# POSTURE, IMPROVINGSYMPTOMSA round-shouldered appearance. TREATMENT It is easy, over the years, to let your posture collapse. Here are several suggestions to get it back into shape:
Here are more ideas:
Television news announcers use the following two methods, to make a better appearance when they talk while being seated:
ENCOURAGEMENTA ransom has been paid for the souls of men, but we must individually surrender our lives to God, so that we may claim that ransom. God has a heaven full of blessings for you. BACKACHE (Low Back Pain; Sciatica; Slipped Disk; Lumbar Disk Herniation; Spinal Disk Prolapse)SYMPTOMSPain in the back, frequently in the lower back. If pain comes after lifting something heavy, after coughing, or after unusually heavy exercise, and the pain prevents you from moving or shoots down one leg, you may have a herniated disk. CAUSESBackache, or pain felt in the spinal column, is one of the most common reasons for hospitalization in the Western world. Your spinal column has a complicated interconnection of muscles, tendons, bones, and ligaments. It is helpful to identify the various parts of the spine, also called the vertebrae (singular is vertebra): The top part of the spine, where the neck is located, is called the cervical spine (or cervicals); the shoulder and mid-part (which protrudes outward in an adult) is called the thoracic; the lower portion (called the hollow of the back) is the lumbar; and the bottom part (ending in the tailbone or coccyx) is the sacrum. The first cervical is the atlas. This enables your head to tilt up or down. The second is the axis; it permits your head to turn from side to side. Aches and pains in the lower back can be a chronic problem. This pain can be in the spine or it can be in the sacroiliac. The sacroiliac joint connects (articulates is the correct word) the spine to the pelvic bone. (There can also be pain in the muscles of the lower back; it is called lumbago.) A subluxation occurs when two vertebrae get out of proper alignment with one another. A chiropractor puts these back in place for relatively little cost. Sciatica is chronic pain in the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in the body. This nerve, which passes down through the upper leg, can experience neuralgia and neuritis as a result of a pinched nerve in the lumbar region. If the problem is not solved, eventually the leg where the pain is may no longer receive nerve signals from the brain or the central nervous system. The intervertebral disks (also spelled discs) are made of cartilage and act as cushions between the vertebrae. Each disk has a tough, fibrous, outer layer surrounding a soft interior, which provides the cushioning. Lumbar disk herniation and lumbar disk prolapse occur when the disk herniates (ruptures or breaks) and some of this soft inner disk material pushes outward against the spinal cord to one degree or another. This may be very serious; and, like sciatica, it can lead to muscle wasting, reduced nerve reflexes, and muscle weakness. Disk herniation and prolapse are often erroneously referred to as a "slipped disk." Causes of lower-back pain include wrenched or damaged muscles, bones, tendons, or ligaments, Kidney or bladder infection, prostate problems, or female pelvic disorders may cause backache. Overeating, overdrinking, eating the wrong kinds of food, and constipation can also be involved. The spinal bones, and muscles attached to them, are weakened by wrong habits. Chronic conditions causing back pain include arthritis, bone disease, or abnormal curvature of the spine (scoliosis). Other causes of back pain are poor posture, walking habits, improper shoes, lifting, straining, calcium deficiency, slouching when sitting, or soft mattresses. There is a definite relationship between smoker's cough and severe back pain. Injecting the nicotine equivalent of one cigarette decidedly reduced the measured blood flow in the vertebral body. It is also thought that using tobacco interferes with the elasticity of connective tissue. A small percentage of lower-back pain may be linked to flat feet. Sometimes a serious case of constipation will cause an ache in the back, from impacted stools or pressure from gas. (More rarely, back pain can result from congenital abnormalities, metabolic disorders, cancer, or referred syndromes.) The back pain can also be the result of an excess of lactic acid in the muscles, following muscular exercise. Drinking enough water helps lessen this problem. Where can you go to get help with your bad back? There are lots of experts out there: Chiropractors adjust the back by pushing and thrusting. They also recommend nutritional and lifestyle changes. In 1994, the U.S. