STRESS AND ANXIETY (Nervousness)SYMPTOMSDepression, anxiety, irritability, chronic fatigue, low-stress tolerance, nervous exhaustion, unable to cope, insomnia, panic attacks, unable to relax, or diseases caused by immune problems. Tightening of stomach muscles which causes nausea or digestive problems. Increases in blood pressure, sweaty palms, nervous twitches, tooth grinding, trembling when not cold. Tense muscles, especially shoulder muscles. Poor concentration, cannot retain information, negative thoughts, loss of sense of humor, demanding attitude, critical attitude, or becoming withdrawn. CAUSESHere are a few of the many causes: deadlines, pressures, problems at home or work, special occasions, crowds, noise, pain, traffic, temperature extremes, overwork, lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol, a worrywart attitude. Researchers estimate that stress is significant in 80% of all major illnesses, including cancer, back problems, endocrine, cardiovascular, skin, and infectious diseases. The adrenals especially suffer from stress. This results in a lowering of the immune system's ability to protect you from infection and cancer. It also disrupts the function of your entire endocrine system. Everyone experiences stress from time to time, but frequent stress is more serious. And long-term stress wears out the body. Some people can handle stress better than others. Some individuals work in the emergency room at the hospital and thoroughly enjoy the excitement and challenge of every new crisis which comes along. Others burn out and have to transfer out within a year. TREATMENT Find out what your ongoing problems are and solve them. Problems are like a wall; you can go through them, go over them, or go around them. You go through a problem when you eliminate it. You surmount an immediate problem when you figure out a way to sidestep it and still do what is needed. You go around it when you learn to live with an ongoing situation you cannot solve. You stop worrying about it or letting it bother you, and turn your attention to other things. Here are several basic suggestions:
ENCOURAGEMENTIf you would find happiness and peace in all you do, you must do everything in reference to the glory of God. Seek earnestly to imitate the life of Christ, so others will be helped toward the pathway to heaven. HEADACHE1 (Nervous Headaches; Cluster Headaches)SYMPTOMSA pain or ache in any portion of the head. Cluster headaches: Often occurs as a one-sided headache which comes on suddenly, causes debilitating pain, and comes and goes in severity. CAUSESOver 45 million Americans repeatedly have headaches. About 18 million have migraines. Common causes of headaches include eyestrain, tension, poor ventilation (lack of fresh air), sinus pressure, constipation, allergies (food, pollens, chemicals, etc.), stress, anxiety, muscle tension, infection, anemia, hunger, fever, hormonal imbalances, trauma to the head, nutritional deficiencies, sinusitis, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, spinal misalignment, temporomandibular joint syndrome, or airborne pollutants and chemicals (perfume, industrial fumes, etc.). Diseases of the eyes, nose, or throat can also produce them. Niacin or pantothenic acid deficiency, an overdose of vitamin A, a vitamin B deficiency, or disturbances of the digestive or circulatory system can bring them on. Birth control pills can also cause headaches (by causing a vitamin B6 deficiency). The headache may be caused by a reaction to a certain food, such as chocolate, wheat, sugar, monosodium glutamate (MSG), dairy products, hot dogs, luncheon meats, citric acid, vinegar, or marinated foods. Sulfites, found in certain foods, can do it. Fermented foods, such as sour cream, yogurt, and cheeses can do it also. There are three important subtypes of headaches. Emotional stress is an important cause in all of them: Nervous headaches. These are muscle contraction headaches. The experts tell us that 90% of all headaches are caused by tension, worry about problems, conflicts with others, etc. Nervousness causes the muscles to tighten up. Cluster headaches. These are severe, recurring headaches. These are also called histamine headaches, and are related to allergic reactions. Inhalant allergens may be a cause (including perfume, house dust, cigarette smoke, etc.). They may occur by themselves or be associated with other problems and diseases, including chronic fatigue syndrome (which see). Keep a diet diary. Ninety percent of those with cluster headaches are men. TREATMENT
What are sometimes thought to be sinus headaches are actually tension headaches, migraines, or cluster headaches. When the headache is recurring, it is probably not sinus trouble.
