000 have it, most of them girls.

Causes include poor nutrition, bacterial infection, and/or physical or emotional stress. Stress seems to be the active agent which initially brings it on. Exposure, overwork, or acute infections can also do it.

Unlike osteoarthritis (which see), which only affects joints here or there, RA affects all the synovial joints in the body.

In the first year after the disease appears, 75% improve without any treatment at all. Therefore natural treatments should help the situation even more. Keep in mind that 10% of those with RA become disfigured in one way or another. So this is a problem which is worth taking the time and effort to reduce or eliminate.

The likelihood of remission is greater early in the course of the disease. Each attack seems to be worse than those preceding it.


• It is important that you also read the article on "Arthritis." It contains much important information which also applies to rheumatoid arthritis.

• Take calcium, magnesium, selenium, copper, B6, histidine, and bromelain every day.

• Do not take iron supplements (such as ferrous sulfate, which is commonly given for anemia). These will intensify RA and arthritis.

• Fasting brings temporary relief to RA, but the pain, swelling, and stiffness tend to return a few days after the fast is ended. However, some recommend a longer vegetable juice and vegetable broth fast of two or more weeks as having more lasting effects.

• Food allergies can be involved. One study showed that 86% of a group of rheumatoid arthritics could trace the onset of their problem to allergies; most common were soy products, milk, eggs, coffee, and sugar foods. Try avoiding all those foods. (See "Arthritis" for other helpful and problem foods.)

• One research study noted that peoples who use large quantities of wheat, rye, and oats tend to have high rates of RA.

• People with RA were found to have lower blood levels of folic acid, protein, and zinc than other people.

• Lose weight, to reduce the strain on your joints.

• Stretch nylon gloves, worn at night, help keep the hands warm. Better yet, keep your arms and hands under the covers at night.

• Deep breathing exercises out-of-doors helps those with RA.

• Alternating hot and cold baths help. Give 6 minutes for the hot and 4 minutes for the cold, to increase blood flow to the area. The healing is in the blood.

• Aloe vera gel helps relieve pain.

—See "Arthritis" for much more information.

—Also see the author's book, Arthritis and Rheumatism (see order sheet), detailing the findings of 63 research studies on various arthritic and rheumatic conditions.

—Also see "Arthritis—1; Rheumatoid Gout."

ENCOURAGEMENT—By His life and His death, Christ proved that God's justice did not destroy His mercy; but that sin could be forgiven, that the law is righteous, and, with Christ's help, can be perfectly obeyed.


GENERAL—Absolute rest in bed. Abstinence from all solid food for a few days, allowing only ripe fruits, fruit juices, well-dextrinized (well-cooked) cereals, and malted foods. Avoid meats, animal broths, beef tea or extracts, eggs, oysters, cheese, and all foods rich in proteins.

COMBAT INFLAMMATORY PROCESS IN JOINTS—Secure active cutaneous circulation by Hot Blanket Pack and Sweating Wet Sheet Pack; hot Fomentations to the joints, followed by Heating Compress. Keep him sweating until acute pain ceases and temperature falls.

PREVENT EXTENSION OF THE DISEASE TO THE HEART, LUNGS, PLEURA, AND MENINGES—by promoting activity of the skin and kidneys, the building up the general vital resistance, and by carefully administered cold applications. The Hot Blanket Pack, Hot Enemas, Hot Trunk Pack, following each hot application by Cold Mitten Friction. Administered carefully to all portions of the body that are free from local inflammation.

ENCOURAGE ELIMINATION—The prolonged sweating bath - given by means of the Hot Blanket Pack - should be continued for several hours, and is a most valuable measure. He should not be taken out of the pack suddenly, but gradually; Cold Mitten Friction being applied to each part until good reaction occurs before uncovering another portion. After rubbing, the surface should be carefully protected by flannel blankets. Free water drinking and large Enema twice daily.

PAINS IN JOINTS—Hot Blanket Pack followed by dry wrapping (Dry Pack); Fomentation to joints, repeated every 2 hours; during the interval in between, a well-protected Heating Compress applied as soon as the Fomentation is removed. Smear joints with Vaseline daily.