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research issued a report, that chiropractors generally provided the most effective treatments for acute back pain. They cost far less, do the job quicker, and do not give medicinal drugs (most of which are usually poisonous). The British Medical Journal reported that chiropractic treatments proved more successful than hospital treatments in nearly every way. X rays are generally considered a routine part of back pain diagnosis; yet only a few back conditions show up on x rays! If the pain is caused by muscle strain or a herniated disk, an x ray will not reveal anything because muscles, disks, and ligaments are all soft tissues. Beware of x rays if you are pregnant. Orthopedic surgeons are another source of help. These are medical doctors who also do back surgery, they are very likely to recommend itand that is something you want to avoid, if at all possible. Osteopaths can prescribe drugs and do surgery also, but they are less likely to do so. Physiatrists, also called doctors of physical medicine, are also medical doctors. They have a good record of helping to solve serious back problems (such as disk problems) without resorting to surgery (which they are not licensed to do). They recommend lifestyle changes, back braces, etc. Physical therapists try to restore muscle strength and joint and spine mobility. Which back pains are the most serious? Back pain that comes on suddenly, for no apparent reason. Back pain that is accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, stomach cramps, chest pain, or difficult breathing. An acute attack of back pain that lasts more than 2-3 days, without any relief. Chronic pain which lasts more than 2 weeks. Pain in the back which radiates down the leg to the knee or foot. TREATMENT First, we will consider less serious back pain:
Preventive measures that will help you, either before or after experiencing back problems:
Exercises, to build the muscles are very important, if you would avoid back trouble. More on this later in this article.
Exercises to strengthen the back:
Also see "Sciatica." ENCOURAGEMENTThose who come frequently to the throne of grace, offering up sincere, earnest, prayers for God's help will not fail of fulfilling His plan for their lives. SCOLIOSIS1 (Curvature of the Spine)SYMPTOMSThe spine is curved slightly to one side. CAUSESScoliosis occurs 80% of the time in girls, and primarily in preteen and teen years, during rapid growth spurts. Diagnosis is made by having the person bend over away from you. Look for lateral deviation (a leaning to the left or right). The primary cause is that one set of the spinal muscles (right side or left side) is stronger than the other. This causes an "S" curve in the spine. These changes are the result of degeneration of muscles on one side; and, in some instances, they may be the early stage of muscular dystrophy. TREATMENT
See "Scoliosis2."(next article) Also see "Bones, Strengthening" for much more information. ENCOURAGEMENTNo sin is small in God's sight; but, in His strength, we can resist all temptation to leave His side and run after the trinkets Satan offers us. Cling to Jesus and, in spite of the disappointments of earth, you will have peace of heart. SCOLIOSIS2 (Curvature of the Spine; Posterior-Lateral Scoliosis) (J.H. Kellogg, M.D., Formulas)TO IMPROVE GENERAL NUTRITION AND BLOOD MOVEMENTGraduated Tonic Friction baths; massage, carefully administered; nutritious aseptic dietary; sweating baths, especially the Radiant Heat Bath followed by Cold Mitten Friction, carefully given; copious water drinking. TO COMBAT LOCAL MORBID PROCESSESFomentation to the back twice daily, followed by Heating Compress to spine. The Heating Compress may be applied at night and retained until morning. Hot Leg Bath with Fomentation to the spine; prolonged Neutral Bath, 1-4 hours daily. TO RELIEVE COLONIC SPASM AND NERVOUS IRRITABILITYWarm Bath at 960-1000 F.; prolonged Neutral Pail Pour to the spine at 930-980 F., with Heating Compress at night; Rest in bed when symptoms are progressing. FOR MUSCULAR WEAKNESS OR PARALYSISMassage, exercise of muscles, special gymnastics. CONTRAINDICATIONSAvoid the Cold Douche and other general Cold Baths, prolonged Hot Baths, exercise to the extent of fatigue. Also see "Scoliosis1." (the above article) |