There are many types of headaches. Here are a few of them:
Also see "Headache2" and "Migraine" for more suggestions. ENCOURAGEMENTHoliness is an entire surrender of the will to God; it is living by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God; it is doing the will of our heavenly Father; it is trusting God in trial, in darkness as well as in light; it is relying on God with unquestioning confidence; it is resting in His love. HEADACHE2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)NOTEThe following grouping of headaches is made for practical convenience. Because each type has a different cause, it has a different treatment. HYPEREMIC HEADACHE (caused by excess of blood in the head)Rest, head and shoulders elevated; heat to feet and legs by means of a Footbath, Leg Bath, Leg Pack, or Revulsive Douche; cold to head and neck, accompanied by Neutral Enema at 1020 F.; Hot Abdominal Pack, well-protected by plastic covering; Wet Sheet Pack; Neutral spray Douche, given for 24 minutes. ANEMIC HEADACHE (caused by a lack of blood in the brain)Hot Water Bottle to back of neck; Fomentation over painful part; rest in bed with head low; general treatment for Anemia. HIGH PRESSURE HEADACHE (head will feel as though it has a great pressure within it)Abstemious aseptic diet; prolonged Warm or Neutral Bath daily, with Cool Compress to head; Hot Footbath or, better, Hot Leg Bath; Revulsive Douche to legs; Heating Compress over heart. DYSPEPTIC HEADACHE (a headache more directly traceable to indigestion)(1) The immediate pain: Hot and Cold Compress to head; avoid sleeping soon after eating, though a very brief nap is sometimes beneficial. (2) If it keeps repeating, use an enema if constipated; dry aseptic diet, two meals a day or only fruit at night. HEADACHE DUE TO PROLAPSE (of the intestinal or abdominal organs)-(1) The immediate pain: Alternate Sponging to spine or Alternate Compress over spine; Hot and Cold Compress to head. (2) If it keeps repeating: Abdominal supporter, Hot Abdominal Pack at night, abdominal massage; Cold Douche to abdomen. TOXIC HEADACHE (caused by an excess of uric acid, oxalic acid, urea, and other wastes, or as a result of decomposed products absorbed through the alimentary canal)Sweating baths, followed by a Cold Douche, Wet Sheet Rub, or Shallow Bath. Copious water drinking; Enema or Colonic daily or three times weekly; out-of-door life; aseptic diet. PERIODIC HEADACHE, NERVOUS HEADACHE, BILIOUS HEADACHE, MIGRAINE, OR LACK-OF-AIR HEADACHEDry, abstemious, aseptic diet; out-of-door life; air bath; large Enema the day before the attack is due; Tonic Frictions to build up the body; Hot Abdominal Pack; abdominal supporter, if a prolapsed condition exists. RHEUMATOID HEADACHE (a headache related to the presence of rheumatism)Sweating bath daily; Hot Footbath or Hot Leg Pack, Fomentation to the painful part for 10-15 minutes, followed by Heating Compress. See also "Uric Acid Diathesis". NEURASTHENIC HEADACHE (caused by nervous exhaustion)Hot and Cold Compress, Revulsive Compress, Alternate Compress to spine or Sponging to spine, Hot Footbath; Footbath under running water. FRONTAL HEADACHE (often related to fatigue of the eyes or brain)Revulsive Compress to forehead and eyes; Hot and Cold Trunk Pack; derivative applications to feet and legs (such as Hot Footbath or, better, Hot Leg Bath). CONGESTIVE HEADACHEIce Bag to back of head, with a Cold Compress to the face; Ice Collar; Hot and Cold Compress to the head; Hot Footbath; Hot Leg Pack; Heating Compress to the legs; Cold Footbath in flowing water; Alternate Footbath. OCCIPITAL HEADACHE (a headache centered on or near the bump at back of the head)Hot Compress or Hot Sponging to the upper spine and, at the same time, to the area around the occipital region. Revulsive Compress; Hot and Cold Compress to the head. NERVOUS HEADACHE (a form of headache accompanied by a feeling of nervous tension)Fomentation to the seat of the pain, with simultaneous Hot Footbath; daily Cold Enema to relieve constipation, if present. Special attention to the diet; a dry aseptic diet is indicated, avoiding milk. BAND-AROUND-THE-HEAD HEADACHE (a form of an anemic headache)Hot Sponging or Hot Compress to head; Alternate Sponging on neck and upper spine; massage to head. VERTEX HEADACHE (a headache characterized by a pain at the top of the head)Hot Footbath; Cold Compress to head; Ice Collar; sleep with the head elevated; heat to the feet and legs, if they are cold. EYE HEADACHE (pain in or near eyes, made worse by light)Gentle Fomentation over eyes and forehead; protect eyes from bright light, facial massage, and massage to eyes; consult an optometrist, for eyeglasses may be needed, temporarily or permanently. CLAVUS HEADACHE (This headache feels like the sharp pain of a nail being driven into the head.)Very Hot Footbath, with Fomentation over painful point for 10 minutes, repeated every 2 hours; Heating Compress at night; protect him from the cold during the day. Begin a series of carefully graduated Cool Baths, to build him up. RENAL HEADACHE (This headache is caused by a kidney problem.)Copious water drinking; Enema; Hot Bath; Ice Bag over lower sternum, with Hot and Cold Compress to head. See "Nephritis, Acute," and "Nephritis, Chronic." HEPATIC HEADACHE (a headache due to a weakened liver)(1) For the immediate pain: Revulsive Compress to the head; Hot and Cold Compress to the head, with derivative applications to the legs (Hot Leg Bath, etc.); graduated Tonic Frictions. (2) If it keeps repeating: Aseptic diet; fruit diet; water drinking; Graduated Enema; Fomentation over liver twice a day for 15 minutes, with Heating Compress over it during the intervals between. Out-of-door exercise; air bath; breathing exercises; massage to abdomen. ORGANIC HEADACHES (caused by tumors, inflammation, abscesses, trauma, general paralysis, syphilis)Very hot and frequently repeated derivative applications to legs (Hot Footbath or, better, Hot Foot and Leg Bath); with short, often repeated Revulsive, Compress to the head, followed by Cold or Heating Compress to the head. INFECTION HEADACHE (headache caused by infection or disease of the eye, ear, nose, or teeth)(1) For the immediate pain: Hot Footbath or Hot Leg Bath, with Revulsive Compress over the painful parts. (2) Longer term care: The problem causing these headaches should receive proper attention. VARYING HEADACHE (with a sense of coldness, numbness, pressure, band sensation, etc.)