FEVER—Hot Blanket Pack continued to full sweating, followed by a Sweating Wet Sheet Pack that is prolonged for several hours is the best means of lowering the temperature. When the temperature is very high, the Neutral Bath, at 920-950 F., may be employed. Ice Compress to head and neck. Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub may be given after the Sweating Wet Sheet Pack or the Hot Blanket Pack, 2-3 times daily.

PROFUSE PERSPIRATION—Do not check during the early stage; simply wipe him with a dry cloth. If the temperature is very high (1040-1050 F.), the Graduated Bath may be given; the temperature should not be lowered below 850 F. As the temperature is lowered, he should be rubbed with sufficient vigor, to prevent chill. The Cool Enema may also be used in connection with the Fomentation to the back. Be careful not to check perspiration suddenly, nor at all until acute symptoms (of pain, high temperature, etc.) subside.

DURING CONVALESCENCE—Encourage blood making by Graduated Cold Baths, especially Cold Mitten Friction.

HYPERPYREXIA (ELEVATION OF SYSTEMIC TEMPERATURE ABOVE 1040-1060 F.)—(1) Prevent it by Ice Cap, Cold Mitten Friction at 500-400 F., or Cold Towel Rub at 600-500 F., 2-3 times a day, when temperature rises above 101.50 F. May precede cold application by very Hot Sponging. (2) Combat it when temperature rises above 101.50 F. by Cold Mitten Friction at 600 F., given every 2 hours and continuing until temperature falls to 1010 F. Continue application to each part until reddened, so as to prevent retrostasis. Graduated Baths (1020-850 F.) may be resorted to in obstinate cases, also the Cool Enema. In all cases apply Ice Cap and Ice Collar, to offset cerebral congestion and coma.

ENDOCARDITIS, PERICARDITIS (INFECTION OF HEART MEMBRANES)—The hot Fomentation (and it should not be very hot) should be applied over the heart for half a minute at intervals of 1 hour. This should be followed by the Ice bag or Cold Compress above the heart.

CEREBRAL RHEUMATISM—Ice to head; Prolonged Neutral Baths at 920 F.; Colonics at 800 F., 3 times a day; ice to head and neck; Cooling Wet Sheet Pack; Sweating Wet Sheet Pack, repeating 2-3 times a day.

TO PREVENT PERMANENT DAMAGE OF JOINTSSimple flexions (movements) of the joints as soon as the fever de- clines; short applications of Alternate Compress or Alternate Douche, 2-3 times daily, after convalescence begins, with a well-protected Heating Compress during the interval in between.

ARTICULAR AFFUSIONS—Alternate Compress or Alternate Douche 3 times a day, well-protected Heating Compress during the interval in between; massage; bandaging.

NODOSITIES—Revulsive Douche or Fomentations, 3 times a day; Heating Compress during interval in between until tenderness is removed; then Alternate Douche, 3 times a day, followed by well-protected Heating Compress; massage.

ARTHRITIS AND PHLEBITIS—Fomentation over affected part every 2-3 hours for 20 minutes; Heating Compress during interval in between, wrung very dry and protected with plastic covering.

NEURALGIA—Revulsive Compress, followed by dry cotton poultice; renew every hour or two.

NEURITIS—Complete rest of part; Fomentation every 2-3 hours, followed by well-protected Heating Compress.

TACHYCARDIA (RAPID HEART BEAT)—Cold Compress over heart for 15 minutes every hour; avoid hot food and drinks; Ice Bag over heart during hot applications to joints and other parts.

DIARRHEA—Neutral Enema at 950 F., after each bowel movement; cold Abdominal Compress at 600 F., during intervals in between, changed every hour.

GASTRALGIA—Hot and Cold Compress over stomach, heat to area above stomach, cold to spine. Hot water drinking; dry diet of well-dextrinized (well-cooked) cereals.

PERIOSTATIS and OSTEITIS—Very hot Fomentations for 15 minutes every 2 hours, Heating Compress during intervals in between, well-wrung and well-protected with flannel and plastic. If suppuration (pussing) occurs, open it with a knife.

URTICARIA—Sponging with very hot water; Hot salt or alkaline Sponge; Prolonged Neutral Bath.

CONTRAINDICATIONS—Avoid Cold Full Baths and Cold Douche.

GENERAL METHOD—Aid the elimination of acids by promoting activity of the skin. This is also the best means of relieving the articular pains. He should be drenched with water through both the stomach and rectum, to encourage profuse perspiration and prevent undue increase in the specific gravity of the blood. Tonic and fever-lowering measures must be used with great care, and so managed as to avoid retrostasis (a retrograding of his condition). Chilling him will increase the pain. The cold rubbings (frictions), applied to maintain general vital resistance, must be accompanied by hot applications to the joints, and, if necessary, more extensive hot applications to the spine or legs, to prevent chilling of the surface. Those hydrotherapy measures are the most efficient which aid heat elimination by dilating the surface vessels rather than by lowering the temperature of the skin.


NUTRITION—A nourishing dietary excluding meats; avoid fruits and vegetables at the same meal, all indigestible foods and dishes, tea, coffee, condiments, and excess of salts. Carefully Graduated Cold Full Baths daily.

INCREASE GENERAL VITAL RESISTANCE—This is the most important indication in this disease, as in malarial infection, in acute rheumatism, and other infectious diseases. Short sweating procedures of any sort (Full Hot Baths, Steam Baths, etc.), followed by short and graduated cold applications, are the most important general measures.

SWELLING OF JOINTS—Fomentation 3 times a day; and, during the intervals in between, apply Heating Compress wrung dry and well-protected by plastic; derivative measures.

PAIN—Revulsive Fan Douche, other pain-relieving measures.

STIFFNESS OF JOINTS—Fomentation 3 times a day, well-protected Heating Compress during intervals in-between; Alternate Articular Douche [alternate hot and cold spray to afflicted joints]; massage of joints and muscles; Prolonged Neutral Bath.

DRY SKIN—Sweating Wet Sheet Pack, oil rubbing on skin, Cold Mitten Friction, Cold Towel Rub, Wet Sheet Rub, Steam Bath, hot-air bath, electric-light bath [heating from electric lights or electric heater], sunbath.

CONTRAINDICATIONS—Do not give very Cold Baths, especially Cold Full Baths.

CHRONIC RHEUMATISM (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)

RHEUMATISM (CHRONIC) GENERAL CARE—The same as for "Rheumatism, Acute," except that the local applications are made to the muscles instead of to the joints. Sweating baths, especially the Radiant Heat Bath and the Steam Bath; long Neutral Baths; Fomentation over painful parts, followed by the well-protected Heating Compress; water drinking; aseptic diet.


SYMPTOMS—Sudden attack, often in the middle of the night, of extreme pain and swelling of a joint in the fingers or toes (usually the big toe). But it can affect the ankles, knees, hands, elbows, and wrists. Motion or pressure greatly increases the pain. After the swelling subsides, the skin tends to itch and peel.

During attacks, there often is loss of appetite, stomach and intestinal problems, fever, and decreased urine output.

CAUSES—Gout is an acute type of inflammatory arthritis, and occurs most often in people who are overweight or eat rich foods, such as meat, gravies, spices, and alcohol.

The body cannot handle all the purines and other acids in the meat, and so these products settle in the body. Uric acid is the end-product of the breakdown of purine compounds.

Gout typically attacks the smaller joints of the feet and hands, especially the big toe. Uric acid salts crystallize in the joint, and produce swelling, redness, and a sensation of heat and extreme pain.

Unlike most forms of arthritis, gout affects men in 90% of the cases. It generally does not begin until after 35 years of age; peak age of onset is 45. Women who have it are generally post-menopausal.


• Diet changes, water drinking, and weight control are all very important.

• The amount of urates in the blood is keyed to dietary intake and the amount of body weight. Many in middle life who initially experience the pain of gout are overweight.

• Those with gout need to reduce to 10-15% below calculated normal weight. However, weight reduction must be done gradually, so as not to stir up more urates and temporarily increase the number of gout attacks.

• Do not fast when you have gout. Doing so greatly increases the amount of uric acids in the blood.

• Drink at least 2 quarts of water a day between gout attacks, not only to get rid of the uric acid, but also to reduce the likelihood of kidney damage and kidney stones. Those with gout tend to have kidney stones.

• A high-carbohydrate diet tends to increase uric acid excretion. In contrast, a high-fat diet decreases excretion and may bring on a gout attack (even though they may be unsaturated fats). Keep your diet low in protein and fat.

• A vegetarian diet is the best program for a person with gout.

• Avoid excessive food yeast.