(1) For the immediate pain: Massage the head and neck; Revulsive Compress to the spine, head, and face; Hot and Cold Compress to the head. (2) Longer term care: Improve tone of the nerves by Tonic Frictions. See also "Neurasthenia." SUPRA-ORBITAL HEADACHE (This is a headache felt as a strong pain above the eyebrow.)(1) For the immediate pain: Hot Footbath with revulsive Compress above the eyebrow, but not covering the eye; avoid exposure to cold; rest the eyes, protecting them from the light; Hot Footbath or Hot Leg Bath. (2) Longer term care: Begin a series of carefully graduated Tonic Frictions. TEMPORAL HEADACHE (This is a pain over the side of the head, to the right and left of the forehead.)(1) For the immediate pain: Fomentation over side of head, face, and ear for ten minutes, followed by warm dry Compress, repeated every 2 hours. Massage to the area of the pain. (2) Longer term care: Between attacks give Tonic Frictions to so build the body that the headaches will stop repeating. A nourishing, strengthening diet that avoids all meat is needed. Also see "Lithemia" (Lithemia is an excess of uric acid in the blood.) MASTOID OR POST-AURICULAR HEADACHE (This is a headache felt as a pain just below the ear.)Fomentation for 10 minutes to side of head followed by cotton poultice or well-covered Heating Compress, repeated every 2 hours. Pain in the mastoid process must be given immediate attention or major ear infection can result! If pain does not subside fairly quickly, see your doctor. CERVICO-OCCIPITAL HEADACHE (This is a headache showing itself in a pain extending from the back of the neck, on up to the occipital bump on the back of the head.)Revulsive Compress to the back of the head and neck. Fomentation over the painful area for 10 minutes, followed by a warm, dry Compress over it. See also" Neurasthenia" for much additional help in building up the nervously exhausted body. UTERINE HEADACHE (This is a pain or pressure at the very top of the head, caused by uterine problems.)(1) For the immediate pain: Hot and Cold Compress to the head; massage of the head. (2) Longer term care: Revulsive Sitz Bath; abdominal supporter; Hot Abdominal Pack. Correct any ovarian or uterine disease that is present. FEVER HEADACHE (a headache caused by a raised body temperature or fevered condition)(1) For the head pain: Ice Cap or Cold Compress to the head; Ice Collar. (2) To lower the fever: Ice Bag to the heart; Cooling Wet Sheet Pack; Prolonged Neutral Bath. See also under the specific disease causing the fever. Also see "Headache1." MIGRAINE1SYMPTOMSGeneralized or one-sided head pain and possibly nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances (light sensitivity, bright spots and patterns before the eyes). It might last for days. The first sign is frequent flashes of light or tingling. There may be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cyanosis (blueness) of the fingers from lack of circulation and oxygen. The pain is most common in the temple, but may occur anywhere on the head, face, or neck. The pain is frequently on one side, but it may change to the opposite side, alternate sides, or be on both sides. CAUSESThese are caused by a disturbance in the blood circulation. There is alternating constriction and dilation of the blood vessels in the brain, and occurs between the ages of 10-30, more often in women (70%) than men. Food allergies are frequently the cause. Search them out. Here are six of the most common causes: food allergy, low blood sugar, tension, depression, water retention, and menstruation. There often are no migraines during the second and third trimester of pregnancy, or after menopause is past. Migraines can disappear for years and then reappear. They usually decrease after middle age. Over 50% of those with migraines report that one or both parents also had the problem. TREATMENT
See "Migraine2." Also see "Headache" and "Headache2" for many more suggestions. ENCOURAGEMENTWe must take hold of divine power, and with determination resist the temptations of Satan. Through the enabling strength which Christ provides, we can be more than conquerors in the battle with evil. MIGRAINE2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)PREVENT FORMATION OF URIC ACIDAvoid use of meats, also tea and coffee, etc.; aseptic dietary; out-of-door life. ELIMINATE URIC ACIDHot Baths, especially moderately prolonged sweating baths, followed by short Cold Baths; Radiant Heat Bath; Wet Sheet Pack; Steam Bath; prolonged Neutral Bath; water drinking. LOWER ARTERIAL TENSIONHot Full Bath at 1020 F., 5-10 minutes; Hot Leg Bath or Hot Leg Pack; Hot Enema; rest in bed in a darkened room. PAINHot Footbath; Alternate Compress to spine or sponging of spine; Revulsive Compress to seat of pain; local application of Ice Bag in some cases; Hot Leg Pack; protect the eyes from light. NAUSEA AND VOMITINGIce pills, ice to stomach and the spine opposite the stomach. CONSTIPATIONColonic. TO PREVENT ATTACKFruit diet; large colonic; water drinking. TO RELIEVE HYPERESTHESIA OF LOWER BACK NERVESFomentation over abdomen, twice daily; continuous Heating Compress during the interval between; abdominal supporter. GENERAL METHODEvery case is curable by sufficiently prolonged treatment, carefully managed. The general nervous system must be built up by measures essentially the same as those indicated for neurasthenia and other conditions requiring tonic treatment. The causes must be removed, especially autointoxication and morbid reflex influences arising from dilation of the stomach, enteroptosis, and indigestion. Also see "Migraine1." NECK PAINSYMPTOMSA pain in the neck. CAUSESWorking in a hunched-over position for long hours is a frequent cause. Working so that you must lean your head forward, to better see what you are doing. But an injury may also have occurred. TREATMENT
Here are several longer-range solutions:
ENCOURAGEMENTThank God that there is hope for each one of us! In Christ we can have the victory over every temptation, and come off more than conquerors. Trust in Him and He will carefully guide you step by step. NEURALGIA1 (Neuropathy)SYMPTOMSPain which comes on suddenly, followed by intervals of freedom from pain. The pains are severe and seem to shoot along the course of the affected nerves. The nerve trunks become tender to pressure. In severe cases, there is twitching of the muscles of the affected part, with burning and tingling sensations in the skin. The attacks are rarely on both sides of the body at the same time. They generally continue from a few minutes to a few days, and may occur frequently for months. As time passes, the attacks tend to become more severe. CAUSESNeuralgia is nerve pain; neuritis (which see) is nerve inflammation. Neuralgia is an irritation of a nerve which can be caused by many factors, including trauma, nutritional deficiencies, herpes, shingles, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or alcoholism. Chilling an area of the skin is a frequent underlying cause, as well as nutritional deficiencies including the B complex (especially B1, B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and B12). Other causes include decayed teeth, wrong diet, constipation, tension, insomnia, fatigue, exposure, lack of exercise, sinus infections, and eye strain. A frequent cause of the problem in the various forms of neuralgia is chilling of part of the body over a period of time, when the rest of the body is relatively warm. This is most likely to occur in the winter months, when you are in bed sleeping. A current of cold air is passing across your face, and the rest of your body is tucked under the covers. The result is tic douloureux (which see) or Bell's palsy (which see) on the face or neck or, if the shoulders are uncovered, neuralgia of the shoulder or some other area. The cause can also occur as a result of regular commute driving. A window is kept open slightly to provide fresh air but a slight chilling breeze blows on the face for perhaps a total of an hour each day. The formula for trouble is (1) chilling draft to part of the body while the rest is warm (2) over a period of several hours, (3) day after day. Now that you are aware of the cause, watch closely the situations you place your body in each dayand you will probably find the cause. TREATMENT
See "Neuralgia2." Also see the three most common forms of neuralgia: "Bell's Palsy" (also called facial palsy); "Sciatica;" and "Tic Douloureux" (also called trigeminal neuralgia). ENCOURAGEMENTThere is no happiness to be gained from indulgence and living for self. Your happiness will be found in helping those around you, and obeying the Word of God. Here alone you will find true happiness. NEURALGIA2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)COMBAT TOXEMIA WHEN PRESENTSweating bath followed by appropriate general Cold Bath, 3 times a week. The Radiant Heat Bath, Steam Bath, and sweating Wet Sheet Pack are especially helpful. Copious water drinking; aseptic dietary; dry friction of skin or oil rubbing daily after short sweating bath, followed by tonic cold application. COMBAT ANEMIA AND GENERAL WEAKNESSGraduated cold applications. Avoid the increasing pain of preceding or accompanying the Cold Bath by a hot application to the affected part; cover or avoid the part during the cold application. PAINFomentation or Revulsive Compress to the seat of pain. Revulsive Douche or Alternate Douche; Ice Bag is sometimes more effective than heat. This is often the case when the parts are congested as shown by redness of the skin or throbbing sensation and also when the nerves are extremely superficial. REFLEX NEURALGIASFomentation to abdomen twice daily; Hot Abdominal pack during intervals between; abdominal supporter. After baths, avoid chilling and general prolonged cold applications, such as Full Baths, Shallow Baths, and Wet Sheet Packs. NEURALGIA OF THE HEADEmploy derivative measure, as Hot Sitz Bath; Hot Leg Bath; Hot Pack to legs; Hot Footbath; Cold Footbath under running water; Heating Wet Sheet Pack; Fan Douche to head; Hot and Cold Compress to head; heat over primary area of pain. Fomentation to the abdomen twice daily, followed by Heating Compress; very hot application to forearm of opposite side. SPINAL NEURALGIA AND LUMBAGOFomentation to spine 2-3 times a day; during interval between, apply Heating Compress; Hot and Cold Pack to spine; Alternate Compress; Revulsive Douche; Hot Trunk Pack; Hot Half Blanket Pack; Fomentation to spine with Hot Leg Bath; rest. GENERAL NEURALGIC PAINHot Full Bath 4-5 minutes followed by Prolonged Neutral Bath at 950 F; Hot Blanket Pack; Radiant Heat Bath; Steam Bath or Sweating Wet Sheet Pack, followed by Dry Pack. NEURALGIA DUE TO CHRONIC NEURITISAlternate Compress and/or Alternate Douche. In sciatica, Revulsive Douche, if persistent; nerve stretching. NEURALGIC AFFECTIONS OF OVARIES, UTERUS, RECTUM, BLADDER, AND COCCYXRevulsive Sitz Bath; Hot Pack to pelvis, followed by Cold Mitten Friction; Hot Enema; Hot and Cold Pelvic Pack; hot vaginal irrigation; revulsive Compresses over affected parts. GASTRALGIAVery hot Fomentation over stomach and abdomen; Hot Trunk Pack; Revulsive Compress for 10-30 minutes over stomach, repeated every 2 hours or as often as needed; Hot Leg Pack; hot water drinking; Hot Enema. Withhold food until pain is relieved. Aseptic diet; if necessary, liquid diet for a few days. ENTERALGIAAbdominal Fomentation for 15 minutes every hour; Hot Enema; Heating Compress applied at 600 F. during interval between; graduated Tonic Frictions. ERYTHRO-MELALGIA (RED NEURALGIA)Rest; elevation of the affected part. Cold Compress changed every 20-30 minutes. Graduated Tonic Frictions. HERPES ZOSTERDuring eruption, Dry cotton Pack; after Revulsive Compress several times daily; Heating Compress during the interval between. CONTRAINDICATIONSCold applications increase pain unless very carefully graduated, but are usually necessary for permanent results. BELL'S PALSY (Facial Palsy)SYMPTOMSPain in the temples and/or neck. Only one side is generally affected. There is pain, weakness, and a sensation of pricking, tingling, or creeping on the skin. One side of the face can droop. CAUSESBell's