• Eating cherries is very helpful. The uric acid level in the blood decreases and the attacks tend to stop. They can be any type of cherries, and either fresh or canned (½ pound per day). One or two tbsp. of cherry concentrate can be taken instead. If canned cherries are used, only use water-packed ones; most have too much sugar and additives.

• Overeating tends toward gout.

Here are foods high in purines: liver, brains, kidneys, heart, anchovies, sardines, meat extract, fish roes, herring, consommé, mussels, and sweet breads.

• Here are foods of lesser purine content: fowl, fish (except those listed above), other seafoods, and other meats.

• Here are foods of moderate amounts: whole-grain cereals, lentils, peas, beans, asparagus, mushrooms, oatmeal, cauliflower, and spinach.

• Here are the foods which have only small amounts of purines; foods containing negligible amounts of purines: vegetables, fruits, refined cereals, cereal products, eggs, milk, cheese.

• There are cases in which drinking large amounts of milk or eating lots of tomatoes produced gout.

• Do not take any alcoholic beverage. Alcohol increases uric acid production and reduces excretion of urates.

• Direct injury to a joint, tending toward gout, can bring on an acute attack.

• It is known that the skin can excrete uric acid, so baths will help.

• During acute attacks, keep the affected joint elevated and at rest.

• Hot fomentations for 15 minutes every 3 hours, to help relieve pain. But, to reduce pain, some do better using cold applications.

• Mud packs, applied to the affected area, will absorb a fair amount of the uric acid.

• Charcoal is very helpful. Take it by mouth (12-16 tablets daily), and also lay charcoal packs on the area.

• A compress of comfrey root or leaves, blended with water, helps relieve gout pain. Apply for two hours or more, or overnight.

• Burdock will help clean uric acid deposits from the joints and other areas. Kelp, red clover, and yucca help eliminate uric acid and other toxins.

• Colchicine is the primary drug medication for gout. But it causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramping, hair loss, anemia, liver damage, and decreased leukocytes and platelets. Natural remedies can do the job better.

• A number of drugs increase uric acid levels, so it is best to avoid drugs. Diuretic drugs are especially bad.

—See "Arthritis" for much more information.

—Also see the author's book, Arthritis and Rheumatism (see order sheet), detailing the findings of 63 research studies on various arthritic and rheumatic conditions.

—Also see "Gout—2," "Arthritis—1" and "Rheumatoid Gout."

ENCOURAGEMENT—Could the curtain be rolled back, you would see the entire universe intently watching what is occurring on earth. During these few years of your earthly probation, you can choose to stand resolutely for God. He will help you do this.

GOUT—2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)

DIET AND LIFESTYLE—Avoid meats, tea, coffee, tobacco, sometimes even milk and eggs; take daily sufficient exercise in the open air to cause perspiration, followed by short Cool Full Bath for cooling purposes. Diet would include fruits, well-cooked cereals, and nuts.

ENCOURAGE TISSUE CHANGE, ESPECIALLY OXIDATION OF PROTEIN WASTES—Prolonged Sweating Baths: Steam Bath; Radiant Heat Bath; Sweating Wet Sheet Pack; Dry Pack; Hot Blanket Pack, followed by daily Graduated Cold Bath, carefully given and nicely graduated; out-of-door life.

MAINTAIN NORMAL ALKALINITY OF THE BLOOD—Tonic graduated cold applications, free use of fruits; avoid flesh foods, tea, coffee, and alcohol.

- See the following two sections for care of the acute and chronic forms of Gout.


HEADACHE—Water drinking; Enema; Hot and Cold Head Compress, with Hot Footbath or Hot Leg Bath.

MIGRAINE—Revulsive Compress to the area, where the pain is located; Hot Leg Bath or Hot Foot Bath; Enema; Hot Enema; Fomentation over stomach; Fomentation over spine; Alternate Compress over spine.

HEMORRHOIDS—If inflamed, hot Fomentations to relieve pain, followed by Cold Compress to anal region and buttocks; Cool Enema.

PRURITUS ANI—Very Hot Anal Douche.

PAIN AND SWELLING OF JOINTS—Elevate limb; Cooling Compress, change as soon as warm.

FEVER—Hot Blanket Pack, followed by Prolonged Neutral Bath.