palsy is a type of paralysis characterized by distortion of the face, due to a lesion of the facial nerve. It may be caused by injury, irritation of a sensory nerve, or nerve root. A decayed tooth may be the cause. Chilling of the face at night while one is sleeping can also produce it; the blood has been chilled back from the area. Sometimes Bell's palsy follows a respiratory infection. Bell's palsy is often mistaken for a stroke, because it comes on suddenly and results in numbness and partial, or total, loss of muscular control on the affected side. But it is not a stroke. Treated properly, there can be as much as 80% chance of significant recoveryall those with partial palsy and three fourths of those with complete palsy recover with no treatment of any kind. Because most of those with this problem recover spontaneously, they should not be given drugs or surgery. But severe taste impairment and/or reduced tearing of the eyes are bad signs, especially in older people. Bell's palsy can occur in anyone at any age, but most frequently occurs between 20 and 40, often in the summer months (especially August). The younger the person is the more likely he will have a full recovery. TREATMENT
Bell's palsy is a form of neuralgia; see "Neuralgia" for additional helpful information. ENCOURAGEMENTThrough defects in the character, Satan works to gain control of the whole mind, and he knows that if these defects are cherished, he will succeed. It is urgent that you cling to Christ, plead for help, and earnestly seek to do that which is pleasing in His sight. TIC DOULOUREUX (Trigeminal Neuralgia)SYMPTOMSThere is sudden darting pain which is severe, accompanied by spasms of the muscles of the face and tingling and burning of the skin. A slight redness and swelling of the affected side will be seen, along with an increased flow of saliva and tears. The affected nerves and skin become very tender; and movements of the face, speaking, and chewing may provoke violent pain. CAUSESTic douloureux is a common form of neuralgia. It generally occurs in winter. There are three divisions of the sensory nerve of the face most likely to be affected. The first is in the eyeball and over the forehead; the second is in the side of the face, the cheekbone, and the upper teeth; the third is inside the mouth and in the lower teeth. The cause of the problem is chilling of the face over a period of time, when the rest of the body is relatively warm. The formula for trouble is (1) chilling draft to part of the body while the rest is warm (2) over a period of several hours, (3) day after day. See "Neuralgia" for more on this. TREATMENT
Bell's palsy is a form of neuralgia; see "Neuralgia" for additional helpful information. ENCOURAGEMENTUpon obedience depends life and happiness and health and joy in this brief probationary life. God alone can answer your problems and give you that which is for your best good. Trust Him, and you will be safe. SCIATICASYMPTOMSPain is noted down the back of the thigh, the outer side of the calf and along the outer side of the foot, or on the top of the foot to the big toe. The person compensates by placing more weight on the other leg and foot. The pain is often worse at night and coughing, walking, heavy labor, or sneezing increases both the pain in the back and in the sciatic nerve. Still later, numbness may be felt when the hand is rubbed over the area where the pain is felt. Later still, a wasting of the muscles of the calf and a weakness in running and even walking may be noticed. CAUSESThe sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. This nerve comes out of the spine and a branch runs down each leg, along the back of the thigh, down the inside of the leg, to the ankle. There are two primary causes of sciatica: The first is chilling the thigh over a lengthy period of time. The experts tell us that sciatica usually begins as a neuralgia of the sciatic nerve. If you sit on cold surfaces a lot (steel folding chairs in cool rooms, or steel tree chairs while hunting, or steel boat seats while fishing, etc.) for lengthy periods of time, you can irritate the sciatic nerve and produce sciatica. Fortunately, this form of sciatica is quite easy to solve: Apply neuralgia-type treatments, and only sit on warm surfaces or surfaces your body can heat relatively easily. Do not overlook chairs with foam that are too deep to easily warm up within a short time (say, 8 inches). On your favorite chairs, place a folded, wool blanket or a piled thinner blanket. That is something you can warm up. Experiment, and see what works best for you. If your body does not begin warming it up in a few minutes, lay something down that will. Unfortunately, there is a second, and much more serious, cause: The second cause of sciatica is damage to the lower spine. There may be a history of an accident, a fall, the lifting of a heavy weight, or a twist under some tension. Pain was first felt in the lower back. Later (weeks or even years later) pain begins to be felt at one or more places along the entire course of the sciatic nerveback of the thigh, outer side of the calf, or in the top of the foot to the big toe. One of the cartilaginous plates (disks, also spelled discs) in the lumbar region of the lower back has been damaged. The cartilage bulges and later breaks, creating pressure backward against a nerve root. (It is also possible for a tumor to develop and press against the sciatic nerve, but this is far less likely.) Other important facts are these: (1) The person probably was not maintaining a nourishing diet, with supplemental calcium, and other bone-building factors. (2) He may have been overworking his body in running, weight-lifting, etc. (3) He was not lifting objects properly. (4) He was working at an occupation, such as lifting heavy patients in a nursing home, which is hazardous. In older people who do not obtain enough bone-building materials in their diet, degenerative problems can occur in newly formed spicules, or ridges, of bone. These may press on a nerve root. Some people derange their lower back by the simple method of always carrying a thick wallet in one pants back pocket. TREATMENT
Also apply the preventative measures, below.
Preventative measures: If you identify the problem early on, there may be greater likelihood of containing or eliminating it.
Read "Bones, Strengthening" for much information. Also read "Backache" for detailed information on back trouble. Also read "Neuralgia," since sciatica is a form of it. ENCOURAGEMENTThe Saviour overcame to show man how he may overcome. Christ met all the temptations of Satan with the Word of God. By trusting in God's promises, He received power to obey God's commandments, and the tempter could gain no advantage. So it is to be with us. BRACHIAL NEURALGIA (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)SYMPTOMSOne to three hours after falling asleep, there is a sense of pins, needles, numbness, and pain in one or both hands. The discomfort generally wakes the person. There may be wasting in the small muscles in the hands, as well as coldness or swelling. It generally occurs among adults, not children. The symptoms can eventually include the lower arm, upper arm, and even the shoulder, and are generally worse after a day of heavy lifting. During the day few symptoms are present, unless heavy lifting occurs. CAUSESThis is to the shoulder, what sciatica is to the leg. A nerve, leading to the shoulder, is pinched in the spine. But it can also be caused by overworking of the arms, carrying excessively heavy weights, poor posture, and letting the arms and hands get cold at night. More rarely, there may be an abnormality in the seventh cervical rib. The lower branch of the brachial plexus of nerves exits from the lower cervical vertebrae, then passes underneath the clavicle and on into the arm. If this somehow experiences compression, the nerves to the arm and hand will be affected. It is best to solve this problem, since it is likely otherwise to gradually keep getting worse. A similar affliction is called the cervical rib syndrome. But it occurs more often in younger people, and produces pain or numbness soon after heavy lifting, wearing a heavy coat, etc. The symptoms occur in the day, not at night. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTThe rainbow of promise encircling the throne on high is an everlasting testimony that God loves you. He will never forsake His people in their struggle with evil. We have the assurance of strength and protection. But we can always choose to leave Him, and therein lies our danger. NEURITIS1SYMPTOMSThere may be pain, tenderness, tingling, and loss of the sensation of touch in the affected nerve area along with redness and swelling. Pain is not always a prominent symptom of true neuritis, but the numbness, burning, tingling, crawling, with possible pain, tends to occur by spells. Weakness, and even paralysis and loss of sensation, are common. In serious cases, convulsions may occur. The affected muscles may shrink in size. CAUSESThe symptoms can vary with the cause, which can include an injury to a nerve, infection involving a nerve, or a disease (gout, diabetes, leukemia, etc.) Poisons breathed or swallowed (mercury, methyl alcohol, or lead) can cause nerve trouble. A lack of the vitamin B complex, especially thiamine in the diet. A degenerative illness can produce neuritis as a side effect. Men between the ages of 30 and 50 are the most likely to experience neuritis. Footdrop, due to sitting with knees crossed, occurs when ankle or foot muscles weaken, causing the toes to drag as one walks. Wrist-drop is caused by pressure in the armpit from a crutch or other support. Optic neuritis occurs when inflammation affects the optic nerve in the eye. This can produce gradual, or sudden, blurring and loss of vision. Blindness can occur in severe cases. But it is usually temporary if prompt treatment is given. TREATMENT
Also see "Neuritis2," "Neuritis, Multiple," and "Nerves, Strengthening." ENCOURAGEMENTWhere can we find a surer guide than the only true God? Where is a safer path than that in which the Eternal leads the way? When we follow Him we are have powerful guidance. The path of obedience to God is the path of virtue, of health, and happiness. NEURITIS2 (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)IMMEDIATERest of the affected parts until the acute stage is over. COMBAT TOXEMIASweating bath 2-3 times a week, preferably the Radiant Heat Bath; follow sweating bath by a suitable cold application. COMBAT INFLAMMATIONLocal Revulsive Compress for 15 minutes every 2-4 hours, followed by Heating Compress during intervals between; suitable derivative applications. PAINRevulsive Douche; Steam Bath followed by graduated Fan Douche, gradually lowering from 1000 to 800 F; protect by Dry cotton Pack or Heating Compress covered with plastic. PARALYSISAlternate Compress; Alternate Douche; percussion Douche to spine and affected parts. Also see "Neuritis1." MULTIPLE NEURITIS (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)BASICRest in bed while the disease is rapidly progressing. COMBAT TOXEMIAProlonged Neutral Bath 1-2 hours, daily. Aseptic dietary; avoidance of tea and coffee, tobacco and alcoholic liquors, and all excesses. Sweating, especially by Radiant Heat Bath, 10-20 minutes, followed by Cold Mitten Friction. COMBAT LOCAL INFLAMMATIONSRevulsive Compresses, then Heating Compress or packing in dry cotton (Dry Pack); Fomentations to spine, followed by Heating Compress. When affecting the lower extremities, Hot