SCANTY URINE—Water drinking (distilled water); Enema, twice daily.

RETROCEDENT GOUT—For coma or delirium, cold to head and neck; large Enema. Hot Blanket Pack; Hot Full Bath.

CARDIAC COMPLICATIONS, SYNCOPE—Hot Enema; Alternate Compress to spine.

GASTRO-INTESTINAL DISTURBANCE BY RETROCESSION—Fomentation over stomach; Hot Trunk Pack; Hot Full Bath or Hot Blanket Pack, with Heating Compress during the interval between.

CONTRAINDICATIONS—Avoid cold baths of any kind, and avoid immersion of affected parts in cold water.

- Also see preceding and next sections.


GENERAL MEASURES—Use the general measures given in the two sections, just above.

INCREASE CIRCULATION in affected parts by hot Fomentations, followed by Dry cotton Pack or Heating Compress; massage, at first derivative only (applied elsewhere to draw blood away from afflicted part) and later to the joint itself.

CONSTIPATION—Relaxing diet; Hot Abdominal Pack; cold water drinking; abdominal massage.

HEPATIC CONGESTION—Revulsive Compress over the liver every 3 hours; Heating Compress to it during the interval between.

GRAVEL—Copious water drinking and large Enema daily. (Also see "Lithema, Uric Acid Diathesis.")

MELANCHOLY—Vigorous Sweating Baths, followed by short Cold Douche given with percussion to spine.

ASTHMA—Revulsive Douche to legs; large Enema; Prolonged Neutral Bath; Fomentation to chest followed by the Chest Pack.

ANGINA PECTORIS—Fomentation over heart for 1 minute followed by Cool Compress for 10 minutes, repeat; Hot Footbath or Hot Leg Pack; Ice Bag to spine; rest in bed; keep extremities very warm.

GENERAL METHODS—The general methods to be pursued in this disease are essentially the same as those applicable in the Uric Acid Diathesis or Lithemia section.

- If any of the following related problems exist, look them up under their respective headings: Bronchitis, Epilepsy.

—Also see "Gout—1."


SYMPTOMS—Swelling, tenderness, and possible redness. A dull persistent ache that increases with movement. Immense pain in the affected area, which frequently limits motion.

It most often occurs in shoulder joint and less often in the hip joint, in the elbows, or feet.

CAUSES—Bursitis is the inflammation of the liquid-filled sac, called a bursa, found within joints, muscles, tendons, and bones. These sacs normally help muscular movement occur.

Overstimulation of the bursa causes the synovial membrane to produce excess fluid. This distends the bursa, which causes the discomfort.

Injury to the area is a common cause, but chilling of the area during the day, especially at night can also lead to it. Bursitis can also be caused by chronic overuse, calcium deposits in the bursa wall, reactions to certain foods or airborne allergies. In some instances, suddenly working tight muscles can do it; it is called a stretched muscle.

According to where it is centered, bursitis has many names: housemaid's knee, tennis elbow, policeman's heel, frozen shoulder, or beat knee.

The lowly bunion (caused by friction in tight shoes) is also a form of bursitis. A bursa sac on the joint of the big toe becomes inflamed.

Athletes and older people are most likely to get bursitis, but it can happen to anyone at any age.

What is the difference between bursitis and tendonitis (which see)? Both produce pain in the shoulder, etc.

Bursitis generally exhibits a dull persistent ache that increases with movement. Tendonitis causes a sharp pain during movement, and is most likely to be caused to over-reaching for something. But it can also be caused by calcium deposits pressing against a tendon. There is no swelling and fluid accumulation, as with bursitis. See "Tendonitis" for more on that problem.


• Initially give ice applications. Apply an ice pack for 30 minutes every 2-3 hours.

• As pain decreases, hot applications can be given. Heat should be applied for 45-60 minutes at a time. It should be as intense as can be tolerated. Hot castor oil packs are useful (see "Arthritis" for information on how to prepare them).

• Sometimes 10 minutes of hot, followed by 10 minutes of cold, applications seems to work best.

• Follow this with range of motion exercises at least once a day.

• Do not become chilled.

• Keep exercising, so joints will not lock up.

• Do not push yourself too hard or too long during the day. If you are in pain, stop.

• Sometimes rest and immobilization of the joint is needed for a time.