Footbath or Hot Leg Bath; Hot Leg Pack; complete rest of the affected part. IMPROVE THE GENERAL NUTRITIONby Graduated Cold Baths; massage; out-of-door air with careful protection; sunbaths; aseptic diet. ATROPHYAlternate Douche, massage. CONTRAINDICATIONSDuring acute stage, carefully avoid cold applications unless very short and preceded by heat; avoid percussion applications so long as tenderness exists, that is, all forms of the Douche. Avoid especially Cold Full Baths and very prolonged Hot Baths. Also see "Neuritis1." # NERVES, STRENGTHENINGBUILDING UP THE NERVESGood blood, healthy nerves, and strong bones and joints are needed for good health. Here are several suggestions, to help you strengthen your nerves. This is a building program: The vitamin B complex (100 mg per day; best taken as 50 mg twice a day) is especially important in maintaining good nerve action and response. Deficiencies of the B complex are common among people eating modern, devitalized, processed, and assorted junk foods. Take a good vitamin/mineral supplement at least twice a day. It should include all the B vitamins. Vitamin B1, also called thiamine (100 mg, twice a day) is especially needed for neuritis. Vitamin B3 (niacin, 50 mg twice a day). Do not take more than 100 mg of niacin a day. Niacinamide is equivalent to niacin, and does not produce the flushed face which niacin does. Vitamin B12 (2,000 mcg, twice a day). Vitamin B6 (250-500 mg, 1-2 times a day), especially for carpal tunnel syndrome. Folic acid (400-800 mcg, daily). Inositol (1000 mg, 1-2 times a day), especially for diabetic neuropathy. In addition to the above B vitamins, also take Vitamin C with bioflavonoids (3,000-6,000 mg daily, when you have a nerve crisis). Vitamin E (400 IU, 2-3 times a day), especially with post-herpes syndrome. Vitamin A (5,000 IU, a day), but not over 10,000 IU a day if you are pregnant. It is best to take vitamin A supplementation in the form of beta-carotene. Minerals include calcium (400 mg, 2-3 times daily), magnesium (200 mg, 2-3 times a day), zinc (50-80 mg daily, not to exceed 100 mg daily from all supplements), and iodine. Essential fatty acids, obtained from 1-2 tbsp. of cold pressed oils daily. Never put it into your cooking; instead, put it on your food after the plate is served. Fresh and steamed vegetables are rich in minerals which are needed for the nervous system and brain. Brewer's yeast, kelp or dulse, lecithin, and wheat germ oil are very helpful. Eat regularly, chew slowly, and do not overeat. Octocosanol is found in wheat germ oil. It helps the neuron membranes. Increase your fluid intake. Obtain enough rest at night and avoid sexual enervation. Medical professionals know that such enervation is one of the quickest ways to produce weakened, degenerate, and diseased nerve tissue. A good balance between exercise and rest has a powerful effect in building the body, if a nutritious diet is maintained. Avoid stimulants and all processed, refined, and junk foods. Cool and cold water treatments will help tone and strengthen the nerves. The nervine herbs include skullcap, hop, chamomile, valerian, dong quai, wood betony, passion flower, lady's slipper, mistletoe, and small amounts of lobelia. Reviewing some of the nutrients needed, as they apply to the brain, we learn this: There is a direct relation between the transverse colon and the brain. When the colon is clogged, mental illness is triggered in some and an attack of epilepsy (which see) in others. Eliminate the "glue foods"; these tend to clog the colon, produce a buildup of mucous and toxins in it, and lead to mental problems. Such foods include White flour, sugar, eggs, meat, peanuts, and dairy products. A high carbohydrate (whole grain) diet stimulates the amount of tryptophane in the brain, and produces a calming, peaceful feeling. Brain cells cannot function properly without proper nutrients. Deficiencies of the B complex and vitamin C decrease the metabolic rate of the brain. Lack of niacin can produce deep depression, often seen in psychosis. Symptoms of a severe vitamin B6 deficiency are headache, irritability, dizziness, extreme nervousness, and inability to concentrate. Pantothenic acid (another B vitamin) is needed to handle stressful situations. A thiamine deficiency results in a lack of energy, constant fatigue, loss of appetite, and irritability; if this continues too long, there are emotional upsets and overreaction to normal stress. Lack of vitamin C leads to irritability. Adequate calcium in the diet is vital. See "Bones, Strengthening" for ways to maintain enough calcium in the body. Inadequate calcium results in insomnia, tenseness, and fatigue. Calcium and magnesium protect the nerves from damage. Too much copper in the body occurs in schizophrenia, and can be reduced by dietary intake of zinc and manganese. Vitamin C deficiency can cause copper retention which accumulates in the brain and liver. Vitamin B complex (especially B3, B6, B12, and folic acid) reduces excess estrogen from the liver and prevents it from causing mental troubles. Many of the schizophrenias, autism, abnormal behavior, and subsequent learning disorders are caused by too much lead or copper in the body. Check your plumbing pipes. Plastic water pipes are the safest. A person with a magnesium deficiency tends to be uncooperative, withdraw, apathetic, or belligerent. It is vital to obtain enough oxygen, if you want a clear mind which functions properly. Vitamin E helps the brain obtain enough oxygen from the amount supplied to the lungs. A lack of thyroxine, the hormone from the thyroid, results in a slowing of physical and mental functions. Hyperthyroidism is related to emotional disturbance, forgetfulness, slow thought processes, and irritability. When the adrenals do not function properly, depression and other forms of mental illness may result. Exercise, especially out-of-doors in the fresh air, combined with relaxation helps rejuvenate the body and mind. Ginkgo biloba improves brain function and cerebral circulation, and enhances memory. ENCOURAGEMENTWe have been bought with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish. What a price has been paid for us! Now Christ invites you to come and accept the salvation which He alone can work out in your life. He can strengthen you to obey all that He asks of you. SEASONAL AFFECTIVE SYNDROMESYMPTOMSWithdrawal, social isolation, depression, cravings, weight gain, loss of energy, oversleep, decreased sexual desire. CAUSESThis condition, also called the "winter blues", is caused by several factors: The winter months bring dark and dreary overcast days, and this emotionally bothers some people more than others. The winter months have shorter hours of daylight and more overcast skies during the daytime, resulting in less light entering the eyes. This light deficiency sends signals to the pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands; and they do not function as fully as usual. There is often more stress and greater nutritional deficiencies in the winter. Less fresh fruit and vegetables may be available. All this combines, in some, to produce seasonal affective syndrome. In our waking hours, we need sunlight every so often. We have a friend who, moving to Labrador, on the eastern Canadian coast, could not tolerate the incessant dreary fog, and moved away within a year. TREATMENT
ENCOURAGEMENTTo those who love God, it will be the highest delight to keep His commandments and to do those things that are pleasing in His sight. TENNIS ELBOWSYMPTOMSTenderness and pain in the elbow, weakness in the hand. CAUSESTennis elbow is an occupational and recreational problem. Those who do a lot of hand-gripping can have this disorder. This would include golfers, carpenters, factory workers, housewives, and even politicians who shake hands a lot. The weakness occurs when gripping an object, and is not a true muscle weakness. The tendons are involved. TREATMENT
Also see "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome." ENCOURAGEMENTSatan and his evil angels are watching at every avenue leading to the human heart, seeking to force souls to accept evil suggestions. He presents us with bribes, as he bribed Christ; pretending that he will give us the world if we will obey him. But, in the strength of Christ, we must resist him. CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROMESYMPTOMSMild numbness and faint tingling to excruciating pain, but generally only burning, tingling, or numbness in the thumb and first three fingers. Crippling atrophy of the thumb can result. Symptoms are often worse at night or in the morning. The pain may eventually spread to the arm and shoulder. Symptoms normally affect only one hand, but may be present in both. CAUSESCarpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a cumulative trauma disorder that develops over time, due to repeated stressful movements of the hands and wrist. It affects 23,000 workers a year. The median nerve in the wrist is compressed or damaged. This nerve controls the thumb muscles and sensation in the thumb, palm, and first three fingers. The median nerve passes through a very small opening, about a quarter inch below the top of the wrist. Either compression or injury to this nerve can cause problems: Pressure from the bone spurs inflammatory arthritis or tendonitis, swelling due to pregnancy or water retention. Other causes include repeated stressful motions, such as writing, typing, or hammering. Bookkeepers and checkout clerks can develop it; so can hairstylists, musicians, writers, drivers, athletes, restaurant servers, and jack hammer and chain-saw operators. The occurrence of CTS has greatly increased since the 1980s, when personal computers came into use. The tendons swell and compress the median nerve that runs to your hand, causing great pain. A common pattern is rapid and continuous use of the fingers, producing a repetitive wrist motion injury. Women between 29 and 62 experience CTS more often than anyone else. Raynaud's disease, pregnancy, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and menopause increase the risk of developing CTS. Other disorders, especially arthritis in the neck, have similar symptoms. But, if the first three fingers in one or both hands are affected by the pain, then it is probably CTS. TREATMENT
PREVENTIONCarpal tunnel syndrome is a problem which many can develop in our time. Here are several suggestions for avoiding its occurrence:
Also see "Tennis Elbow." ENCOURAGEMENTThe wrath of God will not fall upon one soul that seeks refuge in Him. God cares for His children who trust in Him. They may have trials in this life, but their life is secure and they will live with their Maker in heaven. |