• Vitamin E is beneficial in the treatment of bursitis. The need for protein and vitamins A and C increases during infection. Vitamin B12 is also helpful.

• DMSO from a health food store will help. Apply it to the skin of the affected area.

ENCOURAGEMENT—The Lord has not changed. He is true, merciful, and faithful to fulfill His Word. Determine that you will stand with Him in the battles of life. He is the best friend you will ever have, and deserves your love and obedience.

ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS (Rheumatoid Spondylitis, Marie-Strumpell Disease)

SYMPTOMS—Weight loss, fatigue, malaise, low back pain, sacroiliac pain, back leg pain, stiffness in the back (especially early in the morning), aching and stiffness in the hips and shoulders.

CAUSES—This is an autoimmune disorder. So many poisons have accumulated in the body from wrong eating, overwork, and stress that the immune system attacks the tissues lining the joints.

Uric acid toxins, a by-product of eating meat, accumulate in the joints. They form crystals, which result in inflammation and pain.

For some reason, tension and stress help bring on the pain and stiffness.

Malnutrition can also be involved. When proper nutrients are lacking, toxins tend to accumulate in the body. A lack of minerals (especially calcium, magnesium, and silicon) can strengthen the problem.


• Eliminate meat from the diet. Reduce the tensions; eliminate the anger, worry, and feverish way of life.

• Go on a 3-day fast of vegetable juices and green drinks. Clean out the bowels with enemas or colonics.

• Improve the diet to a simple, nourishing one, as discussed elsewhere in this book.

• Include a vitamin/mineral supplement, and also a calcium supplement. Essential fatty acids are important. Vitamins A, C, E, selenium, and zinc are needed to rebuild the immune system.

• Learn to relax and appreciate the blessings of life which you have.

ENCOURAGEMENT—In this life, you will ever have disappointments, but know that Jesus is the living, risen, Saviour. He is your Redeemer, and He loves you deeply. Trust your life to Him, and you will be safe.


SYMPTOMS—Pain in the muscles and joints of the jaws, which can radiate to the face and neck. There is a frequent clenching of the jaws.

Possible headache, toothaches, dizziness, pain and ringing in the ears, and pressure behind the eyes

When eating or yawning, there is a clicking, grinding, and popping noise, and perhaps pain. There may be difficulty in opening and closing the jaws.

CAUSES—The bite is misaligned, either as a cause of the jaw problem or as an effect. The cartilage disk that cushions the joint becomes damaged. This causes the bones of the temporomandibular joint to rub against one another instead of gliding smoothly past each other. If the tooth repair or replacements have not been done properly, this can be a factor in causing the problem.

Stress, a poor bite, and bruxism are the most frequent causes. Some people develop the habit of clenching their teeth together during the day and/or at night. Called bruxism (which see), this is very hard on the joint in the jaw.

An injury, poor dental work, osteoarthritis, bad posture, repeated or hard blows to the jaw or chin, whiplash, gum chewing, thumb sucking, chewing on only one side of the mouth, or holding the phone between the shoulder and jaw.


• Hot and cold (or hot or cold) packs will help relieve pain in the neck and shoulders.

• A diet rich in the B complex is important. Also calcium, magnesium, silicon, zinc, lecithin, and flaxseed oil.

• Avoid sugar foods, which deplete calcium and other minerals.

• Avoid smoking and do not eat meat.

• Learn to relax and avoid stressful thinking or situations.

• If you sit a lot, relax and maintain good posture. Do not hunch over and strain.

• Do not sleep on your side or lie on your side with your head turned to the side.

• Do not prop your head at an angle (especially in bed) when reading, talking, or watching television.

• Do not chew bits of food when the meal is over. Do not chew gum.

• Fast once a month, to give the body and jaws a rest so rebuilding can take place.

• Orthodontists, dentists, physical therapists, and other specialists offer treatments for TMJ. But it is estimated that 90% of all cases respond well to simple, inexpensive, treatments.

Rheumatoid arthritis (which see) can also cause jaw pain.

—It is important that you also read "Bruxism." Also read "Bones, Strengthening," to help maintain and rebuild strong bones.

ENCOURAGEMENT—Come daily to Jesus who loves you. Open your heart to Him freely. In Him there is no disappointment. You will never find a better counselor, guide, and defense.

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